Friday. Jim 18 -'1028 PA OR THRRFi Local and Personal WfWSKWPSB ana i r ptjj rH" U Bend Richmond Louvre Ad. 4 a Tavl rii.Mie 4. ltl 4 Taxi. tt 1 tl.MII 4H OT M' MI Ml ll'l'i I .'l.i Dentin. iDri . a. OnM PhOD SRC i II 'AVI.. ift K'lllll'l' 'inn tand, Cential Hotel. BOTTLED AND 5?!Bfcw 7 V I inBsStland Lafc.--'.'r: ' rA " . JSL-rtBC scotch wmiskv Al V I jB CMOiCt OLD SCOTCH WHI5HV It ' lJ" ' $1. 1 1 I fctxy JllwilLw ,T- B t J3-'Sfti SWSVTfT'B . ivii bp if n va. t m HI W fir 731 - H V IRI1B11 VVlfil.l I iiinrni n iin-rwn ;i(lvertisenit n' i.s not published or displayed by the Liquor it ml llnurd or by the Government of British Columbia ASK FOR YOUR ASK FOR YOUR NEW MILLION DOLLAR Valet Anto Strop RAZOR FKEE with every purchase of 10 blades 30-dav Introductory Offer. rmes Ltd. Jfic Pioneer )rt4t?cists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? u 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers -HIE DAINT1B8T HHBAKFAIH' HOOD.' Smukd Dally by Canadian psh & Cl SP IX Prime Ktiart. B.C Ran ad san National Hie Largcfl Kailioay Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SBRJ'IB UOM.VtS. Till ItslMVN 40(1 p.m. TIB "J?0 AM and kith ant. monIiAY. khmi MlWIT INUT MI1MIAVS. 4 00 p.m. sm tn oiikkn riiAHi.o'rri: K All it AY, .' UINr;NIs. 4 00 till I'' " arnvlMR from South Fil l i'. 1i ' umm Httlllnit ANYOX urn! Miitt.AUl ."' ' " IHth. cancelled. I'AHKHNOfcU TRAINS I.KWt I'KIV B,,(Wt,li "AirvrxMaTNKKIMVat 11.80 a.m. Ir I'K.N. K ui:mifc. BIHWV M INNllK, all points He4rn ran". k'"11 Ntate- AOKNCV AM. ORKAK STKAMMIIir ,.,mf..-fln f 'TV TICKWFICI!.! Wnsht-s and Drle- WilliouJ h Wringer THE NEW SAYAGE 59 tier cenl l-'iister Krum liHmpo, to n - N minutM-Washurl. Illuod. iM'd and l)rietJ-Sold terms. on ..! Kaien Hardware Co. Phone Box cuttings for sale, 2.50 a large load. Hyde's Transfer. Phone 580. tf Third Annual picnic jjf C.NJl. em. ployte will be held on Bunday, July 1 to Terrace. 141 Oiler Besner sailed by toe Prince Charles yesterday afternoon on a bual new trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. J. H. Maoey and child will tall tomorrow afternoon by the Prlnc Alice on a holiday visit to Vancouver. Oordon Vlerack. late of Munro Brae, Is joining the staff of the Prince Bupert Hotel, succeeding Prank Taylor, who la going into business for himself. Adam Mackle. fisheries Inspector, re turned to the city on the Cardena this morning from a week'a trip to cannery points down the coast on official duties. Mrs. W. D. Vance sailed yesterday af ternoon on the Prince Charles for Van couver on ill weelu' trip. While In he south srw will attend the Grand Chapter meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star. O. A. Woodland, dlatrlot deputy grand master Kf. & AM . and W. B. Morgan, worshipful master of Tslmpsean Lodge, are sailing by the Prince Rupert this afternoon for Vancouver to attend the annual Orand lodge meeting In that city. Motorshlp Belllngham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port early this mottling from Ketchikan and dis charged a carload of frown fish at the government wharf for transshipment East over the Canadian National Ball- ways. John U. Morrison arrived tn the elty on the Cardena this morning from Vancouver and will proceed Sunday night aboard the Catala to Alloa Arm on business in connection with hie mining and other Interests at that point. There were 906 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Louise which was in port this morning bound from Vancouver 4p Bkagway. The following disembarked here: C. H. Donaldson, A. OlUls. O B. Whitehead. N. Merry, Mr. Caswell and Dr. O. W At the school board meeting M night Km. Uaney. principal of Cove school, reported that eighty pupils at least were expected to attedd that so boo! nest year. The question of i commodation would be matter for decision of the board. Rev. and Mrs. Oaorge Turpln arrived tn the city on yesterday aftetnoonV train from 8ml then and sailed by tat Prince Charles for Vancouver. Mr. Turpln has been transferred to the Praaer Valley in the United Church mints! after having spent the pact two or three years In Bmlthen. Cetobrettng the anniversary of th4Mg tin In MM. the Vancouver Provtoee on Thursday published a picture of Cordova Street, the then main arttfy of the city, as it appeared five weeks after the conflagration wmcn nurn wipaa t the business section of Vancouver. Prominent among the buildings to be seen Is Hint which rontslned the pioneer furniture or Frank W Hurt, not of thin city Smoked Meats 01 tll'AIJTY at monoy -saving prices for TIIUHHDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUYERS Gainer' h Superior Bacon, average 6 '4 lbs. to side, per lb. . . ! Part side, per lb I0 Swift's Premium Bacon, average 4 Mi lbs. to aide, per lb. . . I If Part side, per lb Ulr Premium or Superior Side Bacon, machine sliced, )er lb. . . iW Superior Back Bacon, machine sliced, per lb I5f Premium Raw Ham, machine sliced, per lb I0r Libby's Sliced Penchea, 2's, per tin 2.V Nabob Mixed VegetableH. 2', 2 tins IV Tomatoes, 2'a, tins I0r Togaatowa, 2Va,s. 3 tins 0r Robertson'" Orange Marmalade, in glass jars, per jar ;t0r Robertson's Ginger Marmulude, in glass jars, per jar lVc ilWisifoni, per pkge Ifif Dried Prunes, fuMey 4 ll kinds Fresh FfUlts' refefvVd every bout, if in whipping condi tion. Fresh GiToiiHtuff and Yei" I ttiblen of ull kinds. Watts Grocery Tie Store ir I'lentx I ( Successor to MiMi'i1 in - ' Phone 55 I 'hone ! as. Bead Biehmonda Anglican Church June is. Vaudeville. Moose Picnic. June 24. Pioneers' Plcnlq, July 8. November is the best remedy known for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema, sore feet, st?nrs and blisters. A skin food! Fresh fruits and berries are delicious to serve with Kellogg's Corn Flakes. -jAr A nice bowlful makes a perfect breakfast dish. Flavor . . . plus crisp-ness . . . plus wholesome goodness that leaves you feeling fresh and fit all day! C 0 RN FLAKES Richmond's Louvre Ad. Pootbaii match. Acropolis U1U, thui 141 evening at b:45. Test match. C. H. Skins returned to the city on Four good preliminaries at the Box- the Prate. Rupert this mornuig from a ' lng Match tonight in Exhibition Hall brief business trip to Vancouver. at 8:80. CP, steamer Prince Royal, Oapt. a. K. Oray. Is due In port late i. afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver And waypolnts. P. O. Dawson went up the line at far s Kwlnltaa with Premier J. D. Mac-Lean and his party yesterday, returning yesterday afternoon. H. P. Otaaaey. secretary of the locul Liberal Association, accompanied the party to Terrace. -, Tourist visiting the elty this week enroute to Alaska included Henry Boos and Simon Boos. Los Angeles millionaires aud former operators of a chain of restaurant i in tliar and other California cities, who were the giK:a while here of Mr. and Mrs. U. B. SUIcn, Fourth Avenue East TraV brothers were accompanied by their wives and they re to make a tour of Yukon and Atlln districts before returning here from the north on July 2 enroute to Jasper Park. Make up a party and come to the ll.ODJI. Rose Carnival in the Moose HaU tonight at 7 JO. Admission Me. ' Boxing tonight. Exhibition Hail at 8:80. Ray Clark vs. Alt. Harding. Reserved seats 01.50. General admission 1.00. Q. A. Woodland, local agent of the I ' Imperial Oil Co.. returned to the oity : on yesterday afternoon 'a train from a business trip to the Interior. I At the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club yesterday it was decided to assist jtlie boys in getting to and from their i camps, the members using their launches for that purpose. ' dnif In the lb lng Mairli tu- nlehl In the i:hlbltlfHi Hall at M.30. Iluv ('lurk. HelHngheiu. vs. ( Alf. Ilanllng. Calgary, .four smm prrllmliMirlni. Itroerveil keats SI. 80. (Iriieral uiIhiImMou Sl.Wt. ,! Th cho1 b0w lu metln,t lMt v - a wnn v finirvTC A1MUU1M li.UlilN la flight expressed the opinion very slrong- Jf that the Injury to the fire escape at I.O.D.B. Roue Carnival. Moose Hall Borden Street school should have been reported to them Immediately instead 01 waiting for the regular meeting. The Pt pairs are being Attended to at once. At the school tH:M'' Trustee i A" tl4swe R0chst Hirtt - r Voul Others 'BeMMKm preald sum P rest J M4a ItU. Jfhnlt Mrs dpehcet. Ollchrlst. S"cni cnury Wll- llanion nncl the urnu i;.U of the rhoolK CNR steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. D Donald, arrived In port at 11 o'clock thlK rm-rnlng from Vancouver. Powell River mid Oeeun Falls Iimtead of go-Inn north to 8liirt and Anyox this trip, the Prlnc Rupert turns back t 4 thin afterniK'ii lor the south, miiklnii HHvml trip m Sea: tie via ,0.-ean Pall. Poll River, Vancouver and Victoria with a party of 130 Eastern member of the Kiwiims Club who Humd litre by U'am tin aiuiucon. Wow r vtfAtOB&rnS -X- Kellogg' are the world' M most popular corn flakes! More than 11,000,000 people eat them every day. Serve for lunch and dinner as well as breakfast. For the kiddies' evening meal. Never tough-thick but extra crisp. Always easy to digest. With milk or cream fruits or honey added. W ' 4 M Order at hotels, restaurants, I jtjg J 7vf cafeterias. Sold by grocers. I j 1 f Made by Kellogg in Lon- i The Sensible Road to Health No matter what your ailment is, do not think your case is hopeless until you have tried Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. What it has done for others it will do for you. Do not through ignorance of this wonderful science, shut the door to your ultimate relief and happiness. CHILDREN CAN TAKE ADJUSTMENTS at any age without pain. An adjustment at the right tine will prevent many so-called children's diseases. Consult about our Electrical and Ultra-Red-Ray treatments for all diseases. W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. 6 and 7 Exchange Block Phones: Office, Green 241. lteaidetice, Black 283 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailings front ITIiht Itupert. IW VAM'Ol'VKK. VH'TOUIA. Swan-un Boy, IMtledale, Alert Ihtf. fie. TtifMluy, 5 p.m. lor, VICTORIA. lUrtedair. Alert Hai. etc.. Saturday, t am. tor I'OHT KIMI'MIN and NAAS KIV K IMIINTK. Friday, lor AI.1CK ABM. ANVOX. STEM AUi. WAI.KH IHI.AMI. l"OKT OtM I'MIN', SmikUv. 8 pan. 1U tnd Avenue. It. M. aMITH, Agrnt. PrlniT llttKrt. a& Tliroiigli tickets sold u t letorbi aim Seattle, and tMtggafe cuetked Hirudin lu litstlnatlei May Belle Lingerie THE NEW MAY BELLE BOHETTE BLtJOMEIt ) Tuilored style, in shades of gjfctfl. Coral, IVaeh, Crabapple. with contrast trim. , Q'l v Special at per pair OUR SPECIAL MAY BELLE BLOOMER In Bobette and ordinary style, beautifully finished with double V crotch. In shades of Sky, Nile, Peach, Crabapple, Coral. All slses. 1,25 Per pair Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.