PACK Eir.IIT IHBI II III illlMilMi WiHIB II IWWI IIIWI s II fcn ilCANADlAKJ "TWilTI l n n rn. r- Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WESTIIOLME FRIDAY k6 SATURDAY 7 AND 9 1. M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 P. M. (Broadway's Jazz Idol) IN 'The Jazz Singer IVith MAY McAVOY and BIG CAST "MICKEY" COMEDY "Mickey's Wild West." AESOP'S FILM FABLES SELECTION "BRIC A BRAC"' (Lionel Monck-ton), Wcstholmc Orchestra 35c and 10c Saturday Matinee, 25c and oc. Child buyer of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee will receive a free pass for one month good for all shows. UNION STEAM5HIPS LIMITED Hailinct from ITInre Kuprrt. tat ANCOlVrU. Vll'tUUU. SaaiiMiii lUj. ILulraale. Alrrt Uy. rlr TurMktt. 1JM p.m. fur VAMOIVEH, VICTORIA. Bot-dal, Mnt Iwj. He, ttMxj midnight, lor ti ll I. ARM. ANYOX. XTI.WARl . UAIXM I SLA Ml. I)KT :;iHUV N A KIVHl, Sumta). S-pun. I S3 2nd irnw. R. M. SMITH. Aim. ltwt l:rrt. IM;. rhn wsti lkf MiM -u VlcUrU aJ nnlllr. and bagif MiwkMl ihruugli to Uctfbutlvr B.C. Coast Steamship Services 3f SniHnrrc from Prlnrw Ri.nprt y a m m w a a -w m. m. m. m mmm 'W m av a s a T11 KrtrMkan. Wnacril and Sfcaiway Dmmbrr 1. 15. 19. Tu -mourr. Vtctorla and Sutlle Nobr VJ. Urutbtt 3, 19. PHIXCESS ROYAL I'ik H'..talf. K't IMU lull. OtTaii lilL . Nimi, Alrrt lit, i KiiiBkril Rlirf and Vanruuftf rtrrj I'rIJtj. ID p.m. rii lar all Mrantkblp Llnrt. roll Inlbrmallon tram W. v. ORCI!.nil. O.neril Atrnl. nl Uh lrrl anil 3rd Airnae. rrlnr Bnprrt, Uf Hn SI r.ANADiAN National QTic Largtft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE lllnr r"l HilM'K HI PERT fT VAMOI UR, VILKIKIA. KEATTLK. and IntcnarSMt IKXalt. Mch IRlIIAY. a.m. f or TM ART aad AN , OX. Met VtEDNEIAY. 10:8 p.m. for SOUTH AMI MH7U IJl KEN tllARUlTlE IL.IM', I'attRlfklljr. PAWKNUEU TR1X8 LEAVE TRIM E Rl PtRT Lai h MOMIAV. MMlMXlAY aad HATI RKAY at MM mm. far PRIM E OKURlC IJIOSTO., H1NMPEO, all wfnl VUtii Oanadi, Inttcrt IHatM. AOENt'Y ALLK Ot'EAN HTEAMMIIP LINES City ticket Officet 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 Canadian National Steamships . . . . ' . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperallnK G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock BiUHineern, Machinists. RoilfrmakerH, Illackwmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 XMAS DINNER FUND REMAINS OPENMONDAY Owing to the fact that not BAPTIST CHURCH S, S. HAS CHRISTMAS TREE A fine program of songs and recitations was rendered by the children and Santa Claus arrived in due course, distributing rifts' of the features of the evening was tbe presentation to various wholars of the Sunday School of prises for perfect attendance DIAMOND SET CUFF LINKS For the person who would like something specially good In links, we have some like the above cut at $32.50. Another pair in white gold. ..-rectangular shape, $37.60. Another pair with nuggets around it IT7.50. Some with black onyx with diamond in center $15.00. All perfect cut brilliant diamonds and all solid gold. Of course, wc have all, the other kinds usually kept, from $1.00 to $15.00. John Bulger The Jewellers PHONE 15. PHONE 571 This Week's Specials DETAILS HY MAIL If You Arc Not oa Our Mailing List. Phone Us. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO BAT B.C. Butchers & Grocers Phone 571 Phone 13 THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Dereml,, quite sufficient money has been -rnere WB ft large attendance of secured to pay for the dinner parent at Seai tove School on and hampers for Christmas under l hurRd afternoon when the oaivauon rmy auspices u " ; JupiJ8 put 0n their Christmas en-been decided to continue the . ;erteinnnt, the program includ-fund open until Monday evening. ! ing tiga, dances, recitation. It will definitely close at six o'- etc At c.onciusion of the clock and monies received to up ,,rogramf remarks were made by that time will be acknowledged ; FIetcher iiemmong wno compli-Wednesday. Recruit donatiens'in- mented the chidren and their elude: Miss Blanche Hart S and Box of chocolates. Rupert Bakery, 15 loaves. CHRISTMAS TREE AT SEAL COVE Pupils of School Excelled Them-selves in Program Thursday Afternoon i Mi as MacArthur and Miss mer on the excellence of the en- tertainment. There was a i beautifully decorated Christmas Lady Friend 2 Tree from which gifts were dis- Another Lady 1 tributed, the children being giv- Previously acknowledged S142 :en a treat of candy and oranges. Bob Gwynn 1 The program was as. follows: Choruses "Jingle Bells." "How We Caught Santa," Division 1. Recitation, Ida Moorehouee. Boys' Chorus "Burlesque i Band," Division ;i oys. Fine Entertainment Put on Last' Recitation, Andre McDonald. Night Followed by Visit i Recitation, Flora .Leslie. From Santa Claus 1 IQt't Elizabeth Wood and ! Georgina Lamb. :-:j,ly - f .t. There was a large attendance! "on. Robert Keleey. at the annual Christmas Tree en-j- We,sh Dce. Ju Oomat and tertainment of First Baptist A,,c Gome. Church Sunday School last nieht. ! Recitation, Alex Baillie Giirs' Chorus, Division II. Recitation David Geary. Recitation, Eileen Hemmons. Dialogue, Maiko Ixurai and VI- and sweets after havinir iriven a 0,et Caveraile brief talk to the children. One Chorus, Division II Recitation, Hector McDonald. Solo, Elisabeth Wood. Recitation, Marjorie Doiron. Sailor's Hornpipe, May Mc- .Rev. W. F. Price the pastor, i Phn JeB Dalsell presided. Recitation. Helen Leslie. Recitation, Ennia Doiron. Choruses "Men of Harlech," 'Sweet and Lew," Division I. Recitation, Stanley Anderson. Becitation, Willie Wylie. I Local Items Allan Carolan, well known Stewart merchant, was a passenger aboard tf Prince Rupert last evening aping through to Vancouver on a vacation trip. E. D. Johnston, deputy minister of finance, formerly city treasurer in Prince Rupert, has been ill in Victoria but is ssid to be recovering rapidly. Mike Cranley, well known official of the liranby Co. at An-yox, was s passenger aboard the Prince Rupert last night going through to Vancouver on a holiday trip. R. W. Hull, editor of the News, and Mrs. Hull were passengers aboard the Prince .iupert last night arriving here and will return north tomorrow night on the Catala. ! M. L. Stepp, United States customs officer, returned to the T, city on the Prince Rupert last evening after making the round trip to Stewart, Aajrox and Ketchikan on official duties. .Mrs. Ernest McQuade was a passenger aboard the Prince Rup- jcrt last evening returning to her ! home in Victoria after having jpaid a visit at Stewart with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George rraser. Kenneth Meagher, who has been employed by the Granby Co. at Any ox, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday af ternoon fmm tbe smelter town' to spend the Christmas holidays with his parent, Mr. ant Mrs.; J. II. Meagher. Samuel P. Fitsgerald, well known Stewart mining man, who 1 has btfen recently superintending operations on the Independence lOaSgSSSa property for the Revenue Mining ! '., was a passenger aboard the Dr. Alexander rilON'E 573 RESNEIt 1ILOCK DENTIST Prime Ruiert last evening going will spend the holiday season. Bert Knox, brother of Richard i Knox, superintendent engineer : for Canadian National Coast Steamships, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert last night bound for Vancouver after having spent -'.rue time at Alice Arm engird in construction work at the Tiger mine for th$. rtility Mining & Finance Co. UNITED CHURCH S. S. HAS CHRISTMAS TREE Children of Junior and Primary Departments' Entertainment Thursday Afternoon The junior and prjraary d' p u i ments of Fir.t United Church Sun-'ay school had their annual Christmas tree on Thursday after noon, about 40 children bcint; i" attendance. There were games, drills and marches and, .ill at one, Santa Claus appeared on the scent with a huge bag, containing candy and oranges for everyone, as well as many gifts. The party concluded at 5 p.m. The superintendent of the junior and primary, departments is the deaconess. Miss Eva Elliott, and the teachers are Mrs. C. C. Ketctium, Miss B. Arney. Miss Julia Thomas, Miss Ella Steen and Miss I. Anger. MISS ETHE ASTLE AND DAVE BALFOUR : MARRIED IN SOUTH ;: Local. friends will be interested to learn of the marriage which took place last Saturday in Portland. Ore., of Miss Ethel Astle itnd David A. Balfour, both pop-alar former members of the local iiii'inm iiHiiiM in in AGAIN TONIGHT ). W. Griffith's Greatest Since "Ilirth of a Nmi ,, " Drums of Love " TOPICS FABLES COMEDY First Show 7 p.m. yourger set. Th' bride was formerly of the staff of the local bran -h of the Royal Bank of Canada find t'"e groom up to a year or v) ago was in the employ of P. G. Dawson Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour are taking up residence in Po tiand. There were eighty-seven passengers arriving here from the north when the steamer Prince 35c and 5r ; I, . Rupert renched port .-it tirday aft'TBooa. Mo-t were jieopli- from f t w . ml Ket- hikan go nv the Christinas hoi I !a Miys ) -..tie Rot). wi ! ' Memorial School iem j railed last evening on " 'Rnpert for Vancouver jwill spend the ChriM- Vew Year holidays . An opportunity to invest in a high-class local security . $55,000 Prince Rupert Amusement Co. Limited ? ; 7 'lIR CENT FIRST MORTGAGE ISONDS ' . Dated September lit, 1028 Due Septtsfobor ltjf, latiS PRICE: 98.90 and INTER EM Yielding 7.12 Per Cent Trustee: Montreal Trust Company Denominations $500 and $1,000 Principal and interest arc payable at any branch of the Ruyul Hank m Rritbb Columbia. Ronds arc callable at 105 on any interest date on sixty days' prior notice. ' A Sinking Fund of $3,000 per year will be paid to the Trustee who may iu vest same in those bonds if procurable ut 105 or lets, but if not, then it shall l invested in Trustee Securities. The Prince Rupert Amusement Company was organized for the purple of operating a moving picture theatre in the City of Prince Rupert. Up to tuc present the Company has operated in a rented building but has now complete construction of a very fine building on the main street of the City at a cot m. approximately (including value of land) $100,000. This building has l)cn Ic:i 1 to B. C. Paramount Theatres Limited for 15 years, on the following term-Rental $8,000 per year, together with one-half the net profits remaining afl- payment of such rental and other operating expense. The Lessor also ui to the Losec an option for three years to purchase the said property for Sl"i 000. If this option is not exercised then the Lesec will, during the balance I the term pay $12,000 per year rental in lieu of $8,000 and one-half the m r profits. According to official records, five-sixths of the issued capital of II. C. Paramount Theatres Limited is issued in the name of Famous Players Canadian Company Ltd. Interest and Sinking Fund on these bonds will amount to $5,81)0 per year. This amount is fully taken care of by the rental to be received from II" Lessee without taking into consideration any revenue to be derived fnm profits. In addition to the above, the Prince Rupert Amusement Company will have a rental of about $2,500 per year from.! hree stores in the new building. Tlti will be. more than ample to take care of all real ostutc taxes and incidental cv penscs. THESE I10NDS IN $M0O; 4NI)t00.0O. HON US W HE VlU CHASED AT TUB OFPij f'tJ ' tyjjjffl ROYAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION LTD. 810 Hastings St, W Vancouver II. C THOS. McCLVMONT Prince Rupert, H. C. S. I). JOHNSTON CO., LTD. Prince Rupert 11. C M.M. STEPHENS Prince Rupert, H. C. A.A.EASSON Capitol Theatre, Prince Ruperl, I). C li