or CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone read! the Classified Ada jf you lose, advertise lor it. If ynu find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It GET TIIU CLASSIFIED I1AIIIT. ; XV HI No. 170 EKING i;OHHICT KOHKE AMI MEMBERS HOARD OF TRADE PAHTV II WE Hill EXPERIENCE - ' lOMtMtM v TOM. Aug. 1 Members of the Oemuts's stowing i tfce Mg event i Board of Trade McwrMon Pea: River wit: have some-tell abont whet they return iKuuea LSfel night they bad an which eoiue of them will re-i many a day The ferry at V. ( . grounded us a result of ..nd ihe BMaibera of the party Hsu Robert Furhr. minister .,m, and about one hundred , . were bound for Hudecnls ii sprnd the night on th. . drivlni rain and without :ik meal PEACE OUTLET IS MENTIONED 111 ' IIKI.;k NTKUAKT IS IN THE II MIS OF Kill IIEMtY TIIOIINTON ' VES. AUg 1 Hon Charte iiurtislsr of the Interim, who ii route to Victoria to discuss urlHir. aaad that everybody re- the ttSf has oome when the i: v-r must have an outlet m the I 'Bt s . wart aMMad that negotiations hands of Str Henry Thorn-' !' knew little about It. Appar- 'i. iy hinfed en the price to i 'r the Waterways line in Al- IMMIGRATION IS DISCUSSED in ni i TION OITOHKM FINANCIAL -M-TANCE TO TIIOKE COMINO Tl lilts COCNTItY '" '"iA. Aug. 1 The Native Sons Muni ham paeaaal a resolution i Uie Ooveinmeat afeaUd not i.i n laity any InunlgrsUon ex-..; CiuiJdiaiis returning from iiwhr. Also the Native ui exclude all I iJjjsAIih rrr, i. m (ime .to wort on the' land. courienayleIIson transatlantic flight " ''Ima. Kores, Aug. 1. Captain ' xricuay. the Ornish aviator. 1 i! for NewfcundlaiMl uttder t 'Iv (KvoraMe weather oondlttoM ' 1 "-'I'tiig Iter for week. DESTIllCTIVE KTOKM ,n"lu. SAoK Aug. 1 The haU " "'l""-td ytartuy desersred .- " ' hat in tals district. EM 11 HE LEA 111 NO STOCK-QUOTATIONS Noon timing I'rlre Today on Vanrua-vrr Eirhange (Oourteay of 8. D. Jahiwen On, Ltd.l The following quo tat low were aid and asked: Argent RuXua. He Me. Bayvicw. lc, n'l. SC Oliver. 1. ti eo. Big Mismurl. bfe, SC. Cork Province. 80c.. tic. Cotton Belt, He Sac. Dun well, lac , We. Duthle. Mc. Ocorge Copper. MM, HM. Oeorgls River. SOc, tie. (Uasaalr. Wc.. Sc. Oxiloonda. 99c .. 91c. Orandview. 34c . S4MiC. Independence, llfto., II Wc. Kooteny Florenee. It He 19 H L & V.. 10c.. lOHe. Lakevlew. Hc 4c. Lucky Jim. SlHe.. tae. Marmot Metals. 10o.. 10 Marmot River Oold. S0e.. tie. National Bllver. 14c.. I',4-Horanda. . eM Pend-Orellle. 13 M. U 80. Porter Idaho. 80c , 84c. Rtnmond. ml. &c. Premier. a s4. M S5. Ruttf Hope. 57 Sc.. 8c. Bllver Great if , lie. , 'SUterWlo; -aoiv. We. locan King. nil. 6c. . Termtaui, ljc ioc. Tvptey Richfield. S 88'-Tortc lt.7. W OO Whit Water. M.M. (IEKMAN TltMV ACCIDENT nffoUlNY Auit 1 -SI' AUUWJBIW. " .u.- iMiiri mid more thn teen perawi forty injured ,. collision ol paavrn- ifst train with a '"' " iDlakelarherben. Bavarln Miff 11 HLVV t 4 money has been put at the disposal of NAVAL (OMI'ICOMI-E IS CONCLtllED WITH ItlllTAIN IIV I'KANCE PAHU. Aug. 1 The Franca foratgn oOlce last night in a Bote dealing with the naval com-prwnise reached teataton Britain and France said negotiations have ended under wmdltlrms fully safrguardlng our naval Interests.' France and England have a nrm hope that other naval powers will 1 a Me to concur in this compromise. I. pe to provide lor ovhers wri might suBcr from air disaster euefa as wss reaponalble for the death of his Th BlMM TSaptr wMi OMaada lead- daughter Honorable Elate Maeksy. who tag has woo six out of tevw auals o perished with Oaptein Walter Hlach- Ur 1 the Olympted. juilfe in their stiempt to fly the At- Untie Ocean from east to meat. The Wln&ton Churchill, and while Captain 4 HincllaTe's wMcw. who was left unpro- vloed tor by her - - deata la not mentioned in connection 1th the gift, it Is understr'-i that trie gUt ruks been given In response to her claim that Ulsa Mekey's relatives were undei a moral obligation to provide for her. :!ARCTICSTaT II D KPV IHTMMrD GiMidwood Stakes Won by Favorite Rut Second and Third Hornes Outsiders GOODWOOD, Aug. 1. Mathew Wilson's Arctic Star won the Goodwood Stakes today, the bcttinj; on this horse being 1.1 to 2. The second horse was Steel Point, an outsider on which Ihe odds were 200 to 8. The third horse was even more out of favor for the betting on it was 3.1 to 1- NATIVE SONS RESOLUTIONS liBGINA. Aug. I. - At the meeting of the National Council of the Native Boris of Canada assembled here, a resolution pasted yesterday demanding that a more distinctive Canadian uniform should be made to replace the present poorly fitting and drab colored one worn by the Canadian Mllltla. Another resolution demanded that there should be more Canadian ambassa dors and oonsuls appointed in foreign and British countries. ROUND WORLD TRIP - SAID TO INCLUDE A ' STOP PORT ESS1NGT0N CADIZ, SPAIN. Aug. 1 Major Ramon Lfranoo's hydroplane Numanota took off tor Aaores today on a round-the-world trip wtttato Includes a stop at Port s sington. PC. MADRID. Aug. 1 The trans-AUantlc plane Nuitnels en route to the Asore wirelessed to Libsan from Oporto at 3 p.m. "All's well." ubacrlb for the Dally New. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1928 MILLSITE SUMMER OFFICE OF UNITED STATE? PRESIDENT : An interior view of Mr. Coolidift 's l)U.iines quarters in the high school at Superior. Wis. : j Airplane to Carry Eighty People Across Atlantic in 24 Hours is to be Built in JNext Four Months oi a seapiane oeaignea to carry sixty prnneriers across the North Atlantic ia 34 hours was announced today by O'Connor of the Transatlantic Airways Inc Probably the first plane will be completed in four months and will be propelled by eight motors, two of which are held in reserve in case of anything happening to the others. The design of the plane is Much that if forced to land on the water it will be seaworthy even' in a storm. CANAL DISASTER AT TIIOROLD, ONTARIO 8T. CATHERINES. Oat.. Aug. 1. The worst d Waster of Wetland Canal history In an effort to determine Just CROWN PROSECUTOR Vancouver, crown prosecutor, for eleven r"Od. killed nine men and injured 31 when iJMr, resigned because of the result of gate lock 6 r Thorold col- the election and because he had bee lapsed precipitating the men to the! retained to defend the produce Mark- wHUHa oi vnc canai. - ting Act EVERYONE INTERESTED IN CAMPAIGN IS REQUESTED TO REPORT ON THURSDAY locking over the work at the Units and It Is expected that beofre leaving the rlty they will have oome to some defi nite decision in regard to the site for. the mill. Boston Grill LARGE CAnAKET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday nlgbt from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the eat. Phone 457 Price Five Cents INWPERT CANADA MAKING EXCELLENT SHOWING OLYMPIC GAMES Vancouver Man Winner of Great Sprint Event Olympic Games Today TEMPLENEW ARCHBISHOP SON OF KOItMI.lt I'Kl.M ATE APPOINT-F.l TO YOKK SEE FOLLOWS COSMO UNU LONDON, Aug 1 Right IU-. William oulh Afrlran Also Winn Important Event at Amsterdam-Governor 1 TTFZ . . , named Arcul bishop ol York to succeed r- i i i it i a t it General tables Hi Congratulations to Canadas Team ithe Utmt Otoo . j Tfce new Archlb'.ahop is 38 years old. AMSTERDAM, Holland, Aug. 1. Outstripping the highest hopes a son of the former Archbishop ol Can -(..- unadian team, Percy Williams of Vancouver won the 200 terbur. He has been honorary chap- n dash against the field today capturing the second most import- Um K!n GorBe too" i print of the Olympiad. Mr m lw "J s,nce thrtl am.' time was 21 4-G seconds, which was a quarter of a Z, T , Z7J ' lower than the record. The second and third nlaeea id Jack Kitzpatrick of Hamilton came in filth. ! school and canon of Westminster Ab- i.ims again trailed in the first half and then made a tremend- he. i-t of speed at the end showing unbeatable form and finish- it was m leai that the new Arcnbis-vard ahead of the German. Koeniir. ""P Bishop nj Mrnchcitcr. He SPEND NIGHT ON WHARF IN DRIVING RAIN The Canadian runner was bowled over by his admlrera. wrapped In a Onion Jack and photographed. Canada's protest against the victory of Elisabeth Robinson of America, the women's 109 metre event yealeatlay was not upheld by the Judaea. It claimed that the Canadian girl won. The Bmish Empire aato won the malor event of the day when At is a sympathizer with the labor movement. Is renowned aa a preacher, and strongly favors the revised prayer book.. : ANOTHER GIFT LORDINCHCAPE kinson of South Africa won Ur 110 j metre hurdles m 144-t seeonda. tieinf COMPARATIVELY sm ALL si M FOR the world's record established byi ..,, .... ,iivrnnirr Thompson of Canada in " Lord Wgajageton. pvre-tnral of I 1MmntI AM. .... l..w-...J,rejF suae at .um SSKIM. Spokane Men Here in Regard to Securing Site for New Sawmill j to Cut Ecstall River Timber Re presentatives of the Spokane interests that are commencing the logging of spruce limits in the Ecstall and Falls River valleys have i!u.'i"K the past few days been looking over possible sites at Seal Cove and other parts of the city where it is planned to erect a mill to cut the logs. The logging operations are in charge of George Scott of this city and it is probable that one of the sites at Seal Cove may be chosen for the mill, it being desired to have it situated both on rail and water. Today the people are up the Ecstall a NEW CHAMPION TO BE CHOSEN 10,000 llltlTISIIEKS ELIMINATION CONTESTS TO IIF. HELM COMIM1 TO CANADA , .,v iiiniivti ivn r-t-n nau 1IEEN DONATED L. 8. Amery. Secretary for the ., . T ZJ ' ,0'ne TunneT Dam announced to tfce "d , that a auccessor woJd House of Common, that final 10 mlr n ltoln.Uoa arrangemenu hd been made to send HWOO settlers to Canada. " "7 " "" y The Dominion Government 4 ! , T Iur' D uoxmg parucularly asked for men from ?? Ul,i00n CUp" tne wU1 the mining are-, said Mr. Am- " nlAlt. n. 1 1 w i . . I . ttt4t44t4444v44t; K CUP wiu De in the eustody of a DEfTH SENIENCE EDMONTON, Aug 1 The sentence of I death on George Jackson. 28 years of 1 Lite who killed Mrs. NeUie rendletoa st Watkateoeau because she refused his advances, ha been commuted to life imprisonment. The Jury had recommended mercy on CHINESE CASE IS i without aupervlsisn of tbe mainland po tato aommittee of direction. : vcmmuiee oi ao Headed by Rlekard and afuldcoa. IS COMMUTED in IftQBILE GIVEN CASE OF JACKSON .l r.EHJEMATATI VE OF Ml SSOUNI MET THEM AT THE ITALIAN ItOKDEH ROME. Aug. 1-Gcneral Noblle, com- y 1 Itpniftirn nrPirMP tbe ground that Jackson was devoid "'"'rc' m tu-isiea potsr expeoi-YAritUUTlK KCOluilJ of moral reiponsibUlty. tlon rerued comrades received 4, Jackson was a Vancouver man who tremendous reception throughout Italy VICTORIA. Aug. 1 H. W. Wood of u1 beB lmn Alberta onlv a brief "ne ai night. A representative ci Premier Mus- ecllnl met them at the border and escorted them to this city. QUASHED BY COURT FTAL ACCIDENT ilanncr Day" on Thursday Is to Give Each Person 'mum PS A IF fRflfFRV Tnioroclorl an nnnnrlimih. I-o..Ml Tll, II IlULiLunLL UlVUtliUl With Campaign 3Ianagcr VANCOUVER. Aug. 1 Mr. Justice! Murphy quashed th conviction of nine ObtMfte In Delta for selling potatoes NEAR HOUSTON An accident near Houston about 0:45 J" th1 Lf1 'vrnmg when th. track service car who imposed the fines was without Jur- wt . a,fc. ... UCUcWon in Dalu munlelpsllty. i.. ... . .VI ' .... Injured. Tbe body was taken to Smith- era and an Inquest ia bemg held there BUSINESS " IS SOLDj re., of Mr. J. 8. Wilson of this city. Mr. WUson VICTORIA. . .w.v....... Aug 1 . A. McDonald . and leaves for Smlthers tomorrow morning woo i wan amone inoxe wno ne-v mtL ,.v. . .. - - wu otwi nww eu u i huuo. uh manage- " ,, ..... ments, meat has Sound it eBpedlent to request every entrant to report at the New Wilson Brothers' grocery business of, Campaign Headquarters on Thursday There are scene who have not been heard that city The price paid Is reported to irom since uteir eiitrte war received Others took out receipt books and have nave been a hundred and fifty thousand not yet reported. Aa la stands this afternoon there are not a many active dottara. candidates as Uwre are prices. It Is to ascertain Just who to at work and who . Is not that the request to report la made. In the event that It at iampraottaaole ridl 1 nntir lit? for any one to repcrt la person then tbe report should be made by telephone or rlMi AKKlYALaJ letter. We want to know of your progress In the Campaign, and by talking with you. we may dc aoie to make helpful suggestions to you. There are two districts and two eeU of prima. Each district constltue a separate campaign wtth a car and full set of pram assured each. One of tbe two prtae cars must go In each district Candida tea may secure subscriptions and votes anywhere. There are no restrictions as to where you can get sue- Halibut sales thai morntag totalled acriptlona. Tbe districts merely assure an equltaM distribution of gifts and 106 TOO lbs. with price averaging ar-cut down tbe number you compete with. ound ten eentr for medium and five Nominations are not closed. The fact of tbe matter la. there are more oent for guts provided than there are active candidates to receive them About Ten Outs IMId Fur Hot (irade Halibut Today FOUND OPIUM ON BIG LINER EMPRESS OF KISSIA HAD J 1.000 WORTH AliOARD AND OFFICERS SEIZED IT VANCOUVER. Aug. 1 Oaium valued Two Canadian bout t was discovered by officers of If you have ti eveita tor mediums and all the eusum'i preventive kervir In ttie wwin.m e osnnouiion ana win oeoome active ana mate he4d Dtlt f. of tne transpaciOe steer Empress an effort to help youajetf. thaw la a wonderful opportunity awaiting you in this AMERICAN of Russia The drug wa eeterd but so unM Ltr 20" Sf"!.". haV'k""' rf V"U camp,ln lu mnMi Garland. ' MOD lb... ' to Canadian nab far no arrest, have bean made, there U no better Vim (nan today to make the start . With ubsorlber celling' and paying their subscriptions over the counter in .TT " J"t Ju vu, Hellene. U.00t Oanadlan neb the business office of The New, there is every reawi to believe oandidatea have not yet got down to work. It la evident that if candidate were busy. oaUfaajni bW 8Dr l TO subscribers and prospeeta, there would toe no need for the subscribers. p come Olacler. 14.000 lb, to Casadlan , Fish to the office, As it ia. unlew, the subscribers specifically asks that votAybn the & Oold Storage at ip.7ft and. Sc. . subvert ptton be credited to .soie partlculsr candidate, no candidate benefiU. Lanore, 11.000 lbs;i to BooUl rWfle Thotie Who Intend to brine thir auhHiWintinn lo ihe uHk for sotne one entered at K IM ami Se COMMISSION APPROVES ,. NEW C, P. 4 R. LINE should ask for the-Oampaign Manager and turn the subscription in for their Cora. 4.700 lbs., to Booth Fisheries at ifflltif tlommissloners yesterday approv- favorite in order that votes may be oredietd. io.M and 6c. led the rout map showing the revised Readers are urged to look over the names of those nominated and pick out a Rejnjer, 10.000 lbs. to Pacific Fisheries general location of the Swift Current favorite. at 10jM tA i northwesterly branoh of the Canadian The New Campaign to being conducted on a decreasing vote sohedule ytkA4k Jli000 lbs. to Atlln Ptoh Pacific Railway. This etteaelon pro-basU. Instead of Increasing as the campaign progresses, votes steadily grow " 8JW ror Retchi- vide for a line from Wllllagdou. Al- leaa. There are four period, in the campaign Tbe oandM.te. receive lea. ve. berU. to Strathcona near Edmonton, per aubserlptlon in the second period than In the frwt. still leas In the third "n a"1TBT' rAYiMAN oeu"t tor rh. Canadian .n.i'.n N.ttonal N.tin.i n.n R.U- period, and the final period acheduie la the least of all. Those who get active now. Path h.d objected that thU would reaUf way Dreamerle. 400 lb, to itoyal when th. biggest schedule of the campaign I. effective and when subscriptions are here by the hundreds simply waiting to b called for. will profit greatest Company at 10c and 6c be extenalon of the Cut Knife-Walt. The biggest vote period ends. August 30 ! Scrub. 8 000 lbs to Atlln Plsherle at ford Lake Branoh for which no pertl. Office open e h evening until B o'clock Phone 648. loo and Sc. uieitfery aanotion had beta given,