S'trjf' THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Auj:ut PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi i T3 & WE. -: Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, by .Prince Rupert n r i. , rzw- - Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. ! . ..IV J X, . Jm SUHSCKII'TION KAJES RLfaaaS 4 ic 't'.itmnl! City Delivery, by n er; For !es.er rjeriod.sKratT advance, By mail to ui! paiteif Northern and paid in advaafe for yearly period Or our months for By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and uiltcd States, p-id in advance .per year . . . By mail to all othercouBtries, per year Transient Display AdrertiilnR, per inch. Pr insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line . .26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86. DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations U. S. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN What strikes the ordinary observer in regard to the United States political campaign for the presidency is the similarity between the public utterances of the candidates there and in this country. Each claims to be the friend of everybody and ready to do anything they think the people may happen to want and yet hedging sufficiently to give them a way out in case they should decide to change the policy of the party. What seems clear, however, is that Al Smith is against prohibition as at present in force in the States and Hoover is for it. Beyond that, there seems little difference in policy between the two parties, judging by their speeches. THE PARKS BOARD The question of the efficiency of the Parks Board has been questioned, it seems. When two local parks were formed, one at the Salt Lakes and the other on the hillside above Prince Rupert, sorne authority had to be constituted to have charge of then, teeing that the timber there was not cut and that people did not trespass on then to the injury of the rights of the people generally. It toad been subject of complaint that no one bad control at the Salt Lakes and that visitors there could do as they wished even if it interferred with ihe common rights. Now the Salt Lake park is in charge of the Parks Board which has delegated the authority over the lake to the Swimming Club. This gives them the right fo make improvements and if necessary to make a charge for admission to any part of it for any specific purpose. The Parks Board is not interested necessarily in the development of any particular scheme of improvement but Was power to delegate authority to carry out such schemes. This ia much more convenient than going to Victoria for authority. The Government can change the just now there are two strong supporters of the Government on it, one of which is the defeated candidate in the recent election, to whom the Government, urider the present matters. Good Progress Made on Three Marmot River Mines Recently Taken Over by Progress generally throughout nowhere so much as on the Marmot river, says the Stewart News Those who have not visited ths but be struck with the enormous strides being made in this section, principally as a result of the work being carried out by the Premier preparatory to their Silverado, Prosperity. Porter-Idaho operations. A commodious dock has been completed at Marmot Point, right on deep water, 60 feet wide, with acres of land have been cleared buildings to bou the man employed bate already been erected, a start Is i the tram when necessary in this now being made oo the construction of icther reapeeta the trass la ol ihe Uf-a bunk bouse and attendant building and most modern design, la eaceptim a' for 50 men. ir strong and ao constructed aa to be Frorr this point the right of war for operative ateaoat lndeflnltelT the tram to the Porter rtaho property . At the beach, on the tramline, at the has bean cleared and light construction Prosperity. Porter Idaho aad ailver L cable stretched aa far aa Oreen Point, properties, aoaae IN aw ae employee from where Jt will croea diagonally the flushing the work aa much at la human north ferk glacier, with a span of 4000 ,ly possible, in all of Its many phase, feet. In preparation for wlrrfir development Work now la being concentrated on . and operation of the respective proper -the erection of the towers, which will b- tlea. 3 7 in number, built of steel, runs back What may he termtr. the beach uni' corcrjte foundations. The tram, which ol the operations is ao located on deep v. ill be five mUea m length, runs back water that it forms the apes of a tn from the water front to tso only angle , angle, the baas of which la formed by station on- the line. JU-'t west of the i three properties from which the ore cm. lor cf the north and cmth branches be trammed to the apex, or beach, must of the Marmot River, a distance of two j conveniently, providing, of oouree that nilles At aa elevation of ISO feet from .nrvficptr.eni cl -he properties stand up this p Jnt It make au almost right an- to eapeciatnma. gle turn thjwttgh the station, and con- i Where existed a crude pack trail two linnet in a straight line for the Porrer j years ago there at now a xuod mot. r I da hp property at an altitude of 1.909! from bescb to the forks, a distance or fret, this aeciad tangeat being three (rame three miles, greatly acu::ati? mi Irs in length. The capacity beinu pro- work being undertaken by Premier at' Tided for la 18 tone per how. Hoi ire transportation to the other properties power ia realty supplied by gravity, the developing in the Mtfmat section, suei. line being controHrS by mo torn which, is tl-e Mar-not Metals Ma.-mf: O'.rl When It is operuti!i. set as braltes. th- Ukrmc: Eiilicr and Marlui.d It u'-J power thu 7-rtern tfi being -i irei in v tar" a hour sjid a-half to o Drink It often! "SALADA" Tea Is healthful-stimulating -beneficial the flavour Is delicious. Four choice gradesBlack, Green or Mixed blends SOc to S1.05 per pound. Ask for It. El yearly pf3o4, paid ia advante $6.00 per month .tm Central British Columbia 13.00 $1.00 $6.0i) $7.50 Thursday, August 23. 1928 Board members at any time but system, look for advice in such Premier Company the district is most marked, but section for a year or so cannot help a 200-foot frontage; some twenty for building sites; several small the colon tor the purpose oJ i.,i;H 280N.W. ! SALADA1 TEA t .-. e iJi ' THE NEW ram the beach to the kirks: this is iow don in shout twenty mlutea bj :,otor truck. From this ptiat back tU xtend up boih the . north and eou'h :orka. PREPARE PLAN PROPOSED PARK HUNT MEUTIMl Of COMMITTEE AMI rtKKX IM)llil lltlJ) I-AMT Mtllll JAV IMPKOVB IsAKE st"insar K. V t'a-oprratn el TwaT Jiearlra AsssMvd And l asted Efforts W lie l'rl raa a hunt saeasiag of the ?rmee Rupert Parka Bgacd and rep re-; ltatlvea of the tralerfliriwganiBationii n the council chamber last night lot be purpose of dlacuaalng the queatl-n -A having the lake along the new road eecrved aa a park and also SB aak for i grant to imprbve it for swimming, kaung and other purpoM Oa. Johnstone waaldad and J. A rersg waa secretary slembers of the rhs Board present were Dr. W. 1. Tatajla chalrmaa. Mayw McMordat. C H. Orme and H P Pulleu. For the fraternal orders there were present aaasabeia of tha swaWw eon- aatiag of the ckauroaan aaad asii rury oA Sort Iteaan Howaid atn. aud P W. awisiXiH'Jhe eKha? ttaj4beV.;'soar were Meaais. irvir aauiaoon. uerrj. miier. Bird sad Daggett. The ehalrman ootlinad he situat.ju aa he saw n ahowihg that uie :natiei ted beau eaten up with Hon T D PattuUo prior to the election out tiiat situation had changed :,me:ia !n the election Aloo it hsd been Mit-,'f;d o them that they should he mnfJrr up with the Park Bos'd s JD' roiirtitufd suthorlty it. reitarc! tc Pr vmcul Parks In this district Auoor-aingty this meeting had baea arrant! It had been planned to drain the lain and U clean it out and mke a place unci reds have a free AND BETTER vbcre the efnhtren oouid learn to swini vithout HiisgHi. Or Kaawin enlalaad ttaat tew Parlts ward had bsn sajasjnlid y toe ugv- to have saaaage of the parks. They had not sought the Job and aarulo willingly art acXfO&e ea It. Th7 were In perfect sympath weth Use aom- mlttee tn regard to in ill lag kaaad around .he lahe for a park MS la anpreviag .be lake. Mayor McUordat faeed has personal support of tke sen tit aad bought the committee should eontuwie :o function. B. Pi PuUen sasd the &asd had bead appointed ao be the teal aiilharHy la the dlatrlct ln regard to the perks. They isd delegated that autharrty ta ttv rwimmlng cauh at the Salt Ukee aaV he thouxht . wcnld be fdad t do tb tame at the new past tf they esajM g-t He moved that tk Board go an re-, ?ord aa vim (un syaajaatlry wtth Uat nove au'i :-adj to co-operate aad sksd tl . ;i t)rnrnHtee r ah'sii ano prepare a plan of the new park and the tt-epcaad improvements aad they would forward them to the Chuainmeh. Thu waa aeoonded by c. H. Ongat and car-led. Ibe eoanmlttee then met maH decided to prepare a plan as suggested ao tha' DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Looso Di&rrhoa, dvacnterr, colic, aunt, Ken fManireet themaelvm; the iftrma bo-tome swollrn, and oanlers form in tbs mouth. Tbia u the time wbea tha toother shoald um and perhaps save the baby's Sfe. Oa the market for 80 years. 1-noe, We a botUe at au csrugxuu on of smokers CIGARETTES lO for 2y 4 CIGARETTE i matter might go to the new Ooveru-;at without delay. Man in the Moon No young oast be said to o a their own if her mother livi-r with tbaan rhe person raspotkalble tot the dkHri button of this paper claims these campaign are a nuisance. He hates to have to work so bard. I one tune thought this news pa par waa sadly on the win But now I tell a. diffeaant tale Since we started our campaign. The office boy la reading It The natives beep up to date And even the mayor of Baal Oove aavs It'a keeping him up too late. J.. its u kt'w what's the use n Immigration pcMcjr whoa there's over million good Canadians born ear. Young Canada ia coming fast Without any foreign aid For fi ur years aaea a million born All branded aa "Home Made." TI.MIIHR SALE X.9828 There will be offered for aale at Public Auction, at noon on the twenty-eightn 1 28th i day of August, IMS, In the office of the forest Ranter at Burnt Lake. BC. the Ltoense X-MS8. to cut 71.4S0 Hewn Jackplne tlea. on an area situated six (6) miles down Tcbealnkut lake on the south bank. Range I' Coast Dlatnrt Three ill years will be allowed for removal of . Pr' . ir' (i anyone unable to attend the an" pernon msv submit te.KW i t opened at :id hour of auction and treated aa one bid " Purth'r particular of the Chief Forester. Vir'orla. B C . n Dlitrlc' Foretcr. Pnuce Rupert, B. C. iscovere Ijidy AsHistant BLENDED FOR letter : Dr. Maguire nt Over Ormes Vbtmc I IILST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA-VOTES This coupon, when accompanied with three year' ' ' scription or their equivalent, to the I'Hiwc RulW ""';v News, entitles the candidate to 200.000 extra votes if !l scrijrtions are turned In during the First Week of their " 1 ' Name of Subscriber Name of Subscriber Name of Subscriber d MILDNESS Dentistry PLATES ihst give you a na'ur I pcarance and lend ' the wmttHJr of th f Candidate's Name One First Week Coupon con be voted by each candid'. f"' every three one-year subscriptions, or thet equivalent, tu "i d in during the candidate's first week In the campaign.