} sl . ' i ti i tie ii ti ie Princ R 2 e€ Kupert Dail Ne . : . L A O T y k Sh t CREEN Geturday, Decer t y ‘ Ww s At WALLACE'S Of Course = Laurry Aurie, Une time urkey noo ek | ——_ a + e e % 2 & D t t yj k St D i FL S ES Mount Edith Cavel] in the The Unior ' = i Full : Detroit Hockey Star, Dies Arranged by _x FLASHES woes uh, saints ne . tore uc u Raa oa [an altitude of 1,099 feet sapalics covers an area . x : S DETROI One time ho ey? TOTEM s Of Gifts For Girls! ssn ans cs T ive-Pinners 2 . @ with a big fighting heart, died rap t pping story about a police TODAY rid . JEA ETERS te a ar ee 00 ers | A. Hewitt of Woodbutchers led ? car officer, born or the ‘ 7 PETERS - AUSIE MARLOWE . = The Heasowir | I sgh a lthe men’s five pin league this wrong side of the tracks who 7-9:05 in “Wait Till the Sun Shin uy: a Girls’ Dresses Girls’ Jackets a. oa pol | oy bis fe 0 ry Rang e. we oring a single game of t hesitate to commit oe Nellie’ = : ‘ . ... wien : ‘ a - - 130 ‘ e high three was cap- murder and worse in order to a Girls’ Biouses Girls’ Pajamas @ Thursday night, He was 47 tu by Nick Kipes of North th and an established SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ® : ‘ ’ sz” Si Bottling Works, rolling § . opel Monday, co-star- vf w Girls’ Skirts Girls’ Bathrobes @ Aurie, a midget in » This Sunday . oe a . Van Metin’ aad val PIRAT Also on the ae ; Sto somé Of the Cink ace 6 itt also won the hidden ‘ Van Heflin and “Velyn Same a Girls’ Jeans Girls’ Coats z. Nauais Gan Mee teatro "Na. | Initial try-out of the Prince | rize. being closest to the| Kes program « Gi Is’ . k a ‘ee Le oh eo or Rupert "Rod & Gun Club's newly- mark Of 326 Pro roe WIEN Greet © Anes OF CAPRI” ” " . irls’ Socks Girls’ Raincoats ge . caine at <0nE as Ge constructed trap-shooting range| For next week, at the last game | Z"PAet oo rrowit,” ls One DRUMS @ Girls’ Sweaters Girls’ Underwear ™ He was on th wing takes place Sunday at 11 a.m | be the season holidays, a |* “ase: © roGuetir . e Gi \ H a ; ensational power hen members hold their first shoot has been ar Evelyn Keyes as the wife of an ROD CAMERON RUTH HUSSE’ @ Girls’ ankies Snowsuits Sa, 6 iarte tn ae i Her t noo ra d. To be eligible for the | extreme rich .id successful ” —s 7 H ” wi a cag a f the A turkey shoot for the follow- |&! 1 player must have bowled man becomes the Prowler 5 (Hui. WOMEN OF THE NORTH COUNTRY” 2 a a g league despite his weight, which | img Sunday Was planned, follow- |! p¢ cent of we same to ne ’ a 1g vi tim and be ieving Also on thé eam: sales = PLUS AND DOUBLE PLUS m ranged only from 139 to 145 ing discussions at a special elub| dete. or 21 or more games. No| his protestations of love eventu “ va ~ @ pounds meeting last nigh > igible unless his team's a ts involved in an amazing CRAZY OVER HORSES” « OUR COMPLETE a All memibe rs are nina to reg- | dues are paid hem that leads them both into With the BOWERY Boys ter ior the shoo 1¢y must > "re . ane a series of event ending uy ® 7 « sa Sader » : RESULTS Savoy Hotel, 4,) 0s canine a Z INFANTS’ DEPARTMENT a TEEN DANCE b veg on a J.C.s O; CNRA 3, Watts & Nick hiening dua : oa Monday to Wednesday ~ - and birds wi " ipplied by “pa : North mea hr role ire played by Emme { ° : ° a es otal cost of $3 for 25] n4xt 3: Industrials Woodbutch- | 90" Treacy, John Maxwell, Kath News 8:05 . ' : TONIGHT ( Robit pitt | o's, 3: Watson Islanders 1; Ble Warren and Sherry Hall First Show 7:00 OL tS a trolux 3, Industrials 1; Mansons : . g ace $ ept. tore r Woods were appointed range-| 3 industrials 1; Mansor Last Show 8:10 = 4 FAMOUS PLAvERs THEA? nast while et of ground 1. cwee « dag . * ® a 9:30 to 12 p.m. be drawn up acsemie (cols 4 COS 2, Balen 2; Beds V, d C | PORES SURGE RRO RRR C L . “those in use by’ the Ter. |Wiks 4. Nelson Bros. 0; Firem arle Olors - ommon Lounge Sc tae ae te Taxi 3 For quick results try a Daily News Classified . ; hk Urged For acleae scales 3 CIVIC CENTRE ge is situated | on : I Avenu e outskirts (race Meintyre f ta oe Members Only 25c x limits ite of the on bowled her way t | Hospital Wards Rue le 1¢ With 289 while Mary Par Australia (CP)—An * < . - sre Seg istrails } * a OES ih MANDY Oid Countcy sons : olled 699 f " tional therapist told Now on Sale s « aK a caf CARRIO rte : ‘ en si Au hospital adminis YOUR HOSPITAL Lice FOOTBALL... er day | : ’ t . 1112 a! a GE ’ ths sditional white ox ay Has Anybody Seen My Gal’ division eg Schuman even pink of hospital Pe x ’ LONDON Resul f soccer : io in. wa a LON vesults of soccer! kegs for a single 275 high, a eo etniisi [NSURANCE * Ys 4 peerage Fm cor Oyen Hilda Schmidt of McKays rolled) p 0 “eraPe a THE PROWLER \ 5 t NGLISH LEAGUE | g28 lead tn total anor wees D t aid women’s w ards j Division 1 ict nals and tnt i ne : ; be painted mauve, blue PREMIUM B Arsenal 1 Goored hy SOaRage ike 998 ana nen’s, green or blue; Look What he wanted... ( ois wn eo ee pee SDS) nery ward. yellow and . I ¥ 1M t U2 f ards in bright tones to \ove, \Oot = anything! Mi ster C 4, ( 0 RESULTS eHeve monotony _ liesbrougt I ith 2 A Division.Annett: : D Newcastle | A Vi i 0: Mansons 4. Lyons 0. D PaaS HERS Prest NE Derby C 0 Ne I Se: ¢ 4 eat S id W A ipton Lucky Strikes 0: Sur 4a VAN : ‘ & Anderson 0: Sts HEFLIN Pi ey Stoke C 4. B ( voy’s 1 is sat : I el n 2, Chariton A { F Division McKa‘ § % ‘ W Bromwich 0, Bolton W 1 A Mkt. 0: P.R. Plumbing 4. ¢ x Division 11 ine 2 3 “ ee B Igers 3, Big | } with JOHN MAXWELL 7s ‘ sirmingh I l Tax Skeena Cooks 3e KATHERINE WARREN Be pee “Kilroy!! How many times must | Bu 1; Rupert R : EMERSON TREACY 3 : tell you not te slide down the F ™ : : Screenplay by Hugo Buter ABS, bannister?” Lew ’ .T 1 ’ aninte ly cary beni hI i ron Cf it neeren end Hone When oF aaron euremeeseemeengeereansanatedied I I : ae te W. Anderson of Delnor sve a8 up " Luton R es oe inte | S. BEAGLE + JOSEPH LUsey cae Everybody loves : I . 2 a = i nt i # ague | Peleased thru United Artists ae e to travel” R : st 9 re a &. P EAGLE PRODUCTION xX . F 3 A ° 2 ‘ : , THIS XMAS GIVI Ra of dean Sharp 7s Somes MONDAY and TUESDAY West H I 1 e of Art Murray : TRAVEL SCOTTISH LEAGUE g 161 in a single Evening Shows “ar idereon f Detlr MAKE SURE CERTIFICATES sera, bision "8 JE Anderson of D 7: - 9: pum. \ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEA Good for trips anywhere— ( Dundee 0 De captu ) A E PROTECTED anytime—to value of I Ranger ing! ind Al tire nor 35 certificiate Motherwell 2, Falkirk With 882 and 2.386 OF Please return your billin ti i Partick 7 ilb gy elgg ye Nhe tid gp BASKETBALL B pose ghey Sing, action, with yee ENQUIRE Ralth R 1, ¢ ry Watson of Chumps with 211 see premium payment directly to: nt Siioeest 13 k and Nick Kipes of Northern Di $9 B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERV rhird 1 Airdrieonians {ributors with 213 % tera, BS Moore Vi Team Sancines (end of fi TO N os Victoria, B.C. half)—Delnor 29. Chumns 94 Ar? SO walt inor 2 humps 26, A < ee or make payment through local B.C.H.1.S. ee i AGENCIES Fi Murray's 24. N. Dist. 14 6:30—Inter “B” ge: office or Government agent. - SPORT Veen MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY E ‘ Sport Shep ¥s i” ‘THE WORLD BY AIR” P.0. BOX 1278 PHONE BLACK 637 cS Pm NUe eater f fe LOWEST COST Mm PROTECTION AGAINST CRIPPLING HOSPIT AL BILLS! ee The Conmplete Travel Service For Sale eo pe ~ wigan Pog ae Ht i| it] ii] Ht | il i Te i il MAIR, © it Hj rE. cas neat i} Nh it Hi Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form iI 1 ii it j Hil —— jipiiliciaiiiinbiniiteheiiina a th i} | | | f ij | i i} it it l {| it i ' His i} | | | | ——— { t | T + Number of Times Enclosed Please Find : (Sc per word per insertion—e g. Number of words 25: cost, /5c. Six ; ' tianc Fr . . M insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if bo< number required || | 1 | | } it Name : ae a | ee | A ddcacs Phone No . mf | }, | r | GO IO ON Oa Oa OLIGO | DIGEST “1/10, UP CANYON DRIVE PLAN FOR DEER Hunter ona STAND (A) |S Al- OWED AMPLE TIME TO CONCEAL HIMSELF AT SADDLE ON RIDGE AT CANYON’S HEAD AFTER A SIDE APPROACH ALONG MAIN RIDGE. HUNTERS (8) AND © START UP THE CANYON'S SIDE SLOPES BE- LOW THEIR RIDGES TO BE AHEAD OF HUNTER (0) WHO IS LAST "0 START. HUNTER-DRIVERS worK AHEAD QUIETLY. THUS DRIVT 2 MOVE OUT SLOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE. Christmas-Time is Party-Time PROTECT... Your Radio, with a glass top MIRRORS MADE OR RESILVERED. WINDOW GLASS ~ PLATE Glass cut and polished for table tops, radios, etc. NORTHERN GLASS Co. First Avenue at Manson Way. (Near Industrial Welding) P.O. Box 562 Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. $27.00 ELLIS AIRLINES South America’s hig} ain, Aconcagua in Argentina 23.081 feet high aN AT He oa Al PICK OF THE MARKET General Motors 7:30-—Inter A” Mansons vs North ROUND TRIP Star 8:30-—Senior ‘’B’ 1949 Plymouth Sedan 3 t gray, reconditioned CCC vs Mansons 00d tire Real family car Phone 476 Only $1435 1950 Ford Fordor.New paint radio, heater, ove ve. T it, you'll bus $1845 +: 1951 ee Four Door-—N throu Hu t $2065 SANTA SAYS: “BE WISE eee ak Department The light ‘ fast mi i" ‘ [81946 Dodge Panel W make an ides int truck $435.00 Heavy Duty 1946 176" Cab and Chassis— New motor this year, ready to work $675 Bob Parker Ltd. “The home of friendly service” Phone 9% ual tlie i tie Tables, Etc. GLASS — AUTO GLASS If you are not sure which size to select then play safe and give him o Gift Certificate. FASHION FOOTWEAR Phone: 426 or Red 884 Prince Rupert, B.C.