faoh Fona MEN'S AND HOYS' Khaki Outi Pants A now line, made in England. Boys' worth $2.25. Our price gfj Men's, worth 2.60. 0ur..price. S9 We have some wonderful value in Dress Pants for men and young men and boys' knickers and bloomers at prices to beat the mail order houses. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 10-4, very fine quality. $1.65 Only 2 to each customer. Montreal Importers J. H. Miller. Proprietor. Third Avenue, I'rince Rupert, B.C. RED'S Transfer Fifteen year3 experience is FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood la any quantity CEJIBHT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Ruildinj; Papers and Felts Everjrt Klallc Paint Pratk Ktastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oik Marine Seam Pilch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phone 11C and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINB AM) CRDAK Single load J3.50 Double Load $C50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Kgg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Rootless V,ig $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 139 Second Ave, MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57. Sa DAILY, NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mclapi)8 ' I HtY ' -"E TO OX ME 1 I MErtE . J WELL .V ABOUT j ' f 0.CJA M fi( I N i i . HAT BEFORE IT GO-b r AM-'&iO. H TIME-Bf COLLY- ; A 11 P ? if 7?2fv, eMlS liTOTC T7 T MCw L 1 L UhAsMPiON- HAjalECrr) 1 OUT OF STYLE-OO TWNKWWYjL, Mfflll iSSV OL I TNty jljg (fGOujyJjNOW f 'T-b CMC OMt 1 J" . PAMtDYOOn ifsNtwH fvvELL-rM rviOT i ? " LlLL M' nn JStHI 'N,"r BETTER HOO2 TH15 U OF MfiRft WHAT KfeEN A&OOT I .V ffilMERV HTHE OJTHERj MofUoltvJ. Wl DO YOO THINK MEAVEJsil ; vuz" ' vmSVzz-H J" "-"V" .'. hovouR y ABOUT f jfTT .a. Zj 3' ?' "r ''' lif CROP REPORT IPROGRAM BY PRINCERUPERT IS EXCELLENT! BOYS' BAND! TENNIS CHAMPS. WHEAT EKJIIT TO TWELVE INCURS ! STREET CORNER CONCERT MTI IIU IY IIIUII ON PRAIRIES AND PLENTY OF JlOIHTl H WIMMIPCO. June 18. The crop out- ioofc In western Canada continues to remain highly promising, accordlne to the seventh weekly report of the Can-idlan HaUonal Railways issued today. With the exception of a corner in the southern part of central Saskatchewan Ctadvllle to Willow Bunch, all aecUoiu of the prairies report beneficial rain Murine the week and excellent reserves :f moisture in the ground. Thei has bean acme alight damage (rem wise and eat wormj reported in the vicinity of Laebourn. Alberta, tmt otberwiM there baa been no damage from any cause and the hlgbaat optimism prevails, con ditions generally are similar to those existing in ins. when orw of the lar gest crops in history was produced. Wheat Is (tooling out well through out the west and in a number of places It is reported to be In shot Stands ant now about eight high in Saskatchewan, ten tat Atom and twelve high la Manitoba. Fall rye is ant. pastures are green and condition. generally are entirely satisfactory. With showers more or less general r the past ten days, clear, ware. weathtr can now be experienced wttr benefit to the crops though, with Uv possible exception of the Mlnakl ant Portage sob-dlrlilona m Manitoba PHftlMr rains will net work an injury A feature of the crop reports to date has been the almost entire b'-nce of damage from cut worms and weeds Only on point has any reference make trouble from weeds and that Is the district from Maryfleld to Carlisle. flaskatehewau. where wild oats are causing some trouble. THE MANAGEMENT OFTHE NOBBY Takes thu opportunity to thank the ladles of Prince Rupert lor the very encouraging manner In which they visi ted our establishment on Sautrday. our opening day. and fur the goaerous patronage extended us, also to apologise to those on whom st rush Deiiods we wore unable to bestow personal attention. It will be the endeavor of this business to merit the appreciation of the Drygocds and Ladywear purchasing public of Prince Rupert by courteous treatment and better quality goods st attractive prices. Federal Block. 3rd Avenue. CONSTABLE MARTIN IS HONORED BEFORE LEAYING THIS CITY Just nrtnr tn tlwt milllnn nut n Bait. 4tHtfy "jnornlng of the train upon which he left for Edmonton to which city he EAEM.Ml MAS 1MJTII KVIOYAISU: ANII AMlINO Large crowds on Saturday evening enjoyed an excellent program of music played on the street corners by the Prince Rupert Bows' Band. That there s full appreciation of the efforts of me boys, who are ever becoming more ,-roflclent. waa Indicated by the fact .hat a collection ansoanUag to ff was taken. Considerable curiosity attached itself o the annomioaK ttaat a lady' ould conduct the band and would bf irepared to confer kJsees upon all and undry buying tickets tar tae drawing eing conducted for the peaflt of tbt land the "lady turned out to t uce else than Bandmaster Tfaoms. Vllaon who was garbed as a more or lea insome native damsel. The "lady's' test persistent kisser was Oeorgi rizaeU who purchased a whole boos l twenty-five tickets. Jimmy Kelly and Jack Biker, cos tuned as Xngliah gentleman, looke ifter the taking of the collect ions ;EN YOUNG MEMBERS MAKE APPEARANCE IN PRESBYTERIAN CHOI! Ten young ladle, who have bee jemoers of the Jutflof choir and sr ow joining tile senior chr. made thel: rst appearance at evealag aervioe lav. ?ht in First Presbyterian Onureh. The-. err MIsmss Annie Walker, Beulah Mc-rinley. Irene Mitchell. fMtla Stuart an Arthur. Betty "-Trtnfrfl Btole Firry. Margant VOHscroft atrHSith Mc eod. and Oaihwrtne atyiiaijai. Then ,7as an excelleat' pWgttjsa ' tt solos sru vnthems. under the dMstlto of the iholrmaster. John K. tWvvf. tbt aolotaU jr the evening being MIS. W. W C .ur. nrv j. n i luaau. was roe incomparable Chrtot M At the morntaf terrte there waa the enuier m'usic by the nufW ohoir. The wtor speke on "Mysticism.'' WOULDDEVELOP PICNIC GROUNDS Itl.LKf A1 ION MKETH PATTl 1.LO AND it amu hki or coNsinr.RATiS- IN l.MPnoVEfEN'T Or LIKE NEAR KOAII A delegation representing local last Ions met Hon. T. D. Pattullo minuter of lands, at the tad of the week with the request that developments be undertaken by the provincial govern ment with a view to establishing suit able picnic grounds, lneiudlng tete pre vision of a beaeh. at either Oraeey Bsy Ipeft) cr vat small rake on the new Kaierl cas oeen iranaierreo. I'M Constable are accessible from the road. Mr. Pat- Alex. Martm was fittingly honored by hullo expressed sympathy with the nro his associates In the railway service I Ject for the improvement of tw i.t bore with whom he was highly popular; and asured the delegation that the and eateeraed. Bmaloyees of Use reii- matter would have fullaat Eonaiitarkiinn way gathered in the baggage room and I with a view to carrying out tome such presented Mr Martin with a handsome I wcrk as was suggested Ohio bag. The presentation was made! The delegation Included Howard by A. L Hcltby. local freight agent, and : Stcen. representing St. Andrew's go-Mr. Martin, who was taken completely ! clety, Riusell Oraham. Elks' Lodge: B by surprlM. nevertheless, expressed hla M Simpson. Moose Lodge: 8 A. Bird, appreciation suitably Csnartlan Legion: and James Irvine. ' f 1 , 1 r f I I ... ...... U Ul . . , Advertise la tht DiUy Nsws. MISS CAROLINE MITCHELL AMI CAUL IIRANtl HERE NOTAKLE PLAYERS IS YKHTEHOAY S F1NALH Weather candrttoas wore Ideal for 17 yusUTJsy and there was a large rowd of spaetators at the courts for he finals of the first championship -mrnamsht of the Sanson under the atu-.:cea of the Fttaee Rupert Tennis Club he whole toarnament was one of the ost suecesafUl yet held by the clut nd the ftnasv waff all esettlng and tn-erestiag . eatra srU being required to Jttle a ntaabsr of them. Oari Brand sad Miss Caroline Mitchell re th distlngwlshed players of the ty. each winarng in the final! of aree events The club champions were decided as revolt of the following finals: Mew's BoabMe Oari Brand and X. W lareatette beat Foil Howard and J. V iyne e-X 44. -4. 6-4. MHetf Oabihm Car. Brand and Mlar arollne MlUhell beat B. W. Marentetu nd Mrs. H. L Bhadwell 8-2. -2 Meats Stagtaa Cdrl Brand beat Foil ward S.1. 4-. 9-4. 14, M. Lsflsf Btnglea Miss Caroline Mitchell st Mr. S. F, UeMordle 6-2. 6-4. Lad Ms' Doubles Mrs Shad well and lias Caroline Mitchell beat Mlas Cathar-ae Harvey and Miss I Davtoa 8-2. 4-6 -i. In the aaan-rtaal of the ladies' singlet n Swlardav afternoon. Mrs 8. P. M'-fcrdle beat Mm. 0. L Shadwetl 4-6. 6-4 4. Refreshments were served st the courts eaterday aft erne on. Miss Margaret aimer was tn charge with Mrs. X W ierentett and Mrs John V. Clyne as- OFFICERS FOR NATIVE SONS . j. rHFiHMHiMi: nasT vi i.-prbm-iENf or nisTKirr hhkhhi.y Aid. A. J. Frulhomme returned to the Ity on yesterday afternoon's tra.n fnm Burns Lake where he spent the week-end attending the annual meeting of the district assembly of the Native Son of Canada as delegate of the local assemble. Business at the meeting was largely of a routine nature. Mr Prud- homme report! The election of princi pal officers for the year resulted s follows: Past president B. R. Parker 1 Prince Rupert). President F. V. MaUon (Burns Lakei. First vice-president A. J. Prudhcmme 1 Prince Rupert). Second vice-president W. A Kirk-Patrick (Terr sos), Lecretary H O. Wlndt (Smttherai. Sergeent-at-arma r. X. Olgot Chaplain 8. J. Hunter (Prince Ru- P. V. Tsllon and M O VTiddt wars-l Ulknd Highway, both Of which ptnntsl tamed delegstea to attend the Orand Auemhly in Regina '.his summer with A. J. Prudhcmme and I Ten ace 1, alternates. X. T. Kenney Passengeri sailing from here for the north on the Princess Charlotte this morning Included Baymond I u.- .,. Arness and W Oocknurn. for vunesu. Mr and Mn V X. Powers (or Skagway: Mlas May Southard. J. W Khoe. W. Ilawes and E Anderson, fur Keu hlksn: Anion Johnson for Whllehi.rae. A Sana :"': , "-. souel fjr Atlli. and Re Rupert Plonser.' AsooUtlon. lAllard ' and Pr., Dot., . Father E. sngsll. N anted for Sale For ket t DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED SALVAGE AND TOWING prince Rt-PEHT ami iimtrict Prince Rupert Salvage & Tewing OPBN IO TAHC On OUR WELL SB- Co. Ltd. t awl Is bed Una of howsahold prodacta. HAN ItARflAINH IN nt noiTH A real ttve man can awake M a j Small Sato and Typewriter for Sale weak clear predt without dlSteaMy. AF- j Agenu for Kaathope Engines. Oooildge ply the J. B, Watktns Compaay. 676 ; Propellers, and Tuxlube Oil Hornby Street. Vaaoauver. l.C. 144 linata ef an dMrrlptloa far Charter MH Lake Perry. MART OIBX AMD 8(AsTT TCKO man wanted to work in store. Phone Blue 416. 144 mat WAWTSD FOB IJCMT MOUBE-wcrk. phone Flue 6t. tf XWtNO WA1TTBD BT THE DAY Phone Bed 6St. 146 MAID WANTED. APPLY MS PWRTH Areaue East. tf SITUATIONS WANTED .-ouno aiRL DBBIRJC8 posinow ac clerk In store. Phone Oreen 711 146 FOR SALE OB MU TSUI PIECE CHbsYTBB-:ield Suite. sU hole Monarch range, kitchen canine., lable. MClary-s heater and other household furniture. Phono Blue SIS. 147 U IWWHI l-BBB MAY BC HUB lit-toad af buBding paper or to lay bents th carpets on the floor. Oet special prtai on large quantiuea. Dairy Mewa. , 'OR SALE NW Coal Oil rana arlth oven. In ccndltwn. Apply gig Sixth street FOR BALE PTME PUUSURC BOAT, mdpw-jarua. Sea, bargain. Phone McLean, Seal Coje. Jiia "OB 8 ALB. BVABY BDOOY AMD BA8-alnet Phone Oreen pal. 144 FOR RBaNT NIKE WOOtUJ9 -tm- BsWT fwlst Seccnd Avenue. Suitable for ing purposes. Phone 646 or 176. ftm RENT THREE FTJBJtlSMBD Housekeeping Booms suitable for married couple Phone Bad 5S6 OB RBftT ClJtPPBRTON HOGBX Ninth Avenue East. Rest reasonable Apply City Treasarer, City Han. tf 6 RSWT PIANOS. PLATER. PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Machttaa Wslkers Music store. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED POUR roomed apartment with bath. Water paid Phone 647. tf FLAT FOR RENT SIX ROOMS AJD bath, on Sixth Avenue. W. Phone 646 or Base at. t FOR RErTT--f BraWaSHftfT NOOSEKEBP- ing rooms by (he day. week or month Phone Bed 607. f FOR RENT POOR ROOM APART- heated, Apply amlCh -1 :rLI for mn. - rtntHisnio apart- manta. Apply Massallam grocery, FOB rWIft.-4eODKBM HOOStS. BATH and range. Phone Bed 666 let COST LOST OW SATWvMY AFTERNOON A Oonklin Fountain pen and bisrk morocco leather wallet con taming about ia. bank book, driver's lieense nd Identlfleattan e,rd. nsmely Wrt o soott. 719 ws Ykueouver. Beward for tame If returned to Wrn O Bpott Prluce Rupert Hotel. jj SUMMER IIMORTS I-KKI.SK HOTSPRINGS LODGE Niitr oris' LARflERT HOTumiXOS IS CANAIU (Uthla Water I Trout falling cm lkele Ievke new open IIOOII AfTOUMOIIAT MIX IOH riUIIMI PART IKS J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Terrace. B.C USED CARS FOR SALS Pord Ton Truck, panel body LPbrd Ton Truek. Chassis onlv. starter type tias.fn) Frrd Roadster dell very. 16. good condition 617600 Oakland Sedan. ltt. four wheal brakes. balooB tires HtOJO Two Tan Tramc Truck, new tirsaO aaoo.as Terms ean ba svangad on above can. kaun (itRAm: T PBone H. ClHRftPJUttTlQ- II R. R. I.. LVOIIXIN Chtrwavraeior Third Avenue. loses Telephone for appointasant now to Blue lienor "phone Slack SM ncuvc ana enronic utsomers si fully treated. BatabMahed 1664 FURN1TURT AND RANGB3 XMUrrB LINE OF NEW PtTNifTTURX in stock, beds, apflngs. mattresses: Drarat rtaaa snrtes: Chetterfleld suiter carpets all slsss: Mnotauai and linoleum ruga; Uhlaa, kitchen cabinets, dressers, ehtff outers, blinds, rurtatn rods. blanktU. aheeta. chairs, wicker and cane. Ow prieea are rea-sonaMe. You are lrrvtttd to oall at our store. A. MrKBNZIE Furniture, phone 776 AUCTIONKHI&.' ' ' "fll 1 "O HI III PRINCK IHirKItT tl'OTlOM mHT Odrrsi nrrW Furniture of alt kinds bought, sold or tsehenged. Crating and packing does Oooda soM on Onmmlsalon 0. J. DAWES. Aitelleneer. 1 ntofW IM (l(M)ll LATH CAIT. Mrs linger. Proprietress Third Avenue, nett (1AV.V.A. O(.od Home Cooked Meals and Home Baked Breed Hperlal (hit ken Uliilier F.tttf Rtmrtay Cvenliig from 6.30. I Artkltt Loitind ound,4e .SCHOOL OF LITERATI BE SeU Tour I LEAKS' TO WRITE J-T'.iEIE? Information, s suudard 11 aaewairr HlHHSItS till II' 'N WILL IXA8E FOR A i ycarr to ropor. . chair shop with ; futures and tbrw ' j ' uated on T!r A B.C. In 1iw eery - f the busiiigas dt' a three room Nju- rushed In the rr.tr lot. for one ton Lh. Parcpt shop and BrsMi Sager, Qrawrr sum STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Iwr risfswff Sunday -as Prince Tueadiy as OaU 1 Thuraday- at. Priu. r 1 Friday ss PTlnrev R Saturday as Cs-ii' June So -as Priri. : June 23 a Pr ix. June 17 aa Prince - s June 35 m Frtwe-rraas Vsnreuvsr Sunday a Csta'.i ISMneaday- as Hr ('.. Friday as cardrmt Friday Prinrev Saturday as Pr Hu;-June 'il - a prtiu June 36 aa Princes : June 26 as Prim.-- IW Fart Mmpsaii isf x ' Sunday as Csuu Friday OardeiM , .irVweii lart HiBipaan v - Tuesday as Catala St'.urday- s. Car dm i Iwr Aarnt Sunday s. Oatsia Wednesday --at. Priii" Iroen Vnyat Tuemlay aa. Calais Thursday as. Plnre lor Mewwrt and Preinirt Sunday as Cauls Saturday aa. Prlr.-o from Mlewart and Prrti'1" Sunday s Frinre h -Taeaday Cnuii lor Norlh tfiieen t Im"1" Mondays- Priu- ' 1 from Norlh 'jaeen th'D'l Thursday ri. Prlnc ' bt Koulh ueen fh.ifl il' July a Prince Joim July 16 as. Frinee ' St- as Prince JOly ugust 13AeS Prlii ' ' a7ar Prui. ittguet sptember rS- ss r 1 iVonl Houlh fl6een i" ' Suiy ll- ss Prtnee J ' ' July 16 as Prln' ' August 8 as. Pi tn' ' ' AWEUst 16- as Pt' ' Sepetmber -ss Pri' l'r AMk.a Wednesday at Pri"'-" June 11 as Prhif June 2th -as Princes June aa. Prlnre-Irom Alaska-Thursday a. Prlnre June 20 as. Princes- June Si af. Prim-''.-- 1 June 27 ss. Prln'"- June 60 st. Print Rive I rrt 4 K , it; I 0 : , ...P "'I ;.! ' .a.