1 TAWA, Dec. 22. Canada's naval force at present ,ii.ed to two destroyers, the Chamnlain and Vancou- ii'l a number of mine sweeners. Two new destrnvnrs ! FUNERAL TODAY . F. Price Officiated Acquit For IjiIc DanM Lyon at Prince Rupert General ..I, took place quietly this n from the chapel of the I ndertakera: to Fairview rv. Rev. W. F. Price of l;.iptit Church officiated. M.VNI). I'OUl'ULPSTONBS n 1V a demand "for good tunes and over half a million - worth are used annually m.idian pulp mills. The 19W ii.m pulpatoae production it Highest on record, but only it Hi er cent of the stones I in Canadian mills are pro-l in Canada. DAILY MAIL ASKED IN ALBERTA DISTRICT '! .! DKF.K. Alta.. Dec. 22. K. (I D. cr Board of Trade is m definite action to estab- i ilally mail service to the ii west of here, changing i re ti nt trl-weeHy service i l Red Deer by the C.P.R. '.NR. to a daily schedule railways to change to the ii.it.- (lays. ' i w.i.i decided at the regular i ! meeting of the board. HEAD OFFICE ALASKA LINE FOR CHICAGO SIMNGT0N, Dec. 22. Of-of the Alaska Railway, il and operated by the gov- ii iit, will be moved to Chicago lanur.try 15 because of the ' portion of traffic that orig- in the middle west. 'night, at the price of S3.360.000. ! Fifteen shipbuilding firms con-1 terns submitted tenders, one of thorn Canadian, the others Liitish. I Destroyers of the "Amazon" class are of the latest types de signed with four 4.7-inch guns, two anti-aircraft guns, two triple 21-inch torpedo tubes. The ws.-.els are 360 .feet long with a 1 speed of 36 knots and will .carry a complement of 150 men. Specjal features to meat the demands of the Canadian climatic conditions are to be embodied; FOREIGN SHIPS RfforU to Have Vetwel Engaged in Ijikc Traffic Pay Canal Fees OTTAWA. Dec, 22: Word comes to Ottawa 'that another1 effort will be made at the coming aesaion of the Dominion parliament to have a toll levied on foreign ships using Canadian funeral of the late w Daniel i i :canaiit This would not however well known prospector. Iieiude ghjp, 0f the United leath occured this week weeit Ktmt-. Th. mftott wiii ue mad bv shinning interests in carrying freight" on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River and will be aimed chiefly at Norwegian and Danish ships, a number of which ply on the Great (aiea every summer,. While the 192 figures arc not yet available it is stated in 1027 there were 15 Norse and Danish ships operating along the lakes and that thel made 85 trips between various lake ports. By loading in Canada and unloading in the United. States or vice versa they did not contravene the coasting laws. It is thought the ships and trips increased this year. The arguments which will be advanced by marine Interests Is that Norway and Denmark do nothing to reciprocate. Canada built the canals at great expense and the steamship companies pay their share in general tuxes for upkeep and operation of the canals and also have to pay income taxes, all of which the foreign boats escape. Undci hese ad vantages. , it Is claimed, the boats from the continent of Euroe. built where they can bo produced much more cheaply than in Canada, enter the Great Iiakcs in the spring, compete with the local ships and go to some ocean route when winter sets In. Ti uiii hi. arirued they pay lower wages than, the Canadian or Uni ted States ship. ,: PENSUTcOJIMISSIONER i ittawA. Dec. 22: Col. John Ti,,.mi..mii has been reappointed Contract is Let For Destroyers to Replace Those Now Loaned by Britain to This Country Announced luampton Firm in England Will Do Work for $3,350,-000 in Competition With. Fifteen Other Concerns Canada the Board. Of Pen- rmmi dinners. His ten EIJUll year term had expired. Mi.. Astrid Olson and her little lister Alice, of Oonah River i.. fnv Cedarvale where tliev will spi GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSES Amazon type will replace the obsolete. Patriot and dan in Canada's naval fbrces in 1931. At present1 victoria, Dec. 22. Foiiow-stroyers. Vancouver and Charnplain, loaned by the tV.ubIa.V.u I f.urV 1 ,1. admiralty, are temporarily replacing the obsolete ; iX.Vori. w cSS, Z jnounced that the government had he contract for the new War Vessels Was given tq' decided to discontinue it because Thoinycroft,' Southampton, Eng-it carried articles of decided po nNG MAKING 00D PROGRESS ON, Dec. 22. Kin h.;il a fairly restful night , mtliceah!" alteration of mlition and there was no "on unviitf the public to : 11 other lhan satisfactory ; tie circumstances. The Musicians by their recent have satisfied the : mind that His Majesty's s taken more favorable a .nd that he has been male- , .1 if slight progress. HON, I)c. 22. It waa . ' t huckinghajn Palace ua- !v this nr tning that the ' ; .ssfd another fair night j ...t there was little change j mdltton. liana, it was announced last micai complexion anu in praise of cabinet ministers. 'The government will not allow public money to be spent to advertise it or for partizan po'itical purposes," the minister said. AFGHAN KING WINNING OUT LONDON, Dec. 22. The legation here announced this afternoon that the rebels of that country had been driven from the heights near Kabul and all the roads leading to King Amanul- Jmim B. C. BULLETIN CLASSIFIED HAB)1 Boston GrjH ' (. .cryon read th Clault' ''fy LAHOE C.tnAUET Special Dinners Thursday and k vou loM, aavenwe jq' . . . . Saturdays i t .t j du una. juc ine on, Dancing every Saturday nlfht from 0 to It. v, i.iiU'ver you need, dvertb y V v Dance Hall (or J lire 'O PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations (or Prlrato i.ht IK IL.AMSIIIKU ' Partus IMMT, -, V. . Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IX., No. 300 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1928 TRICE FIVE CENTS "TIGER OF FRANCE" MOURNS BELOVED SISTER The photo shows M. Georges Clcmtnceau as he Isame place. Miss Campbell is a wray wear ana iunnermore Bitumhious sand commonly, well known vounir tranter, havine each department has chosen a col- though Incorrectly, refe red to as caught her first animal when she or which every girl in ... ....... . . 1 (L JA-Kaua J1 it tar sand" consieta chiefly of was only seven years old, and once 1 ",x: uirMnem uuneres in me silica a&d sand cemented iixm together wn urei when mien charged by UJ a a moose, utuuse, BI1 she .. - , r Pmpie, -- an by currence skelter, while a car was overturn ed and a few plate glass windows! were blown In in downtown shops. Along the waterfront, the mosquito fleet weathered the gale without any serious mishap, although a close watch had to be tept on the many boats. One bf" the most spectacular Items of damage was the turning o'clock this morning in, gusts of over and depositing on the side of (ii miles maximum velocity. Later the -railway track one of the this morning it was blowing 50 32,000-gallon tanks at the Union miles an hour. Some of tho tel- ml the holidays. 'Fur Co.'s store. W. Rothwell's ; almost to pieces. girls wear smocks of apple green; in the tax collector's department McMurrav. winter Mr. and Mm. Tnrni- nlan ln mocKs are sky-blue and Alta. I to oiierate a trap line. FORNEWYEAR VICTORIA, Dec. 22. The mun- ti I- -i.il rru a 1. ' ., , . A t . iv v....... only Partly full but there was u, f commission. , worrying lately about the rett CnHaB5 SJ'ln th! vilnSv i A "hed th"e- corner of Eight of their annual check of Govern-quite a mess in the vicinity. 1 Avenue and Conrad containing ment Liquor profits for Christ-Portions of the roof were-blown oue 0f the fire department's . mas, will get their usual checks off Steen's tin shop and the B. C. 1 small hose wagons,. was blown before the end of the year, stated I the Finance Department. Power Agreement to be Drawn by Outside Firm i Solicitors For The City The city council had a special meeting last night to consider a proposed agreement between the city and the Power Corporation of Canada for the taking over of the Jocai hydi-o-eiectric plant and franchise. Various important points to be inserted in the agreement were discussed and the city solicitor was instructed to draft an agreement for the further consideration of the council at its regular meeting Jiext Friday night. It was decided to send the city solicitor to Vancouver to re- tain counsel, -preferably E, C nynsiiiTn rA irn Mayers, to revise the said agrfco-; rl.VHIIvIr lillA I mem. 1 possible, an opinion will "lU VjnX also be obtained from the corpor-i lkTArP nr'FiAriT'Pri aUon of the Onta:io Hycln,j KfcrUKlhD The council also decided to divorce the voting on the power Schecner Cascade Carrying Seven agreement from the regular civic Men Left Cordova Decern-election in January and not hold her 15 the noil until some time in Feb-, . "ary. j JUNEAU, Dec. 22. The fish- Letters were read from G. S. ing schooner Cascade, carrying Clark, counsel for the American seven men, is not reported. She States Public S vice Co. rela- P,ii fr,im rAPrtftra n,mK- tive to recent negotiations for the local franchise. One of these The "Tiger of France" wept una shamedly as the casket containing at tne hands of the city being .'il that was mortal of his beloved sister was lowered into the grave, acknowledged. lah's capital had been cleared. " v . . . . r..u. - . Communication also reported that ' jr j tSS'tt WOMAN TRAPPY WAS 'DEP RTMENTS KNOW! the British legation, whfch is situated about two miles from the I A . II Ii 1 Bi-Lingual Machinery of Parlia ment Would Be Helpful In Entertaining Visitors OTTAWA, Dec. 22: The possibility of Ottawa being the place for a forthcoming of the Council of the League 1 , XT.H-.- i v, j 1 a. .. . ... ... .... thA flMtAAU. ... ... . I 1 . U. .1 a.lUIIfl IB UtSHllC U1KUHKU a soiWDitumen. ine only oc- killed the animal. Jlr. Turner la,'"' - i-pin sn.uc, u.v,i. ( . , , t ..nmi.i imnnw. ni . tm. ..i.i in im cuy clerk's derjartmnt the,""" "s,ut,,u"; W vvtuinvt v-is aaaB'us , uiiu w viMIirvi t IIIO t,I CS IT I fx. 1 Kill " ance In Canada is along the will not give up her unique call- Athabaska River and certain of ing after marriage. During the its tributaries near Fiercest Gale of Season Does Minor Damage in City but hot ltical add municipal circles here, now that Premier King has returned to the country and re- smocks of deep rich rose brighten ' 8umed his dutlefl after h, v,8lt the office of the city treasurer. ! 10 sa8 a statement is- WOMEN APPEALED TO WITH VIEW TO HAVE suea oy ine lanaaian league 01 Nations Society. The proposal, first voiced by Sir Herbert Ames, well .known Canadian who was , for many years Financial advisor A PEACE CONSCIENCE!- tTIZ Anything of very Serious Nature tohonw. Dec. 22 -Th-i- lowing letter addressed to the Damage of a minor nature was done around town last I JVst r!" .ecc:ived lt.M?:' night in the most severe jri. that has teen experienced "4'hT IS SSTt here so far this year. Pifty feet of sidewalk on First means every woman in every civi-Avonuo from Second Street to the Bayview Hotel was H-ed country in the world must lifted by the gale at midnight and blown right across the work without to wring the street. A stretch of sidewalk on Fifth Avenue near An- !common conscience or mankind up nunciation School was also lifted across the street. A treaty "" in respond to tWs small garage on Second Street across from the B. C. Un-; appeal a number of women's or dertakers was lifted off its foundation and deiosited on the muskeg below. C. O. Rowe'a tin shop at Cow Bay was shifted off its foundations. Around town lumber piles were blown helter- ganizations are planning to hold garage on Eleventh Avenue was a mass meeting here in the near shattered and a plate glass win-1 future. Miss Ruth Morgan, who dow in Horace Duhatnel's barber wont from the United States to shop in the Capitol Theatre ntk the British women to join with bulWinr was blown in. There th American women in working were pieces of glass in various for the signing of the Paris peace streets thiB morning. .pact, is coming to ask the Cana- D ,. , , . ., ulian women to join with tbe wo- Radio aerials a so suffered con- f the world to work for ,n. in the blow. s.derably ternational good will. It was a typical southeast gale; which was reported ttiis morning! . TATTAn ntfTtnirn by II. I). Tee. DUrby Island, Do-l j ( I VlJLIVJ HM lS minion meteoroloKist, to have lilyUUn blown from midnight until 8 thought by many The Council of the League of Nations has not always met at ",vin v.. u. i . i i women's organisations of Toronto " 1 " X Tf," ,J' of the leading powers of the world, the Council has met at various times in connection with the work of the League at Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and other points. Although it has not yet met outside of Europe there is no reason it should not do bo, and it has been suggested that considerable influence might be exerted upon the United States if the Council were to meet at Ottawa and Americans were to OFFICIAL COUNT VICTORIA, Dec. 22: The final count of the votes of the federal by-election announced by Judge Lampman gave D. B. Plunkctt 5G3C, Hon. J. D. Mac Lean 5514. riunkett'a majority 92. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert, raining, gale, temperature 4G. muiun 15 and was scheduled to call at Juneau and Ketchikan en route to letters constituted a withdrawal HvntUv. Sto my weather may the fnueral of his sister Mme. Jacuuet. on the outskirts of Pari treatment that had been received cuy limits, ine general position ; FDMON'TfiV cf the government forces has become very strong. BITUMINOUS SAND of American Co.'s offer and the other expressed Mr. Clark's regret that the offer had not been appeared at accepted, fair and gentlemanly LEAGUE MAY MARRIED RE0E.WY; BY COLOR OF SMOCK MRF.T OTTAWA Dee. 22. A ro- mance of the trap lines culmin-j Dec 22. The ated here recently when Miss Jean :"n8 women Ployed in the city ; Campbell of Mahaska became the1 lwJU here hav unanimously , bride of Roy James Turner of the adPted the ide of the. smock for II1UU A have driven her to shelter. BRITISH GIRLS DID WELL IN CANADA, BUT A FEW FAILED TORONTO, Dec. 22. Ten thousand British girts emigrated to Canada last year, 5000 of them settling in Toronto. From the Scottish highlands) the moors of the borders, the cities and rural districts of England, these selected girls arrived here to become part of Canada's social fabric. The careers of these girls f o m a fascinating study of the city's life and with a very small percentage of failure. Eighty per cent of the girls, according to record, have done at least 50 per cent better than they did in the old country; seven per cent are earning a living but doubtfully recommended in terms of the word success; and 13 per cent have fallen by the wayside. NEW ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS W. K. (iwyer of Pcnticton to Succeed Guy It. Balloch Here W. K. Gwyer, wtfo has been on location work in the Penticton dis trict during the past year, has been appointed district engineer for the provincial department of public works hee in succession o Guy K. Balloch, who will re port to headquarters In Victoria next month for transfer. Mr. Balloch, who was formerly in sunerintendency of the construction of the Kaien Island highway and for the past nine have an opportunity of witnessing 'months has been district engineer. this powerful executive army of has been an efficient and popular the League In action. official and many witl regret that The Houses of Parliament in he is being moved from here. Ottawa possess bilingual mach- inery which with littlo amplifi cation would be capable of serv-i ing the needs of the Council. The Idea is receiving the warm support of the league of Nations Society in Canada, which has its headquarters at the capital city. ; SIX ISLANDS ARE DISCOVERED HATTON, N.D., Dec. 22. The discovery of six new islands while making a 1200-mile flight In the south pole region was reported yesterday by Lieut. Carl Ben Kiel-sen, in a radiogram to his father here. CANADA'S DAIRY PRODUCTS The total value of all products of the dairy factories In Canada in 1020 was $133,353,070, . I J