PAGE TWO Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents a Month Mem . Delivered in Prince Ruj$ert 'p: Commencing with the beKinnir.jr of 1928 the price of the Daily News is as follows: Delivered in J'rnne Rupert, 50c a month in advance, or iayear. . tf 'f fut-of-town in Sortfcern or Central KfiL $3.00 .a vear or months foiSl.00. r Other Canadian or tJ.S. polllts. S6.00 a vur. The only way to keep in touch with tto North is to read a northern paper. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. l'ULLEX - - - Managing Editor SUBSCRIITIOX RATES i nere are ;wo k i ! I i .. ;i . those wiiM nuke nioriey ,, j- ,i n, are others who tat-.e a i i i , j rl ,( jn it succeed Irom a n. o: lo.aitv The help of hot h is n-i t i . Th e an effort :.. an ..: ih' ..N,.;, rectors and make the lai. u.i'tin , INTERESTING The retiring pre-uh:.- -,r jrestions in his repm . i o., ,,i Avenue should he . r.:i!.v d road, wide enough for i ,,r-poaaible to do so. w4jtTi WVdn,.da. .Maivh 21. 1!2 THIS YEAR'S FAIR Is there l(. be a lair tm- , i ;i;,.r.. im:" ,,., on the ,e,!e p..,,,,.. i;,,,,,,;. 1; .Jirl U l. .hi, pij . tu attend the m.-t.iitf .aii..! li .,t u!--. ,,; i.eM neek think ii i-ii..r :, . u...,t.i . ' " ! .leu; IV (1 1 c . ii urn me meeting. .; ; tie iu,rh i i. Ml the lo, ai 1; 'pie ho conir e e ent and w i the city and ea r it is hoped that :h. ' VorK ol till til.- I It V. Sl (.(.ESTIONS 'i t'a ma i.e. -"ni. " est )- Vll MVkv ' :i., :'.' it- "hi .1- A 'perale. -hoiiid he , nits up-ti do i It :h- peii. aa airied (,',. i, i I..,, ih:.i someone must do n. The ,. v ;il no- run itself and the same people cannot ie e.pecu-i t. . .,rr oi: year alter ear. It is not uiu-oiiiinoi! i,,r fair mo ling he p,-v attended. The .-aiur iiijihj na Happened nere Im;m.,. M.P,.. .1 lenaee mis year several nieetin-- wei nuuiuei .urneii om t w.niai:: u.. 1.1 ..... men would nae to drupped Tile laet 1 lla' lie ,.V . f,.:;,,. poor, does ir! mean an.Mhn.e .-thinking that someone w j ) ! e.,i' y not worry. Now if j kn.-vt :. i,.,-' ; fair will If al'owed :., a;; ested wili Ii,- i,-,r.. I ;. ., e ( I ' n ir ailed i.ef It mi! : I. hi th- work any way and th 'here i-."her , lot ' it , TWO KINDS (K INTEREST TV. -I att. da At iei:' fair la.-: !i:v'h: a' the nie'-nnvr was m, 'p: that fie people are i ml i : : e rent . neec n . I :,ere art hen- anil there tild like to ha-e insiitutioiis. : 'ere-tinv -:.''. :i 'hat Let them get their own ! 11.' ! (li- Children choose it for its taste It's ready to serve with milk or cream Filled with healthful nourishment MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS u V ' 1: any la'e a gOo4 'i-'iucted if it is Another suggestion is tor a thorough renovation of the midway ?????nJ0l th fair Kithr U m,wt improved or wholly baBiahrf. Whether it should go in front of the buildinr is a ques-Mob for the directors bot at any rate it should be brought up to T7k rPecUW appearance as the other sections of tse fair. rVe cannot afford to have it continue as at present IJRRARY CUT DOWN' It seems a pity that in its pruning process the city council should have found it necessary to cut the Librarv estimates to a point where it will interfere with the purchase of the usual num-nwsi LT T Lwt summer it was found desirable to slightly hM-rea, the salary of the Librarian and it was expected that the city weald at least allow for thl Inensas. in k.;. .J7.. The Library is an institution that gives more service to the citiiens than any other public institution and when readers realise that the council has pared the appropriation to such a point that nura7 "Mr books this year must be considerably less than last year, they will undoubtedly make a protest. EXCELLENT WORK OF COUNCIL We have n. intention of being critical of the general work of the city council. It is so good thut it in with hesitation anv criti- m,de Th .W" of tn flty will be grateful to them for their efforts - in keeping down the coat and consequently re fkflnt! Ll?"L U "laie' the c,,v in 8 financial condition tnaB has beeh the case for several years past and will reassure the " ""-unties, thus making it much more easy to dispose of city bonds 1 THE DAILY NEttS Tfa IH'Ml.i Suggestion Made to Close Down Fair but Another Chance is Given at Meeting Called for Next Week Only Nineteen Persons Out to Hear Keports and no Action Taken Except to Mett Again for Election of Officers .March 29 After some pointed remarks had been made by those present as to the lack of puhlic interest which vas .apparently bewftvtuke the welfare, of. the Prince Ruperf EahrMjiafl'rve Columbia Agricultural & industrial .liapoHl a inir last nisrht. decided to adjourn uiniiffr.hvnrfrB VT, ft the hope of obtaining a larger attendant of members to participate in the election of officers for 1928 whiJh is postponed until that time. The meeting heard and adopted the report of President Frank Dlbb on operations of the year 1927 as well as the financial statement for the past yeai. Genera gratification and " " r--- was expret.wd at the . th, nomin,.j0n and election splendid lowing that had been made . ,,-,. a, nostDooed until mcb oy iat ccara n not amy v.-.pins tljn. u fa jfM ,nd secretary out a large deficit nori S3 000 new. handed down to it from 1936. bu; 13. alter me-rtlng all 1K7 which anoxias. Dan Jabswjr r- seconded Mr 61 r Included a rather extensive' butWlr.g Dtfcb felt that It was not and improvement pro ram harla a atrj fw 1 board to resign. Iti stunt! cash balance on hand of same Urm v. an-nmaticaiiT ex. $14. Nineteen person thowed sufficient p;re, . ,u. ,c hw an cx. interest to attend las; night meeting, j prn at -vyv on Mr. Self's pro- " Thv lrt Frank nihh IBM nrt. Jf. ... .. , pcaai. ine meeuns was n a npw City DdiTery, by mail or carrier, "d,,nt; oloT Han"n vice-p.-e.-aent w yearly period, paid in advance SS.00 MnUtlw oat AOs For lutfr twrmH nairt in .u . D. Vanre, who acted a scre'a:y: S E KrH board waa deserving r- " ... uu.aiKr, jti uiuiuji 5y . By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. ' 1, . jol 1Lc . ,h-iiu f.-l.OO' Fred Sraddcn. K B Baker 14 Or four montos for $l.oo'Mu:itir.. p. c. Miner j o wii;:aa- oy man to an oiner parts ol Kntish Columbia, the British i H F oiawev. sialrbim McLeod. D. empire and United btates, pid in advance per year By mail to all other countries, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 95 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION $6.00 $7.50 XIcD Hunter and O A. Johnscn he felt that the of better support B Casey. , matter of fact ;he moat of those WOtllEH ATTKMfT O. B. Cuts fell that there waa truth and sot lit la Use remarks that bjui bcen made by Mr. Self. There was no The report of the secretary as adopt- hoWr, te the board feellaf that ed on motion cl 8 X. Parker, secoujed ttM pumt lBWmt- aad 1m. ty D. McD Hunrr lqa tb9 awtter as aueMd k Mr. VOT: Ol TIUNKS NftMps. UMTe were aosas rxMI In movlaa'tbe adoption of Use preal- ,raafiiia fr Um seamlut sack of lo- : - n-port. D. McD. Boatet propoaea tenet itM peaaOe of Prtnot Rupert of thanks Be also passed ere aot oassl to taktaa much active : .- prti-i.!at and the dlreciors far part in the lalr. The wort vas usually: p. i cl . showing that had bean carried out by Use small (rouB of aaen a ...uv Ti t 'ion waa seconded bj N. ccnetltatlng Use board of dlreciors and! arrled It wai one of the people awsatfbl; forgot that thee I r,,- - be had heard In the vere a part or the main tody of thti i t, ity of the Fair. i-1 , uortatloa. Inanirt of Mr. BelTa n. . s..' action, he asjgagaaud that the taetag - -sson pieeeded the ad)ourn until aosne fixed date In the k tion to defer the future and that the people be brought ri . :- mtU there should to realise that tt vas up to them to .!-.; : .: attendance. elect a beard of directors and start the l - a : appreciation that work golne. -I do not feel that It h e -: v for the egprta right to aay the ve are through. We " ' pulled UiMsikh aa elttama. still hae some laepiasjl- - ' - -.'i Hassion felt Mlrry la the aaatter and I say tha; i:e: w. Tapere in the another attesapt ahould be made t la- ' one waa tana the tinnpli. Further, thlp board This was ahould feel grateful to the people for ' merest the support they bate fleo without - .. he which no success such aa baa keen . :et. achleted could have been attained." - ' ' lr" TWO A LT E KX'.l T I t . t vu Up u the people etlher to I: i"i:i's ' ' urn out ::d elect a new board or al ow the Fair to la pee a. I Parkei felt "' "he support of the public which bad EXPENDITURE Prise Money oaiai ica ana wages Fire Inaumnoe on Build lac aade the IM7 fair a success was fully ' pprectated. Such a saull attendanoe . -. t annual ruin Mag howeeei was ApI,: : ' 'r; s1 ' '", ' wth dssaavjotnaiavr and tllseswtlwgtna Mr Parker asoewd la aatendmeut that the annual leetlug be adjourned for a a the election of ofacers to cloar oiof Hanson seoouded the roent. Thousb such a small attendance !tl.M;!y mlht warrant tha lanarH Ir. nulKlu ' s- ' not wlar to we another still some responsibility muat br postponemenu of the annual realized In the matter and it waa pos-L-Ting such aa there had been last slble people anight have bad atane good jear. It was his opinion that the excuses in not attending on thai oc pi as apt board of directors should resign caalon. and leave it in the hands of the preal- As long as the public was stirred up. cent and secretary to call another Ben Self expreeaed willingness to with-meeting at such time In the future draw bis motion, mpsrlstlj since It wee as the cttiaeae might teel like setting evident that It waa the wish of the together and supportlag the Fair. I mettlag. He pointed out. however, that ay that ia the time W stop when we it waa already two amonths lata. Theat do not owe anybody." continued Mr. . waa much detail amrk whirFi ahmiiai elf After having gone through the have been organ tmet and gotten under ordeal myself for seven years now. I way In January. Itrwa Important that have come to the conclusion that it la there should be no more delay w not worth while to bother and 1 think waa necessary. that there are others of the directors H F. Olaasey i iijeiaaiiS concurrence waa feel about the aame as I " Mr. In remarks which had been made by Self moved that the present board re- the retiring dsrectora. The lt7 board Financial Statement of Fair Shows Considerable Surplus Used to Liquidate Old Debts The financial statement of the auditor of the accounts of tht Northern B.C. Agricultaral and Industrial Association presented at ne meeting last mgni a no agopted shows a surplus on hand of $2.-59S.39. This amount waa aecd by the directors in payiag debts Incurred the previous year ao that tha association ufk aven with all debts paid. The receipta and expendHures follow: REVENUE Orautih Provincial Ooiirnment . aa)D0 .nuiaii Ajjwriamjt City of Prince Rupsrt Membership Fees .' Donations Advertlaenent m Prist List .' Admission iteoelpts Conceaslona and Booths Entry Feea. sa7j6. genu of Building. SIM . . . . . . . . . Empire Day Drawings duimiijt iwwi7va Sigh Repairs and Mnlateeiaaite of Building . OrantUrtaiid. S1S3 84 Fire Bscape. HUM Coat of bringing la eshlbits Light Phone. Water and Power Membership Drive Fxpeaaes, ttM. Fuataaa, USti Biampede Fein aud Corrals BUK.'U'B for lag? carried to Surplut account l jooao lata oo aaeo.TO see ao 4J07.00 647g0 inJt iiaaa.4 Adverttalng WJJ OeiveraJ btpenses tKl&2 Printing Prtse Uat. snatlstwry. etc . giatl Sports and Attractions OOXSt lJMge .T? fltJS iJMMX 1.1M44 ii.eos.4o BRIGHTER YOUR HOME - NOW - AT UtVlU gxFT BQiifNEW 5 comer effect is the latest thing in RUG patterns Again, Conftoleum Gold Seal RugsleaiUnestablisli-inj new ruft fashions . . this time with a new corner effect that can be used as either the new rounded effect or square. Again, Congoleum Gold Seal Rug tt a new standard for quality with the new "Multi-cole" surface, vt hereby longer wear is built Into the felt base and Ihrouthout the durable surface. Yet, with all these advantage, retries the most surprising news waa to be congratulated on the success It bad attained. There ahould be a greater measure of public support than waa now being shown F.UB FOSTFONEM8XT W. H Sherman favored the postponement of the meeting and agreed that jicre general interest ahould be taken. PoMsbly it was not awuerally wader tcod that boldera of Ucfeets aw the at Thieb had been raffled last year were, entitled to participate ia the aantsal .nartlng. suggteted Mr. Ceaey. Fred BasdSsn stated hia aurBfise at i the splendid financial statement. It! waa the beet annual report he had ewer j hard. D Met). Hunter had also been some- what surprised at the showing. Still. however, it had been an excellent ' toasd sad success might have been ex-1 psctsd from it. The present attitude j ia the part of the people was not un-1 usual nor was It malicious Ha felt hrt another appeal might asset with better tasponae. The report waa very fmufyiag sad osw upon which the board might be congratulated The report had been a real pleasure to . Musasllem. Oood work had been doe for which there would be due Igantlathui. There should be no thouaht of dlseontlnulne the fair k tgBvght. It was. In his mind, the moat effective saeans of advertising the city ta the district, tt was about tht only .Um the crty became tempting to real, a Us district. He twgretted ta sulta After some further discussion, m which the nismilty of letting as early a start aa possible was stressed. It was finally decided to adjourn for the else tion of ofnoen until March 38 Cant H Calderwood of the DUbv Is land ferry boat Rhooa salted by the Camoaun last night for Victoria as hie annual holiday trip Saturn tog to tht ettf la a fortnight, he will be aseorn-paaled by Mrs. Cslderwood and family whs have been aauth for aqaae time. Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. 0. Asses, U St Georft Street, ChsUsm, Oat, writes i "Last whiter sty three boys had terrtlis eetdf sad s eeagb that husj on so eag that It beg-aa to warry at. " I west to tsy drsrnst sad as stked M if I Lad tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "I tsld him I had net, tmt that I would, tad I tsost say that after thsv had n(h d tht third betUt the wtrt tstirely rid of tXt couth, "I 4 "tver be withest a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' on baud," Priea t5e. a bottle, large famfly U We. I wit to ealy by The T. Uubun .L- ii -v J! I I I II " . MXSSft tim- ., M , Saa Cmvtee CeateUesi CM J0 fwtsWtlvpBjr sWA tldsd b theCMd Seal ea the surface. Taef Oaarsalts ol MUsfatlfM sad a suMexe el lb Mt jfny tstee year ""r cso ( j of all Price are notv lover than ttvr. Your dealer has a full assort ment of beautiful new patterns to stlect from at these low prices. (ONG OLEUM nil Rugs i CONGOLEUM CANADA LIXUTED, MONTREAL G0LEUM SL Mill HAL 1 I i AuwnwuHMiat Cseasliwss Caasda Laalisd. I Itn tk Patrick Sucet. Mot easy el year latent bceWct m:.-. Ckr. Prf a ' v Ml Special :: Offering of COATS far LAMBS, MISSKS AM) CHIl.DIIEN COATS POU CHILDREN Regular value up to $18.00. Special price COATS FOR INDIES AND MISSKS itegglar valne ap U $26.00. Special price S12" Have your choice of these splendid garment- , last, for they will not laat long at these prices. B. C. Fur Company Third .Avenue Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK CANADIANJ PAcinc AND SHIPYARD Operating. (i.T.P. 20,000 Ten Ploallng Dry Dfi EnaJnrera, Machlnlstg, Dollerrnakcxa. UlackamlllM. I'sii"" makers. Founders. Woodworker. Kle- ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDlNfi. Our plsnt la equipped to handle all kings of MARINE AND COMMKHCIAL WOHK. PnONKS 43 and 38S Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Seirviccs Sailings from Prince Rupert To KHritlksn. HrsNtll, Juneau, ssd Skaiway Msreh 11. II. Ills Vtnevuter, VMerls and Heal lie Marrh IS, t.t, April 4. raictss iitATRict tot Dsfedale, East flells Bella, Otean tails, Nama, Alert Bay. Campbell RUer. sod Vsneaater every Sslurdsr, 11 a.m. tey ret all ttesmshlp Lines. fall lafornutlts frees . W. ti. OKIIIARU. Ilenersl ifeat. ' r rrtirr of 4th ntrert snd Srd awnse. I'rlnre Kaert ItC. I"M