PAGE EIGHT w estholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. And Saturday Slatlnee at 3.00 p.m. JOHN DARRYMORE and in "When A Dwtip'ui died Supporting Cast: Warner Oland, Sam dc Holmes Herbert, Stuart Holmes, Bertram (irassby, Tom Santschi, Charles Clary, Templar Saxe, Marcelle Cor-dey, and many others. HODGE PODGE "SCENIC TRAVELOGUE Special Number Keve Angeli que Kubenstein by Westholm Orchestra. Admision Evenings. 15c and 50. -25i MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing price on Vanc?uver Stock Exchange on our atcK-k-list board daily. We can five instant service in uying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouvct Stock Kxi hur.gc We al.- have facilities for au'epiini: Wheat order on Winnin g StocV Exchange. Rt-presentin' Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. . S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 61 Aid Avenue I Prince Rupert. II.C WHAT iS IT j ttial uteps you l ways look- , ing well and smariiy dress- , ed? I OUR SERVICE l'HOJSE 649 to have your clothes pressed. ' W e call l or and .deliver to ! all parts of the city. : For that Suit We have fine Fall and ; Winter and Over- I coating on hand. Come in today and lei us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, j all guaranteed. lies' materials and reason- j able prices. Lin, the Talor I'hone 019 ! 5 REDS i ! 10 I Transfer 7 Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND IMANO 10 MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood 2 in any quantity - CEMENT SAND GRAVEL 5 Our price, weights and measures arc right. 1 So if our Service Phone us and Save Monc and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE 1 Day Phono: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. 20 10 Dr. Alexander ruoxt: iii:mm:k iu.ock i DENTIST I 1 DOLORES COSTELLO Man Loves" Matinee 10c and 35c 7T. as Our Meat Department for your convenience. Slewing Beef, per lb. . . lTe Hamburger Steak, 2 lbs. :15c Veal Stew, 2 lbs :W Shrimps per lb -V Crabs, 2 f,or "r Sausages, 2 lbs. for ... . JK? Lave your order for Hot Pot Roasts. Mussam Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. ) VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. Week-end Specials Every one with an eye to econ-! omy knows that these Dollar Specials are all money savers. tins Pacific Milk and 1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee for f U0 lb. sack Pastry Flour and 1 4 lb. tin Nabob Red Plum Jan. for ... $51.04) cakes Palmollve Soap and 12 brs Royal Crown Soap, for $1.00 lbs. Granulated Sugar and 1 carton Robin Hood Rapid Oat', for SL: lbs. Shelled Walnuts and 2 lbs. pkge. Raisins for $1.00 cans Peas, 2a, and 1 lb. tin C. & B. Sockeye Salmon for $1.00 lb. Sliced Swift Premium Bacon and 1 lb. tin Baker's Cocoa for $1.00 doi. Fresh Extras Egg and 2 bottle Clark Catsup for $1.00 lb. Potato, 15 lbs. Carrots, and 15 lbs. Turnips for. . $1.00 lb. Mcintosh Red Apples and 5 lbs. Crab Apples for . . $1.00 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Pioprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 - , MmgBBBBBBas MANY WHALES ARCTIC OCEAN Captain Iiartlctt Said he thought an Industry There would be Successful "There are lots of whales in the Arctic and I believe a whaling industry would do well there, ' statcrd Captain Dartlett, commander of the Efl'ie M. Morrissey, in an address to the Rotary Club at its luncheon yesterday afternoon, James Lee presiding. The Captain told of the trip and of the work of some of the men engaged in its. He toid of the breaking of the shaft of the vessel while floating in the water. It was in three sections and caused considerable anxiety throughout the trip. The engine was out of line and did not work very well. The ice conditions were bad in the Arctic this year, different from the previous season, said 'he captain. They searched for Walrus and found one herd off Cape Barrow but they were all cows and only a few were taken. To show how bad the weather was he said there were really only three fine days all the time thy were away. The Captain thanked the customs department, the clubs and friends, the drydock management, the banks, and Manager Waugh of the C. N. Telegraph office for courtesies extended. ' It had been a wonderful visit to Prince Rupert WORLD'S GLORY AND MAJESTY People Infinitely Nobler and Ret. ter Than We Usually Think Says Writer (Victoria Times) Edward Howe, the Kansas editor, remarks in his autobiography that he .believe he has a "natural aligion." "If I pass a church," ic write, "and faintly hear the rpan and choir, I have heard a .lermon that does me good." Probably a good many of us are n Mr. Howes' class. Living in i world in which the requirements f bread and butter compel u: to devote most of our time to the oh of making a living, we fal .it of touch with spiritual val es. Yet we aren't entirely out f tune, for all that; dimly-heard music, caught out of the air, can ie to us, as to Mr. Howe, "a sermon that does us good." These chance eavesdropping! re important It would be a nir.take to assume .that a mar. an worship only when he hap onned his beat suit of clothes. omposed bjs mind and seate-1 limself in a pew. Life contin-tally throws out accidental llttU matches of organ music to us-:i hurried moment on a busy street n broad daylight can lift the loudfttand give us a vision of the world's glory and majesty. When you walk down a city sidewalk, impatient of the crowds that jostle you. you are In reality moving through a thousand separate human dramas, each one of which would move you to your heart if you could see it Clearly. You encounter, for instance, a ihabbily-dreased woman with a chubby little boy. pausing at th indow of a toyshop. The boy's face shines with the eagerness of xpectant youth; the mother' telto of a lifetime of self-denia! and penny-pinching. The boy points a grubby finer at some cheap, gay toy and looks up ques-tioningly; the mother hesitates, then smiles and they go in. Vou lose them. But the memor of the smile will stay with you; a beacon-light of love and endurance and pity. Ppotde are infinitely nobler ant better than we usually think. There is a divinity in human na ure that silences forever our oncers and doubts whenever we get a glimpse of it. For the moat nart it goes unnoticed. Wi go about our daily routine, through a mass of strange faces without ever suspecting that the unknown people we meet are other than they seem. Then, un expectedly, some little thing hap pens: we hear a stray word, catch a sudden smileand then we know. The organ and the c hoir I You THE DAILY NEWS I : v Richmond's Louvre Starts Friday Morning, at 9 o'Clock WITHOUT A DOUIIT THIS IS THE GREATEST APPAREL SALE EVER STAGED IN THIS ( 1TV FOR NEVER HAS SUCH FINE QUALITY, SUCH EXTREMELY LOW PRICES PREVAILED fr THE VERY SMARTEST OF STYLES! COATS, DRESSES, EVENING FROCKS, EVERY CAM MENT IN STOCK HAS BEEN TREMENDOUSLY' UNDERPRICEI) TO OFFER YOU SAVINGS H ONE HALF OR LESS. WE URGE EARLY ATTENDANCE FOR REST SELECTION. clpLVLIK Underwear Raincoats Night Gowns Silk Hloomcrs and Vesta to Leatherette, beautifully lined. Lace Nightgowns, or lailort match, made by MAYHELLE. ' . . . . 1 rom m b,,,' Madc ,' MM HKI 1 f For the two garments, $1.25 S3.95 S1.95 iiL.'iCf y -t Third Avenue iiniMfw can hear theni everywhere, if you will listen, ihey are continued in the daily, ordinary wonis and movements of plain human be- irwr. fiirMinar imlnnVII filfhts and tiieetinf' utiknofn tragedies ; yet they ctme frorA a farther place. They prove tlifct whatever else life may be however irusiraiea, unhappy or tragic it is never mean or ignoble. There are glory und splendor in, and around it. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Hulkley liny and Groin. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. The very Smartest New Frocks The leading fabrics of the SeaiMtn fathioned into Frocks thxt are cleverly different in every detail! Daring Silhouette smart necklines. Hew sleeve and skirt effects, smart bows, tier an! other farhten Ideas that make them vbIuc yet to he From $7.95 Richmond's Louvre n iii 1 1 h n iiiiim m ill m ll.S.WallaceCat(l JAEGER PURE . WOOL WEAK .Inegcr Underwear for Ladies and Children Vests Bloomers Union uits , . Hose Blankets, Etc. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 ' i mi Ultra Modish Fall Coats Coals of distinction In styling, In expert workmanship, in lavish use of fur trimmings and in colors to please every particular tate. Such fine fabrics as Twill, Broadcloth, Norma, Yelvnna, Broadtail, Klrma and others. Every model richly silk lined. From $17.50 Prince Itupcrl, IU Phone 15. Phone B. C. Butchers & Grocers LIMITED YOUR "SPECIAL" LIST for week ending Saturday, Oct. 0 direct to you by Mail If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone ' B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO 1 T Phone 574'. Phone