nee stones

4 Frince Rupert Vaily New

sneer ~ —Foot Lights—
lee waka / — ea
Mi ita ncy Best Way LILIAN MILLER

Christmas holidays


Wl Mean
a welcome rest for the grease

paint lovers of Prinee Ruperts? os :
O Ol ] } a IC Ue ir se léitie Theatre Afier heetj : r
ee —. ae oe weeks Of rehearsals and work o:
OTTAWA (CP) —An official of the United! sets: aiter two nicht of pes
formances on the Civic Cents

, stage; afler a rushed. bu ¥, bui
tion to combat very successful trip to Tebras.


Saturday Sermon |



Church of Canada says temperance forces should
rely on “militaney” rather than edue;


Pu rh 10 r » where a full house applauded th
the use of liquor will be 100 years befor pplauded the
iTR a F é i whe if we depend final showing of “Ask Me No
nt i Him by the H Spi 90 W. G. Berry Questions,” the troupe i wear,
Se€€ eath before he ! een the

Toront ile secretary PUt happy
at t é t i rd of evan If the bank book isn't buiging




























- tf ‘ rvice no one cares. There is satisfa
" ; Ves 1 ‘ ; 7 Hi rotest ide to the tion in a job well done
‘ According » the evangelist Luke, there were | WENTRE I fu ;
: . ta : : ! oO i the Cana In the New Year work will :
mat were Nving In expectation of the coming Federation start On the new play, “Strang
é . * . . Craft lasses 1 liscont ‘ t i danrerot assump ‘ * : aon #
of the Messiah—‘“all them who looked for redemp- oer , ' a erous assump~ Road,” which will be entered is
1 . * : : he Ch mas holkiay pe , tion to believe that if people the 1953 Drama Festival
L Jerusalem.” Among them was one obscure Thursd 18. Tt ha know what is the right thing Until then, let's wish the Litt)
: aa nae ; ; the j ws 3 itil é WISN Ui atthe
) " (70 ‘ rino ma? ? amed Simeo? who comes . nave b tha '  < hey will do &, Mr Theatre a very merry Christma
a mWLEGALING tleadh, ie an ’ , wie Ciass candle party in tl i Kerry said { : ,
; ‘ Lt: } v and a happy New Year
rommence, and receives abiding remembrance son of tha at J :
1 } A)l the ladies of the classe A What t to do
ro ( note ive OT ora pn IS€ linked xy rs A sci le ‘ } ive 1 ‘
staat pe = | ed to A cand moh an auuressive cams Try Daily News Want Ads
esply»t of Gor tl ne great Nedeemer of men, h m of a Httl Christo rw t efrair
. ; . iis ad lao EE RE A. oe Santa, Carol Singer, Christ lie be
1 } } us (il ist ‘ : i te ‘ e Pres r uch like g Ahe a
: She tn ten ' : THE CQRONATION of Queen Elizabeth will be solemnized I or such | is
ory tee vadiitin saa focal . cient Westminster Abbey June 2, 1953. This photo show ” [= ae er t ead the con
; 7 ave with the tomb of the Unkown Warrior the foregr obi n, Rev. Fred W. Gordon of
* I liths if i tor N \ iry can
0 t t reme (CP PHOT: , ‘ —_ ’
. u " : wrapped wit th wi teer n't ble where! .
! var of FS DSS on ee m These will be dist p tioned
f a visi ni } rte to each per ; atte ne and overse
: is arms—the to make th Students Pass Commeme (SSSt es oe ee ,
B my eye I new owner's hom iri t t id th ’ utter j ,
X "_ 2 is | tior Peie id. the | ° : j Hilliard ¢ Lyle
tmas ea m n ! t
saration’ to be ‘ound io any On) Alberta Art Display — “inctmuscy’ en anyone who has been on alll go Managing Die
. on smrtinn sion be ki e invite to the party in ¢t ervies tation knows there ane
. ere cer err ih ee oF On Monday, Dec. 8, Class 7-1 ture I found most disappointin evening when the admisst é cinteer where you ean get ° 4
, OTE I ' A ne went to look at the art display’Mr. Mihalchen eolor sche i ” a fancy cake f soap t drink and hamburger For d Fine
vec in activity room of Booth} didn eem to have the ha These are inable { the spoke nh sale That \s
ees NREL WR GREE I rial High School. The pie-| mony of iors the other nh forn i ap d tru f the ill at home and z
»pDam ~Yv po we ‘ " tures were brought here by the/tures held. This picture didn’t ike t} f ection 0
DIRECTOR! enalt ul We i Si \iberta Society of Artists stand out. 7 lors used n : tint ‘
i i chureh at 11 a.m the domin f f; tl tyr- : yw , ee ae mor : John Li ! ederation .
ervices In a chure a g . une Omini ‘ : y r ow y eomme fil were reen, orange, red " . | & the «¢ 4 i ‘ . tardan's
mrvines to sf uhnewt ab 12 aime &/ She Senet a _ JT Following are somments of : il be fol ead Mr. Gordon's ristmas
! except shown ar : some students wo viewed th saCK i te é } had personal
‘ the worl nd the snz i tures Diana Davidson, 17 Nici ea — rf tior that at many
ANGLICAN CATHEDRAT 2, GOD’S PREPARATION ’ we Teenage party on We ” ae ' a a s
yur r St ks a : . ine pictures were all . will be held whe aike : t tat idier n't buy
I Comn Which Thou ha es painted recently. The one that : oughnuts will be serve ft drin a
v Se 2:00 pm vefore the fa al peopl ee ‘ inet " E SITIO’ aaa wean
B i : BA, BD Tt a ns ¢ ws aa ts : tans rested me was & painting of — REET ; The Mr. B iiffered with Rev See ‘| Ps
Rector Biue 700) | Ail: dieahaatthones . ones elephants. They looked so| @ There a y opinion i i 1W ert J “ ecretary of the A at
. % fore the foundation f ne realistic T were painted in/two of the picture n disp : I "t I ferati . iT
= as ; i eee ae Ligtic I \ I painted }i : : i € \y Le 17 mt Temperance Federation . . * PT Ps
Tine DARTS Worth, 20 The GOUnsem OF 08 < color against a light back-/|Mamely, “Golden Harvest” ay os Craft ( n th int of church back t n rE ee
A soung & i as made known as soon a nical Intersection : ’ .
Re Ant ind _ ts t4 i eed y the emperance
Rey 1 A 1s . \ ile . . . party wi ing n 1 by } mpers
Green 812) lan na nneé , "a ” The picture which interested Golden Harvest” is on sale! the Audit Dec 2 piensa’ A Fine bovet
R neé G 3:1 hat : ot woe one tith Au.i tne 6 ; rth: amet cent i a. ea
FIRS? PRESBYTERIAN a ‘oe kuin _ — Aw -_ on ey —_— a Worth ewery cer 3. Caro id some fe meee :
4th Avenue East pest - s nn You could not dis-‘of it I victure four § Sunda afte ret ws enthusi
nm tne propnets al fe! ul ne tty h +} tr _ Te . " x : na ¢ rr
: I _ ee as i aoa . nguisn the ees. It iooked a elev umMerous so }' 9:15 p.m. in the Auditor! if temperance pro
om) . paints had tegn.voertund| of Wheat painted 8 golden mae ea? eee te, 88 gene CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
PIRST UNITED untied forward to the “Lami nter dried them up yw. Some of the stooks at i ' ae a . < Sas ; a
t % ‘ F : i De , : h ieader o take
6 \ West God, Who takes a me sin t he could n a little rise but the remair Jan. 4 : t
nev. 1. G. Sieber Hof the world Wilfred Erickson, Tl, |der are on the slopes and fields |7* a ee ee a 4 ONLY—FREEZERS
That prep WAS e§pe age 12 low. The elevator ¢ painted! . : ‘ ‘ re + Oven . ne
SALVATION ARMY cially seen when Christ was bo! scimuteinsiiviani red, with the exception of one! __, eC coon Soe ' bl tie — ou 9 cu. Ht. $280.00 19 cu. ft. $4 5
Fraser &t tty Somes . . oe iii at aa . Rea ae . er rolierskating ever) ; ! Agreemen f “a . Q
ts i in Bethlehem; a r m- PICTURES CAN BE which is painted white with red). i.4 teens in the atfer stl wail oo 12 cu. fH. $298.00 21 cu ft. $598
) ( y y t 6076 1 Vi at sure ne Wt wi Ad MOTE
“ 30 leted when Je Who INTERESTING roof. This and two red ones are | * A i iq’ ‘6 f
aoe peso sng ton be aa : , iths and adults in the ¢ i rtment size refrig’r, new’ 5! cu. ft. $16
(Black 269 was God the Son, went to Cal @ “Athabasca Falls” showed/clustered together in a group —_ per ° 9 e
: ‘ 5 year guarantee. Cabinets slightly marked in tran
ST. PAUL'S LIoTHERAN vary in place. ar o! the waters of the Athabasea| but one remains alone some dis ot , -
A McBride St the cradle River swirling over a rocky de-|tance ay All are in the t W m H || Th W O Phone New Westminster 1711 or
I I il. © ¢ n f B +} } linee The colors the artist used) ground and cannot be seen dram ar ing a S ro n pe r i P.O B 460
- — Cal nust be i )- to his picture stand out) farther back ' BERLIN ‘Reuters Ra i te: pis are now betng made to write P.O. Box
ST. PUTER’S ANGLICAN ther: the er e lea to the were mostly varied shade of In the I funny id for Berliners too poor to buy « de each hall with a radk
Li OV Cros blue green, orange red and’ mation rests light), na blue re spending hours huddle it But ithorities fear there will _ isin
J 3.A., LTH : } \ ; , ; . ‘ — ane
actos s , : This was t up to the fina], White Black was used spar Mckero i t tor nost bare wart ” enough halls this win- co" aa :
00 am er ovis f nt »f the he me which Hi as not to duli the beat ttracted t& € thrown open the te t ise of the huge number n ™ .
p.m . c r : r I considered it t two car tracks turning a rne While ' of refuge added to,the city a ra ye
Ce i ¥ 4 ; f picture in the exhibition nd stoppi ruptiy ina muc erature drops below fre pulation in the last year oe ‘
ho } are vp re i! f e ; ‘
REGULAR BAPTIST ed - ed Spi-it Portrait Sketch” was the to noth : utside, old folks sit it fe for the city’s aged is ex a to Sa x
, , a bind i § nm the air Tt good few tables and broken-dowi » hard in the winter, with eee aS
a £ : ; 7 ne es
é i t ,| those who receive the Lord Jes ch knitting and i $1.40 per 1 —
> 2 I i Inte tior to be kno*« ‘ du ? and rown coal ho ng
I t I ard God rlvati ilo the! earts K ‘ ’ : ow A
ee SUNDAY: ! vs treet ner in son lead. city ming halis ely 98 cents for the ’





; 3 C ops LIGHT GLORY yf 2000 years from now arly istence Ce
ST. PAUL'S 11:00 a.m —Sunday School 3. GOD’ L1G and HORY.i on exe nple of eon The] than anecne wie
wie " and Bible Study A light to lighten the Gen- reason I don’t lik t al ee

LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:30 p.m.—C. J. CARTER, ‘Hes, and the glory of Thy peo- ise I do not understand it|*Certainly they were there

ae . . ; s , ; ay Da i af Our ATC often 7 y fe Aa , ' .
ith Ave. at McBride St. Shantyn Christian Assn . " Lord 0 It reminc Y f design “ave | fore the turn of the centu



é Jimself to t This “ht 7 : .
REV. H. O. OLSON, Pastor ee a fo Light seen in books to do ¥ the | we started them again af
The Just Shall Live By Faith” | | FRIDAY: ST en Orin) Ne ne ter ows Me | splitting of the at his ple-| war as soon as we had ¢1
: not walk in darkness, but tyro js 1 tee :
Come and Worship with us. vente tM : ? 7 pens ' and | coa

7:00 p.m.: Chil t of lif - wh . beet
e Mt life.” Be-' gioomy color Admission, to the halls is

free and many eldsters from
Soviet Berlin slip across the
ant boundary te cet warm.

SUNDAY SERVICES " wise of tecpiving fin, thol Gee BE ge lage
DECEMBER 14, 1952 EVANGELICAL FREE ental, moral, and spiritual|gtand for street lights at an

Morning Service 11:60 a.m. i CHURCH arkness has fled from thou intersection. I «
mon: “Preparing the Way 1.0.0.F. Hall, 4th Ave, E. i



neart Duy tr picture if I } the




- n ] Each district has thre f j
M Fas oi the anaes. wr Many have “walked in the) money and can open more should ‘ |
" “i Bah getter ccinartaey ih ight, as He is in the light, and f Derek Alls -j need arise. They can acco
Evening Service 7:30 p.m. deeds tsi that:4n'*meé # had fellowship an- 12. years date from 50 to 200 per
Sermor Waiting for the Ad- lave peace I hav Her “the blood of Jesus Christ’ ~ : :
sedeut ae ois ae John 16:33. Mi c ra ee ms ie ng hy from SORES RPA RA OL Ta OI Fn VARA I ‘
ven om ; " we x00'S Son, cleansing them fron aa 6 i F ? : paren
Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Pastor: C. W. Sinclair li sin They have enjoyed that The Ideal Christmas Gift % : bie. nal dla
Seana light y transformed lives







d 5 i
Well Berried——No Waste—From Canada's Largest Shipper y CAN MAKE YOUR
Bhipped to all n ¢ 1 ne e US efull acked to exclu na
Bhippad agiciel delivery “tetintion ia line 'Kmss Somaee coi «(A PUEL BILLS SOAR...
hames and wea of fries whom you wish gift sent, together Bs
ao uate t enclosure and money or express omler whic a Let Us Overhaul Your
This offer should be of special interest to business firms, many of which are now a Furnace Now
using this method of conveying greetings to associates and customers,
Large Box $2.00 — Sprig of Mistletoe 25¢ —~ Doubie Size, Extra Large $3.00 i ... So you'll be ready when

For those you love, make this Christmas :
event they'll never forget! Canadian Nations
offers an attractive Gilt Certificate coverns
Train Travel anywhere to any rail —
tion “. for any amount you wish . . - 0" sale
at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to
buy, easy to use, A gift that's sure to please.

Por tnfermeation, car .
508 Third Ave, Prince Rupert



First Presbyterian Church OF eel aes ae ad

} 1 First United Church 2".


ings, Dde-
wh begar
as mornin
I that many more
may at this season of the year,j|
come to know God's Salvatioi
personally; to discern God’s Plan
of Preparation; and to have Hts
illumination in their hearts and
upon their way of life


Sixth Ave. W. and Musgrave ae

covers a No ¢



11 a.m.—Morning Worship.
Sermon, Children’s Story

Anthem: Morning Prayer

; ‘ 404 GF E St. .C. OR ISTS
:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. 2404 GRANVILLE ST., VANCOUVER 9, B.C and FLORISTS

ereai: “Mdlidien ana Come aah, LIMITED
ee in ae ta HOME CHRISTMAS DECOR ATION CONTEST | § 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887

mpenkers: Mit Joy Bryenton; Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce and la
and Mr. John Bannman

Cc -nswe
Soloist: Mrs. Moyer Art Murray’s Menswear.

Expressed or Mailed Prepaid anywhere in Canada or U.S.A; the seoutheasters roar.



Phone 260










We extend a cordial invitation
itors to worship with us.
: 231 Fourth Ave. East COME AND WORSHIP
Minister: Rev. E rig :
2 oe B.A Wright, DD. | Congregational Social Hour after
Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith the evening Service in the
and John Currie. | Church Hall, with the Young | ADDRESS . oe “ meee ee
DECEMBER 14, 1952 | Adults Club. |
Morning Worship 11 o'clock, |SUNDAY SCHOOLS at First| : ; iM ij i
| SUND SC S t| in ntes d to fill in this form
nnduy bikes tn |" Datged Chaumeh: Gugiamers and Contestants in the home decorating contest are aske

Evening Worship 7:30 Primary at 11 am. Older|and submit to the Daily News office not later than Dec. 17. Be sure to print
Minister at both services pupils at 12:15. White Gifts) name, house number, and street address clearly. This contest cloges midnight,

“Remember the Sabbath Day | SynGAy. At Conrad United Hall Dec 17, Decision of judges is final.
to keep it Holy.” a a a.m. en nésinahiaptninccanesdddinimiansisisianammaalaeion ie sialic a




| At Capitol Theatre
Monday, Dec. 22 — 2:30 p.









' > he kiddies
PENTECOSTAL TA ERN Fishermen’s Co-op members please have your tickets - _ an 3rd
RO Sixth West Other Co-op members get your tickets on December 20th
i SUNDAY | Evangelistic—7:30, ticket only, Santa Claus will be there.
hy Sunday School 10:30 Signs of the Times : in. Sh rtbread Circles
PPA. A thriving and growing Sun- | "EY: JAMES RovTiey, mums = @ A Turkey for the best decorated home. Christmas Cake, decorated and plain, Sho s ateek
i day Behool. Parents ai a, ae mesacie ‘wine | ond Fingers, Mincemeat Tarts and Pies are ane J s
Me vited to attend, Open session Menatior gt all mesieen | Get in the spirit of the light-up campaign, Homeowners fill in the at the Co-op Bakery or order from your groce rast sec
8 Sunday. | Tuesday through Friday ff} above form as soon as possible THAT EX
Mothe here 1 toe WE NVITE ‘YOU The Home Light-Up Campaign is sponsored jointly by the Junior TREAT PRICED FROM ‘5c PER PIECE
. ee a Chamber of Commerce and Art Murray's Menswear |
je Spiritual Problem. TO ATTEND ; ~ ys Mens , : : g
: | od