i I f AGE sn THR DAILT NKWS wonnav. Richness That Is Constant and Cleaners Phone 8 at i JVAPCK1TE9 . Mrs. C. Caldwell of KitsUanoi Such letters are exceedingly valuable and Pacific Milk is always grateful for them. PACIFIC MILK I 'art or in at AblmU'oril and Ladnrr, -Hulld II.C." A Family Wash or A Family Picnic? NO question about which you'd choose a day in the woods or a day with the washing. And it's so easy for you to let us do the washing while you do the picnicking. In our Thrif-T-Service you have all your clothes washed and your flatwork ironed. Just the wearing apparel left for you to care for and this is returned damp, ready to be starched, ironed or hung out to dry. Saves money saves energy. 5 cents a pound plus lc per piece. Minimum charge $1.00. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY Dry Strawberries Ready for preserving, if you intend to put them up, place your order now. We believe that this in the best time to buy them as according from reports from the growers. Berries will be very scarce in the interior and the price will be higher than the South Berries. Our price will be $2.75 to 13.06 per case; per box ISc; 3 lb. for 10c. Apricots are nearly ready. Place your requirements with us now and we will take care of you. We guarantee quality. Mussallem Grocery Phone 18 CO. LTD. Phone 81 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or rMotor Service . . Sana and CftvU" We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. at Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age au'ely Uetleved by SANTA I, MIDY sold by All Druggists i one of the contributors in the recent contest, wrote a very nice letter on the "richness and j constant consistency" of Paci-i fie Milk. Mrs. C. is a constant i user and her letter was written in the light of long experience U.S. TRADE IS DIVERTED TO THIS COUNTRY KEPORT ON' MATTER HILL BE LAW UEIOKE CONGRESS SOON Washington. D.C.. June 18 To what extent commerce has been diverted from the United States to Canadian ports, a condition frequently described as seriously affecting this country's agricultural and shipping in terest, will be laid before the Senate when congress is reconvened In December. Investigation of the causes and consequences and the possibilities of deflecting ' It Into- American channels was authorised under a resolution by Sen-' tor Walsh. Democrat. Massachusetts. ' which passed the Senate with the endorsement of Sentaors Reed of Pennsylvania and Hale of Uame, Republicans The machinery of investigation soon will be set Into operation by the secretaries of the stsle and agriculture de- partmente. the Interstate commerce com mission, and the United States shipping board. ; In substance Senator Walsh charges that United SUtes port are losing Bullions of dollars of export trade annually because railway rates between points In 1 the United States and Canadian porta are more favorable than those between! l lie same points and United States ports, and because of more stringent regula tions aa to grading and Inspection of grain at United States pons than at Canadian porta, especially the higher gram standards and the dockage rules. ' Also, be aays. the preferential customs rcsulations of Canada give lower tariffs, n products Imported Into Canada dl-! eeetly through Canadian porta than on routed through porta of the L'nlted States, and the preferential schedules of other parts of the British ' Smplre impcee lower dutlaa or more favorable regulation cn products of the United States routed through Canadian pons than on those shipped direct from united States porta. asry - SYNOPSIS OF Lhl ACT AMENDMENT!)' PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted hi British subjects ever if years f age, sad by aliens on declaring IntentWs 10 become British subjects, eeadl-tional upon residence, occupation, ini Improvement for agricultural Purposes. Pull Information concerning regulations regarding pre-empttoes Is given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies et rhlch can be obtained free of efcarge ly addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C. or to any Gov. ernment Agent. - Records wltl be granted covering only land suitable tor agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land. I.e., carrying over 1.000 beard feet per aere weet of the Coast Range and (,tM feet per acre east of thai Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of .the Land Recording Division, In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commlaslonsr. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five rears and Improvements mads to value of 110 per aere. Inetudlng clearing and cultivating at least fire acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase et vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlniberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum pries for flret-oless (arable) land Is 11 per acre, and seoond-eJaaa (gras-log) land f MO per aere. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Ltase of Crown, Land's." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites os Umber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or teased, the conditions Including payment of stum page. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurvsyed areas, not exceeding II aoree, mar be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEASES ' Ter grastng and Industrial par poses areas not sioeedlng 140 aeres may be leased by one panoa or s osmpaar. QRAZIMQ Under the Oreatng Act the moe la divided Into rraalng dlstrleta and tbe raage administered under a Oraslng Commissioner. Annual grating permits ere Issued based ea numbers ranged, priority being gtvea te established owners. Stock-owners may form eseKlatlooa for raavge caaaagement Free, er pertly free, permits are available tar settlers, a -spars am4 traveUare, as to last r- The Wonder Week of The Western World -. .-v r'-'. d. lae sraardlaa ef the west. Tte Calgary Stampede An other introduction to the public of Kniglits of the Range, Kings of the Saddle and Rope; competing for ana A.n and North American championship honors in pic-turesQue. romantic and spectacular pageants and contests lad-demafl to their country. Here ratter the rednteo of Uie hills and plain, the cowboys and cowgirls from R o Grande to the Peace River, the pioneers and the veWans of the original Royal Northwest Mounted Police -who States. As s remedy Senator Walsh suggests that seme readjustment of United States Height rates undoubtedly will be According to the Senator's figures the! "Our own regulations in the matter pork and lard export business at Bos-, of grain inspection and gram standards ton. which approirlmeted 111.000.000 , iutht to be so modified that there pcunds in ltll. has practically dlaap- j shall be no handicap Imposed on the pea red. and In general these products ; shipments of our own grain passing that onoe passed through North Atlan- I through our own ports. Perhaps we ' tic porta are moving through Montreal ought to enact a preferential customs and other Canadian porta. In 1913 about . regulation favoring our own porta for W.730 bead of cattle were exported our nrotectlon similar In character to through Boston whereas last year net a the preferential treatment Canada gives Ingle bead was shipped through thst '.o her imports " port. Practically 40 per cent of all . grain passing through Montreal last year was of United States orgtln. Bach year, j 'he senator says, finds more United i States gram reaching Canadian porta j sad leas arriving at ports of the Untied GLUT OF FISH IS DEALT WITH complaint Mine hhbn xo ik- KUT Hit Ml IX K.tHTKR.V X TAT EX .1X1) Hi;EI)V ( (HiEMTEII PALL RIVBR. June IS. An situation baa arisen In consequence of a tempcrary glut of fresh fish In tbe market at Boston. The captain of s fishing vessel, unsbic to market a catch of M.000 pounds of flounders. appealed to the Comn.osum on the riecesaar.es of u:e to see !I there were i say remedy for such a condition. It waa pclr-ted out that at the time tbe appeal was made, flounders in filet form were betn sold In Boston st from IS to M cento a pound. As a result of the complaint tbe commission has ordered a hearing, at which tbe fish wholesalers have agreed to be present and the fishing captains will be represented. The retailers have also been Invited. An effort Is to be made to bring about an arrangement whereby the consumers of fish may be given the benefit of any temporary sur plus in the immediate catch, which was declared st the conference with the State commission to be Impossible un- aer uie existing marMtJig system. The spectacle of the dumping of a cargo of edible fish into tbe ass after It has been brought to the docks la not a gratifying one to contemplate. It is certain that such an emergency would not srlse if a system of dlstri- T1MHEU SALE X9891. There will 'be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the Blghtaenth istiii day ot July. 19'. in tbe oUlee of the District Forester at Prince Rupert, the Licence XBC91. to cut 6JM.000 P.B.M. Spruce. Balaam, Hemlock and Cedar on an area covering a portion ol Lot 305 at the head of Kynxb Lagoon. Kynoch (Bast Mussel) Inlet. Range S. Coast District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable te attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one Bid." Further particulars of the Chief Forester, victoria. B.c , or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE OF In Prince trlct and alti LAND ACT lirxHiTicN lyusi? u ttnpsrt nets .l TO API'I.V Tfl Land ReeardbM nis. adjacent to AUIford Bay. Moresby Island Skldegate Inlet. muctu ,naxioite uiauas. TAKB NOTTCB that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vsncouver. B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands - Commencing at a a nigh w'r mark post planted on the of an Island: thence louowinic me high water mark around the Island to point of commencement and oont.iimnn uiiS acre, more or leas PACIFIC MIM.S. LIMITFD. Applicant. DoiiHld Wll'.mr HndMlon. Agent tor Pacific Mills, Limited. Dated May 3, 1938. contrHmted bo tnuoh to the progress of the West to-day. Skill and brains will compete with skill and brains -when, the cowboys climb the bucking bronchos for the ttUe of the world's bucking; champ. Thousands will eee the old cov ered wagon, race against the fleet bareback I&dUa riders, during the mock battle. The exhibition etamnede will be beJd July Sth to tbe 14th. and Is to be opened by Ills Kxcellea- bution that would give the public a chance to buy at clearance prices could be devised. The frihcmmg conicr ence Is going to study this possibility, and the outcome of the deliberations will naturally arouse no little curiosity among the people who realise hew much good a surplus of foodstuff of any kind could do if It were brought with la reach of the people who are la need of a supply., which they have not tbe means to secure at current prices. CATHOLIC BOYS ill tXTLIXL'll TOLACK MOTiitiis VomrriHu HACK INITIATIVE , A DHAIV Sepulchre, in an address at a session of the tenth annual convention of the Montreal Catholic Teachers' Aakoc.atton. A survey made In many business firms had brought forth tbe fact that child- iin irom tne ostnoiic schools in gen- ieral. and the Bngliah Catholic schools In particular, were better disciplined than children from other schools, Mr Oardlner stated. On tbt other band because of the fsct thst Csthollc lads had been brought up In an aimosphere In which everyone had the same Ideas, they seme times found it dlfBcnlt to idjust themselves when they entered a Urge office with many dlfleren. types of persons, f ret ch boys were found to be. cn the whole, more polite than the English ones. Both Sagllsb and French-speaking Catholic were reported by many employers to be very good at routine Jobs which they performed with the utmoi conscientiousness, but when ssked suddenly to do something else In an emergency they fiequently fell down, said Mr. Oardlner. As a result their lack of .nltlatlve was apt to keep them ot the im routine jet) until the end of their days. Boy scouts were found to have more self-reliance aad initiative than other boys. A point In favor of Catholic boys was tbe fact that they weir almost always bilingual. Bmptoyers who marked boya on a regular point system when they applied for Jobs they gave them a lower rating when they came accompanied by their mothers, Mr Oardlner announced. He felt this was rather hard on the boy. however aa aooie mothers were of the type who would not be left at home itAM.r: or iviiiTi: pim; White pine which 1 often celled yellow pine, end U known In Kngland.ss Quebec pine, grows throughout BastsiB Canada, being most abundant in northern Ontario ant Quebec. Union steamer Catala Slpne. which 11 arrived afrivra In in Capt a. John port wrv last last lugni night -' JjPr northern portaO7' call. TwKrVa IMttnper list of well over one hundred passengers on leaving Vancouver of which msny came through to Prince Rupert and points beyond. Provincial Constabte Lance Potterton of Stewsrt will arrive in the city at the end of the week to attend the session of tho Supreme Court Assuces which wili open here next Monday Constahi h Itsybone of district hesd-qunrtera ft.ilt iaa gone north to relieve st UU'Ajiri Uurliifc Constable Pntter-tor't jtnc. V 1. Here we are I Imbm aj .11 m. .. . t , . ., . - , wim .iikt rvaca. & A. msnataia of Uvlas; lire. cy Viscount Wtlllncdoo. ho will ride at the bead of tbe great stampede parade. lit will be accompanied by Her Exceslsacy Ldy Wfl Una-don who herself u U participate la vevsras events during the week. For this particular event the Canadian Pad. flc Railway are co-orxvinUtir to the extent of offering reduced rates to Banff -with stop-over at Calgary, thus enabling visitors to be cussta of the Banff Springs Hotel which is only a three hours motor rids from Calrsrv AND :- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS This afternoon's train, due from the Bast at S SO. was reported that morning :o te on time. -e-. -i -.L' " ' T. l-'.lTiTJ H. C. Praser. Inspector of schools, sailed last night by the CaUla for Anyox on official duties. S. Wallatedt of Juaesu. well organiser of the Moose Lodge, arrived in the city on the Prince George Ibis morning from the north. R. B. Ben-on, WUtinson had a U BUI successful angling trip ! :o Shawktlana Lake at the week-end. ; returning last night with a nice string of speckled beauties. Herbert Oooltn. Indian, far having liquor in his pnesssslosj, was fined tlJ and S3 AO costs, with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magis MCM1KXAC, June IS. A comparison ! trate McCtrmont In cits polios court between tbe English speaking Catholic j this morning boy and other lade when they begin ' to work was .uade lately by A. A. Oar- Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McNlcholl. Mr. diner, stsight of the Order of the Holy land Mrs. Reginald Beaumont aad Mrs. Harry McCsU are passengers aboard tbe Prince Oeorge today returning to Vancouver after having mads tbe round trip to Bkagwsy. Constable T. H. Oreenfield. R-CAJP. returned to tbe city sn the Prince Oecrge this morning after having es-ccrted a Yukon liejuor shipaaent to Bkagway and proceeded by train to Bis post si Kltwanga. On a charge of breaking and entering tbe room of Robert Wood and stealing a gold watch-chain tbererrom, James Harris was committed for trial by Magistrate McCiynsont in city police court this morning. Accused will come up for election on the return to tbe city jof Judge F. MSB. Young who Is st present in tne interior. "Swift" Buchanan, sourdough prospector of the KJondyke. was s pass anger aboard tbe Princess Alice Saturday afternoon going through to Vancouver on i holiday trip. Buchanan and his partner. John Sundlln of Oranvllle Y.T., another pioneer prospector, shared the proceeds of tl.tU resulting from their correct guess of the break-up of the Yukon River lee at Dawson this spring. eveeee e I'lllNCE KUI'KKT TIDES MOXIIAY. juxi; IS High 1:19 ajn. lt:U pn Low ti am ISM pj. - TriatiiAY. Jtr.vi: High 3.-0S aas. 16:0 pjn. Low t:4e ajn. NiH am WEIIXESHAY, JirXB High 140 tMx. Low 114 pjn. 9tt ajn. 11 -St . ll'USPAV. JUNE aVOetLl Bkai . .flo':H- 0:14 Mil PAI. llllliVY. JUNK 11 jHIgh 4:38 SJB. j 17:41 p.m. Low 11:01 ajn. 19 M 11 :M pj. MATIKOAY, JIM; U High s so a m. 18.16 pa. Lo 11:4 am KINIIAY. JINK II "' 8:17 ajn IB 33 pjn. 6. s.m i 13 39 pn 9SS lS ta 31.1 la l. 7.s ft aa rt. 1.T " 0 .3 " 1B.4 " 0.4 " 7.0 ' ft. 10 6 ft. 184 -.l -B4 " 17i rt. 174 " 44 " K4 ft. 17.7 " 86 ' 8 1 " 18th Anniversary Slimmer NOW IN FULL SWING OUR ilANIMILL NOW HKING CIR('I L.TED TELIS THE ST0UY HAKGAINS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MI H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 9. .'Jrd Ave. and Fu!(cn WESTHOLME THEATRE Mondny, Tuesday, Wedne day, 7 am! ji.i The one and only Charles Chaplin in His Latest and (ireatest Comedy Maslcrpu : "The Circus" The real Charlie; hat, boots, tan.- mid t- nuts, sawdust, pink lemonade, clowns, Hon.. 'v acrobats, wire-walkers, and Charlie. Hove ( "ast. Merna Kennedy, Harry Crocker, Allan Garcia, l.cm.. I Henry Hergman, Hetty Iorricy and many i ih, -COMEDY KKI) HOT HUI.LETS I'AKAMOUNT NBWS Admission - - - - 50c and 2"c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers THE DAINTIKST UUKAKfAST HUM. Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C W I'rlnre Rupert. R.C. May Belle Lingerie TUB NKW MAY DHI.I.H lIOIIBTTli IH OOT i' Tailored Htyle. in shades of Sky, Nile. Coral, IVa . with rontiast trim. Special at jier pair OUK Sl'KCIAL MAY IIKI.U! IIL00MK1I In IkbeU and ordinary style, beautifully finih V crotch. In shades of 8ky, Nile, Peach. Ci ii' All .ises. S1.25 Per pair Fraser & Payne Universal TrmliriL' Cn. Li! 1 jj fa J ji 3. J1" W w WAT w City Meat Market (SKLVIG imos.) , w 3rd Atenue I0" MEAT. FISH, VEGnTAIH.ES and AM. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN TRODM at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obsenel- All article are of superior quality n'i fresh. .