,TM.'it 16, 3B2B paqz rrra ran DAILY rTHWB seMbseMeMIi-s m-rTSSSSSSS KIWANIS CLUB iffo 18th Year in the same stand. 18th Year in the same sand. PARTY IS HERE tv r tv or ric-wis rur ni-mcs Electric Bread keeps soft longest THE BEST THERE IS! 11 I I - i i r Sandwiches OOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES -Tiring- stock of High Grade Men'fi Wear is now Here. -. f Briton's finest woollens from which to ehoose ,f? suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's fore-!n's builders "Society Brand." Obey That impul J)o it Today THOR JOHNSON ackwari I.AIttll.HT SIMILE TOIKIST OKOt'l' TO WT CJTV W F Alt THIS KKAMIN .AKKIVE TOII- ; t Some one hundred and fifty mem- tbers ere 'Htunls- krtj--from--New EnRlnnd Stuu-a and Eastern Canada, forming a delegation which will attend I an International convention In Seattle ntut week, are paying a brief visit to the city thla afternoon. About one hundaed members O ft he party arrived on special train from Duluth which iRttp-fty3 tn remaining fifty came in wm tke regular train at 3:80. They rwnl embai about 4 p.m. on the, steamer Prince Rupert which will take tr.em to Seattle, calling enroute at Ocean lulla. Powell River. Vancouver. aud Victoria. The party, the largest alngle tourist groupito visit the city to far thla eum- ner, was accompanied from Jasper Park y R. W. McNaughton. district pasaen- gar agent for tbe Canadian National Hallways. 8. E. Moore, manager of P. Bums Co. Ltd , returned to the city on thf Prince Cbarle yesierdiy morning from business trip t Ar.yox. Stewart and Masaett, WATER NOTICE 4 JUVEUSLON .M) IteE. TAKE NOTICE that The Detroit Western Milting Co.. whoae address la B04 Standard Bank Building. Vancouver. B.C.. will applr lor a licence to take slid use ISO era. of water out of East rcrk of Khutaa River which flows wei terly and drains into Khutae Inlet. Ora bam Reach. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 1400 feet East of the Witness Post on tbe. wast slave of Lot 173 Prince Rupert district and will be used for mining purposes upon the Mineral Group de-.u-rthed a western Copper (plans on file iii Surveyor Oeneral's Office). This notice was pestsd on toe ground on tbe lyin aay oi assy, lyio a copy oi mis notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the 'Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the said I Water Rec: rirr or with the Comptroller j ot Water Rights. Parliament Buildings. '.Victoria. BC. within thirty days after ! the flast appearance of this notice In I a local newspaper The date of the first , ' publication of this notice U June 11. 1928 DETROIT WESTERN MININO CO.. i Applicant. By F Pardc-e Wilson. Agent. The first week of our Backward Season Sale has far surpassed our ex- Moi;.. ! ..ni.miA r iuicinp Anno. Our renutation lor Uiiauty iioods nuuui ill uiu tutwiiii mu..- . . . .i i irh ovrrv nrlirlo is marked is the one reason. h not delay until stocks arc too much broken before making your choice. MEN'S PANTS i one lot of Men's Pants, regular : to $6.5". They come in Tweed, ni! Flannels in assorted patterns. . . ,,;t..i.u tnr summer wear. i ii Season etil I'nce . .. S3.85 BATHING SUITS Every Bathing Suit in the store made by Jantsen, Monarch, Regent and Universal-all pure wool garment and in one arid two piece suits, regular values to $50, gWng Backward Season Sale Price .... SUITS FOR !MEN Mnn's TwoPfl and Worsted Suits those are Quality Suits. All wool TJdsVnW finished with hard silk lining. Many the tweed suits have extra pants. MfiQ-Backward Season Sale Price ,3)10.510 ME'S CAPS i ticds of Men's Caps to choose from. . it V. and Victoria makes. Regular .due. 95c wrd Season Sale Price MEN'S UNDERWEAR button Underwear f0f men. The 1 ooke make. All sites from 32 to 46. K' due Si or 11 C rk 'il ard Season Sale Price THE ACME BOYS' JERSEYS The fiimous St. Margaret's Boys' Sweaters, made of pure wool with polo collar and fancy trimmings. 81.65 Backward Season Sale Price .... BOYS' SHOES The famous Ieckie Red Stitch Shoes for boy. Shes 1 to 5a. CO QC Backward Season Sale Price Sizes 11 to lS'i. 83.45 Backward Seaon Sale J'rioe .... f : , IMPORTERS Mail Orders nromptly f,M at these prices. So Charec Accounts. No C.0.1). neny t. Roofing and Specialities mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Papers and Kelts . Everjet Elastic Taint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 11G and 117 NATIONAL RACE IS STILL CLOSE CINCINNATI HEIH NOW I.KiIIV(i I EAdl K WITII SCANT MAItOlN OVER HT. UK IH (' HHOaL.H (Special to Dailly Haws) MSW YORK. June 15. Cincinnati Reds, Idle yesterday with Philadelphia on account of rain, now lead the National League with a margin of but half a acme over St. Louis Cardinals, who won over Boston. Maw York Oianta fell back aa a result of a loas to tbe Pittsburg Pirates in the first game of a series and are now en even footing with the Chicago Cubs for Kurd place. Brooklyn Dodgers, woo lost to the Cubs, ere cne-and-half games behind In fifth place. Philadelphia Athletics won the flat game of a series from Cleveland Indians while the third place St. Louis Browns contributed another to the New York Yankees' long string of victor ws. Yesterday's (cores : NATIONAL LEAOUK Pittsburg 4. New York 3. Clucsgo 7, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 3. Boston 3. Cincinnati-Philadelphia, rats. AMEJIICAN LPAfllU New York 4. St. Louis 3. Boston 4. Chicago 6. Philadelphia 9. Cleveland . Washington S. Detroit 3. COAST LEAOTE Hollywood 7. Sacramento 8. Seattle 1. Los Angles . Missions a. Oakland a. Portland 7. Sasfranclaeo S. j SPORT CHAT J Ray Clark "The fight wUl not go over five rounds." Alt Harding -'Clark cannot s$op me In fifty-five rounds." Thus feel tbe boys who win engage In the ten round headline event of . Form No. U. Beetle S9) LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO I'UllCIIAMl Ll.M) in Prince BuDert Land Beoordlni Dis trict and attuate about 4 miles from the mouth of Khutse River. take notice that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. B.C. occupation saining company, intends to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands: Oemmenclni at a noat planted one foot south of S.W. corner. Lot 304' thence southwesterly 100 chains: thence easterly 10 chains, more or leu; thence norxneasaariy lue cnains: inon nmn; SO chains, and containing 130 actea, more F. PARDOS WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western liaing Oa Dated IStb Aprh iwaa LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTBNTIOX TO APPLY TO LI.AKE LAN'll In Prtnoe Rupert Land Recording Dis- trlct and sltual ntuste adjacent w iuiuora Bay. Meres by Island. Bkldegate Inlet, Queen cnafiotte uianos. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific MUU 'Jmued o Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers. Intends to apply for a lease ot tbe following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the hh water mark of an Island: thane following the hleh water mark around the Island to point of commencement, and container one acre, more or Haas. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED. Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodadon. Agent for Pacific Mill. Limited. Dated May 3. 102H RED 3 Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood, in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. NV.xt Phone: Red 317. i I LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladies' Lisle Vests, opera style, 4 for 05c Ladies' Silk Knit Bloomers, Mauve, Maize, Coral, pair 7oC Silk Knit Princess Slips, all the latest shades, each $1.7 Ladies' Lisle Vests ud Bloomers, Silk Stripe, Mauve, Peach, pink, White, set . . $2.00 Children's NaJneheck and Drill Combinations. Value to flJJO 7."0 DRESSES 2 rjoaen Spun Silk Dresses, neatly trimmed, best quality. Value to $5.25 .... $2.05 Silk Knit Dresses in Black, Navy, SauL to $19.50 tor $0"5 Crepe House Dresses in G shades, nicely ap-pliouad, each 075 c Children's Silk Knit Dresses in pretty designs and colors. Regular $6.25 for s.7r COATS 4 only, Kasha Coats, to clear at each $1 1..0 2 only, Navy Charm een, fur trimmed, to clear at 17.50 6 only, best quality Charmeen, Mole tflm- med, spienelidly tailored, value to $32.50 S2S.50 4 only, Mandleberg Tan Rubber Coats, reg. $11.50, for 0.75 Phone 9. Charlie Brown s bcxlng curd tonight In the Exhibition Hall, opinions oi oo-. servers are similarly divided, with Clark possibly a slight favorite to win. and a real interesting bout is looked for unless someone gets nasty snd ends things too quickly which la a possibility thla fight presents Both Clark and Harding have their string of follower snd there should be plenty of enthusiasm from cither quarter. The match should till the commodious' Knii mH slvcsdv s satisfactory ticket sale la reported. Brown has had some j difficulty in Uulng up bis preliminaries tpis lime out everyining somuu im u read tun by the sound of tbe first bell. A special test football game will be jilcd Hits fVf.ijny at the Acropolis Hill grounds u Uetermlne local players who will meet the team from HAtB. pur ban next month. The light cruiser ' la raoorted to have a very strong ag- orMratinh of Tjlavwm and it Is tbe In tention to pick the cream 6TvfcaetU talent, as Indicated In this evenings i match, to oppoae them. The teat teams will be as follows: "A" Team, uamg club quarters of Regiment- -Corbett ; Ross and Eraklne: Mitchell. Harris (captain I ana wooas; Harrtaon. Campbell. Dickens, Mitchell and Furquhar: trainer, nunter. "B" team, using Ornd Terminal cltib quarters Campbell: Skinner and Lsmbe: Tinker, Currte (captain) and Hill: Wilson. Russell. Baptle. Strachan, Warren and Chenoekl: trainer. Lounde. ROTARY CLUB ENJOYS A DINNER OF TROUT i Yesterdav afternoon members of the Rotary Club enloyed a trout dinner, the ' fish being provided by Dr. W. T. Kergln. jThey were caught by his party In the lakea off Warte Canal. Tbe musical numbers consisted of two aongs Miss Davies accompanied by Miss M)orle Lancaster, on which she was complimented by the president. . George .Ron Msaa Crul paper u alon." BISHOP HONORARY MEMBER OF ROTARY At the meeting of the Rotary Club yesterday Bishop-elect Rlx was made an honorary member of the Prince Rupert Club. The recommendation came from the executive and was implemented on motion of W. T. Kergln seconded by Jobs Dote. aBBaBBBBBBBsVaBBBBWBBBBBBBMBSaBSjHgMBM For Pratt's Baby -Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds. Fertilizer and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co ninuftitfu f. Or : !'.' lH FRIDAY 15th This is our usual June Clearance always held about this time. We have had a very backward season and consequently have a lot of goods to move. To accomplish this we have cut prices relentlessly. BLAZERS Boys' Blazer Coats in Red or Blue with Black Stripe, each $1.75 Boys' Blazer Shirts, each OR? HOSIERY Ladies' Pure Sifk Hose in leading shades. Value to $1.50 for 03f Children's Lisle Sox, several colors, pair iI5f GLOVES . SiUx and Chamoisette Glows, pair .... 50f Lace Curtain Panels, 4 designs, regular $1.26 for 7Sf Washable Rag Bugs, 27 by 64, each . . . 73) HATS All Hats value to $6.50 for $2.05 Children's Straw Hats from 25r) to $1.50 Gossanl Contelettea, sizes 32 to 86. Sale price, each $1.03 COTTON DRESS GOODS Japanese Crepes in all latest shades, yards for $1.00 Kayon Ginghams in Mauve, Jade and Powder, 3 yarda for $li00 Figured Broadcloth in Blue, Tan, Maise. 3 yards for $1.00 72 inch Pure Linen for embroidery, regular $2.50 for yard 1.75 -This is only a partial list of the many desirable bargains SEE OUR WINDOWS H. S. WALLACE CO in 3rd Avenue and Fulton. City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) 3rd Atenue Phone 765 SI RAT. FISH, VERBTABLBS and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prises, and immediate delivery Obsenel All article's are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST TKV A Hit TQ.MCHV' p r Best ProeiiraMe (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BollhJ and .tJ y WiHi Crul Sot UaiMxI. OivWJkIi mii Clx'-CWivl OwtSUnw, Dull. This advertisement ia not published or displayed by the Liquor Control B'mrd or by the Government of British Columbia