P.G.E. LOSES" ITS LAW CASE'S counter ctalm ol the POI i ,,ict by COMMUTED TO on Mrs. Dorla McDonald un 'i of murder at Lachlne. (Juebrc. of to' driver was oommuted tciy to ' 1 . niirlsonment. iiusband. Oeorge MeDonald. will : Friday at Valleytleld. Quebec. FARMERASHORE NEAR NANAIMO TATA LA REPAIRS TO I VMS - - . at manaimo. March 21 The itwwf,N'"'! 'uadun Purmar went ashore at Gal- Thla group haa been develop'. in recent yeara oy a u. mintnz engineer, to the eatent of aome i iup. it iiivmtiiii'IIiin iiiMI'.WV ,.ntv.Lhouaand dollara. There are To i,;r .. tOH OtKHIIttl- mber of showing on the propwt) IT IJMMIKT including silver lead-ali.c showings with -- hmh valuea. grey copper running up to MoUVBa. MARCH at Tnr hundted ounree in silver, and abo wa that may prove to t onatruwUon Cumpany id-allMr ebowlnga 1 judgflMnt by Mr Justice Mor- of urge ela. 'lay atur a trial 1 the com- tuv new deal U a three year option chum for overhaul from the ltll $1300 cash paid. Money for a 1 (lie-it Baatrrn Railway m con- lhv.lopment canpatgn thla year and with Uteir contract lor a bi cxt haa atao been provided and Mr v nil north of Lllooel Ul.r.le will be In charge of thU work. ' miii was approalmauly i3 000 .,, , due to start a aoon aa . . ... rH Mmsinh ; .... .tii.r rnnriitions permit. j- M-ttled. althoiiKh the ludnment : Mr McOUI repe.ru that very grcal , , ....iv ... ., i th, olalnttB .merest la taken In the Omineca ni people in Seattle. Spokane .w.. 11.. 0011- v,...,i and Vancouver ine pn u. . hi vuc riwiii w. . the latter city - in ("1-!,,tok rnthualasm 1- exceeded the time limit. m . n.H.mmt'u. ..rii 1 to Hood acoouut by aome 1 . ..... minim confnanlcs Duthie 01 iw - Mire l imited atock la tne levorue u. , i.iiders are not ready to sell I so very lime If any. traUBg haa taken 'place m " Tlie Topiey.lticniieiu . .n.niinn but has fallen I Vancouver about the Silver Cup and win. own hit Hire VVIU.. . -,.- nMr New Haaelton. M:ittK I.IKK SI'.NTKNCi: L-hlch are being developed by W. . INNTRAI) Dornberg and aasoclatee. The Uohawk lMlne New Haaelton la alao attracting xtawa, March ai ' The death " .U(.non owing to the high valuea. BE COMPLEIEU UU .1. I. tl'iifr Cm Will KM T" Neat Week Catala. which The -teamcr 8lmpson last November and Pnrt ed near undergoing extnslve repair, h,,. nan u en fc ril D ttnt. l" , 1 1. 1.. ih water -I'tiver. is it V.iiu n v,1(l, u, word received from that the Biinounced ,,,, it is Point laat night but waa expected l" ' tl.m, Mnli 37 and u ) ' " 'at off at high tide today. In1 "hip uV,r t0 the owners on Matoh ' m"k Hie Princeaa Patricia she ewung J' 11 )mj Mml( for completion or 'l"e to shore, grounding near 30 , (lir ,,liry .jrll. (I.ll-..t.' l;.,t. ll f classifying mgr.wayi waa ow-w by Hon. W. H. Sutherland today. If the opinion of the municipalities was found t . support the change, he slated that the government would assume the enure BL-st of b iliu:nu and 'maintaining the Drimary highways while secondary 'ltlhwa). wjuld be the entire reaponal mlltv of loral councils. TraJflr had reached auch a etage. me ..(,- Lau.H where nractlcally all .he primary hlghwaya required perman ent hard urfa;lnic The municipalities :s oer cent of a hard surfacing joo oiteu wcrked out greater on mileage basis than their M per cent anal on aecou- riirv rnad. If the new sytm were Moptea we r)vernroen.t cotdd proceed aocording to rtri iite nolicv without the nereeeuy r rnnxultine the municipalities. How ever, befrre such a policy couia oe piu ..... .rru-t it mleht be necessary to 1 Rise some of the present secondary ruuds into primary classification PROMINENT LEADER OF I PROVINCIAL TORIES IS VISITOR TO THIS CITY W A. McKeiMle of Pentlcton, well known Conic rvatlve M.L.A. for Btmllka-meen and recognised today aa one of the leaders of the party in tne provin cial field, la a visitor In Prince Rupert, having arrived from the south on the Prince Oeorge thla morning,, oeverai local leaders of the Conservatives met him at the boat and are suitably en tertaining him. NANAIMO MAN DIED STRUCK BY A TREE FROM PLANE KKCK.ttll: AtXI TIKIHIMT T he that or iiiNtiiri.im: AM) I AIK COMPANION KAHAIIllIN I HON HOUKK Maine. Man-h II. A rtnuoe aa 'tele-phunetl lierr today from C'lawjHlek's nnii. 18 mile abote here tlwu un KbMnee In a Canadian plane sesreh-Ing for llliMlM-llffe had seen what he believed i HTerkagr wn White-nip Miiuntuln anil two IxHllea. but he was unuble to land. FISHERMAN BROKE HIS LEG IN HEAVY WE YTHER HJarne Kaarn UroNgM In lr UmprU' Treatment OlymptMs tat Mi iu 10 AlUn There was no sale of halibut at the Piah Exchane thla mnrmng. the only btiat offering a catch being trie American vcMel Garland with 9.000 pounds. The Vam-frnver boat Olympla HI., which brought in a member of the crew njarne Kaasen. who had broken Ins leg when a heavy aea da'hed him against the housrwark. for hosptUl treatment disposed of HOO pounds to the Atlln Pherles yesterday. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL KMILIMI UJAtllH, HIV. I. Mlddleaboro 0. Aeton VUla 0. SHITTIMI i.kaoi i:. Ill V. II. Clydebank 2. Arthurlle 0. ('ANCOt! V Kit KXCHANCK Argenta Bayvlew Big Mlaeourl . Cork Province Oeorge Copper Oecrgln River Oolconda Orandview . . Independence Indian Intercoal (Kxdi NANAIMO. March 21. John Kldd Kcotenay Plorence died lat nljiht at Ladyamllh Hospital L and I from Injuries received when struck by Lucky Jim a falling tree He was an employee of Marmot Metals the Nanalmo Lumber Oo, ,Nat. 811 Oas 'pendort llle TOLMIE MAY RUN IN !!Srr CITY OF KAMLOOPS KrSp. "::::: silverereat VICTORIA Man li 1 Hon. S. K sicca n Kim: Tolmle plana to run for the Provincial Sunlocli lglalature In Kamloops. according to Whitewater 1.1 -vy In 'lit VIC iU Tlmcu HVoilblnc Bid. .00 Va aa S.50 417 .90. . .02 .001 .30 'a 12 . .40 'j ..17 .23 4 a 00 '.17 .11 'a 2.00 .50 Asked .SI .10 .47 aao .41 .91 .64 )V .11 .33'.. 41 .I7V-, .234 nao a.M .90 . 80 .11 13 4 00 2.06 .3' at ms roiMC SHROVE: Prince of Wales and oiher notables are on a specially bum puuiorm enjoving the Shrove Tuesday football game i he brook at Ashbourne. It is a rough, exciting sport which has come down from history PROPOSED ROAD SAW BODIES .ESTBEING SYSTEM CHANGE MIMHTMt or M HLIC WOHKM MAKES SlUttCSTION IOR lKOVIMl. TAKINO (IVEIt IMUMIKY KOl VANCOUVER. March 21 The blllty of a radical change In the system HELD IN CITY ClltCl MSTANCES ATTKNIIIMl KILLINM OK MKTI.AKATI,A IMHAN ItEINfi I'UOIIKll IIV COUOM.lt While the fatality Is believed to have been accidental, tt has been decided by Coroner Norman A. Watt to hold ar lnqueet thla afternoon at the provincial pollea court Into the circumstances at- r..re .u nruvei conclusively 'hat tne asscclatlan was fully Justified in Ita de- cision to cjntlnue the annual fair. The liabilities which the 1927 board assumed Iij.u . -i 1 i ve a detriment aa many cltl- e..5 lercj. Lecaue the board refused to be daunted by sub a thing aa a Idc.lcit i:.f s;t out to work curageiusly !. . isv thi- icundatlcna-for a lair that l.r-.ca stv.M ui as b-n.e out by a re-Ln issued by the B.C. Pairs Association j .roaj t!ie depai l.:wih ol agriculture. : - . .. .1 . . D,riM Ruiwrr i Hriiisn mivnT tending the killing by a allot gun ; building, a ure escape - wound off Tugwell Ulaad yeeterdayist a coat of 135 .nd grandstand ac-momlng commcdanou was lucreaaed at a caat of of Phillip McXay. young Met- In view of the "ln-prlncipally elMM. lakatl. Indian. The Inquest 1. called for the purpcee of eetabiuh-; ry espenditute. amounting to L the year ended with a aurplus of $2.-. whether or not there was any neg-! .. ., '593 S9. This magnificent aurplua en- bled the b.mrd to liquidate all out-hat ecewed-s companion In the boat, la the butt end of the gun waa rest-l'tv ig liabilities. . ,r.h,.rrt n.ar the combine! Alter th books were closed and au- w-, ik. nuvm fn. ,d!'.sd. an account nt of pf f330 M3J0 waa waa pre .ng to the bottom of the boat and oinlna the fatal d'achane. iimmer at the lislicrles float on the : cal waterfront when an Indian woman ume within an ace of being ahot. WILL INVESTIGATE HEALTH INSURANCE ('MttntlPec t lie Aapltrd mii to (arry mil Wish of UgtslHtiirr the prairies for the elevator I Save Money Boston Grill T!)e cheapest way to buy th Lurife Upstair Dining Hall, p., iv News la to subscribe by the with newly laid dancing ., ,r The cost la 15.00 and your floor, for hire. :s delivered to your addreea NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. t,'u evening. Jut figure out the The latent ani best for the; iint to you for thlt dally PRINCE RUPERT leant I'hnn 457 ( for twelve month f Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Price Five Gen's VII., N. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1928 imiEsJik 'RECKED PLANE REPORTED SEEN BY AVIATOR Two Mining Deals Put Through in the South hy McGill of Smithers Interior Lawyer and Mining llrokvr Did Much Publicity Work for interior District While in Vancouver L S. McGill of Smithers, who arrived from the xouth on the I'lintc George thu morning and continued east accompanied by his two children, did some good publicity work while in oath and arruiiRed two deals whereby the financing of two Hud-i;.. Mountain imTlie.s ure to be financed. Mr. McGill .spent the a; four weeks in the south in con-...ii with miniiig enlerprises owned or handled by him in the nil lay Mountain .section. He was aluo present at the ::Jrd an-, ,.Mi..ntiin nf the Northwest Mininir Association held in CAMPAIGN FOR CENOTAPH ON! on Ute -tSpokune and in his capacity as P:i.,i dei:t o! tiic Omlncca Brancn oi me B.C Chamber at Mines he addressed thai .ltl cr.iiK on the resources of Cen tral British Columbia He Was also epesiicr at a luncheon gathering In Vantoutir tn Maicli 8. when he spoke ' Mlmutt Opportunities in ominet:. Mining Division' That was b join; lli:i IMi MAIIK T Mf.KTIM! l.tT luncheon held under the auspices U Mi.llT TO lt Mil IWIVK the Mining Bureau of the Vancouver tOl.lNTAMY IMIWIIONN Bo.ird ot Trade. he Brit 1) Colwnbl.. 1KT Cnambtr of Mines and the British Col- umbiu dlvuion ol the Canadian Instl- the tute of Mining and Metallurgy. Van-railed . . a poc- .! n,,nr ai last night for the pur- corner papera report that lb luncbaon Lunching th rfr.v for fund- wa. an outstanding aueoaaa wtih the .. ..m.,.iiMi nt larrat atMMdMM peeeant thai hM . Tlt n proposed to eteci been at any..-1 thdae Joint lunchm werr in recent w Those present ! e RUpWt. While In the eouth Mr MeOUl eom- Join, . full Be W r Price. e Patterson a A Bud and pined .rrsngeroenu tar the taking up u" ,., more by J. F. Duthie of Saatik . ',;. ww . .f .rmally d- ol the Mamie property on Hudeon Bay M ui.tam. owned by the estate of the ... to .-pen declaKK, wa, d " W"MMWW . . a au.i.k ear-,!! kiuiwrt I donaUoni i received by late Jonn . ! PatttHon .1 Mr Sinclair Siiniherv pre specter who died tv.o yean "rna-r The Mamie u a goid-lr pro mrm.u f the public "STX. immediately adjo.nmg the othe. , u,n the ..vty thi. Duthi. holding, and has been dev.lop- in annot I .e-:-hcd .no-i l .u institute ..dm the Mt largely by Mr. Duthje was In control. me v.,.-.... -.. the Aldrtch property waa dropped j Another dee4 completed by Mr. Mc-'Oill while in the aouth waa on the 'Rieo-Aapen Oroup another well-known on Bay Mountain properly rwar Exhibition Report is an Excellent One and 1 1 Good Suggestions Made All Debts Liquidated and Improvements Paid for During Year Says Report of President Dibb annual report of President Dibb of the Northern I1.C. Agricultural THE and Industrial Aaaocjation read at last night's meet-i iiiK in the City Hall dealt with all the activities of the orfani-Latioi anU shewed how in face of a great handicap a success had bLCii made. In particular it made suggestions for future improve-! mem- -uch as the extension of Sixth Avenue to the fair grounds and i the . building of midway, possibly in front instead of. behind the Tair building. The report which proved most satisfactory to the Imcjtinp is an excellent one. It follows: i The 1927 annual report which la be- - SHIP SAILED ANOTHER DUE M.XIEI'OOL LEl'T TOIlAV TOll tl ltOPK AMI ANTI1EA COM1NO TOMOKKOW W.lC.eiil c ii;iu bu 1- - - v w . stcod third in the whole province 00 Prince Rupert's twentieth grain amp 01 M?nrg.-mi.t ol Pair' with a percentage the season, puUeO a way from tt rtt-of ; wharf t SJO thla nMCHlas a . ;9 2 out .'f a mailn"" of 20 points. vatcr firat in "Interest of FvbUe In SHubtu.att lafcla on VMgt te . and JodgLng" with a Kxtum at ltrrt aa led for tha United Kiaptet potoU. and jaa the SQOUHt '.OontlMlrt wit a. MUBm. .JK? province having a maximum f 10 polnta loaded here. for Domestic Science and Lad-: Pouring of grain into the ateamee D-Wcrk " tn "Suppcrt of the Pair by Local metertcn star-ed thla momln and tt b Exhibitors" we were the enly lair that anticipated that there will be no delay ranked above par. having a higher per- tn getting thla veieel away, alao with a cectage than any ether fair in the pro-1 luU cargo for the United Kingdom or rhi i innHd vert cratlfylni to I Continent. I ::,c directors and will be appreciated by The twenty-second ship of the aee- I I . l Mlh. la iSli the membership. ,". IDATF.Ii tomorrow. This veaMl Is iwdj llaed DEHTH i.kji If you reler to the annual sutnet. - ' " J oon a. the levator e you will not. that the sum of .1,184 j w expended upon oorr.1, and TJ'ZL 24 carloads of grain ha arrive AcrotiElis srounds. that agSS.M was n pended in additions and repairs to tne CANADIENS GET HOCKEY FIRST TORONTO. March II By their laat nlaht over the New Tort - - pre-, .nA.w, Q, u, armed by D D. Munro. of Smtther. for rmi inclc-et.t,! exp.-rn ,n conrec t on with , Deoeaeed'a body will be sent to Met- tne aaeemoiy o, u..e J j k iyoffa. 'trlct A. there !was not enough exhibit. J? lakaU. for burW McKay 1. aurelved by , widowed mother, a brother and a ale- ctah on hand your dlrectcra P:n , T ajnertc,,, 0. Oanadlena 5. .tibcrlbl sufiielent ta cover thla ac- ter. TormU t Bcui n r An accident very similar tn nature to 1 count in oroer u.av . ,.i 1... mm lart the vear with a clear alatc. mis one is v.. ...v r - . , ,h tK. I(ti:r nir: t il. n irpui.u ...a. . 'iu.t f all r-ihlhttkms ahould be to gather together for display and educational purposes, the produce of the soil, the mine, the forest and the sea. With this In view every effort was made to encourage exhibit from our hinterland. with the result that agricultural exni-bits were secured from the Bulkley Val ley. Prince Oe.rge. Grand Prairie ana Pouce Coure. These exhibits enabled SAILOR VICTIM OF STARVATION I VANCOUVER. March II Jound In a idad and emaciated condition In a packing case near the terminal elevator fhe beard tu bring the exhibition as far w , uot died thla owrnlng. The the mr interior 01 tne - agncuuurm. ' ""lDcilc. police ... he seemed to be VICTORIA. Marr-h 31, The LegWa-1 ;w concernea oacx vu i - . . ,,. auch v. the ri O- ture favoring a course uur 1CSOUT eminent I prepared to appoint a com- pulx 1 ' Z ot H.Tm.mb.r. Investigate ! TsTAMHNti KX.Il.tlTH sy steam of health liva uranee in opera-. The mineral a.spieys .. uun,is tlon in other parta of the world. The i points waa given a new setting and the ivnunitta. to renort to the next aea- dwnlay of marine specimens by the slon of the Legislature will be appoint- j Fisheries Bxi erlmental Btatlon was ed ahortly. Premier ucun aaiu. s.meining qune ". " -- GOVERNMENT WILL GET HALF MILLION IN OVERDUE TAXES H ,. .inn mtn sn lmnortant addition to ! the exhibition. The painting exhibit , lllcltcd much ravoraoie cmnrarai anu j Variit the tnanks 01 tno ooaru nsve uwn tended tended to to Mrt. Mrt. Goodrich OooOlch for for the the loan of starvation and exposure a victim VARSITY PLAYS In HOCKEY FINALS WINNIPVO. March 21. Manitoba, will repreaent Western Canada th. Aii.n cun hockev finale. Laat night Varelty blanlwd TraU., the aa of her pictures. The school exhibit wa icnamplQn( 4 w 0. winning the two up to Ita usual standard and all 0011- ,0 to 0 : tributed in no small degree to the auc-1 JUMU"'W """" " 41. .UhVi I IINIs Villi illKrs a r Omnt has found tn favor of the At- imnu m m-... kiiLUyuiVtUiUvluivu nutuinviouiuuui a m J torney General of Canada In a claim Hie uepartmem 01 in..u.T m ry .nri Uln.i. fr nr.ivinciai nover niiieii 1 miu u f SKmIIISI viyiivii.nu. ."m ' - i , ... H... ti nnMHiin. nt : of amlthers. whose efforu made poasl between January 1. 1924. and March 1 ble th fine display of Bkeena and SI 1927 His lordship ruled that In-: Bulkley Valley prooucts; J. J. ascneu. terest must be paid on the amount at of Telkwa. who uave valuabW rvlcc the rate of five per cent. i "! time In arrann.ng for the stampede. ; and to the 1937 -Ivlc authorities for IIKK AT rr.UNIR ' senerjua financial as-lstance FKHNIE. March 31 - Plre completely I cannot paw I he subject of exhibits df-trvyed the Mlehel Hotel and damageU t uiihout vol. .n tlie apprjutiun he tin theatre uljollilna (cout 111 tied on pae IHt) il'",l6k'W0VNLIFE ! BAN mANCIBCO. March 21. Oeorge Roth, a member of the crew ol the ferry Piedmont was drowned and alx others i narrowly escaped death when a llfe-bimt f;-uiii the ferry capalaed In the bay I an the crew were endeavoring to aave a oiiUi-i).- niu-uie. Ttjo latter and I 1 u un a v.. n incited by ?1k ferrybty M.utf-L. 38 :1