CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone read the Classified Ads If you lose, advertise (or It. If you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for tt GET THE CLASSIFIED II.UHT. Vol. XVIir . No. 142. ARE'ANNOUNCED ELECTION MACHINERY NOW GETTING tMtt.K WAV; TIIIKTV-THO PLACE TO VOTE IN KlllINO E;- 'iuii machinery l now In motion in n,!." riding in preparation for tbe gem-ral provincial contest which wUl be !) id on July IS Proclamation passed by the returning Asttoer ow there a. II be thirty-two places of Boil in Prtnee Rupert 0jslsUnnny en tMs occasion. Nominations will be received at noon on June IT and tbe ballots will Men be printed and rushed to the arlou points whore polls will be held. ' ;x'!ntmenl cf deputy returning offl- r at the varlou poll will soon be ;.de. ro'lowtng Will be the polling places : this district: Aliford Bay. Banks Island. Baiters !! Camp. Buckley Bay. Cumshewa In- t Plewtn's Float. Oeorgetown. Hays-; rt Hippo Island Inverness. Jap Inlet. J .flway. Lawn Rill. Loekepert. Haasstt. N rth Island. Oceanic Oons River. Os-iHiid. Port Clements. Port Bdward. Port Sanpson. Prince Rupert. Queen Char- .tte City Refuge Bay. Sandsplt. Bklde-g.ite. Sunnyslde. Thurston Harbor. TMI. 'I Hill ar.d Watun River ELEPHANTS ON WILD STAMPEDE (.AIJ OriMl IIKIIIl lliMI AWAY IUOM CUM TH ANII LKAItEKft HIDE IN HOOD HIT ItrX'ArTt KE PORT OHBBTSR. June 81 - Two bull iiphants which led the stampede from uie circus la the Canadian Northwest : yesrs ago, led the pack of thler irllows on a Wild race Saturday to the lulls and wood of west Chester and Btltmore estates. Cowboys and mahouts dashed aftet the galloping herd and corralled all but I hr Imi1h arlwi Sunk iwfus In th thick wood. A gentle cow elephant was planted at the odge of woods as S decoy and the loaders were thus re- (Bjiturtd. BODY 07c WTON FOUND DEEP COVE VANCOUVER. June 48 The body of Jdhn Crumpton. who had been missing Ircim his home In Burnaby since October lmt. was found yeaterdsy In the bushes t Deep Cove. Pending an Inquest the i hum- of death la not known. bandiFheld up""",,. MONTREAL THEATRE MONTRflAU Jam IB. A sans bandit held up the oaehlers and doorman at Loew'a Theatre Sunday night and escaped with the night receipts totalling 2.340. llEdlMHNT I.IMM T The Hegtment line-up lor the Dominion Day CMp football play-oft tomorrow tvenlng with Mm Thistle wUl be as follows: 3. S. Wilson, capUln, Corbet. Ross. Tinker, J. Nelson, B.a, Oeorge Rusmii. Baptle, F. Hodgklriacn and 1. Klby. 5. 4 J of resources, c lunges in mining taxation to make It conform with other province. Inducements to capital, a publicity campaign, development of in-terprovlnctal trade, a surrey of asseta. Oriental seclusion and elimination of politics tram the provincial police. P.U.E. POLICY "The policy of tbe Conservative party, as laid down In 1813. baa always been o complete the POX from Vancouver to Prince Oeorge. Under a Ooossrvsuve admins tmicsi this 'scale- nave been; T done long ago. "A consideration now artse buceusJ of the proposed return of the Pesos River lands, resulttnt from the report of the Martin com mission ptassid for y the Conservative members In the Dominion House. "The province also has another claim arising out of the original agreement made In 1011. between the Oread Trunk Pacific Railway and Foley. Welch Ac Stewart and between tbe province and Foley. Welch Ac Stewart, whereby the Orand Trunk Agreed that all tssngsr, freight, eaprees and mall treats origin' etlng In the lute of the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway or branch lines as MUNN IS NOMINATED LILLOOET SATURDAY SQUAMI8H. June 18. A. E. Munn. , mmber In the last Legislature, was sgsln nominated for UUooct at a convention here Saturday, u.mid Mcdonald, boyai cWnpioo, and Mis. Msrgaret OUchrlat. girls' chsmpton. sre meeting thl aftornoon Junfer cltJr v,nnU In the fiusl ehsmploiihP series. t m Arnott of the CJf.R divisional offices bora, left on auperlntendents ;utla mornlnn's train for tbe Terrace district on o few days holldsyi. SQUAW CREEK GOLD STRIKE BY JIM ANII PAIHIV IH'XCAN STAKT-Clt MTAMI'KllE ANII MANY 10-INO IN TIIEKE Passengers on board tbe Canadian National Steamship Prince Oeorge. which docked here this morning from Alaska, brought with them news of s gold strike In the Yukon which seme of the old sourdoughs think may be a second Klondike. To see the famous old Trail of IN was a thrill for tbe tourists from California and the eaat. but this was easily outdone by the excitement of being .close to a new "stampede." Squaw Creek, where tbe rind wa made by two Indians. Big Jim and Paddy Duncan, la a little distance out from While horse and the travellers did not have time to go out to tbe camp, but they could feet the excitement in the air and they could gaae at s thousand dollars worth of gold nuggets in s shop window, store than forty men have gone from White horse to stake da tots and every day sess new parties on the way to the Creek. The Prince George, which Inaugurated the Alaska summer service of the Canadian National steanwhrlps had a highly successful voyage. One party of Calllornian went on to Dawson, other passenger made the aborter trip to White hone. Bennett. Taku Ann and Atlln. Some are going to Jasper National Park, to ride the trails and play golf after the stimulation of the sea voyage. One of the brightest spots of the trip was the splendid view of Taku lacier. The steamer had never come closer to tbe toe. according to Captain Redden The only regret the excited passengers had was that their camera would not record the spectacular green of tbe guttering plnnaelee. Curio ah ops at Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway and the museums and other show places did an exceptional business. It would be difficult to estimate the bulk of the cargo of totem pole, Indian mocassin, Jewelry and Ivory trinkets that thff puice ,peorge. 1 arrylng on Jiar return, voyage MAN WAS KILLED AND DRIVER IS CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER VANCOUVER, June 18. E. V. Miller is dead and Walter P. Bell Is held on a charge of manslaughter as s result of Miller's death from a fractured skull PRINCE RUPEUTV B.C., MONDAY,' JUNE 18, 1928 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper oalloway kapiih rmnvpnPT w.u. i.. i ti. ,....., ... 11 i ui'c o. tuuiiujjiaue wun: yr. rnenaanip KTAKTINO TIII.h tVEEK A 1 : I U i .1 j . . . . a - .vuiena narnan nnu two companions nettiea down unex- pettedi.v in the Durry estuary. Wales, shortly after noon to-: VANCOUVER. June 18. - WREATH ON HARDING MEMORIAL YESTERDAY day morning laid a wreath oa Harding International Oood Will I lai in niamey rara. nere. sne FOUowinc the decision of the lay, completing the first transcontinental flight by a woman. The' F"vircisi department of pub- flight time was 20 hours 49 minutes. Bad weather and mist prevailed the greater part of the jour-,t ney. mot Uilmer Stultz said. He had intended landing in Eng-T land but the lack of fuel made it necessary to land here. TRE7 ASSET. Mid.. June 18 The triad j red monoplane Friendship took 'he air at it 21 moon I Sunday, local layliant saving time, on lis transatlantic Tight. The start was made after nu- and after dumping three containers of gascllne. Winner StuJt waa pilot with Miss Amelia Barhart at auxiliary pilot Leu Gordon waa ""ianfC Late yesterday afternoon the plane was nerou attempu up and down the bay , reported too mllea on Its journey. Lower Prices to be Paid This Season for Sockcye Salmon to Fisherinen and Change Made in Regard to Hiring Gear N' rHW WESTMINSTER, June 18. Fishermen of District Two, comprising all northern walern in UritUh Columbia have agreed to accept 50c a fish instead of 52'c paid last year for sockeye salmon, the season for which opens Thursday. The men demanded GOc but afer hearing the explanation of the cannern rewarding heavy losuses last year due to the light run of fish, they agreed to the cut. The regulations regarding the hiring of equipment are changed ho that fishermen are now held responsible for hiring or purchasing of equipment. The canners formerly provided the equipment. The price set affect three thousand fishermen on the Sheena Hiver, at Rivers Inlet, Smith's Inlet and the Naas Itivcr. MEXICOHAD EARTHQUAKE All Southern and Central Tart of Country is Affected MEXICO CITV, June 18. All southern and central Mexico wan shaken by earthquakes which lasted all Saturday night. The shocks continued Sunday in the state of Oaxaca. Property damage was widespread. In many town there was fl general panic, l'eople., ru-died frem their homes inn the Htrcets and plazas, -Jailing upon their knees in prayer. Casualties are reported in many cities but the numbers are not given. northTancIveTlad ' drowned swimming T TOLMIE IS lOMINO IIKIIE NEXT HllliAV THEN TO NMITIIkMH Word waa received here today by the local Oonserrattva Association that Dr. 8. P. Tstabe would leave Vancouver Wednesday on the Canadian National steamer and would speak hare on Priday evening, leaving for Smlthera Saturday morning. ! lie work to carry out the clear ing and dashing of five miles of the Skeehs Biver Highway beyond Oalloway Rapids by day labor. Poreman K A. laoLeod and half a daawn men have been engaged for tbe past week in erection of tbe first camp near Sanardl bridge. The actual road, crew will start work this week and, throughout the summer, approximately fifty meu will be employed on the work. B.C. Silver Bayvlew Big Missouri Cork Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper Glaclar Ctaloonds Iadependenoe Indian Kootenay Florence. U L Lakeview Leartsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metal ... National Sliver Pend Oreille Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Rufus Argent Ruth Hope Stiver Croat Silverado Silversmith Sunloch Terminus Torlo Whitewater Woodbine Cotton Belt Oentfia River Orand view iDutbJs Marmot Oold Slocan King VANCOUVER June IS. Delegates ToDlev Richfield from Canada und the United States en Noranda route to the annual convention of Kl-1 WINNII'Ed awnls International at Seattle yester-1 High Bid 1J 1 M M ajs .18 .74 M .08 38 1014 MM, .07 4 .13 4 is as 2M .87 .06 19 M 10 .88 .14 1.80 1.00 140 41 .70 Jg 1.0S lOVt j" .51 M.tO WHEAT Low till: the July 13414 "314 October 13H 136 STOCK QUOTATIONS Nonii t Issuing Price Today o VancM- ter KiclMHge (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co.. Ltd. I 18 MM M n 1.60 J4 .18 .OSH as .104, j04 .M M .18 13.80 2.38 .80 .07 Jl M .11 16 ',t .10 8.70 f.41 mortal was unveiled three years ago by c.N.R. steamer Prince John. Oapt. I Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing ewry Saturday nlfht from 9 to 13. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. I'hone 457 Halibut offerlnge hearer than usual st Price Fire lffni CHARRED BODY FOUND AFTER FIRE A T HAZEL TON SUNDA Y Hon. S. F. Tolmie Sets Forth the Policy of the Conservatives in B.C. 1 rANCOUVER, June 18. While there is nothing new in the' 1 platform issued by Hon. S. F. Tolmie, it having followed very I largely the policy being followed by the present provincial 1 government of recent years, It makes clear that the Conservative party is in accord with the plan to complete the I'.G.E. to Prime (icorge, after which it would look for federal or some other outside 1 interests to carry on the work into the Peace River. It urges development of the resources of British Columbia, stable taxation, low I income and succension duties, encouragement to agriculture, vior-1 POLLING PLACES oui .etlleatent sad Immigration pI;cy. encouragement of manufactures, labor : legislation amendments, building of ; roads and trail, conservation of game, i careful administration of the forests, encouragement of tourists, survey of forest .and water powers, conservation destined to Vancouver shall be routed over the Pacific Oreat Bastrgt Railway. At tits time the Canadian jvauonai Hallways acquired tbe Orand Trunk Pacific tbe Liberal Government In Brl- :h Columbia did tot insist upon the ighte of the province being properly protected but there Is a moral obliga tion on the part of the Canadian National Railways to live up to this ori ginal agreement "Should the Government of British Columbia fall In having the Canadian National Railways or some other company take over the PCI the Oonser- ratlve party will immediately have a thorough survey made of all condition respecting the Pacific Oreat Bastern as to equipment lands adjacent thereto. natural resources and cost of completion, and will Immediately consult wHh the directors of the road, with a view to carrying out the original policy of Use Conservative party aa laid down by the law Sir Richard McBrtde in tail. The t tension of the road from Prince Oeorge Into the Fsaew River oountry tt a national undertaking. which. In view of our present provin cial debt, 1 too great for tbe province to carry out at the moment; but realls-lng the ft rest importance of the devel opment of the Peace River district by means of the Pacific coast railway out let the Conservative party win co operate with tbe Government of Canada or any corporation in -any leasmissiie wy. in providing s coast outlet and in-cfced will Initiate such a policy and use every effort to hare this brought about st the earliest possible date. t', THh I KPOT : J:,;.:u:p.m- tr..o Chinese NaiiuTuilists are being fought oil. The ! r Tai . .-.(.cue i. at ) -eaport m Shantung, where the ie ruilway station. Miss Earhart is First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic Reaching Wales Shortly After Nom Today Man Lost His Life When Twd Houses Destroyed by Fire at Village of Hazelton Yesterday i , Victim Supposed to be Bachelor Named Fred McLean, Resident of ! the Place but Iiurned Ueyontf Recognition ' I H .UELTON, June 18. A fire which broke out in th kitchen of . Falconer's residence at liazeiton at 1.30 Sunday completely destroyed the same and also the residence of , Wilikim Holland on the adjacent lot and one unknown person was a victim. , A water bucket brigade, assisted by forestry pumps, unable to do anything to put the fire out, concentrated its effort on saving jjhe dominion Government Telegraphse buildings, standing not more than fifteen feet from the Holland house and the Omineca Hotel i a d 3a;ger.t genera: tare At 430 the ' .'ire had F'scticslly burned Itself out i and the fight wa over It uaa nine o'clock yesterday morning j be lore seme hunisn remain burned be-I ycud recognition were discovered In tbe ' dt brls. U l uppied to be that of ' Pred afcticsn. a bachelor and reaMent I '. Hazelton. Conner Hcaklns and Ser-I geant Service of tbe provincial polios are making Investigation Raiclton's local telephone syaatwi will be cut of order for two or hree days aa the result of the burning cf one hundred feet of telephone cable. Both of th: buildings destroyed were owned by WUllam Holland, native and it Is believed be oarriad no T 4- IIOAIi IVOI1K IIEYONII i LANDINGS HIGH PRICES BETTER total or vnm ioiMw or hali- lit T NOLO AT LOCAL I IHU EX-CIIA.VUE THIS MOIt.MNO wete ana. raageiy anougSy srsjai wer a. olflt better than 0 eaHsWy. Tegt irto'sJe-'aam1 Is 'SpsV mm ta d! ; were pais) from lac saan to 6e for iljm pounds. AMEJtlCAN Helegland. 37.000 pounds, Canadian Piah Cold Storage Co.. 13c and 8c. Arrow. 30.000 pounds, Booth Plaher-s. 11.7c and 6c. Lituya. 19400 pjunds. mcyal Plah Osw 13.7c and Sc. Sherman. 33.000 pounds, and Battas. I5JNW pounds. AUia PWaatiaa. use and 7c. Glacier. 18.000 pounds. Booth rtsher-les, 16c sad 7c. Rslianoe. S4aXl pounds, Fboafle Pk-ertea. 154c and 7c. ; Thor. 8400 pounds. Booth PsaberVs, 164c and 7c. Bastom Point. 9400 pound, Psatfls Plshertss. lie and 7c Madeline J.. 4400 posxnds. OanadisA Plah Cold Storage Co.. It tc and 7c CANADLIN Rra spi;. 7,001 pounds. Osnadhn Plah as Cold Storage Co.. 13c and 0c Bingo. 4.000 pounds. Royal Pa Caw 130c and Sc. M. U. Christopher. 10490 pounds, Canadian Plah Cold Storage Co., lfl.4e and Sc. Bdward Upsett. 10400 pounds, Canadian Plan ft Cold Store Co,. 13. to and 8c. M.A.B . 5.000 poundM. Pacific Planer-las. 12 8c and 6c. Olbscn. 10.000 pounds. Pacific Fisheries. 13.1c and Sc. TORNADOES IN OKLAHOMA DO MUCH DAMAGE OKLAHOMA CITY. June 18. Blirht persons are dead and mere than one hundred Injured while property damage Is estimated at a million doUam following a tornado which hit the southwest corner of Oklahoma Saturday night. Pour of thore dead are negroes. Three hundred people are) homilta. Tornadoes are also reported in Kaa- !as but no casualties are aald to have I lesulted. AIRFORCR CROSS FOR JStCATTKINGSFORD SMITH .10 .10U, 14 I ' aoH 84.78 SYDMBY. NS W.. Jwne 1 The air-force cross has been awarded by King Oeorge to Captain Kingston! Smith and Lieut. Ulm In recognition of their sue- Ctoe oesstul night across the Pacific flora 13 California to Australia. 188 V ANTOI VEK WHEAT VANOOUVKR. June If Th price ot the Klwani In memory of the visit Just Ma-bba, Is due In port at 9:80 this even- wheat here today la Quoted at 11.40. yesterday after being struck by Bell's Callen. in yesrs of age, of North Van- ren Harding of the United States, tbe ear on Hastings Street Avenue. Lawrence ' previous to his death of President War- mg from Vancouver direct and will sail 13 midnight for Vancouver via The American halibut boat Madeline ana nesiiy oouver. was arownea yesteraay wnue:iirsi presioeni oi insi country n come south end of the Queen Charlotte Is- J landed today her first oatoh at this swimming t Whyte Cllffe. to Canada while holding office. 'lunda. pcrt t0 years 4.000 pounds.