Moscmitoes, TtnnrihfrCi Rff5 Gratia Specials ! Universal Trading Co. oBBBtvinsniaMMn Specials ! Vacuum Bottles 50c Hair Clippers 7fc Modcss 50cv3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Canadian National Steamships Co. L:.niled Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AN II SHIPYARD Operating li.T.V. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dork Enalnerra, Machinists. IloilermHkera, IllarkMHillw. Pattern makers. Founders. Woodworker. Kte. EI-ECTItIC AND ACETYLENE WUUHNtl. Our punt l eoaUferf u, . oi MARINE AND COMMHIITIAI. VOHK. PHONES S and 2S6 Pan ad iAN National Qjc Largcfl 7fiilway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE BIHng from PRIME HI TKRT for VA'tCOlTKK. VlfTOHll. P RATTLE. MOMtAYn. Till KIAY. iOO J. Jr.. iN BAR. T : ANVOX and KTnVAHT. MOV IX ITS, IHI1MV8. 4M pjn. f'K MANNKTT IMrlT. MOSIMY. 4 00 pjn. P"f Mil Til Jl Ef.N CII AHI.OTTE IKIJtXIM, PortnlgbHy. fur SKAOIV.W. WEIWEM1.IW. 4 00 pja. PAKSFAHEK THAI Ha Li. AVE f'HIWE HUI'EKT BUI.Y tXCKPT MfMlAY at II.MaJn. fur I'HISCS OHMtOK. LllMONION. VTINMPMi, all ps"t Easier Canada. I'aJaed States. tor.NCY onus tr:Hmr unr. riTT TICKET Oft Iff. TIIIMM tt. KMIV1 r HUfMtr Phone tf FHBE VOTING COUPON Good for 25 Votes In the Daily New "Everybody Wins" (Jrand Prlge Campaign I hereby cast 25 FREE VOTES to the credit of Miss. Mr. or Mr. Aildrt'.sH . . . . 'I' Ins coupon, NEATLY LUTED OUT. name and address Hi. candidate filled in. and mailed or delivered to tho ' ampjiiien Department of tht' Prince liupert Daily News, will """" 25 FREE VOTER- It does not cost anything to 111 ' ! coupons for your favorite candidate, and you are i"; r.--t i-it-ted in any sense in votinjr them. Get all you '"'n send them In they all count. "" "'t roll or fold: deliver in flat package. N"TK This coupon must bo voted on or before 8 pa Avu-i 29. 1928. New F; P H to 1 1 BU jm .sex. a wess wioas J)ST AKKIVED J'neh and EnIIh Nbvelly Shepherd 'het ks r.l iiiehe'K wide; 1 In black and white. hmihI and white. , g2,95 l,;,vv "Hi white, red and white, yard Worrells Fast C-olor Velveteen.- S1.95 h,ll"ii finish, 86 inches wide V Fraser & Payne I 0 fc-harsdav. August 23, 1923 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE PI KIUS' Mies UdL 7fic Pioneer DrttgrZsls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?&200 Local and Personal Rsad the Louvre ad. 4 a Tail Phone 4. ill; 4 Taxi, tl Dentin lit i. R O'mm PboneSBS Chiropractor, c. O. McKay, ffaoje 184. ' V , v" , . f' Por sate. Furniture, etc. 120 Mfth enue Weat. Phone 225. Tou will sever uegtet a vitt 'to tite Bulklcy Valley Pair at Smltber. Augli-31 and September 1. Robert StracUam, who baa been on a three-months' trip to Scotland, return ed to the city on yesterday afternoon'! train. Miss Laura FHatell returned to the city on the Prince Oharlea this morning attar soaking the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and Maaaett Inlet. Mia Muriel Lindsay returned to the city on the Prince Charles tbla morn ing after making the round trip to Stewart, Aiiypx and Maccett Inlet. Mia Mabel Ivaraon. wfao baa been making tbr round trip to Stewart, Any-on and Maaaett Inlet point, returned tome on the Prince Charlea thia Walter Smith of the CJt H. city tlcke". office resumed to the city on the Prince Charlea this morning after making tbe round trip to Stewart, Anyos and Maaaett Inlet point. ' 22 A. D. Watt, divisional maeter for the Canadian national Railways, arrived In the city from Prince Oecrge -m yebtercuy afternoon' train. returning to the interior ttua moralug. In connection with tbe accident in which a bicycle wa Injured by a oar driven by Mia Jean Bailey, the latter state that the lad MeJUnley was on tlx wrong aide of tbe road and It wa only by prompt action on her part that a more seriotu result wa avoided. C.P.R. steamer Princes Louiae. Cap tain A, Slater. wa in port from the north yeaterday with a capacity hat of ftlfl paeafingtrs made up of Ml tourlaU. 51 oi whom were for Vancouver. 2 for Prince Rupert and 21 w-io are naaatn- lng over for the Prlnoea Royal to g south tomorrow evening. Real tbe Louvre ad. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS S av w 6 aV 4) a fj b alao. Ba WJpwaftar B.jfcr AnnlJcan CuMwtiral Bazaar Novemljer K TRW III I Ml. III above. Reid's Sultana Pound Cakes each 2Tif We also handle field's famous Cherry and Genoa Cake. A trial will convince you of the excellence of this product. Seedless Raisins, bulk. 2 lbs 'Sit Graponuts, special, per pkg . . !: (uraer a supply at this price) Picklinsr Cukes and Fickllnr unions are now in We expect a shipment on Wednesday. itet your Heinz Pickling Viiie- jrai Here-' Mother's Flour, in Gingham. 49 lb. sacks, per sack S'ZAW Swandown Cuke Flour, special per pkg I0r wiiarose raatry Flour, 10s, tier sack (S0r We art how booking order, for Preserving Peaches for delivery about the end of the month. Place your orders now. We have a complete stock of Preserving requirements: Jars, I hings. t aps, Parowax, etc. Waffle Syrap, 2s. Special per tin ! -150 Del Monte DnPak Prunes, 2 l-g , This Week. 2 tin . .... . . . 7.10 Celery, nice s1ij.ifreah clean I stalks, fseh 10f f priver CatrtCpetTb.". . . . Or Hest uainy rtreshiiwnms and vegetables. Huhhard Squash and Pumpkins are in. Citron exjiected Wednesday. Watts Grocery Phone 35 Phone 56 Shop here and nave money ONE OF THESE Silver Spoon Sl'KCIALS S Sogers' 1881 Silver Teaapooa i pag-. dunugnt soap 1 pk&. Lux 1 bar Lifebuoy Soap For $ 1.00 uniy a limited aunber of the 4. EKIK I1YK Norwegian Tenor-llarltne ' wIU give a CMNSICAL CONCEKT In llooee Hall on Tueoday, August 28, at 830 pun. A1mlHloii $l.0) AocompanunenU by Oha. Balagno Piano from Walker "a Music i-", Store 202 . .4.' ttttttttttttt Bead tbe Lourre 1. Mr. J. R. MHeoell returned on yesterday alternoon'c train from the Interior. Sbe bad been noUdaytng at Smltben. Get your Fair membership ticket from oilcrtor or Secretary of the Fair Board. Tou might be the lucky one. 200 If you want the BuIUey Valley buil-neaa, vlait the Fair and meet the at Smltbera, Augnit 31 and I. 1S8 J. H. Matey returned to the elty en tht Prince Oturlea thlt morning after making tbe round trip to Stewart. Any ox and 'UaaaeU Inlet polau. D. Maxwell, pioneer' biHtse man of Maaaett Inlet, la a puseaaer aboard the Prince Charlea today -bound from Port Clecnenta for a trip te Vancouver. Major Roberta. B-CUL who baa been engaged In aurvey worE In Maaaett In let. Is a paanenger aboard the Prlnor Charlea today returning to Victoria. Thee are people who have lived rn Prince Rupert for ftfteee years and nev er vxalted tbe Interior. Remedy ml by 1 going to the Bulkier Valley Fair this 190; Oapt. and ts. J, R. Elfert returned to tbe- city on the Prince Charles thlr morning after malrJas the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and Maaaett Inlet polata. Xow then folks) What about that double load of box cuttings? The kid-die like to handle It Can you beat It at MM per load' Hyde transfer! Phone 80. tl The Fair So net cow "otjLbe ogRfcbe A special mcetteg Ladles' Mu sic Club will be held at the borne of aa M. A. Way on "Saturday. August 2 at 4 pjn. Premutation of Music Club cup. All members requested to attend. Board membership tickets nake the .Pair aVaaowwi and you bae Second Ataami al. Sac the sumM ti.oc 'V aif-.- so r ysai xnueh and they help he chanc of wMirajg a valuable tot on .00 A OaMea Party wlQiTbe beM at tbe awsoe of Mrs. E. P. Jeaher ill Ftfth Avt iiue Weat tomorroiirfirom 8 to b) the Trent Ttaited Church Women ' Mi- l.nary Society. Sale of Home Cooking and Dover. R. E-Aiien. district forester, and A. Bryant of Victoria, aupsrvtaor of aoa)e -i the province, returned to the eitt in the Prtaoe Charles tjkts mommg af- i making the round trip to Stewart. An vox and Msaoett Inlet on official du taaa. The laiigum for the oalebration oi Labor Day under the auspices of Prlnoc Rupert Trade Ac Labor Dounoll fuudly drafted at a meeting last night of the ooBunitteea In cbaree There will be tbe usual attractive list of Meld sport and race as well as other cntertainmeot. Mrs Curtin and daughter, Urs. J. B Hosrig. and the latter efelMrea return sd to the city on the Prince Obartea "hi asornlnt after nuking the rauitJ JTlp to Stewart, Anyox and MasseU In let point Mis Blanche Curtin an Mr. O. A. Bryant, who weat awsy with am. are remaining tn Stewart fr brief visit. Mrs. P. E. Wall of Vancouver, who la vautlng hare with her brother and als-ter-ln-tatw, Mr. and Mr. H. It. HU1. See- nd Avenue. Weetvlew, returned to "h :ty on tbe Prince Cherfe tads mora- ng alter making the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and Masartt Met. Mrs Wall will be remaining la the elty for prvut tan 'day more before proceeding south. Ouy P Bullooh. dutriet engineer for the provincial department tot pubue rks. returned to the city oa the Prtnc? ctwrtes this morning after a week's trip to the Queen Charlotte I land on busin in connectten with the resumption of coosMuettoo of tbe Port Olstnents-TieU road .wadeb Is neat ly cotngdeted. M. J. Dpugtierty, super vising engineer ha been left In charge of the work. Vlalt of Vancouver Board of Trade. The Entertainment Committee of U Ci'.7 Council and the Prince Rupert Boardr( Trade respectfully request a rtpmanjative attendance of loosl .men at Xtk H, oa Friday night In tbe Moose Haiti Jit hertot of the visit of the Van. cuvtr iBonrd. As tnere are ho ladlen ravelling with the Vaneouvrr Bottrd It 1 especially desirable that local men brirg two or more ladles with them. A cood orchestra haa been engaged with new anappy music and Mr. Oarrsl will provide delicious refreshment. The dance will start early as the Vancouver Board anil at 1 am Oentlemen'a ticket are l SO and laritea are free. Tlie Vancouver Board n: enttrUUa at dtn rer on the .n Princess Alice at 8:30 Uvj Maj-or and Aldermen and tlte Executive i O-tincil cf th locl Board. lt9 DISTINCTION From the days oi the old-lashioned runabout to the drawing-room on wheels of today, Silvertown Tires have always given that distinctiveness i n appearance and priceless measure of comfort and service which makes driving a car a real luxury. SilueTtoum Tires and Tultt are modi try the Canadian Goodrich Company at Kitchener, Ontario. WllVl ' i r a751 avi nasi Sind Cflv& CostMJgi-c ON FRIDAY MORNING FROM 9 TO 1 O CLOCK 'Once again we have the pleasure in announcing to our friends and customers our regular monthly Clock Sale. From 9 o'clock on Friday morning until 1 in the afternoon, we shall offer barins real bargains in Ladies Dresses and Lingerie at prices which can never be duplicated. So be on time. 24 only Ladies' Tailored Crepe Dresses, 6 only Ladies' double Fuji Silk Dresses, with pockets. Sizes to 44. QP wnitc on- Regular value to Q-J QCT Plock Sale Price OOXj $12.60. Clock Sals Price tfieaJfJ C only Ladle' Crepe de Chine Dresses in 4 only Ladies Printed Chiffon Dresses, assorted colors. Hegular value to CO AC Hegular values np to $20.00 Q QC $15.00. Clock Sale Price tpA.tJU clock StIe pricf) ?r7tl 2 only Ladies' Spring Suits, size 16. 6 only Lades' Raincoats, in three colors, r.egular value 124.50. QO OCT Kegular value to $14.60 CO (IZ Clock Sale Price . . . , QVO co4.k prlc9 W.JO 20 only Ladies' Summer Hats. Some of 50 only LatUes Silk Vests, ia two colors these are worth up to $10.00. CAp only. Regular $1.00 value. QCTsa Clock Sale Price UUV Clock Sale Price 3 for vu Moodie's and May belle bloomers and 2 only Ladles' Summer Coata; one in Iiobettes. 7p vy blue and one in tweed. CM QC Clock Sale Price Clock Sale Prioc Vpv We have decided, instead of carrying over the balance of our stock from f hiu ennonn tn n.vt uc ha vp n'flcud th bulk of our Ladies Summer Drossui in one rack-the value range upto ?0.(K,-to be s01!8! Only one article t; each customer. Third Avenue CHMOND'S L . M' -ifJRt - tbl19H( ( ash only. No C.O.I). OUVRE Prince Rupert, H. C. "J I lt'-