October 19, 1028 I Man in the Moon - n i,: .iildrpsn to the Rotary -iinlav Oantain Uartlett i . f.xj.jt Pelade J(ujert yi'ww ntyffi about mtfrn- nio.. jow wno wif ne re-n vr to? The Captain should politics. nirc to .read about those . i vhiw ljut Jake says he's :i Ug gas bags are headed ii' direction. sjr I- iiKUTling Jake looks lisrortP'to see if' there is High w on Mount Morse and ! m i x none he is just a Low i i appointed. He wants but can't. iintage of a radii) is i tin hear political High almost all the year vnii wish to. Iow ,0K INDIANS High HiiUS4ND YEARS TO MINE TWO TONS n INxli Hammered by Na - I ntil Metal Was Hx-: 1 . 1. led After Heating. 'VAl'KEE, Wis., Oct. It. '.vi -.ts with two expedite Milwaukee public i. - ummcr digging into i lou'ida and pounding i h rough the rocky soil .luvale, Mich., have added 'he scientific history of i it .m Indian of centndea 1 "Itimbus. i.-ie Uoyale expedition re- tedious work of confter . : i . njf Indians who sfet Dio'iths each year on that -hind far out in Lata) ttwer than 1,080 years .hi., working many time : iht uf mines, took oat af copper, says George Milwaukee attorney and of Ike muse usb, who '.t rxpedition. : iK'ients would heat the . i rut ir atone until it was i mule, pour water on H nu ked and then haauner n'menU. Sc altered jaw ' are piles of bffe w hit h were used for tk-e Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupttrt j I (tober 19. 1916. I 'i --le in the Dally News ii'ushop F. H. DuVnr-thc union of all Pro- i inhes. 'rs are being asked to' nt King the intldMital h re. The Htttm ' hcol j to be aut'ttfjed rary hospital use. Vim Hoan are ireating ' fleet of their mm. " to be reniodeUon tn provide for un "conn Hate von heard ibont IVnslPensIs a srlrntiflf prrpsrstlon pst up id pastille lorm, which ''its as entirely new snd ef-' ' trrstmtst for rengbt, . rhest an throat trosblrs. na routiln certain medlrloal aicBts, which, when flared n the ttgae, Immealattlr Ints vsper, snd are breathed 11 the sir passarn to tas r 0b their Journey, they e (he Inflamed and Irritated '"'in-i of the brnnrhUl tubes, tifllfale walli ( the air pas. ,n,lT nte r and rarry m Jl' fhd healing (o the lusgs. no liquid or solid raa tt limp iul air r"sire, ' ' ,iv get there direct, "nif nunmfiices. t"fcE TRIAL ou ' i- s artlcU, w r 1 1 - 1! th asm aas flat of tht ' wall l (with la. Btsms stnrn pestsrs) t Pfs Cs., i . A trUI pakt wtU . I8n- " ernggtst fiK sa peps CLASSIFIED Low Low High Low High Low , High Low TIIE IMILY NEWS PAGS SEVEh THIS IS TIIE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT PIUNCE KUI'KICT TICKS Friday, Octolier 19 AAA a.m. 17.0 ft 10.21 p.m. 18.9 ft. 10.31 a.m. 10.0 ft. 28.18 p.m. G.5 ft. Saturday, October 20 5.62 a.m. 16.1 it 17.0G p.m. 17.8 ft 11 2d a.m. 11.1 ft. Sunday, October 21. 7.18 a.m. 15.6 ft -18.28 p.m. 1C.8 ft, 0.16 a.m 7.4 ft. I 12.26 p.m. 11.8 ft. Monday, October 22 H'ght 8.27 a.m. 16.0 ft. 20.02 p.m. 16.7 ft. 1.29 a.m. 7.9 ft. 18.64 p.m. 11.8 ft. Tuesday, October 28. High 9.36 a.m. 16.9 ft. 21.10 p.m. 17.3 ft. Low 2JI8 a.m. 7.7 ft. 15.14 p.m. 10.7 ft. I Wednesday, October 24. 10.22 a-m. 18.1 ft. 22.20 p.m. 18.8 ft. 8.39 a.m. 7.0 ft. 16.21 p.m 9.1 ft. Thursday, October 28 11.02 a.m. 19.3 ft. 23.12 p.m. 19.3 ft. 4.33 ajn. 6.2 ft. 17.12 p.m. 12 ft. Friday. Octolier 26 11.41 a.m. 3(U ft 8.22 a.m. U ft 17.57 p.m IJ ft Sister's Bob Visitor (speaking of little boy) He ban bis soother's eyes. MoUwr And his fitter's month. Child And his brother's Crabbing His Stuff Young Lady Your novel has n charming ending. Author Wnat do you think ex ,tne opening chapters. Young Lady I have not got to them yet. i. - 1 BRINGING UP AH' IbN'T MR- JICG fo OA.UCHTER OtAUTIFOU CiRL? : -- r. .. .v t-Mvz-xi i I CT 1-1 AKl 1K1 ,bUKAN-C wuiv If IUUU YOU HE. HAU r w r - AMD! TfM rwrtiM IUT ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR REAL ESTATE F0U SALE Lt Third Ave nue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Box 187 Daily News Office. FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 21. 22, 23, block 7, Section 5, fronting on Mi-Bride Street Price $1,000.00; S400 cash; balance $200 yearly at 7 per cent. Apply owner, W. Arnett, Dauphin, Man. 24; FOR SALE Seven roomed mod ' era house on Fifth Avenu. Went, at corner Emmersor Place. IS3.600.00. Small caM payment with balance month h like rent. Phone Black 291. 2T, FOR RENT FOR RENT J-nrnlabed house keeping rooms by the day, weel or month. Phone Red G07. t FOR RENT House 898 Bortfc street. Phone Black 512 aft 5 o'clock. v. 1 FOR RENT Six roomed Hous 1730 Atlin Avenue, Section ' Phtne Blue 435. iar rpvt Furnished or ui furnished seven room house Atlin Avenue. Phone Blue 272 247 FOR RENT i- IManoa, Playe: PianoR, Phonographs and Sew ing Machines. Walker's Musi Store. I FOR RENT Heated room, fur nished, in private residence Five minutes from City Hall Phone Blue 505. 246 IN PRORATE IHIW; MtfKEMt: C'OliltT Or ItltlTIMI COUMWl. 8a to Matter of the AdmlalstnUon Set. nd la the Hitter of the CsUtc of aslpfe Tve.-ii. Coeud. TAU NOTICS Umt br orctar of HI floiior. r UcB. Tsunc. th 10th 4ay of Brptinrr. AX) 1S38. I wu appoin'.cd ADnUnluter of th wtU of Rslpb TjKn deceatea, and all psrtlw bstriar oVm-1 pgairrt tb aM SSlaM Wr barsbr 3ed. 1 tat on or befort tns 10th osy afl wptwnowr a d. iwm. am au tmruw in-SOtod to tb citete ar rsqnfrad to pay Jhs amount of tfaolr lndsbtodn to me THKO OOLLABT. Administrator. Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. !.ted the 17th day of October. AU. 1 IMS. FATHER I'LL. TEU.L rlf-JlGG- A HU6E. . XOR CHOWCj ' AFTER TOO HKitt, OAOGHTS.R. TAKE y pvuul-j m r Lai . ( i ' - CALENDAR Salesman : You can make a success handling our line as our samples are special ly designed to suit every class of business. Calendar season commences shortly. Reply at once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Box 148 Dally News. WANTED Side line salesman to sell on commission. Counter Sales Books and Business Forms In northern British Co lumbia from Prince Rupert tor Prince George. State line rar- ried, and how frequently terri- tory covered. Splendid oppor-' tunity. 247 j FOR SALE OR SALE Winchester Rifle, fine condition, 30 cal. longj range. Cost f6. What offerst Phone Red 409. 246 j 'OR SALE Bedroom furniture.! Phone Black 714. 2471 OR SALE b.p. Universal I gear. Apply Dr. Large. Port Simpson, B.C. 249 , OR SALE or charter-Work and 1 Tow Boat "Ofopogo." Atlas H ; D. Engine, Cheap. Cruiser , 'Vera S. Fry Atlas H. D. En' gine. Sleeps five. Suitable for hunting er survey parties. M. M. Stephens, tf OR SALE Unprecedented values in used Trucks 1928 Fisher Fast Freight Hfe ton truck; 192G Dny-Elder Worm Drive 2 ten truck; 1V4 ton Reo Speed Wagen; IV4 ton Minom iBe; 1 Patriot and others east terms armmre. Bend for complete piiiicnlapk. Hsyes- AttderMii Motor "Co.. Limited, MJo Granville Street Vancou ver. B. C. 248 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT OTICK OF APPLICATION lOK I1FEK LltXN'CC NOTICE 18 HEREBY OtVBf that OB As Cth da at NvBabe(. 1628. tfee un- deranmed Intends to apply to the LtUor otucoi Board tor a in ie In respect it nrtpsUss belns pert of the buUdlnc known se Queen's Hotel, leaesett. O rah am island, snuate at Masses, ofaaam i- and, upon toe lands deaerUMd as Lot No. I. nook Ho. 14. Suhdtrlsloa of L -t - Ou Oh&elMte T.l.nS Plan Mb SSSL i Maasett Towaaitc. Prinae nunert Land ; BeaMratMn Dlatrtot. m ttte Kwrnee ol British ootumbta. tor the sale of oeer eonaumptlon so the premises. DATED this 1st day of October IBM. M3 PORTER StNOgR. TtLLME - OOt T 1 1 ( rr'i I it . "B I jj no- my nil "WIFE. 7 I v- A ' p -. imrkm, 1m. Bftwie tlsliw i OR TOO O r tml r.iwt, 1 aELl Vol 1 1 1 Ml I I nin vm w w i i'iu. TOm too AGENTS WANTED ni.n.i .t no., m.nurf mi thaiSanar Coast District. Lowe Inlet orttoeast corner of Mid Lot 137; tbeno TAB3C "OTIUI ; that the Orttlsh Col-zest, twenty ehHlns. more or less, to .h'a Plshlnf at Pscklng C- Ltd of in interaction with the west ooun-: Voncouver. SC.. occupation rtshlng and .ry ol Lot 127 produced uorth; tbeno. tateads to apply for a isase illowing said production of the wea: rK -M"Wne described forenhorc: aundary of Lot 127 south to mean hlg'. Iiwnrftsisfilisl st s post planted at the ater mark; thenoe easterly, following earner at ssid Lot 2; thence ie mean hlir'.i water mark to point cf twti csina; thence west lorty ..nmencement. and containing ten chains nm Jf Urn, to an intrc-rea nvirr or less tkm with the we4t boundary jf l . t 3 . BRITISH COLOMBIA PIBHIMO produced south; thence north seven PACKING CO.. LTD. oSssJns. mere or less, to the i juthwest By James Henry Butane;. Aasnt. owrttar of Lot 2: thenoe easteriy. foil w-Dated AurJt 'ii. 1B3S. 3M I n the mean high water mark to the Pons No. IS iSecn Mi LAND ACT. orin: or intentios to ArrLY fok lSC OF FORLmat In the Sfceen Land "hording D-irt. and situate, fronting en part of ol 36. Range 5. Coast Dtstnct. Tels--aph PaAsage. TAKK NOTICE that the BrrUab CM- .nbls Plsninc 4c Packing C. Ltd of - ncouver. B C occupation Planing and cklng. intend- to apply lor smse' ' the f allow mg described foresboarf Commsaolng at a past pisaiMd Shout wenty chains northwesterly from the wMrweat uuiuej ot ssid Lat OS; tkMas it ten ehatna: thenee njSTthwewefly. rallel to the geuerw un-f the shore fifteen fcina:'nieBjBestst'TsTmee ..gh vater mark, ten chains, more or .ax. '.hence southeasterly, following .lean hih witer mark to jmtnt of commencement, containing fifteen acres, . ore cr loss BRITISH COLUMBIA PIBHIIfa k PACKINO CO.. LTD. Bv Jame- Henry Bushnell Agent Dated Angu. '. 34. 192B 265 ;: -Cer.lJIfrate of r.:le Mo 144BM-I to I.e. ; B ock 8. Subdivision of Lot iJU3. Rjinifp 6 Coast District. Map 11!'. ' WHKUEAS pi-cor of loss o: me above .'"-' if ics tr ! I'rip .ssued In the nam Hv:.'c ruivnost ,,. bei frisal m tm ofiicc n t ee is heret-y given that frt.u the lite o the flrt publication "I"- rovii'scai certincate oi Title In lWu j: he said lor'. Ceri!flcae. uiiless in '.he meantime vslid objectum be made t.i me In writing DATED at the Land Registry OfUoC Prince Rupert U.C.. this Sad day of O-tober. AD 1828. a. r. MACLBOD. .tar. lict.'nnuafe amr fronti' K on u: of the British Columbia Pishing ft Pack-ag Co'!i Cannery Site, Towuolte of Port Essington. Bkeena River. TAKK NOTTCB u.at the British Columbia Fishing ft Packing C. Ltd of "anooUMsr, I C., pconpaUon PlshinR and Puck'ng, Intends to spply for lease f the following described f '"h-rc: - Commencing at a poit ulsr.ted at the .ortheast corner of the said Cautery vte: thence northerly, following the production of the easterly bounds v of tha BjC. Pishing e Packing Co.'s property, sis hundred feet; thence westerly, at tight angles to the said earterly cundary. lour hundred and fifty feet, ovoiw or less, to an intersection With taw westerly boundary of the B.C. Pishing Aj Packing Co.'s property produced nertlaryJI these iutherly folic wing ssid westerly aoundary o roduoed six hundred feet, more or less to mean high -rater mark; thenoe easterly, following he mean high water mark to point of -v, . .etii. and containing six acres. BRITISH OOLUSABIA P1BHINQ ft PACKINO CO.. LTD n James Henry SuahieU. Agent. Dated Auruat 37. IMS 36 By George McManus TOurK'OAUCrVreK I "WOUUO mVl Ml THE MeXT TIME "YOU ' JUMP OHF A. moiJMTAiiJ I Iff II MM. Ill Dit.t.i-nnMT Amu , f I ' -. : i i sss ,i '.v. I iia :::,.-,-:'.', v- i , . Hiy, A III TO W Z aTfiJ 1 C.FK10 1 ivF,.kJnw 1 IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage &' Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Eastrtope Engines, Coolidge Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on the hours 1 p.m. till t pjn. .Sundays and Holidays, 11 cm. till 8 p.m. 561 Phone 5G4 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zutnkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned an'i Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C ' tt : HOWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS (Established 1909) Furnaces, Pipes, Tanks, Eavi "ugh Down Pipes. Special atteniion to out-of-tow orderH- phone 340. Box 46 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management Cleai single and double hoHsekeepin; rooms Mrs. John Dal berg WEEK END SPECIALS IN BEDS As a special inducement to an nounce my commencement in the Retail Furniture business, I air. offering thirty only, 2 in. Ontin uous Post Beds with 90 coil sprint-Non-sway attachment and all-feit mattress, guaranteed. Complete for $28.00 Higher grade Mattresses anch ! as Excelda, Getmorerest, and he famous Nachman Spring-filled Mattress, also in stock. Barry more Carpets and Ranges. Easy : . j. . i terms arrangea. iei my pnees. liCU. J. 1MWXW) Prince Rupert Auction Mart, Federal K4ok. roR jot a Smile pkom T my ill I lit daughter-do mc a tavor.- 1 I j iq-17 1 HI III M"nr ) I'M Clad vou brought BOUGHT i t -vol) L. UP THE.&OOJECT- SHOULD HAVE. MORE POLICIES UlKB-rTHt OMR. TOO GO T - RENT, LOST CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASWNALU Chiropractor and Electro Theru peutiat. Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 283. CHIROPHACTOR DR. R. E. EYOLFSON C23 Third Avenue The right adjustment at the right time produces the best re ults. Our new ANALYTE indi ;ates the right adjustment. Phone Blue 88 Residence Phone, Black 252 Porni No 16 1 Section SS) LAND ACT. OTIPF. T IMTKKTION TO APF1.Y rIR LEASE OF lOttKMKtKt In toe Skeena Land ncoording D -xlct, and altuata, fronting 00 Lot 137. aanfe S, Coast District, fhwrnaab Paa- ?AKI NOTinB that the Britlata Ool-'Abla riablng Picking C Ltd. of 7aDeour. B.C.. ooeupatlon natal nf and Jackln. Intends to apply for a laaM 1 the following described foreh'i re ¬ j 1 1 WELL-1 SAM VOUTAUKINC TO'MK-C HATTER THE INSOHAiCE MAM- OlD VOU TELL HIM THAT HE WILL MOT . I didn't T a CHAMCE - HE SOUO .... SUA Crt B.natn ngKrs tnosyrvoJ & , DO FOR A AMOTHC POL I FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. Fttm No. IS (Section, 90) LAND ACT. NCITifH OF IVTKTIOX TO API'LV FOIt I.KANK OF f OltKHIIOKt in the Suena Land eooraint DIs-:rlct. situate tnd fronting on Lor 11, IWnge 5,' Coat District. Oxtail River. TAKE HOTICX tbrt the dritlsh Columbia riahlnf ' Pscklr.K C. Ltd of .'ancmaver, Be., occupation Pishing and nckinff. Intends to apply for a lease .! tbc fUuwlng (kxwr bid 1irh:rr -(;onuaenc!n( at a post pl&nted at the -1 rthweet corner of said Lot 11: thence v-st. ten chains; thence south forty rhaiaa. more or leas, to an Intersection vlth the south boundary of Lol 11 roduoed west: tlienoe east following M prTdurtton of the south boundary t Lot 11, sis c. aln. mere or leu-;, to "ac high water naik: thence northerly, ' -'lowing the mean hlh wster rnork to - uf oomaienoement, a:i4 corr.aln-:v thlr'.y ucre. mire or le.-w. BRITISH COLUMBU K'SHIMO Si PACKING CO . LTD Bv Jamer Heirj' Bushnell. A -ent. rented AuRUt 26 -93P. 308 Pons Vo. 'S (Section 88) LAND ACT. SOTM'E OF IXTENTIOK TO APPLY ttil l.tASK OF rOKCMIORB In the Skeens Land Recording DIs- '.rlct srtuate and frontlnn on Li t 3, it of commencement, anl oontaln- lag. Slgnnsii tares, man or less. nSXTIBH CXsLUXBIA P1BHJNO PACKINO CO., LTD .nell Acre:. Pom no. is rsectinc aa fktO) ACT. '' J"rtTir OF ISJTKNTtON TO APPLY FOR LK.Ht OF FOnCSHOttE Sn.tht Bkeena Lastd Reoriling D's- n bON.rJ cv- 1 V s -