mem Wiiiriiii'iiT iiiii LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery i Jit Lingeries Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MINING Stocks n nnd afternoon clos-lices on Vancouver - Exchange on our INt board daily. ran give instant serin buying and Helling g Stocks on Vancouver Exchange. also have facilities for b i'iiik' wheat orders on h !H g Stock Exchange. Kcprc renting Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. KS. DJohnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. ply Meat Market Selvig Bros. iTi.ird Ave. Phone 765 J'lHK (iKOSAKU .til'.' -ortcr norsk o-it mSw-ke fiskekonterver ! ' -ke sukkerkavringer Ni l livelokonrokker No: ke rugskonrokkcr N'"r Jif knekkelirod ioi ske flathrod Mutter O.S.V. 1st kv. varer. Ilillige prlser. Hurtig onibringelse WE HAVE THEM SLEEVELESS DRESSES All shades. HI-AZEKS AM) SWEATER COATS IJATIILNG SUITS "Demers" Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST ' I jYfln 1P1 ir t" V "tJ 11 lit COAL Your choice tDSON CASSIDY - WEL- LINGT0N TELKWA 'lso Bulklcy liny nnd drain. A" "l tr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 5S Prince Rupert Feed Co CARDINALS ARE WELL AHEAD IN NATIONAL BALL NEW Yi ala carrlec fames at eerday an three the sxlth of Jw n June 18 The Cardln- nlng streak to eight of Cincinnati ves- I Xfci tp National League by i. . Hm halted the play in ' Wing. Ruth smashed hla 25th homer and nhrlfr hla IAW in h v i . ..... -O -- ivhi ... MIC BHKCtV TlVWrj over st. Louis. SATIUDAY SCOKES National league St. LouU a; Brooklyn S. Pittsburg 0. New York 4. Chicago 7, Boston o. Cincinnati 7-1, Philadelphia 10-S. American League Beaton 10, Cblceao p, WMhlngton 1; Detroit 4. Philadelphia 3. Olevelsivd W. SL'NIMV SCOKES Onmit league Mlaakma 0-6, Oakland 3-S. Portland 1-4. Ban Franclaoo 0.9. Hollywood 6-13. Sacramento 8-7 Ssattle 3-1, Los Angelst 4-6. Nstkmsl Imiw St. LouU 6, Cincinnati a. Pituburg 6. New York 0. Chicago 0, Bepoklyn 4. Only three games. Ainelran League Philadelphia s, Cleveland 7. Jew York 6, tt. lows l. Washington 13. Detroit 0. Boston-Chicago rain. I f. AN I K STAMHNO National League W. L. t. Louis J7 31 Cincinnati 36 ' 36 New York 30 33 Chicago 33 26 Brooklyn 39 37 Pittsbwg 3 31 Boston it 1$ Philadelphia J4 36 Amrrlran lsfue New York 44 11 Philadelphia 34 30 8t. Lou la 3t at Cleveland 36 31 Wsahlngtoa 36 at Boston 36 39 Detroit 33 36 Chicago 30 35 GOOD SHOOTING AT enemy of cotton T" 1TRBANO COI.BACHIHI Pet, Ml .508 MO .446 .366 360 .766 .456 .443 .408 867 J64 McNICHOLL RANGES In the shooting yesterday at the Mc- Kiehoil Ranges W. Brass made the highest score so far thla season sad won the spoon with a handtoep of en. Scores mere as follows: W. Braes 33 36 33 A. Write 30 S3 37 ft. Wilson 36 31 36 M. M Lamb 31 33 25 MeOlaehan 33 37 17 R. A. Cameron 36 36 IT V. Evltt ..: 36 31 36 H. A Ponder 36 31 33 ASK DAD HE. KNOWS! Pa." aald Clarence, "what la the naane of the prat that la such a great The silkworm, eon." replied his dadV- CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporal 3'. the City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct s cencrete sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side of Sixth Street lion the north side of the lane Block 33. Section 1, when it Intersects Sixth 3treet and extending along the west side of Sixth Street to the north aide 0! Third Avenue, aa a local Improvement, and Intends to specially assess the cost upon the land abutting di rer IV ou me worx, except sucn portion of the cost as U Incurred at atreet in tersections. 2 The estlmsted cost of the work is 6671.00. of which 6636 00 la to be paid by the corporation, ana we esumavea ninual special rat per foot (rootage la 1 A710 The aneclal asseaaa&ent la to be undertaking the work must ao ao on or before the 33rd day of JulrTMS City c'lerk. Dated thla 16th day of .June, 1636. , NOTICE. EDWARD IMNOIIOK, Dereaed NOTICE 18 HEREBY a IV EN that all prraona having elalma against the estate hi Edward Donohoe. late of Naea liar-be 1 In the Province of British Columbia, who died on the 3rd day of March. 1MB. are required on or before the 16th day of July. 1938. to deliver or send by prepaid letter post full particulars of their l-lalnm duly verified to The Royal True! Company, Executor of the estate of th-nald Edward Donohoe. deceased, at Its offices 626 Pender Street West. Vancouver: BC AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the asset of the deceased among the persona entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shslTthen have had "SaTED at Vancouver. B.C.. thla 36th (ROBK'R'TflON DOTGLASA SYMBR Solicitors for the Royal 144 TrtMtOompany. fiOVEILNMENTJJcluOR ACT oTirr or trri.icATioN hk ro- ,MIKt TOwT.ycVSff.l OF 1IKKII NOTICE 18 HEREBY" O'VBN thaton the llth day of July, next, the under, aigaed Intend to apply W lMUOT Oontrol Board for i-onsent to tranater ofTS uX N,,mber5!,.S?rt,iofi Site .WrJace. B C upon the tend, described as Lots 1 and 2 In B73. iTtnce Rupert Und R1"""?," ruatriet In the Provlnre of Brttun 001-Smbla from Q.rKe Teller to Angelo and Urb.iu. Colbechlnl. of Eu-thio TwSot. firitlih Columbia, the transfer- )ATED at Terr W ANOFtO EltSAOOHIp. RUSH FOR THE BALL: Duke of Gloucester (Prince Henry) in the lead, playing for the 10th Royal Hussars' team against Hardwicke at Roehampton FINALS PLAYED C.N.R. COURTS ONLY MEN'S DOt ISI.BS YET TO HE Pl.iYLD Off AMI THAT TOMflllT All the flnaU In the C.Nat, tennia tournament were played at the week-end With the esosptlon of the men's doubles which wlU he ptoyed this evening when Malr and Hortca meet Rogen and W. Tobey. wtasem In the aeml-flnola. Malr won the men's singles. The ladles' doHMas were won by Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Brass white the mixed doubles went to Miss Hartley and ArnotL The games played were: Mrn'e Singles Rogers beat Wilding 6-1. 6-7. 6-4 Malr heat Rogers 7-6. 6-8. Men's final Mslr beat Arnott 7-6. 6-1. Men's Double Malr and Horton beat Wilding and Itoitby 6-3. 6-3. Ualr and Horton boat Frew and Hos ier 6-3. 3-6. 6-8. I Rogers and W .Tobey beat Arnott and 1 UcPnenon 6-6. 6-3. fjatllro' Doubles, final j Mrs. Rogers and Mra. Brass beat Mrs. Hoitby and Miss Uoxley 6-6. 6-7. 6-1. Mlvril luMe. final Miss Moaley and Arnott beat Mra. Brass and Rogers 6-1. 64. Tea was served on the courts Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Holthy presiding, assisted by Mra. Haines sad Mlse Moaley- 8ueerlbe for the Dallr News. Around The World With Sport Fans (lly The Tramp) Aeaordlng to Bate Ruth making home runs is easy aa eating peanuts and not half ae disagreeable. AU you have to do at stand up to the ptata with a bat la your hand, make the pitcher know yon are bettor than he Is, awing at the ball you like bast, hit bard enough to send the ball over the fens, run around the bases and return to the bench. What could be simpler than that 7 Kngllah women proved their superiority at tennis by winning ths Wight- the Wrlgley awlm here last August to build up physically for the long grinds this year. She has suooeaded to the extent of Increasing bar welight 30 pounds, and feels she WJ11 be quite able to with stand cold .srater almost indefinitely. Miss Oaeahd has been training all winter and took to the waters of Lake Ontario f on May 6 Within a few days she ispu to resign her position as stenography with a big Insurance corporation sod devote more than two months to dally preparation for the race In Hamfeer Bay during the Toronto exhibition. S SPORT CHAT i Since hosing has gained such a measure of popularity barc-of lata, possibly something along this line might os arranged during the forUicomlng visit to the port of HMM. Dushan. Thus refreshing the ordinary round of eveou looauy. 11 such oouid be ar ranged then Is little doubt that It would meat with a good measure of patronage, tt would gras local adepts of the game the Interesting opportunity man trophy from the crack American L,,, wltn , rlght hook whu nl players at the weak end. It was an Important victory and Indicates that the old country Is holding Its own In sport among women as wall as men. This continent has taken1 the lead In lot hockey, baseball, lac rout and boa- of meeting with outside talent of some worth. That usni of the hoys aboard the Durban are right smart boxers is indicated In se ports received of activities elsewhere In which they have participated. A hosing tournament between Prince Rupert representatives sad man from the light orjiisar should go over strong If It could be airsjigwa. At the same tlsae It would ptpaaMy be profitable to those who satgc prosooU It In addition to being a moans of ap proprutery getting ths visitors and locals mutually acquainted. The Victoria Colonist Isst week described as follows s boxing tournament in the Capital City in which half a doaan of the Jack Tare participated ci tiling the Durban's recent visit there: Honors were even on the program of six bouts Members of the visiting British cruiser won the headlines- and two of the piotlsauuuiss. while the oihor boaera took the semt-wtndup and the remaining prelim iaartei. The mala event brought together Stoker Percy Lake and Leo Felix. The American boy did most of the forcing, but missed ume and time again with right hooks snd uppereuts. Be would force his opponent to the ropes only to have the elusive Lake slip out of the trap with the cleverness and spaad of s mouse. reiix. however, counted oc epponant poked away at his face with a straight left. Later In the bout Lake landed a number of blows to hlr. opponent's mid-eectlon. but failed to do any great damage. In the lost round Pelts went a fur Lake wttfc every in ing but the old country lead. In foot-' twn ( Mnitkm hUB wie stoop-Dro-bslL. both eocorr and rugby, and. U dueM tmt hjs opponent was, too crafty. hn to Late weighed UK and Pells EM pounds. gov. - I Wing Hay, the fighting Chinaman Training with BkUth Hedtn snd Alternl Kon)i , technical knock-Oeorge Young at Port Credit near To- Lut ov rough ,nd ruMd Leading ronto Is Hewn Oeland, former Ottawa swimmer, who la preparing for the i Canadian National Eshlblton Marathon. Miss Oaland set out Immediately after Form No. 18. Section 861 LAND ACT. KOTItT. Of INTf.NTION TO APPLY B.C., to n ituiAM: UMI In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate about 8 miles from the Mouth of Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. occupation Mining uompany. in- tends to anoly for Dermlaslon to o Chase the following described land - -Couunenolng at a post planted one foot dtotant from the Witness post on the West side of Lot 173: thenoe westerly 60 chains; thence southerly 30 chains; thence easterly 60 chains; thence northerly 10 chains, slid containing 100 scree, more or lees. P. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. DaUd 18th Ajarll. 1938. LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTf.NTION' Ho APl'I-Y T TO LBASK MM! . In Prince Rupert Land Record It District and situate adleeent to Alllford Hay, Moresby Ulsnd. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, ul Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manuftctureca, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the hleh water mark of an Island; thence I Stoker Brltt, of HalS Durban, wlien the latter quit cold In the fourth round after being warned by tVsferee Kerr for bunting with his head. Brltt. many years older then his shifty opponent from Albernl. was outclassed aa n boxer, but he proved u be one of those fellows who pack s sledge-hammer blow in each mitt. He walked to hla corner In the fourth and refused to continue. Examination later revealed a broken bone In the left hand. After bring given s hosing lesson In the flrxt three round" during which he seldom landed a blow. Pete Megal-!ames of Scuttle, tliushed strong In the lsst round of his four-round bout, and registered s technlcsl k.o. over Stoker W. Thomas of H MS. Durban. The lada fought at 130 pounds. Showing a great Improvement since his last appearance. Danny Pastroe, local boner, was given the call over H, weighed 136- and Pnstroe 116 pounds Able Seaman g. worthlngum. of HXJB, Durban waa given the Judges' decision over "Tiger" Napoleon, of Seattle. In s four-round bout In the opening bout. "Scotty" Slunott. Icon I battier, lost u Able Seaman Meirltt on a t ul In the second round. Another upset In the National League the island to ooint of commencement, i supremacy may be expected soon now and contalnlmi one aore. more or leaa. .Evidently the Cincinnati Reda. who T ' XI. T fJ. TTMTWO. have reigned supreme for the past few ,. ,. Applicant. w . . "skenlng and may aoon be Aeent for Pacific MlUe, Uwited. lia and Traasfsws.' Dat4 May 3. m. Backward Season Quality Goods and real Sale Prices is a combination which is making a great appeal to our customers old and new. This we know by the way in which our store is thronged all day long. If you have not yet paid your visit to the Acme, don't put it off too long. Come soon, before stocks get too much broken. winners. ag;:ln Keltic to the top Nor' are hope anything but bright for New , York Giants and Chicago Cutx or even; the Brooklyn Dodgers. All that any of! tbem need Is " a nice MtUe winning ndlslreak and the first notch wiTl theirs. Meantime, the pennant battle i continues with much Interest and pro- mlses to ccntinue to do so. The Amer-. loan League still looks like a cinch lor 1 the New York Ysnkees si though any thing might happen. Cruel snd unusual things happen In baseball. Even in the bigger and bettor leagues. Take, for example, the distressing case of Cornelius McOllllcuddy. rinnmsnter of the ageing Philadelphia Athletics. This fine old gentleman has -me beautiful and rare human trait. He never loses faith in mankind. No matter how old or hem bald they might be. Mack signed them for his club. Since he scrapped his mechanically par-f-cv ball club eight years ago. however. Pate has been riding hard on Mr. Mack. Every year hla remade club alld gracefully into the cellars of the American League and remained there while Macks sccuts Inspected the cradles of the country looking for choicer Ivory, which they never, somehow, found. Msck then gave up that Idea and began collecting older specimens. The rhsrtey ewraad. the lama and the half- Johnson of H.ItLS. Durban Johnsan.tblnd( eajnet to keep saaok company dKplared .v. St. 'Louis Cardinals, last year's paanant Alappe) paiq, oua neavy .aa ror pisywra ItptO) Clroves, Boley and Paul Strand, who was a terrible bust. Two year ago Mack seemed to have arrived at a point where he could shoot for pen-nnnt. He rxnn to shoot. And than it happened rhe first thing Mack and his boys ran Into waa Colonel Rupert's Yankee machine. And wow! Mack team waa great, but the Yankees were the greatest of their generation. Thsy apptar good tor another two. or mayos five years And that's what fate did to Mr. McOllllcuddy In his declining years. And that's why. If y have sny iciirs to hcd. you mlithl drop wiiue of .arm for Connie Mack now sad then. SU TS for MEN Another outstanding value for the man who wants A DRESSY SUIT Single and double breasted models for men and young men. All sizes and many patterns to choose from. Backward Season Sale Price $24.95 BOYS' SUITS Boys' Tweed Suits, in very fine quality and good wearing materials. Fifteen only in this lot in sizes 33, 34, 35 and 36 only. Backward Season Sale Price S3 95 MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S SUSPENDERS B.V.D. Style athletic Underwear in fancy .Jl- S"PBf8- p9? a1 with good elastic. Fresh stock. Nainchec combinations. Sii 34 to 4G. Rep- Bsckward Season Sale Price .. rjCn Jfr J56 a'u 45C p,,. Buit OC Backward Season Sale Price .. . ux MEN'S HOSE MEN'S SHOES . Hoots JlM, and Shoes in good calf leather in St. Margaret's pure Wool Hose for Men, . black and brown. Goodyear welt In the assorted shadea. Made in England. Re- latest styles. Regular 7.60 value, gular 76c value. Zf Backward Season Sale 2M OS Backward Season Sale Price ... . p,.jce J1eOfJ THE ACME MPORTERS Mail Orders promptly filled at these prices. No Charge Accounts. No C.O.D. Terms: Strictly Cash. Canadian National Qfie Largcft TKailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'KIM'E KITKHT for VANCOUVKR. VICTORIA. HHtTTLE. MONDAYS. Till KI AYS, 4 00 p.m.. NAT1 KDAYS, 6.60 pjn. Por ANYOX and STEWART. MONDAYS. IIMDAVS, 4.00 pat. Por MAHSKTT INLf.T, MONIIVY8. 4.00 pm. Por HOI'TII Jl' I.F.N CIIAKLOTTf. ISLANDS, Portnlghtly. Por RKAOWAY, tMKNKSIlAVS. 4 00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT D AILY BXCKPT SUNDAY at 11.30 a.m. far Pit I M i; (lEOKOE. EDMONTON, VMNMl'lXl, all polata EaMetn Canada, llnlleil states, AOENCY ALL OCEAN wTKAMSIIIP LINES. CITY TICKKT OITICE. StS THIIUI AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. SECURITY FIRST Phone ZCf Royal Insurance Co., Liverpool, England Hstnlilished 18 15 Total Funds $17JI,1 i:i,0.".22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents PRINCE RUPERT.