airamat the mavor. inrlirjirwi thnt ho it wili intersect the large vein, or by a straight cross-cut tunnel about 600 feet in length which would give a depth on the vein of approximately 600 feet Making preparations to start development of the Cronin for the Alexandria Gold Mines' Ltd. of Toronto, T. S. Davey,, M.E., has arrived at the property, j accompanied by L. B. Goatling, : who will take direct charge. With camp buildings at the mine in shape, arrangements am now d- , ing made for machinery to go to j work as sooil as snow cendKhma ' wil permit of transportation. With 160,000 tons of ore averaging $M! j per ton proven, the property is ex-! , . .1 . 1 . " ' ! . . i 1 1. i mil ill wtm sn naun WKrmmammmr : als and Conservatives in the past. Take an active inter- est in the party to which you belong. Do not leave it to .. r,n.. to ..n....i n ..ff..:.., i il i i . .11 i.u uii wc ttixaiis aim men uujeci 10 wnai iney . Con'Inuatjon of diamond drill tin i I Ing at the Topley-Richfield reveals The meeting which is advertised for tonight should adilion1 howinK f ore encoua-be well attended frc qhrj go there should not be Ss ctwln . 'US 'fK backward in eBressinir their views, if thev have an v. It "T?uJJ?rr is much better and more effective to speak there than on ! tended from the west to the eat the street corners afterwards. vein. Extensive development ts The Daily News is not concerned over factionalism fhroced!DiaHfcov'rJtl,e ml? "? the should be In1 property soon ; f, K,.f i:i u... t .-j j. r iui iitue auv u iu now to avom uuierences, ,hape to y a Urjre and consin. is not out oi oraer, we ininK. in trie interests of good ent producer. Probably no mine government any party brealTshouId be avoided. in this district shows more favor VANCOUVER ELECTION Vancouver will be satisfactory to a great many people al though locally there was strong sympathy with Taylor and a hope that he would be elected. Taylor undoubtedly was beaten as a result of the able prospect at this tine. It is reported that some The election of W. H. Malkin mavnr nf f!nfo, ftet f milling or has been opml .... " -j-. ,e( up up on on the tbe lea lavs level of tttf Mohawk mine at ev Haxeltoif This comes as a result of tunnel ing and cross-cutting that ha been going on for the past few police inauirv which, while it laid rmrhino- vp-v rliVoMlv; being atoped ready for CZ r - y v asw uwvu CVl t lliXAU ences in favor of an open town and apparently Vancou-I ,.. " " , ver wants a qiosed town. Anyway, Taylor has had a good ; JTutil SSSltw tsutd term of office and it is only proper that some other man" ZTl 2?S JSCU should take oyer the administration for a time. Corpora (ion Invest ments To trfose intwreated in hia;h-imida Conwration sveunties as a rm-dium for sound investment, our new Booklet should be of interest and assistance. It contains the most recent available information rvjrardlnz forty-four Corporation securities, with which we have ben associated. A copy will bo furnished upon lequest. 7H Hnutngi Stf,ttmn WoOfl, (itllldy 4 Co . . . 1'annxwr B.C. - r 7ttoint:.Snmuur66 Linuteil weeks. On the upper levels., ore hip- of the Copper River, art repotted to be particular iatotrested ' i bp-products, chiefly cefe. With a ROBB AND LU31HER INDUSTRY 8ine,e exception, air the veins on Hon. JfjRobb in l-enlvincr to the lumbermnn whn nroved to A certain extent kr'dim. asked for preKsrential treatment in the Australian mar-mond drill to be one of the great-ket for Canadian lumber reminded the lumbermen that l dePfsA of coml in Britu it was fromiritish Columbia that the chief opposition "SJSL d tt St to the Australian treaty came. He hinted that it was U Kd that cJS nanny reasonauie lor a province that benefited more opened for mining on a creek level than any other as a result of the treaty and at the 8ame;whcn w aive a depjh of ;i,ooo time was always knocking it to come and ask for an ad- r,et on th ,M nd V"b of dition to the treaty for the benefit of British Columbia: i ZTf: TLjET? w vW w sf FW vaiae crs were altogether pleased with the appearance of the property and their next concern will be the cost of securing transport of the coke from the mine to tideH water. This would involve the building of a short line of railway to connect with the Canadian National at a point in the vicinity of Copper City and assistance in this enterprise will be sought from the provincial government Upon this will turn the question whether or net. the property wilt' be taken dp and, ittidetveJopmsnA proceeded i witn. The country around the headwaters of the Copper and Telkwa River gives promise of a great mining future. The veins for the most part are well defined and the galena ores ure said to be equal to those of the Slocan district. The district has received the attention of prospector. for ye: rs Ijii so far has failed to enlist .nifl'icicut to TU. .... 41 . 1 ! i . Good progress is being made by Donald C. Staon di Z SSy i in the driving of a tunnel toward an expected good-sized at the next election seems to be body of high grade ore on his Empire property near a live one, judging from the com-i Smithers. This tunnel is about 500 feet lower than a ments and telephone messages re- j from which of .ce,ved j" connection with it. it former one a large shipment high grade ore was made to Trail outer several years ago. It is Sft: now m loO feet vertically beneath the surface and an not mentioned in connection with additional drift of 150 feet will put its face under the for-' the nominations may be possible mer shoot. Mr. Simpson believes that the backbone of candidates. Among these is that the Empire is a huge vein between of Colonel s. P. McMordie, D.S.O., cope with the difficulties of trans-. Thomas MeClymont, S. E. Parker portation. THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THESHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National Kail-ways have made arrangements to operate special train and through sleeping cars from the Pacific Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax in connection with sailings for the Old Country during November and December. Full information from City Ticket Office, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. Phone 2 GO. 282 and Aid. Theo. Collart. Possibly there may be others, all of whom ' might make good candidates. j It is suggested that it is the i ' good of the party rather than any personal claims on the office that j should be considered. " I While the meeting tonight Is for the selection of delegates, ' much depends on what delegate; j are selected as to who villi be! chosen. Every district in the constituency, of which Prince Rupert ti one is entitled to send a delegate to the convention on November 16 for every 100 or part of 100 names on the voters' list. I BEST J pactum eoia every wrier Friday, October 10 i'AGE FOUR THE DAILY -NEWS 1923 llMRALS TO The Daily News News of the Mines TRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU I MEET TONIGHT AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Empire Property Near Smithers Under Development Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Several More Names Mentioned Milling Ore Opened on Mohawk May II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. up in Connection With Candi . Produce Coke From Copper River dacy-at Convention , SUBSCiUlTION HATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.0l: Or four months for $1.00 By mail tc all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.0c By mail to all bther countries, per year $7f' Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.41) Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 99 86 Friday, Oct. 19, 1928 TONIGHT'S iMriETItfG 0 There is to be a Liberal meeting tonight to choose delegates for the convention which is to be held the middle of November, when a candidate will be selected by the Skeena electoral district. To Prince Rupert Liberals tonight's meeting is the most important as on its outcome depends to a large extent who will be chosen as candidate next month. There have been a great many Prince Rupert Liberals dissatisfied with the recent trend in Liberalism. We suggest to them that tonight is the occasion for -them to turn out and help select delegates who will express! their views at the convention. It is useless to sit back and protest. That does not help. Those who are dissatisfied should attend the meetings and then if they are' voted down they have no more to say. We have suggested this line of action to both Liber 36 and 40 feet wide which is ex nosed at a number of points on the surface for the full length of the claim but which cannot be explored owing to its position at the edge of an almost perpetual bank of snow which almost disappeared for a short time this summer. Development could be accomplished by either extending the north tunnel, which is on one vein and is fifty feet long, exposing a fine shoot of clean lead- zinc ore about a foot wide, an additional 700 or 800 feet where i S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave East. Phone 83 iJominion Royal Cord Tire Agrncy Ford Cars and Trucks ' Flat Hale Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Term? if desired. V. j im or with Gteetric Drive own a j lome and besides the songs of famous concert singers the best from the vaudeville Entertainment from everywhere any time! A sat A mighty paean awcllins from a hundrrH . throau ... a velvet taputry of tone that , fairly lifta you out of your chair ... now loothlng, now stirring, as the melody change fojM ptoOtuimo to fcrHtfimo in a kalefck. ji oope 9 color. Your are listening to aii ofpratk chorus, in your tfwn home! ; .So iUwIeaa is the music of the new Or-tiwphonlc yictroui you can pick out the tmoia, uaritooea, sopranos and contraltos as the 9hcGift . uiat fjeepson "Tru in distinctly as a weaver can st-nani tk. . of a Gobelin tapestry. liach voice is there ami yet it is the U,itn yoU fed, and not Afl ingle threads. Whatever -ou like most , ' music, this Rreat instrument will bring to you in all Ju glory. Go into any His Master' ok store and compare this new music with your conception of the old talking machine. The new Orthophonic Vlctrola a patented Victor product is made in a range of leautiful models, designed in fine walnut oy malMjgany. Electrically driven, if you wish, at 5 "light additional cost. Price from $1400" down to as low as $115. On convenient' ' payments from His Master's Voice dealers. onic Trade Mark Keft'd : Victrola prt)pjlioriic-t-oty if it bears tlie dog Trademark