Thl!).c,day, August 23, 1928 I 1 ' The Leading Infant Food 1 SINCE 18S7 O be the right food for babies a milk must J have certain unchanging qualities absolute purity, unvarying strength, easy digestibility. Eagle Brand is noted for its safety, reliability and the ease with which it is digested even in difficult feeding cases. If you unfortunately cannot nurse your baby, we suggest that you and your physician consider Eagle Brand. May we send you helpful booklets on Infant Feeding and general care of baby I EAGLE BRAND t MMS n in rv f ; unci Vacific , MNCHt tnim worn masfuis CONDENSED s Aorant.. MILK The Bo he en Co. Invited. Vmcouvu Fletse tend FREE Baby Bookt to Nams.. DEMAND for Hutrdalr, llrlla lulls. Ocrun I HI In, Nsom. AIM irrt . . . . I m t mh - i i m Ate tft nail. BABY) WttfAHt IT "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST HltEAKI'AST FOOD. Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C IM Prince Itnpert. B.C. GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES rint Subscription Coupon A "ompanied by the nomination blank and your first sub-1'i'tri, this coupon will start you in the raee for the mag- m Daily News gift with the grand total of more than votes. This coupon may b used oly oace and is valid whn accompanied by a subscription remittance. "iv of Subscriber i (lid..t'8 Ntme fc unt Enclosed ili- coupon will count 10,000 extra rotes when ro- , il to the Campaign Manager at I he campaign office of l'lin.-e Itupert Daily News, toother with the first sub-' I'li'ni yo-j obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, l the subscription must be for a period of one year or r The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the num-n-n on the subscription a per the regular vote schedule. HEALTH FOLLOWS (MOMKTICCSaum wmuu on snnu ttftnM Musts or "niiXiomitootuiQi WIS V) A : viz: CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTROTHERAPY These two branches of the healing art have made rapid strides in the last few year. Your recovery from disease depend on how soon you consult W. C. ASP1NALL Chiropractor Green 211 Phones Wack 283 C and 7 Exchange- Illock, Open Evenings B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T KM. liikan. Wrnt,HI, ami Kksiwsy Aujut S. 0. 1. Sl ' VsnrMM. Victoria sn4 rslll Aiiut I. , . U. 1. Hay. rnZL '""Vll l'ntorm.t.on from- "u" till Strut and .4 Atoms. friiM's KMwrt. UC. fbuns SI THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE VITAMINS ARE DISCUSSED BY LOCAL WORKER AILY NEWS - l)IS(()i:Kll.s in ItKCUKII TO EEElBlBWsslmaBssWMgB .MasrssKssBcamsKsasasassasssasmfsaBSaK j FOOD TALVEJf t An Interesting dUcouise on rltamli. refccsreh was delivered belora Uie Princa Rupert Oyro Club at luncheon yete day by H. N. Brscklesby ot the Prtne Rtipcit ExpcrimenUl Station who la 'specializing In that line at en deaver. Mr. BrcckJesby briefly acsnnec it i, .vrlopmtnX in the field ot medteal reerch during the past century with epicll reference to vitamin. Rarasm of dtAeiency dlsMs ruch as scurvy, bt.i-ltri, itc had reachod such pro-pcrsicna la the n!nutith cntury tha' their fradlctton had beoornc an earnest study and in thla connect loc there had U.n sr--. :'xpans:39 in tooi analysis. The dJaeovarjr (be tlsaaiins as food contant had come about in the present orntury. VttamiDa- wre o( porticuUr Importance in the growth ot children, bene formation aod etunlnallon of the deficiency dtnosats. Most important of tht' vltsmlns and the one often tackiii In the ordinary food was Vitamin 1. which was important In bone develop-assart and without which children ufiew ufleccd from rickets. Mr. Brocklesby Ocalt to sow ert?nt with coo ller oU, important censtituent of which wan Vitamin D. President L W. .Waugh occupied th cbaar and eaiisiid the appreciation ci the elun to. Mr. Brocklesby for his ad- dfeea. Another item on the luncheou p- gram tu a vooal aok) by Morr's Blott. Joe Oreer reacrtsd arrangement, oom- ptete for the ezcuraym nest week-end to ;caiksa where a new Oyro Club Is to be Inaugurated. Charlie MlUa reported the new play ground on AeopaUa Hill ocmpieted and la use. The ground will be formally tajrnsd over' to the city at the official cveatfnc ceremony which will be held LOCAL BOYS RETURN HOME UOKKill t'Olt hEASON AT CAXNEK' ll (IN I KKN nlAKUITTKS Scene thirty local school boys, who have been working for the paef three weeks during the height of the packing season at the BC Packers' canaMtseM at Shannon Bay and Perajuaon Bay la Manett InVt. returned hasne on th Prison Cliarlea thla morning. The t tMsVace aeesna to have been a prontabta cm for them far they are sun-burned) and brown and. in apite of some In tjaajarve wrk they have engaged In. of ten for long hours, their aplrits are s brimful with enthuataam as when thc7 left and ibelr health does not aeem to base assVared. What is more important to many of then, their pocket-book. a la much better shape. Meat of them are already looking forward to a similar outing again oett year. The boys were: Joe and DouftM Scott. A. SeWetai. William and Pete FiseM. R Nelson. Tad Smith. Vincent Dodd Ned Byrne. R. Eraeat Elliott, Ham An-totjetll. Rod McLaod. II. MaeOanald. Peter Knok. II. Morgan. H. Worafold. Nhsk rad Mite Ourvloh. Tom Ketaey. Frea eklnner. Walter J John. ton. Bob Stalk- ri. Earl Bau. K. Lamb, Tom Siren. Al- Walters, Mac Smith and J. R. Ward. BENEFIT DANCE AT SKIDEGATE GIVEN BY WORKERS OF DISTRICT SKIOEOATE. Aug 13-8turday night at the Psttulio School a dance In aid ol a local Atberman who had met with an accident wet attended by t&O naherroaa end lumber workers. The affair was un der the general management of Mrs. E. C. Stevens. MIm M. Stevens. Mrs. Fred Atkiua. Mies D. Barge. Mrs. C. Haan and R. Pahul TheM donating retreehmenw were C. Miller. Mrs. Oordon Jollff, O. D. Beattte, Roy McKeasse and Harry Beaven all of Queen Oharlotte City; Mra. Stevens and Mrs. Jones of Skkle- gste. As a result of the event the sum of ISO was netted. rOItl'OKATION OF TJIE CITY OF IMtlNTE HUI'EKT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation ot the City of Prince Rupert intends to construct a concrete aide walk seven' teen feet wide on the south vide of Second Avenue commencing st s point tan feet east of the weeterty boundary cf Fourth Street and extending along the south side of Second Avenue to a point aeventeeo feet west of the east boundary of Seventh Street, excepting- uwreirom toe HMeMeeuon or em street land tfeef conorete, wal' t already buUVj ana aoutting on lists . io. il and is. Block 23. Seetlcb 1, at a local improve ment, and Intends to specially aateea the con upon the land shutting directly on the work, except such portion of the cost as U incurred at street internee- tlcos. The estimated coat of the work is aj.198.JO, of which 1211. B0 is to be paid by the Corporatloa. sod the estimated annual spestsl rate per foot frontage is jeiL, The r.pecial saseswient is to be paid la 30 annual metalmentt. S. Persons deetring to petition sgalnat undHtaXkut the work must do so on or before the 28th day of September, D. J. MATHESON. Dated this 23rd day ot August. 1928. IQ ncement xtraordinary tiip: PRINCE RUPERT daily news announces a new campaign for candidates entered IN ITS $1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN. THIS NEW $200 COMPETITION HAS NO RELATION WHATSOEVER TO THE $1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN EXCEPT THAT IN ORDER TO RE ELIGIRLE TO COMPETE IN THE $200 COMPETITION THE CONTENDER MUST BE AN ENTRANT (EITHER NEW OR OLD) IN THE $1,000 PRIZE CAMPAIGN. Here is a wonderful opportunity for New candidates and late starters. See the Campaign Manager immediately for a full explanation of this exceptional offer. 200 in Cash DIVIDED INTO TWO PRIZES One Prize for District No. 1. of $100 in Cash One Prize for District No. 2 of $100 in Cash $200 Competition Campaign Plan The Prime Rupert Daily News will award $200 in cash priiea to the entrants i if the $200 competition. $100 in cash will be given to the candidate In each district scoring- the greatest mi ruber of pointa in their respective district on subscriptions turtiI in and credited between Friday morningr. Augnat 24 and Friday night, September 7, . at 9 o'clock. To be eligible in the $200 competition one need only be an entrant in The Daily Kewg $4,000 I'riae Campaign. Winning in the $200 Com)etition in no way handicaps an entrant from winning in the $1,000 price campaign. THE FOLLOWING RULES WILL GOVERN THE $200 COMPETITION 1. All candidates entered in The Prince Bnpert Daily News $4,600 prise campaign are eligible to comfete in the $200 COMPETITION. In the event of a tie for winning points for either of the prim in the $S00 COMPETITION each tying candidate ylll be given a prize of identical value, to-wit: a $100 cash prize. 2. Points will be credited on all subscription turned in durjng the duration of the $200 COMPETITION according to the Schedule of Points appearing in this announcement. S. The turning in of one subscription constitutes entry In the $200 COMPETITION for any candidate entered in The Daily News' $4,000 prize campaign. Entry may be made at any time during tht da ration of this offer. 4. The winners in the 9200 COMPETITION will be redded by their accredited pointa, said points being secured by the turning in of subscriptions to The Daily News. (See Schedule of Points elsewhere on this page). 5. Interpretation of any question not specifically covered will rest solely with the management. The management will Judge results and award the prizes. G. The $200 COMPETITION opens Friday, August 21, and ends at 9 o'clock Friday night, September 7, 1928. The winners In the $200 COMPETITION will be announced and the two $100 cash prizes will Jie given the winning candidates as soon after the close of the $200 COMPETITION as it is possible, but in no event will the winners be announced or the prises In the $200 COMPETITION be awarded earlier than September 14, 1928 at midnight 7. It is one of the conditions for the $200 COMPETITION that entrants must be candidates in The Daily News' $1,000 Prize Campaign. Any given subscription or subscriptions, because of the twofold entry, will count points on the $200 COMPETITION and votea in the $4,000 Prize Campaign. 8. Winning of either of the prize in this $200 COMPETITION will in no way affect the winnings in the $-1,000 Prize Campaign for each, ir itself, is a separate an ddlstinct campaign, though subscription of an entrant may credit points in the $200 COMPETITION and votes in the $4,000 Prize Campaign when turned in according to . the stipulations set forth. 9. New. arrearaire. renewal or second paymenta on subsff?Mloni6 all count the same number f point in 4he..$200 CXjMPBmXQSW according to the schedule In effect at the time the subscrrptRTtrts 'turned in. Subscriptions may be secured by any candidate, anywhere. 10. Equitable compensation is assured every entrant in the event he or she does not win in the $200 COMPETITION. In that every entrant in the $200 COMPETITION MUST be also an entrant In the $4,000 Prize Campaign. All active non-prize winners competing in the $4.oi0 Prize Campaign are guaranteed 10 per cent rush commission n their total collect ions on subscriptions. The $200 Competition opens Friday, August 21 and closes Friday, September 7th at 0 o'clock P. M. HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS Up to and including Friday, August 31, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions: 1 year . 2 years 3 years 4 years 6 years G years . 8 points 1G points 24 points 32 points 40 points 48 pointa From Saturday, Sept 1, up to and including Friday, Sept 7, the following number of points will-be issued on sabscriptions: 1 year .... G points 2 years 12 points 3 years ... 18 points 4 years ...24 points 5 years ... 30 points G years . . . SG points The above schedule shows "HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS" in the new campaign for the $200 COMPETITION which is announced today. You will notice that subscriptions turned in by Friday night August 31, count mere points than they will if not turned in until the followir week. New, arrearge, renewal or second payment subscriptions each count the same number of points in the $200 COMPETITION. EACH candidate in the $4,000 Prize Campaign now has the opportunity of entering the $200 COMPETITION, and any subscriptions they secure and turn in now will count votes in the $4,000 prize campaign and points in the $200 Competition. WHAT IT MEANS You can win in the $200 COMPETITION and, at the same time and with the same subscriptions, enhance your opportunity of winning one of the two cars or the cash prizes In the $4,000 prize campaign. It Is possible to win big in each of the campaigns as they are sejiarata competitions and winning in one dees net restrict or hinder a candidate in any way from winning in the other. Candidates, here is your opportunity. All candidates start Friday on an equal basis in the $200 COMPETITION and all have equal opportunity of winning regardless of their piesent standing or time of entry in the $-1,000 prise Campaign. ( IS YOUR NAME IN? Phone 534 THE PRINCE HUI'EKT DAILY NEWS Campaign npnartmpnt , W Mil VS ipen I)nii)Ua!X. I (n 8 p.m. Phone 534 Nomination Illank in The Prince Kupert Daily News "Everybody Win' Cam-patgn. I hereby enter and east 6,000 votes for Miss, Mr. or Mrs. ns a candidate in The Prince Hnpert Daily News "Everybody WTHfl" ' UJiw nim Phone Note Only one nomination blank will lie credited (o each candidate IF NOT ENTER TODAY