MEN'S AND BOYS' Khaki Outing Pants A new line, made in BBfUad. Boys' worth 12.25. S1.25 Ilea's, worth $20. wr pri.ce. Si.49 We have Rome wonderful value in Droas Pants for mea and young men and boys' knickers and bloomers ' at (trices . to beat fas mail order houses. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 10-4, very fine quality. $1.65 Only 2 to each customer. Montreal Importers J. B. Miller. Proprietor. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, n.c. WE HAVE THEM SLEEVELESS DRESSES' ,1 AH shiultM. nUZBKS AM) SWEATER COATS HATIILN(; SUITS "Demers" CHECK OVER THESE SUPER BARGAINS AND BE HERE SATURDAY MORNING. Regular $2.50 Values. Men's Sport Shirts. Sale Price 1,28 Regular $2.25 Values. Men's Fine Shirts, about 150 in lot Sa'e Price 1,18 Regular $1.25 Value. Men's Zimmerknit Spring Needle buttonless Combinations. Sale Price g7( Regular to 75c Values. Boys' two piece Balbriggan Underwearper garment Sale Price 29C Regular 65c Values. Boys' Cotton Jerseys, assorted colors. Sizes 26 to 30. Sale Price :. 38c Regular to $2.25 Values. Men's good strong wearing every-day Work Shirts. Sa'e Price 1.29 Regular $5.50 Values. Men's Scotch Crain Work Boots. Sate Price 3.95 JUNIOR PUPILS AT ST. JOSEPH'S Academy gave a meet creaiiaoie . a- . w . . . a k. . .. i i I ml aid tMrnin flat pvocram waa foD-ed ay tne ai k..iu, a! itinbmH natainrl Irozn :ne 'V ... .u-.'nn n Wu.'r in June a';cllC,k iDunsate Malalet icUatert Oaealdlne Mann. Walta (Kulluki. Oecile Deajardlru. Bnnnaaa i Rummet ) Nancy Brown. Alkgro (Clement!) Shirley McEwen. The Enchanted Lake" Oaten I . Dorothy Dungate Minuet (Bach) Edna Ollllea. Melody in C 8huaaanni. MaUle -WiU O the Wlp (Kllencurg). Marie i Mueette (Bach) Helen McJfaughton. Sonatlaa (Baethoreat). Irene Oavl-gan. Oobitn'a Revelry (aVMobarg). Oladya LaDake Country Dance (tturtortoi. Fhylli Brlndle Le Jeuneaae (Coade). Oraca Lt Duk. ong withowt word (Mendelaaohn. Maryr Madema. Fink (Uchner). May McDonald Frelude No. 4 (Chopin). Kathleen Duncan. Walta (Oebimer) Dorothy BaUangor. Prelude No. S (Cboplni Edith Ker- gln. -f. L "Oodja IT ve the King." . ' mpIIHeport ON LOCAL SCHOOLS TO SCHOOL BOARD The ehoot beard at tte ragular aaanthly meeting lt night heard re-porta from the prlnrlpaU of the varloua achoola all t whom were prevent at totlowa j nign dcihwi -Aiicuuaut. 4w. wjm am. . Rlrla 01. percentage 96.6. The turn of! : Ho had boen co!lc-tl fr( m acme ntu- j din: (ur damage to deaka and 4t name I mtuniMi iiUMiiiwii 1 1 1 ii i ijniuwujgBagwMH ! m iwii. mii , Jabour Bros. Regular to. $rjf vale.j Your choice-of y Woman's Trimmed Hat in the store. Value to $8.50. Sale Price 2.95 Value to $S.OO I have picked out about 75 pairs of Men's fine Calf Dress Boots and Oxfords. Your choice. Sa'e Price ... 2,98 Watch These Shoes Take a Wfalk I have placed on sale for Saturday Morning about 100 pairs of Women's Shoes in assorted leathers, "styles and heels. Value to $8.00. Your choice, 3 pairs for.... 1,00 Regular to $12.50 Value. Boys' Tweed Suits, sizes 26 to 34, 18 only. While they last, your choice. Sale Price .... 5,65 Regular $8.00 and $&M Values. Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, rubber heels, w elted soles. Sale Price 5.95 Jabour Bros. Regular to $6.50 value. Our entire stock of Men's Felt Hats. Value to $6.50. Regular 95c Value. Boys' Athletic Combinations, short sleeves and knee length. thoae she had not paid were ti the recretary. B.o-.h School Attendance. 4M. boy 248. flrU J02, perron tag MM. divlelon leading wKb 07.74. Borden Street Attendance 131: boy' 1M. girla 171. percental M. trade 2 leading with 97 M. Barings banked. 1126 recital of Uat nl" In their J eeai Oo--Attendance ; percentage junior piano puptla of Si. Joecphl WeatTie'- -Attendance, 21. boy 11. amnion u . " . ... tu, oa m tw nM tnis vnoM naa Deen piantea 10 potatoea. and peat with if, !:owfra n the dlng. Tbe ptograin waa aa foiicwi: -A Child Ooonihi (tHalding- r F Ktaap aaiU lonisrinar afwraoon Antoinette aaarn on -.ha Prlnoaai Allot for Vancotiver to aUlns" (Williams?. Lillian John- attend the Oraad Chapter Convocation of Royal Arch aiaaona. Mm Ksffap will 'Tla Boat" (Baytey). Taaili Oilila. accompany him aouth and will vlalt Magnet. Loot Ago" Baykey : Jeaale wttn ner aon-m-iaw uo aaunjwr. ar. ig Bumble Bee" (Spautdingi Lafargaret McDonald' ..A-1 Anna" ilnallMllll I rmw Vina . Cameron Dtag Doag BaU- iBpauldlng'. Mat hllds Vandyke (Dopont) Betty and Mrt Jamaa R. Mitchell. West Save Money! Make your own hard or soft soap by using waste fats and G LLEiTS PURE FLAKE cu1 LYE It costs less to make . soap than to buy it ! FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EVERY CAN . .-c rr rNlw Regular $1.50 value. Men's Work Shirts, 75 only at this price, while they last. .Sale Priqe 88(V Classified : Ads. H stead ppaciil WANTEIf SKWINO WANTED Phone Red OB. VI THE FOR SALE DAT 143 COMPLAINTS AT HIGH SCHOOL LACK OI' rO-OPKRATMtti HV ptHcvix h rHAKi.isii nv nti- ( I PAL FB1HHE Lenity rf aarenta of high achool ttion'f wU aWntionod ny Ftiarip: Pedotr at the eehool board meet:n lint nlcht In hi lapor. to the trunleaa Tnp prtnctpal complstaod that there vaa laxity :n not ending the puj-ffi lachcel or. t me and in the nutter o! esrusea for tarStataa. Another matatr along mmtlar line ;wa a report tbsi many failed to pay an aaaawrneiit for damago to tclieo! property done by the pupil A lew had paid hut Bat largest number had irefnaed. Mr Fatfdte auggeated that If ia proapectua Te preaented to the parenU at the Bagtnntng of the term i with Uie rulea sad regulattona Utert ' would rw better replication of lea- porulbllitica RECEIVING CLASS AT 1 BOOTH SCHOOL OPEN ONLY IN SEPTEMBER I At tbe arhoat beard meeting laat 'n ght t u dMpted that heraarur Uroe otM be W 'Utih" taken iftV) JBSoth ch'.-oi ismaruary. retwlvins; irla felne, open oaay once year at tae nayinninx of the achool term In September Tbo e childaea who beer me f.x yeant of tt hefon Fdhrwary 1 will bo all wed ta tgin achoot la SaptMnber but if they do not baghi titan, tbwy rauat wait until the lull .wing September Tbe recommendatlwaa to thla effect aa made by MMa Mercer, the principal, and srerpted bf the board j l VEVTBVRY r F ' Bewiiui). Jund 14.--H Button four-year old Kmrbahtunga won th New- , bury S' liintrrTup yMtrrtlay Van-tagtbettc aecond and E1k :.. uurd Here's Some Bargains Regular $2.25 values. Men's Bib Overalls, 3 dozen only. ale Price ..... 89C STARTS SATURDAY - MORNING AT 9 A.M. SHARP. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Folks, grasp it. Be here with the crowd. W. O. Grant, Sales Conductor, in fall charge. All Sale Prices Strictly Cash. Women's Silk Dresses -at Drastic Reductions Regular $16.50 values. Sate Price . . . 4,95 Regular $22.50 vahes. Sale Price . . . 8.95 Regular $25.00 values. Sale Price 11.95 Women's New Style Spring and SuniMer Cimts at real - Bargain Prices. 'Regular to $15.00 va'ues. Sale Price (5.95 Regular to $32.50 values. Sale Price .. 15.95 Reeular to $40.00 values. Sale Price 823.95 JABOUR BROS., LTD. inf puryciea Fbooe Baft or 171. FOR RENT. Bouee keeping - married couple. OR RENT. Ninth AVW auitaMe Fhone Red UX 102S for CLAFFBRTON MOTJBB. Beit. Rnt reaeonabla Apply City Tioaaum. City Hall. ft OR BBNT FIANOB. FLATRBVFI ANOS. Fhonograjma and Sewing Machine -Watkera Mutlc Store. U at- flat for t!rr-ri MOORV XND bath, on Sixth Aeeaue. W Fhone M3 or Black SM. tf 'OR RBXT FOBJnBHBD HOU8BKBZP-Ing room by the day. wak or month Fbone Red tfft tt FOR RENT. FOVR BOOM A FART -meat, hot water heatad Apply Bmlth Mallctt. Ltd. tt FOR BENT. FtTRKUmBD APART-menta.- Aty Muaaallem Oracery. KESTAURANTS CMMHI f.MH CAI'R Mra. Uagar. Propnetrrm Third Aveawe. arrt il.M.V.A Oood Home Oonaad Mania and Haeelal rharken Dlnaer Every fmrnity rranlag trow SJt. SCHOOL OF L1TBR ATURE rr tz r,T - - Vaneaafrr, H.C. natloa UARN TO WRITE fTORIM Trrri tfformatton. School of Literature. tl HaMn mr mmiii(. USED CARS FOR SALE rord Ton Truck, panel body . . noo.oo Ford Ton Truck, Chaaala only, aurter type 1140 00 Ford Roadater delivery. It, good condition 6176.00 Oakland Sedan. IBM. fuur wheel i brake, baloon tire 166000 i- ion iramc Truck, new tira tugmi aaanani Regular $2.50 Values. Men's Smocks goinfr at less than wholesale. Sale Price ' HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS THAT AWAIT YOU AT JABOUR BROS?l!tl). e 9 O BARGAINS FROM TIIK DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT Regular 40c vakes, Women's Summer Vests. Sale Price 25C Regular $1.75, Women's Night Gowns. Sale Price 9oC Regular $L35 values, Turkish Towels. Sale Price, pair 89c Regular 86c Pftow Sups. Sale Price 22C Regular 45c, assorted Cretonnes Sale Price 28 C Regular 26c, Colored Cotton Crepes. Sale Price !4C Regular 76c yard, Spun Silk, as-forted shades. Sale Price. . 45C Regular 06c, Kiraona Cloth. Sale Price 39c Regular 40c Satines, assorted shades. Sale Price 24 C Regular 26c, White Flannelette. Sa!e Price 15c Regular 60c values, Children's and Misses' White Lisle Hose. Sizes 0V to 9. Sale Price 37c THIS BIG STORE-WIDE SALE IS, ON FOR 15 DAYS. POSITIVELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE IS ON SALE Regular to $255 Value. Boys' Tweed Knickers, sizes to 33. Sale Price . 1.28 Regular $4.50 Value. Misses' Patent Strap Slippers, Classic make. Saie Price .... S9 dS v Regular S1.75 Value. Men's TSalbriggan Buttonless Combinations. Sale Price 98c Regular c Value Mens Two Piece Bal- briggan Underwear. Sale Price 38c Men's Summer Weignt Tweed Caps. Sale Price ...... Q$q or building paptr oi to !aj ke- SALYAtiE AMI TOW1NU carpeu on the floor Oet . , . price on large quantltkt uupcn .Tair . '"Ht Dally News. io- Km tAiaT run ready to naa. Mead bargain Helen. Seal Owe. SITUATIONS VACANT 1 BOAT. vAfrnjn TOima mam rom M- FOR BALC- MIMB P1VCC DARK OAK ,lvtr, nr Appty Humo B. Je tf Dining Room Suite, bed couc i. mriH . ; '.' f i table. Apply Cbrlatle. Waldron m FOIl flBNT OLD WaTWgf APSJtB MAT BE USED l.i- HTHZ ROOM BOUSE FOR BUTT. second Avenue. Bwiubla for BmiU SaJe and Typewriver tor Sate Agaiitt for aatbop Bnclnea. Cool Id re trajpaUera. and Tualube OH , IkaaU all iimrtHHiii for baHrr eH IM tVtry. SUMMER RESORTS LAKF.I.SH HOTSI'NIN(;S I)I)(iB: NOW rfN LAH4JRHT HfUMl'HIkfW IK CAVAUA (Llthla Water I Trtnt Fbliinc m LsksW Lake MHHI AfCOHMOIIATrO.V F11H FIHrHMU Lakelae Lake. Terrace. B.O I'AKTIBH J. BBlXSt JOMWBlONB. Manager. I'UltNlTUKK AND RANCUS OhtFLSTE LINE OF NEW FUBMTTL'ltS in atoak,, bed. aprtnA. mattraaaea; Dining room lultae: Cheater Derd atll tee: carpeU all alaaa: Linoleum and. linoleum ruga: ubtea. kitchen I cabiaou. dimm. chtffonlan. blltxla. curtain roda. biankata. aheeu. chalra. Wicker and esne Our price are ra- , aonable. Tou are Inriud to call at 1 our atere. A. MrKENXIB Furniture. FhoM Tl e taW4 r'J?a''a AUCTIONBRRS. LSBBRS. pRiNTE RirrritT IWertl FtjeaMttne f all t 1Mb bonatat. aold ' or exehinged. ineed Orating and packing don, floods aold oa Oommtuion H. J. DAWES. CHIROPRACTIC UH. R. E. BYOI.rfMIS ChlrafiraMar 633 Third Aeenwe Telephone for appointment now to Blue as naaiacnee pnone aiaea ua. Trim can rt rranged on above car : nd Chronic Diajrdt.a ucaaa-KAIEX ( AR.tiic I fully treated Pbone 62. Eatabllahed 1834. Jabour Br Here' p',.. i; A ho v :w Women' v ... 18.60. ; ,iv mean it-Only, i r ReKulj?" t 1 s Womi i.'; Novelty Iu-Strap S'i j). ha!es t ('-. Picked f r .in lar stork. T. Here's Anotb 12--l;;; - : and h'u :' and T.tu ' a? sole Sizes 2 $1.5'. V i, youu c.. v 10 onlv, value- ' 1 By a!l Mc:: Over Ti.i P.L ' i;.l' o w men s .- Yiv: ! c' '.. SmV I'r f 9Sr Jabour Bros. Stock N''t: .' inif 81 V- i Stock-li-' I' Wr- cv V vire ;p "u;. Mirtii": '" Stork I k. h;r We -..! h arrei''!!'' V Winrtiixv aaa. Van. la n InhnctAli; f U If JWMUV. v I7 2n PriRte I; DRY : JACK PINK SiiifW' pduiilc Lou t Liny c . ick COAL VHH ivniliii IVmln. V:i MLit-r a Alter; Lti" ' Aluo ottii HydeTransi'1' and c..- Vf Phot S80 1 LINPS Cartage and Stor? CartnK.-. Wan' ,r '' Hi-Tihut'"-- - 1 ' ' Motor (,,,,, ShpiI ,jv We SpeMHli"