PAGE SIX t Waterfront Whiffs 'ous pollock from New Scottand. jaMe wnHine far the elements to long as those fish last, the abate before attempting to ap- will smack their chaps from proach too close to the coasjt " meal to another ffd wfeeq Ui are depleted; there wiH I On his way back to Port - 93 a fondly TeiaWweat w-; &feaaon after a trip to Port Es-of the mouth For a Nova singtoo. Dr. R. G. Large was 1. there is nothing that can ia part on Thursday with his . qual the poBoct is the fth power 4rnier Sunbeam til to do like sjftg Christmas shoppfng. fLifce the rest of mariners this R. C." after that much week,- Dr. Large reported the youngest member of the Ki? outside rather heavy and - who still worries little fcf tempting to one even so raild or how few handsome craft as he to use chM words, name after him. it the eos-! " a that has ben selected fee Prince Rupert Salvage & Tow-urdy new 44-foot power tng ng Cos Mg power tugboat Sal-a will be completed in a few vage Princess is spending a week a at the dry dock for John in the dry dock undergoing eop-' arte k Son, contractors. The Pt pats ting and soch repairs as ursl job the C.R.C. wiH have re neceaaary following a busy will be one which shoald glee her season. good testing out, for she is billed early in the year to take William Edgar of the Prince the pHedriring outfit to Stewart, Rupert Salvage Si Towing Co.'s where the Cnrrhw hnre been staff is suffering from pneumon- awarded the contract for wbarf ia at Ms home. His friends will repairs. Good pieitfess has been wish him a speedy and complete made in the buiMin? of the new recovery. wharf at Port Stapnen and steam- ers tied up to the new pier for Capt. Peter Mesne and Reg the first time tan week. There Wehber returned to port on Wed- is still eoimfaiwWe finssning oesday after a five day hunting o.k to be don bnwvver. I trip to the Serpentine on Par- Loaded to the guards with lum ber, coal and The power cruiser Overseas II, ehefJltlal. They proved tneirt Rehuil Jing 01 I prowee with the oM mnsket by FrntK ratwikHs work is bringing home forty-eight mal heiff carried ant at she floats of Ur and three honker wfateh tiie Prince RurUhng &, Tnw, ?1 eliminate the, turkey prob-it.r Cn nnthm HShtr hoat OwL'Wq for them at Mnet thfo ChrUt-j which wag nnreiiilm hrfng lee f east nasmer bv tma fiistaY from I x U.. ..t.i. i tkA iaIa icittatm AILiseisnre bp for. the 5 nil.t housi. na well as nw comb- Hln 01 mv ' Miming lor r-.t nn ni Aould h a first- c Thurber and the . , i class pleasure snip wnen completed . launching should take place about three weeks' time. Starting on Boat in The McLean yard at Seal Core A McCaffery. the freighter ltwt,on of t n.w 4Mot Salvor. Capt. W. W. Rose, ar-!haHfeat halibut v.. boat ror H,. Cj.aL Capt ,UpHll Merrill rived from the south on Thursday afternoon Sol tows. Lumber, whieh was being awaited before the work started, arrived from the south aboard the freighter CBllliwAek used as a service boat by the 0n Thursday Georgia Rive GOM Mines Ltd.. re j turned to htownrt yesterday after! Harry Meniles of the F E. havinf been in port twelve days Unht I.H tff ha hn n hense for cannery employees. The Skeena was the lasl stern wheeler, to be used ia British Columbia as a freight and passenger carrier. The original " iost of the Skeena was oome- Halibut Boats Jack and Helen I. Sold; New Currie jibing over $40,000. Her final Boat Will SPpn Be Einisjiejd.; Rouft. the gricof $i,ogo. Weather at Sea . - - - To readers, supporters and i friends of the Waterfront Whiffs Two more well known halibut boats at Prince Rupert j a very Merry Christmas next have been sold this week. Captain E. C. Tibbitts, who j Tuesday moat heartily wish-skippered Tony Martinsen's .Livingstone II during past season, has purchased the American boat Jack from: fiee!y on the fegfcvt! And Captain Lawrence Lawler. The Jack, which is wintering' may there also be a thought for at Prince Rupert, is a 38-foot boat equipped with a 12- those leas fotah& ones who, horse-pojrer Frisco-Standard engine and carries a crew of ibv i"1 of thdeep may not be 80 happily siQJUted as the most u ci 1,,,,'lt In Tv'Ahil'on enmo covnn nr eight years ago and usually lands.' I her catches at Prince Rupert. j for Port Clements to bring the ' The other boat changing hands boos home but weather was so i is the Helen I.' Anton Dybhavn, rough that the vessel could not' brother of John Dybhavn. manager gel any further than Triple Is-: ' im '"V been LT embarked V JZZ urxn i! on the t of the Royal Fish Co.. having just' und. returning to port on There- J8 t W about conpleted negotiations to , day afternoon chief ly because of ! 7. TT ."T?i pu chase her from Pete Ander- the fact that the cook. Waiter r Hanaonfc nd tant-! son. who recently bought the Ced- Lsrsen. had bee Uken ill. An- ?ari!e w ar . . ..... .i. ........ . .iid this winter in the Droducfion' v i H Huan i nn v inm? m MP mil mm nr nmi n it maiui in years oM .snd was built by the get Capt. Armour home before M; Lcui y rd at Truce Rupert for hristmas. Capi-ii: i'm's Hovmuiler. who later bir!t the Helen If. The Km&ii Weather H lei 1 is ;:lH.ut 38 feet long and fc Piot EIfert ja aMOther who is i nuii.p.'d with a 12 h.p. Hein wh agree that weather this Die ! engine. jweek has been more like blustery j March than calm December . There are doings among Capt. Rifert made a trip out to the local Blue Noses, and, while Triple Island on tile Pachena on halibut may be all right te make j AVoanosday rva the intentions h living out of and eat at otberjpt$r$frtf ap tie incoming grain lesf auspicious times in the year, shfp nossingfon Court. Arrival such Nova Scotiana' as Clarence there, howevr, saw bo grain Campbell. Jud Thurber, Mil Kick- ship in sis fit and. after rolling erson, Reg Webber, must have around for several hours in sens something just a little more tay which tested even the valour of and homelike for the Cfariaimas this ehJ sauH, return to port was and New Year breakfasts. Hence, made that evening. The Ros-the recent importations of con- sington Conrt was apparently of us at this time. A New Industry j A new business undertaking f fresh rooked shellfish such as rabs, shrimps and clams. It is Wing started in a ".mall way but '.he product has been received so ' that it U hoped it may evelop into something of consid rble imiwrtanie. Quarters are t present being found on a float iclonging to John Currie &. Soni .here the necessary boiler and .ooJung machinery has been totalled. Two mm are engaged in fishing crabs on the Skeena :liver and Capt. Wallace is catching the shrimps in Prince Rupert Harbor while Capt. Hanson looks after the cooking end. After the New Year, another man will be engaged to look after the cooking. Local stores re taking some of the output ..ide-able quanUties of the lew- hanfftsg around sowevffeere out-!whie shipments are also beig " I made to such centres as Edawn-P-Upn, Prince George and Smithera. Kreat exnaaslonf of aaark Trhdufd be possible, particularly a winter time. LARGE GRAIN VESSEL HERE Kossmgton Court. Brand New Ship. Will Take Largest Wheat Cargo Ever Shipped. From Here There are several hrterenting features in connection with the B-ftfsh steamer Rossiniiton Court. Prince Rupert's fourth grain ship of the season, which is now load ing a full cargo at the Alberto Wheat Pool's Prince Runert Elevator for the United Kingdom-I or continent, with tonnage of about 10,006, she is the largest vessel ever to load grain here. She will take the largest wheat cn-go ever shipped from here. probably about 9809 tons. The Rossington Court is sIro a brand new ship, having been placed in remnission only fen October 13 j after being built at OoVan, Scot-! land. Her first voyage was from Cardiff. Wales, to XarSeHtna. France, with a r-arfrn at ccui sad "fliSe Is here reeT from the pert which she left on ?k 8, making a vtfy speedy ! WV Winter Iattol master of the Rosaington Conrt. He reports having had an un eventful voyage west except for very stormy weather as he ap proached this part of the coast. The vessel lay at anchor in Mc-Intyre Bay inside of Rose Spit for two days, but on Wednesday night it became soj-ough that she dragged her two heavy anchors nd the cantain decided to bead for Triple Island without further delay. Capt. Winter was ve y pleaeeH with the entrance to this port and the facility with which it can be navigated. The Rossington Court arrived undergoing overhaul and repairs, t inKl to his home the past few 1 ,n port ju!,t before noon yter-The vessel was caulked with gum- day with rame kne. the re- nd po""" -f fain into her wood tad copper- painted at the wilt of an Injury sustained In a holds dry dbek and the bjftt few days hnittball irame a counle lf:DOOn, war-ft the grid nf BeJErfn week airf.- ; l Kupf Sarrage & tawfiaqb. hat-? 1 ; .. ,, ; injr a new propeller IrBtajtea andj.e, iferh wheerr steamer rudder repaired. Skeena, which operated out of I Prince Rupert up the Skeena Capt. Paul Armour, manager River to Hazelton during railway of the Prince Rupert Salvage Si construction days and later in Towing Co., has been having a Durrani Inlet and on the Fraser hard time getting home from River, has been sold at New j the Queen Charlotte Islands Westminster by the estate of the !. where he has been making an in- late Capt. Charles Setnour and ! ijMTtion during the past week of will soon end her colorful and i.r the wreck at Tlell of the log lengthy career as a passenger I !( carrying barge Peiuta. The carrier, having been purchased; U Zenardi. Capt. Charlie Larkin, by the Ewen Cannery on the :z. otlt on Wednesday evening Fruscr to be used as a bunk j started yesterday Use ifter- SiMONDS SAWS Machine Knives, 1 HONDf r-MIM AW CO. LTO. HOMTKM VANC&UkrcM. u jotut H.B.. v,, . . - , - jy ' EDMONTON LABOR PASSES RESOLUTIONS EDMONTON. Dec. 22. The Trades and Labor Council will be represented by Alfred Farniilo and Carl Berg at (& AJLttrUwFed,.. eration of Labor convention, whrcK will be held, fn LefhVrTdge. starting on January 14. 1 Amongst the resolutions to be forwarded to that body are those pressing for the' putting info operation' of a scheme' of old age pensions in this province at the earliest possible moment th introduction of state medical insurance on a non-contributory, and the adoption of the eight-hour day with a rdaxfmum of 4J hour a week. -1 PRINCET (JEORGE HOME LONDON, Dec. 21 Prince corge after completing his trip ran Bermuda arrived home at 4 Tuck this afternoon, he arrived t Southampton earlier on the urcnguria. suniiTli' ftrsrARR "We) are turn," announced the uide, "passing through "rttfat wnj." ; ;j jt : :v "Ob!" ezclairae4( tthe- sweet Wg thing. .' thought-& hart-! at. was a little pig." -lOm' 'm- tornni. i- Pl h'f .ir' riv t -t with his mother. th- la'. Un,; in th.- 'if of King George: (Left to right)) Th. Alexandra, and his brother Ed'vard, Duk' of St Kw iiWi TCil lab 9 ace your order r Outstanding Chevrolet i 'Hi of Chevrolet History ' -?iir nw.-a Six in the price range of the four J i i Since the announcement of the Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History, thousands of people have already placed their orders for this sensational new car! Never before has any new Chevrolet ever won inch tremendous public acceptance in to short a period of time I Climaxing 16 years of continuous development and improvement , v representing the combined technical skill of Chevrolet engineers and the General Motors Research staff . . and proved by millions of miles of testing on the General Motors Proving Ground this sensational automobile has brought within the means of everybody, everywhere an order of beauty, style and performance that has hitherto been available only in cars costing hun-"dredr of dollars more! The great new i!x-cy!inJer va!ve-in- i head motor is an engineering matter-apiece, developing' jnbre power,,; than uievroirt motor any previous . . offering increased speed, fatter acceleration and outstanding economy. Throughout the entire chassis is found greatly advanced design resulting in a degree of comfort and handling eate that has never before Seen approached in a low-priced automobile; The marvelous n;w bodies by Fisher are designed for distinctive beauty and ttIe as well at exceptional comfort and safety. Not only are they longer, lower and roomier but they also incorporate one of the greatest advance mrnts ever achieved in the development of closed car bodies the adjustable driver's seat that may be moved forward and back to suit the comfort of the driver! A slender flat-type steering wheel, footontrolIed headlight dimming device and a completely equipped indirectly lighted instrument panel are among the many convenience features. No mere recital of engineering advancements, however detailed and complete can possibly convey any adequate, impression; of the" Outitand- ing Chevrolet of Chevrolet History. So we say to oV-comepni Learn the ifull and significant ttory'of this' greatest of all Chevrolet! t ' ' TXV know that youll say what thout. ands of others have said in the last few eeks "I want you to place my order on your preferred delivery list I " Me COACH if T SEDAN SS?0 Tl CONVFRTIBt E 1ASDAU f :Ki mMfSisH J' lsjsssssssMasssssssssssjraM MS TU COLTT -T F&XRMBSSSSSSBSi 'a TV SPORT rBIOI.tT SSSS TU tlUETON tu: i T R0ADS1TS All prices quoted ct Ftctory Othawa, Ont, Gertrnmtnt Toiei, freil ' Jtr Bknttrtl,SjTt Tift and Tmit Ztttd See Your Chevrolet Dealer for Complete Information KAIEN GARAGE THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, H C. T'RODUCT OP G !' N t! R A L MOTORS OF CANADA. tTrVHv&D