PAGE TWO 16 As Healthful as It is Good 'TERRACE PLANS CELEBRATION g DOMINION DAY KH. I IIMVI MTV HIMr 10 RC ljEf. Mb Huff ?a ' WITH M'ORT AXt) OAMB AMI j lltM'C IN EVEKIMl I i j The best way to start the day. Simple food - thoroughly baked. Ideal for spring with milk or cream. TRISCU IT - Shredded Wheat in wafer form Made try The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limitrd. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Mnin Editor. Member of Audit Bureau af CJrcnlatiwM DAILY EDITION KERGIN ACCEPTS LIBRARY WORK aar they had done htm astern on ahh, the, ted t-v " "- , i,hrK,fl 'oftb, tinaeanan WBBV7 aw. aaa-ta baaar i ? ltt tnirvnaV lalehnalaal inrjaiuona we- - MJPP,nt unirm nec!, the low aalar.ea each a the aanitarium a: ' - -lI m Tbe parttiks fwaanaawi b choosing lioanag at of tl deaf and dumb 72 occupation wuj nae wtth the lau- Premier " a,nwi ptwiaattoa It fUlLAIIELPIIIA 1S7.M m r. rtiiiii DOSTt'N 11 w mwar. - nowe-rer. inai 7 w uuiuiiaw ana ... . . . ate tbe aaw oor Dr Mac- btak n nahcieat to ha wa. aakrnc -1 . bvs uoranan awn hh mm . A in all tbe mil of tb. nrrv- "ucn oruocery and to allow htm to eanUnne H. fell . "nrk 1 ber the te- wopie would grant him this . " n"h woo depiorad tbe we astm. w .h. t o , a"J oaiiow of candidate Paition 8he .aid 1 am fed us with At the earcttec two things were aaked "rU wo work, 1 Aar you for or agalnat tne reform T T.-Tl "r " 1 wU ttown tn' to tw j ghdatmri that ha teen paaaed by tht I'torary tawaaaant " thT can hate book if tbey r ich but t Kl II I) DRBSSIMGRDOMS IMI.REMIV. PtPEU OK !ET.KS AVI) HI ;s HV KBHIitlNT jiu is n iuauu a the Tarrao fnaaamt tute ui held on 1 r:ogaeas wtth the fy'inrj a the chair asm a 32 menlKn in aaaansjawaw, Th non auwl that fifty " ; j way irr. sure tnot In . " 4 mwmii. u. tea yean tbere will be for him ail" month tbare waa a WlriOTlin. rillf llhnu.h -t r.. t SSM ID th flllaliM. A nave 10 wore .fftrw. th ' 1 ... . jui a isias ewaasaaa in Ut.M S0f.? Union Station, Seattle bad km w!M dhaTiag Mr as a ; uu of iinahiHc aotMUs. it s aaaaad to pa imm ouuding at I i hi Late, and these af tea? Sor use ay the WW prcabay Ii nt decided to co-operate with tbej Ntuvr Sons and tear Jia annual In-; -.. :uve community picnic and rail In Mm . -, ce;eoratoii on JuXj 2. on LtUeV i-.iiiO south of tawn. Tbe Native Baai ' r.v agreed to take cnarge v tar "porta program and the saMtnc of - " jiunej fcr prime whUe tat FHrfav Jnn. 1K 1Q9fi stnjartateud the agnate Everyone la tbe nrmimanlW la hv ; basket loach. A eoaaattta a( ' composed af ! 3iu nctt. rjatrt THE NOMINATION AS PR0FESSI0N!p a staging at which inn Tilt j a him lb wm; iii-TJJ5f ? - , , (Mall Owreapondence, HK-IM- k j z ! "i'iIi airrox. aunair-H , K.rg,n lii,- 1: uJElb. -nfTEw -StT to eanteat tbe eoasutuency on Mull " '!,VD .T -. Fcllowing tka waaiae. aaas a. Uterailam in tbe Atlln dkatrtct at a JJf!? 3un " lawjaUaf cutUMMl :! ""P 01 tbe work and onvwntlon baid nm tnu 1 ill ' O 6 Immigration, polnttnf oat Uw ----- ParUouarty told of tne bemnuini made and adrantaae of mnmirmmknm na ether . fc. uo acuu um-1 tam and tbe atops xalat aan by ta - " -j mmint jwinm one ex-1 government to aasaaax tbe Qgat the .... Mr rtto-d mi tudl and tbe -i tmnugmnu. the caoarnWfor the c,:ta" to CnJU --! JEtn Urti WW It It wa ia tbe tbe """ iui wmi-i ue wn an w. w auaaMaf raad a an t.Tutcaaji. 1 iinii-urt paper an local haett t word about ice future bun 1 11 mi rhtr hhua 1 iiw ui 1 tvuuiry ana w I eim wan aaawaaitVe t HBoat tan aavrmee n to oun Canadlana. :ul to koea aatwaaw hi aaaaw n h . mr ... " aiui giru u. conalder It in la a aubter: on which ear brtote for tbe Liana; aart iu wort, u la ha atao a apactal atudy. taavtac at w k. .- " . "at there la now ku opaortnn- laitowa timaa Atn. immOi t t. ;? ther' " -rw poaiuona and ! Unm-aij of BjC thaw tnar bbmi daat lc -he and aaat to aaanf 1 tne vote the mother r uu-1 mportan: pcnnrn. worker, but it a eondiuoi. A rxn -H thank, ther law of particular wea iirmild her the mini- Z"'l , "TO 1,1 -o:oi her paper and ate waa aahad T aaiaeo wwracr wui ieaaa a on tbe fltaa of the 'TTM-atr t hear, it might he nfcraad to by anf- -ne anereatad. appatciatkm of the uaUtlng of both aaaudant and atuabu) iaautute lntereau waa rolead. 1 Fciiilna ibe mecttnc I 1 J and Mm Attree eerred 1 1 J 1 lliaaiiin t. Are for to OD' tto,n mmt ! you or agalnat tbe aae , d aound flnanclne tha OwmnZT- ork Among the public there! Though teg aeaUiig in Prlnca laapert carried amy man'. miaaipnrehenuon Tarytag ' MatIT Ba5t during the aaaath at aw who rnwar h, lTrm tno Jhln . Ubranan hat"J Jat aaat a the Liberal eanctutatc. .rui ncUlln to do but read new book all an JM oame up nearly to tat v. V day to those who brl yv i- ...i . lioure of t lag Ml laet for aha w w tne - -7- !7 h, , m,h , iar .k- ..... ., PREPARING FOR Bid SALMON PACK THIS SEASON ON ISLANBS : LOG SCALING PICKING UP at a total Of cu rw;; WUK m II1T wr wtw awaa ecUection. fate too horrible to con- aMe tiu ar behind seat fear template Ireccrd itandlng at lgJM.IM feat a ' Any young Canadian no take, un compared with gTjaojga gar aa tbe silver lining 10 that ciuun 1. compared with May 1M7 while athar toe excellent experience he :: Kn:, in , varteuea atood around tbe same tee a a final rub trf activity at :hr Ur' American libmr:' j they did twelve months ago. Inlet oanaers in mnaniinn "What doe; Ubrar. o:k nfi . it I 'Marked lnniaasi over last aaar la for the oDtnma-ol tha Min. ,-.,.. c:nf It offer the oDDurtuiu-v of ' foreat product. Muct as noan. ntkav ate. season .amain, v. -l. .. .u. ae-riee for those who itnT fu.iiJi. st!U to be noted The c'ty from the Mhnis un the ictsamlr "Scr M acadenuc caner. a lrfe j F" tgi year to date la shout mnre Lnane. tna morntns T t the ' wnose tate runs'"" "' iuaiu bimsi crele yser for s large run ot. fish on l! 'hat wrert'n: It often, optioruniwl PU show a SUBJlar aatlo of the Wsnde and rperatofe si a AnaO' Iboat a gfflW, JW tr. rv im,. . . . QUCaticiia! bent tho rto nor i Tne cnlrj in -wfca.n IWI WB1U fcj II 4rg?4f War's- ' w to mse up tbe deficiency of recent terh ,or ,bo' 'h" :h desire ! Charlotte Ulauda are laraaly DCN'EH OMAHA KANSAS CITY OtS MOINES hT. LOtM CHICAGO DKTHOjr cJncinnati CLrVCtANI) XOHIiaJTO ETTECTrVE MAY XX TO PT. JO njcrwilM LIMIT OCT. 31, afigB ROUND TRIP TO Mai u 1-8Wlre8U partBof raid-vTt, south and ctnit. vErm Fmc fast trams. ;2 11 00 National Park ATlJtNTA ih'u wrana Can yoa Nat'l Pk. !?FJ.Bt;H(iH m.5 YoHewatonc National Fk. RoahjrMountalnrlatl k. F' UluMrated Booklet.. Kcwr.. 1 1 om and Informatiun. sddre. AC N PACIFIC Balaam Jackplne . Cottonwood Plue tMs, number Pencepoats. cords . . Pulpwood. oordu . . Mi aeain -jmw a n.ue rn tne amci- "' Icration of life to add to the happiness ! following are the flgaaas aar log mn NtiuiM H.1HIMW u.t.. BOAKIi hunT an unrKiltwl slmg In fTlnee Rupert drlrhrt during opportunity 1 .hall be gUi if .ny-j 'or the year to dam: . OTTAWA. . .. . . thliiK I beve said shall draw one or' Ma; n aann h Ju.h. 14 -Alfred Umber- ttm m-rtilu to thl. I State 1 aber of .he tanft aaviM no-rrl many ol tho- eneaxwl in it oonsider Ocutlu r ox.Og aaa oeen aiDu.n:rl tn M .t.. .... n .u .,.. ... " """" ''' 111 tne wnoie f tcia 1 v"' wnmm lunjgf - ,"'n -! human endeavor" Coaat sprace . ... 4 Jgft,agg gJMjnj -1 Interior sDruce as U9 aar no I Hemlock 1410JMS lW.Tgg ajagjet M.lTt laajgg saa,t Total tJT8J78 MMJi HlllgaT I'ltOtiliTTH Pole lineal ft . 1 Pile, spruce : Pile bom lock P'lea cadsr ' '"ordwootl. cords ShinglahalM. Mg iea tM4o aoAta wan njM SO 4g M M MM7 Ml AM m 403 4 MISSION BOAT PATROL TOJIPPO ISLAND IS USEULTOESHRR1EN BsUOaOATI. June 14 Rev Bok Scott of the maaton boat Thomas ftoeby mites regular run to Hippo where the K res test fleet of trouem aa the Queen Charlotte Island. ms teudjqudrterc ReKHrdleu of weather and huge -iqj tha- wtep in from the Pacific thU popular nKj ,,i0t never mUae a trip and culls on .in ;tie boy delivering mail and uc. irum tbe outakkt world 81ioulri anyone ; iiy hurt. Captain 'ft- f' ; 3 f H c rr fnstashawngat new j ?5 . oncert Maater'a Voice tlegwars aae ia ke Oknrn- ItMivar a ready to take the patient to ne neaaaat aaapltsj Ten Years Ago In Prlnca Rupert ty to serve yon one hundred percent. kssuw uaai unr piacc 10 near ana enjoy at its !et a) at tame. And thrv are iVXK u, isig. at the cloaine of aa? Oaladnnl. - ..! , fWsajoB r. V uaeruXltfaa R M. Pavhw. Arahgaacon W h clm. 4 K Prtue and Alfred AHasaa to Vmsm van at thrar masi twIhisi rtiaopbonic Vktrola models, tuft-ther your our UvQaMe laaiaa 4 mmic tar an with YaM ee iiow eaajr and carracaient evarythint tg aaade for you ? Juat a ttdephone call, wltittg far a ngsnat 6WjMtratioa, will do it. Aai tjaaae ia aVtolutgJa no oblieatkai ia with tvus aervioe. u.1.1 . . leas 4 MiaJaV.aJtewjirt.haM Hl. sn iar tslker fitm ATaaei tA.AK.i . iad Waataiineter bere they wUl rwu we r mini in 1 LADY CONDUCTOR FOR BOYS BAND TOMORROW rain dov them home a number of! neoniC enjoyed eecito: I Orthoph ' True inflr &uund ' ome. -1 tj r. -r aV aT ar "GOVERNMENT LIQUOK ACT" NOTIfC or KEVT TO tl'PLIf'ATIUV nK MMi-TIUMFSU Ol OSM.U I-lCBKjt CTIC M HBawBY OIVCN that, on MC IltD taMBar Of JmIw ta. tka .. !ln to apply tj the Liquor Cpntfol Board tor consent to transfer of Base T . " - t j . . iS.tSSP'i l"1 beiiu; part of buliaingjtnown as the Touriy- fiotei. it-J 1TTo. B.C upon tirf land de-tmlfii ma . m Bioc 'I. Map DaaraTT tUKl:.,.nU.. uanlkla. from Oaorge Teaster to Aagelo Jhaaaochlp and Urteno OolbachmT 01 Terraca. British Columhi. thT c.Trv u. ta -ay H)g. UawO: S. anal S mat- asut. q . 1 annum vmeinnutA see pounds aag Clara ao0. ' UHBAWO cbLBACcmff Dated Appilcanu and Traasfereee LAND ACT , OriVriiMTICK TO APPLY TO tni .... pen Land Hecordlnc Dl .n bob situate Mjaoant to AUMari Bay. Moresby UUndsk ItWaate if, et Queen CbarlottTiaSnak nlSr tb Pacific M1IU Limited, -J108 of Vanosuver. B.C.. occupation iSr T. rir "--y'-r'nam lataads It was announced ! n..k. k.. k. I LSM'. Ior Iteae of the ToUowInc da- i boy. hand wawld TLTl I l . - PWV, on .Ue .tu unSeT; MTX'mar, 'oTTn ?., 'mag oooduotor and .h. ... 1..... lollowlru th- hkh water mark I would aUo be in cwtume 15!, u,Und to ai & coiajsncatnant I p. . . wonaia wiiour Hodsda Agent for Pacific Mills Limited "J lSO. . A! vara Model 4-90 or with electric motet $230 onight SI 9 :f- ftsk any "His Masters Voice" dealer- v say you want a home Ovthoj&omQ demonstration No obligation for this musical service. At fconae. lagcther fwr feaaife, yon wf be able to t;n, aajoy, fatdaat and -ffHrfr dat, your iiiipn iHat ty awggdk aw Me aic (Mbo-jhoaic otrcia If la ttee you can beat farm your estimate of the wofjaen pm-aible thaouf, far tara ad oarluaive VVmb cwotralred prawipko' liaaTiasd Inan4wM or "SraooA Raw of &ihmL The new Onhophonic V'ictroU ia awaae i a range of beautiful txMtxsa, ia cabineU ar tiaticsifiy aMtrted in nne vrgfWwt or nutiinign Electrically driven, if yoa wish at aliat additional coat. All inatrumeats are Mat autjjpiaje. Pricra ram tlW) dowm tom Jaw ag WIS. 43a oummieat fmymugtalaaw aB Hi hiastar'a Voice afcakn. ut firat, have your deauriatratioa tnnigBt, 11 Trade Mark Hrg'd vuccroia VIcjorTalkinji Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal im, Hcanaoian 1siiirX it bear the dog Trftdomara: I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION, DBPDCTIVE HEAR ING, CATARi;il and outer organic teoabiaa 0 uutui " methods. Dr. C, 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Illock. Phone lSt Qpon venini;-! Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert i A-Uan. M ranneU nod kujr.T June n. ig. jg, gg, gg. t. To tancomer, Vb-torju auil tinatle Jape f. jg. jfl. tg, HI. S. B9tf!IT..'.,. i'UlXCim UOVAL -2T 'i'.r1!.'?' f-"' ,w,, ",u vii Namu. Alert Bay. a . MTh11 1,I Vancouter every jflday. 10 p.m. A'ej for all Muea. lull iTifoMiiaUoa ra- . ... . tV. V. OHCUAIUJ. let,..jl Aient. t.wnr of 4i street and 8ril Avenue. ITIni Kupert, II.C. Phon S