Fates et? 6Q Players — | Immigrant Tries to Sell oman cemuememgesy «> Take Part | -Year- n for $1000 PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER ‘In SON Whist 6-Year Oid So 0 $ Roy Joh id H | SARNIA, Ont. (P)—Attempis; Judge Woodraew declined to , Mrs. Roy Johnsen af ons a ident he couple but it was DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4 30 PM eames ‘aa top einaera in of a German immigrant eouple saat a — a ae ae the Sons of Norway regular Fri-| to sell their six-year-old son for some thne has ‘beet ettine an |day night whist drive, the 'asi/$1.000 hag been cited by Col. C. touch with persons known to be one before the games resume 00) 5 Woodrow of Sarnia as evid- interested in adop Jan. 9, _Lence that the immigration de-| gas, Other winners among the 60) nor:meys isn’t bringing the right prosperous businessmen, taking ee ee ae — kind of persons to Canada {the attractive ‘air-Naired child — omnes sents we Mrs. Col, Woodrow, judge of Lamb- with her. In discussions it would — prone os ee ton county family court, said, be hinted that, te compensate fae Taek. Sanaparet Seler, door & bas issued an interim order the mother for he: grief in part- DAY PREVIOUS a 1 a Cj issified Rates is _CAns POR SALE i : ACOOUNTANTS : i FOR SALE—'52 Chev deluxe se-| PUBLIC ACLOUNTANT. tucome | ¥ : -” ree ow pre-\ dan, 13,000 miles, heater, seat Tax spe inlist. #, G. Purk, ication, cover Real buy, cash or Stone Huildine. hed Sy3 “90mm + | ents per word per, termes Apply Carl McEwen inuauwin charge 60) Prince Rupert Hotel (294p) 50 centa; Cards FOR BALE-—-1951 Austin Station RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East Death Notices, wagon. Perfect condition ‘ + = co A ; : 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- ices, Marriage tad anhe sia’ Ineweeeee Pee pairs, recharging and rebuila- technique was to visit BATTERY SERVICE ; fe ? hair | 2iving the child temporarily ‘to ing with the youngster, she was ; state and Insurance. Phone! ing. Work fuaranted (r) sale m0 8. Cum, out ithe Barnia Children’s Aid Soci- entitled to some money. The sum Announrements,| 45) or 648 (292) | - Lai? “yy prize. . : Say ety of $1,000 was mentioned : | Miss Ellen Wasseng was chair- = Se ay Goble price. FOR SALE —'46 Pontiac sedgn LAND REGISTRY ACT i ,|man of tne recresnment com-| eceoneepetr erin he ree Eastern car. Good condition, |' Cer r ANNOUNCE EMENTS if Tithe No. 22364-1 to} Green 781 ls (9). * (9) and Ten | a (292p) r | mittee, assisted by Mrs. Jone " (46), Sub- Pedersen, Mrs. Julius Johnson, 1s Rc by . f Bubble all, Sat - FOR SALE aVisIOT , Lot m& i Hun dred Mr. and Mrs. A. Moen, Birgei MAthneCSS ro. CSSLEONRA Members get POR SALE—One pair skis with Chay bt District ‘tee oe | a Harel +16 j60d snd Of. furrays Men safety harness; one pair ski| WHEREAS satisfactory proof of | Olsen. CS e boots and poles. All in wood Ik of the above Certificate of Titie | ee eT re DELUXE PRESS JOHN H. , condition. Phone Blue App ised in the name of Spumntio Raw Gestetner Canadian Legion,| after 6 p.m (203) i nevey given that 1 shail ez ibe Four Thousand Duplicating B U i G F R oe. POR SALE—Puil size bed, coll ‘ate of the. fist, publication mie| Civcwar (otters + Monttity riety Bhow, Dee.; * Mg WIth spring filled mate jssus » Pr nal Certificate of FE A lietins —- any kind of t ms | tress. Bolid walnut dresser. Tite 4 ‘ [ t Certificate } nter nnua : eaunae Co te mais plometrist omens 433 Sth West (293) t . 2 ia t we mesi thine a Obie - 7‘ bigie 5 [; t t advertising. e “~~ 20 - 40% less pl are” FOR SALE-—Fir flooring, Clay-| DATED at the Lana Registry Omec,| INCREASE CAPACITY—A refinery construction wor ad ssay onies than regular printing. & , ie burn bricks. Apply P.O. Box Prince Rupert, B.C. vhis 10th day of) siinouetted against the northern sky as he helps build added | 5‘ ays on _ sear : : ona, Movember. 1952, AD : ; : : : ; As the last of the essays 0 Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 Oe ae : oon epaty Takia ak tae. | refinery space for Canada’s increasing oil o ee Since oll was “Civilization and Paper, * —- 733—2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, John Bulger Led. Northlana Dairy, POR SALE-—Dinette suite, baby — Ce ge | distovered at Ledue, Alta., in 1947, spurring widespread activity, (ten by junior and senior hig B.C. Give us your mailing list sali ' ¥, 298p ) hird Avenue cry except Sun-| Carriage, washer, bedroom se finery capacity has been increased by 166,000 barreis a day to | School students throughout B.C ~~ We do the rest. dass ’ king after your! Aji good condition. Apply 719 ee ee oo dropped onto the judges’ desk, x will look after; 8th West (292, eae’ ted eam 4 present total of 411,850 barrels a day CP Photo) | i¢ became apparent that this ” cool, All milk’ pan, was 1 | There be offered for sale -at| on Hg as the biggest contest yet. ; Thippi FOOTHILLS (sootiess) coal | i mmupping and Gpeeral John F. L. Hughes, D.C (1) i" Phone 681. Philpott. Evitt & Publie Auction. st 10:30 AM. on / : \ ‘ | Leander a a. Moving, Vaeking, Orating ceo airece ae tem and Jewellery, ©o. Lid. (€) ‘ottice af D Forester. Princ St. Peter 5 Auxi laries eee A ea woe sind Senet Cartage and Storage Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 ” e MeN : ; _ R BC. the I X51867, to Seidlincs sat tmp ‘ : 5 i sheckenat ; on aon POR SALE—Kitchen table and eu. 2 Hemiock and Association which sponsored the || Complete, Reliable and Effi- Eves.: by appointinent only. ack j 4 chairs cream with red trin Spruce on an area comprising part Ho Annua a aZzaar jcontest, made the following am- } ¢lent Service. Also agenis for 21 - 23 Besner Block PHOTO STUDIO ming Red or ae (292) Lot 2364 band 1070, sit wate , | nouncemext: Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. Phone Blue 442 : — Wea. POR SALEPur coat, size 16, River, ¢ r Land Distr : Amid colorful boughs, candles, The kitchen was in charge of| “Over 4000 students have en- | fF Oxygen, Acetylene and all * sbi : ‘ip $50.00. Phone Blue 986. (292p) 6) yea be allowed for’ and vari-colored lights of the mrs. H. Y. Tattersall, Mrs. W | tered this year, an all-time high. weiding supplies. t wwODEd v. ‘) res va t timber “~~ at " ann “ 2 : “ F a “he " , Seidl : » t4 atteenad | £ay Christmas season, the St avidson, Mrs. D. Owens and/| Prizes will be given for first, > « be ely inexpensive — ae nf eee the moet RYone unable % attend) Seters’ Women's Auxiliary held — 4 eet pep pisces e ee ee re in the junior | LINDSAY'S CARTAGE H. G. HELGERSON by the VARIETY; ney range, coal and ‘wood. der to be opened st the nour of| their annuai iall bazaar in the Mrs Be eee ang cashier Was \ivad in the sensor high schools | STORAGE LIMITED uMrrep 207) small: cr oa 4, /eeen rested as one Did” | church hall Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. D. Griffiths. svn Ganeia: : 3 . mal crib, 2 cotton ma may be obe) . @ crowd took advantage’ Serviteurs were Mrs. Jack|¢! five ‘ Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues ; i i tresses. old & rid and + from the I Minister of | large crow p Parva ee | er reer ee | eee sit inte wn , toys for girls pn 245 8th hee Wee 104) Forests, Victoria, BC. or the Dis-/@f the dry mild weather to in- Davis of Port Edward, Mrs. Wil- This makes a ny Pd ag Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE & nd ali home deco- ___ ae ' : Rupert, BA spect the gay assortment of sew- fred McLean, Mrs. G. Viereck and | valuable vse . a coe es ee ee oe f one-stop shopping RO nto dio N1,8,15.22.29, D613,20)), 0, or nwen os wel s Mrs. E. Mausestte sewing machines, , r : (297) mene. eee men excellent ee —. py cooking and other attractions, Women’s Auxillary sponsored the rele =P ot to these 30 ev Conia lie LING THE TAILOR ervices and Chim- son. Roammrens electric) ne will’ be offered for sale at|and to have a friendly. cup of following stalls: Ci : - veer st ; Phone Blue 086 sewing machine. consol mod- ,, oe eet ae "aan on ton Ces . Sewing and Fancywork — Mrs.1 Howeyer, 4000 essays take a] Foundations and Re-Roofing Tailoring - Alterations (295), @l, like now. Red 912 (292) | ria } ry if The bazaar Was opened by Rev. William McLean and Mrs. D ed Rg i study aot 216-Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 ' ami‘ , . , Mce of the District ¥ ‘ j a Sah as? ve Gable. Christmas Tree Fishpond an e judges are busily : ‘ . i novelties. Eddie's LOST AND FOUND Rupert, B.C. the Lice wo vohn FT wining. rector § the Gable. Chris mas Tre ar i ieork foe. Wianers will Se abe] P.O. Box 721 Clothes Made-to-Medsure ie) : iain ia Ath ae ake Sat parish of St. Peter's. Guests were Mrs. K. Dopson and Mrs : a ae oa 220 Sixth St. Phene 649 Ss “ LOST Hamilton wrist watch Hemlock and Cottons on f received at the door by Mrs. W.| Mori, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream nounced as “= oy e judges | os ody uses 99. (©); with gold expansion bracelet.|comprising of part of Lote 711, 712.15 gyinner Miss Evelyn mudsvick finish their deliberations. 4 FOR YOUR ROCK ; : 2 Co. Lim- | @ Lone Biaek 500 or Black 954. 0) Stewart (Weet side of Bear| The Afternoon Branch of the| Pourers represented both the i AND CONCRETE WORK SCOT! McLAREN a nn Detoree ; Tinin gg‘ (292) River). ¢ Land District Women’s Auxiliary acted as gen- St. Peter's Women’s Auxiliaries || EVERY $08 GUARANTEED : “i ato or in &. ~~ Pive (5) years will be allowed for era) eonveners, and sponsored and the St. Andrew's Cathedral Royal Conservatory CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT " . ageing end Con FOR SALE--REAL ESTATI ’ £ timber : c of) lnwl the persons of Mrs We P. F + lis Auxiliaries in the persons of 4 ‘our Cement For Less Equipment. inquir . aanenennenne Provided anyone unable to attend | the following stalls: ; . : Shenk } of Musie of Toronto } James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. ‘ Granville Island, FOR SALE.-Six-room home with | tn« per ty submit/ Home Cooking—Mrs. M. Vier- F Longa mre ‘ ™ ye Saag : Phone. Blue 939 Prince Rupert, B.C. ! 1, BS, (tf three reom revenue suite in r to be opened at our of eck, Mrs. D. Sievert and Mrs. J.|J. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. J | % ’ : 5 treated d : ; sdole T rers’ table was | Phune 347 P.O. Box 374 : PORTRAITS, ap- angers waek 2 on Mee Purther particulars 1 eye pete o—- st “ oom p ecuver yeas neweney — = ; | ‘ JH i : ap- ro tifa chen arc ute). from the Deputy ter of and Mrs. V. KE orrison. Ca ps i a ovely eu z ‘. 2 nook Completely 9 urnishe d ce ee ot . rect Mre J. Kurdziel and Mrs. W. F. tablec . -_ — . mtu EXAMINATIONS PRECISION SAW FILING Train Schedule paadoses a7, 1, Morton Youngs, Real Estate porester, Prince Rupert ; ~~, Hammond. White Eelephant and eentred with a tastefully | $1 6 ; 1297) de Insurance. Phone. 451 "0 0.15.29 %9.00,i3.20.27%) |Mammond. White ssveesslaek ieaaa ak Seale FEBRUARY, 1953 © A\ll Types cf Saws sae pe TIME FINEST CLEANER 4 edd : Aepitetions aut tens men. | Sharpened * ° ‘or the East— : Pp } = a . . | Mea te ee ee reach the Conservatory not | P Daily except Sunday.2..8 pm. ch. Green 209. ove In FOR CHRISTMAS — cor teen Jan te, 1953 | ¥ except S ¥.5-B service ‘©? Wartime four, basement, cemen | 215 Ist Ave. W. Phone epg From the Buxt— : -— Daily exeept Monday 9:48 p.m 7 Se | A ( j WG 135 COLLEGE STREET founds ‘Ww iarEe view Rs ’ stomatie of} heat- foundations, new ge vie B K uses seas tal pod agy® 0-8 windows, garage in basement RADIO DIAL Or } ag ORON are 1 : be West. Letourneau Price $4,750, terms Can » | Pee eee ta en cc, senile easier eee nee (tf), bought fully furnished ' Subiect to Change) ‘ ; . ; Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 2 ) ave floors sanded “ i PPP APPL NOPE MOE “— . inc alr e letter boxes in- | Phone 342 Biack 197 eve vant ss wires PLC G é | Ss e ate rime) aoe .cind anes } Service and Satisfaetion , a " HOUSES WANTED TO BUY Borne Peerte Pe ; ; P “Trees OB ss Y BLACK WOOD : es ; Trees Ne ave several buyers fer ©:00-—-CBC New By EASLE Aluminized. Order Ww pay es : = » og ed > -H Broa ‘ oe i | aaueak 20th. Don't be eee tase inn eer: q Hel 7 wat Here’s How To Give Up PAINTING. AND | . oe 7 . . mediate inspectio an Wek) ¢ Whatcha Know, Joe eu a < t | £8. % of y i none (aa8p) | Sale, Phone ae geemeany Om | A Trick and Gain Two PAPERHANGING DININ =| Armstrong Agencies Ltd. ,)o) Spe grpnen” ; ae BEST OF FOOD | Flectrical Works. MO-) phone 342, Black 197 evenings 1 CBC Nev One of the marks of a fine player is the willing-) KING Phone Blue 693 i id, rewound and (206) short. Storie ick which can obviously be: won,|| (INEST OF COO PLEASURE | OE) | ——nomemeacenaceemantncccoenmmmmenins | 10:30--Dencing Forse ness to give up a trick which can obviously be-won,|| por TAKE OUT ORDERS Prince Rupert, B.C. : wii GLASS CO. Glass nS sae vaso in the interests of an over-all plan for successful Phone 200 | are rN E oses, Phone 426. FOR RENT 3-room fully- 12 a gompay —si‘<‘«‘é RN: other heart lead Luxury St SPARKLING NEW a (301) |" furished suite. Quiet couple | wEDAN Sut Mr. Masters in with the ace.| Nomi dealer Broadway Cafe | i paceriasc SURROUNDINGS | only need apply. Box 575 Daily . : yr me nig : vl tal oint. 11 Neither side vulnerable (0a y a a “Ww (2092p) | 2:00--Bign Of Ann ct i nis was the crucial poi t ; : f ‘ rea | ee Sere ae | eee | ere (Keno ees ORE RT eae t uit Bmoking FOR RENT Two furnished) 9:00--Sac Nev oe? | more diamonds. But neither did s—K Q7 soe SSS 4 ” ealunie rooms. No children. 1805 8th) 9:0 Mi el, On a diamond return | H--10 3 SAILS FOR | adel: o F liminator Ave. Bast (293), ¥.30-—Ha Mr. Abe 5 a 1d D—-A K Q954 . . ; ain pre ae | OTH it appeared that Mr. Abel coulk 2; mu keep that New w 100 ; # a ee 6 : lution Be prepared! FOR RENT—Light housekeeping (000-2 © JUS trump high, pick up any ~ ce es DRYDOCK ancoliver ‘ for free booklet room. Suit workimg-girls or jp 45 ay of the Spirit tanding trump and enter the) (i nai) (Mr. Masters) = | i Pharmacal Ltd., = married couple. Red 816 (}t) 11.00 =. ‘ a bereces seuree Te a s. $543 . Ad 10 9 | AND SHIPY ARD dias . i Ont ‘ cS ERE oo Ata + os o ase | spades ub losers re s HK 42 oe ; intermediate Ports NWA : - WANTED TO RENT yk — | hand could then be discarded * ¥¢ : » .; 7 . SHIPBUILDERS AND Each Thursday dient sec ey oN — " , i ; . N.Y. Phitharmonic Symphony|on dummy’s diamonds ne ENGINEERS at 11:15 : The pt laco’ » WANTED TO RENT—January "4 30 ‘ riti ally Speaking : | hyviously jummy could noi ra . eh ere a ' ! remarene® | or four- or five-room house OF) 4.90.Fiddie Joe's Yarns wr ae aa = on cw. ai ) tron ei:d Mpass Cantings For KETCHIKAN i “to kit’ the roots apartment ans Con z nen : en a Boat a — . — oo. a ~e@39875 Blectric and Acetylene " WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT 4 iy 4 shildren. Box 5 Daily 00-—OBC Ne ore , eg eee D--% 3 le : ° ae rae — emeree at $05-—Ask the therman to knock out that entry al S A 10-4 Welding Comfort and Service Gumus lab on) See — : $:12-—Weather For day 9 ag oA a te left. | | ———— sie VER a ) Granville! Vancon : . an’ tha ‘aon Mr. Dale still had a trump | te eideins a ; . ati == 2 (H) WANTED TO RENT ae oc : 0 al. A Bundt > cab ert iif Mr. Dale started with only cts : ‘Bost South Went SPECIALISTS oe SAWMILL ON ee a cae via Waypoints " Sh house or suite, unfurnishe 4:30-—CBC Chamber Music two trumps, there was no way| 1D Db! 1H Pass an . SUNDAY ime . rupert group Phone Blue 782 (292p) | Foo. St Chorale to beat the hand with any lead.)| 22 Hees 2H Pass | MINING MACBINERY CITY OR DEPOT ime Camsdin Sm Anonymous to- ne 7 ‘ t Symphonies 6 r . | 8H All pas | See * a. PO. Box 1511, SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent) °°)” 5a _— Lead the ace and another | ; ae es SSS OFFICE FRIDAY SIN > 0--Steg : t ———— INCE RUPERT. — o- Ee wom tei | soade, then? No, because that} thus Jost. no spade tricks at all.| 7:30—OBC News; Weather Rep¢ ifensive play y’s a er : oe Stnait WANTED — FEMALE See wane asi 19 38 Ausical Stow land while it looked odd at Ciel mawee ‘hears a . For Outside Orders Phone 133 maine ance Rupert Agent ue >t on wile on an tees ee LOV. s ay in : "ETENT reliable woman|WANTED — ~ aoe or Here’s Bill Good | time, it was the only way to set bron Try Daily News Want Ads ven n 25 yt mere of ee re ee on) g:15—Morning Sone ae the contract. omer SONSre) Cee ceeree) §6eet, DSS, anh ee ce Mr. Dale led the 10 of dia- IE . v NG tenogre e mpt PaY-| g-45-—Little Concert % BLOND ok ten en a oe ines bon & | oe BBO Ne a tank Commentary | monds which was taken on the! . working conditions Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| 9:15—Recordea otove gg me board with the queen. A heart se com : sr, BC. Phone PAcific| 9:25—“Dorothy Douglas She was led, Mr, Masters ducked and ce ommencing salary and! ‘couver, (H) | 9:30—Harmony House von bast tx ae, Dale's Kika AH, THERE'S J lanency if gatisfactory.| 6357. | 9:59-—~Time Signal the queen lost to Mr mer 3 MY LADDER ) “y person needing employ- . saddles, Black- | 10:00—Morning Visit Mr. Dale now led his last dia- THAT HE“) ly. Pr ag Abe need PA eh nd irill, Forge, | 10:15—Musical See mond, the deuce, and dummy’'s pean eZ ‘iy Phone 866 for appoint-| smith by ol a logging | het ee Rtgs FF eg would give Mr. Abel two spade | RETURNED 9 write P.O, Box 1730 vise a “Mattson, Gen.|11:00-—Kindergarten of the Au tricks. There was only one play a Del, ‘Prine Rupert. (292p) | 11:15—Roundup Time ieft—the right one. Mr. Masters “Give )—Weather Report CARS FOR SALE soon ERE secon ' bata se Period returned the jack of spades. _..— |WANTED TO BUY—One single | 11:31—Message Peri : : : Dummy’s queen won and Mr.| ~ { OR 108) Bare snring mat-| 11333—Rec. Int nth radio. a eae pew bee an ipnet spring x | i146 Scandinavian Melodies Abel realized he could’ never tg, lo. Act condivion. 347) tress; also —— at)| PM jreach dummy after trumps were | ee ne | 12:00—-Mid-Day Melodies jout. He led the ace of diamonds | : POR § E ; Doda dan, SASH for scrap ass, copper, | 12:15-—CBC News an iscarded his last spade. | . au Give, with radio, heater Ofatteries and radiators Phone 7 . Se eeniin 2 me ruffed and fired back ° 4 Mes ton oes, terms. Faas — 630 6th Avenue wee SE ttle 5 todo. Ae. Siok cited aan : We 095, after 6 pm, (2 . .