-toy, July 10, 1928 rzr i mm F7sra. a" . WIJ2 J- 7 A THE DAILY NEWS Pa (IK THREW. 5 Local and Personal t t'M 1 1 itunvim-jm a v in Avcmr - . .awi f i i l I- T -rr Jilt. v ."Vli'lAfiC ... .'HIiTU IS V i l. f.i.Jf'im?i! ' " :i X'.ia ' iajt. rum,, a ' y - a i i i . t . . f,t - i. r ' i T mm (i .It 'X I " I 1 1 M Xe-tae" 1 - udvtrtisemer t i? not pnb- v -i:rd o dUplnyed by the liquor Cotilro! I'.oan! or lv the Government of Britt-h Colombia YOU will find Purchasing Economical at the I "Nobby" COAL i Your choice t L DSON CA88IDY WELLINGTON TELKWA M-o Kulkley I lay and (irain. lit f tr Hobia good Flour Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. New Drapery Fabrics imputed ( retonneis Chlnl,4)amahiand Sunfat Fabrics in i.u. nnen, fagt eolsrs, itejttisHe floral dosiirnw. ier yard ;."r, -I0f, ."c (ssssteesetie French Itnnrt Rlorlr Printed CretonneM. awiortea ue- - vmik and colorinirn. ner vard H.lf1. $l.tft !" i'K-h Silk UsouiHkB, fadelenn per yard Fraser & Payne Unlvetmil 4 a Tul I'lione 4. ill 4 Taxi. it Dentist. Or. J. k. O-mm. Phone 68. For Taxi Phot 200. Oscar Hanson, .and, Central Hotel. tl ijioiUl tonight at 7 o'clock. Ter Unhiuls versus Begun eat. " Lei I Erikaon's Picnic to OsUod July 1.). Bouts leave Cow Bay Float at Mrk. MorrU Blott l MlUng by the Cauula ihla aJterucon on a boUOajr trip to Vancouver. Account for the two week ending July S UitaUlag tl2.296.B3 were paeeed :-r payiut-ni by ihe city council laet i-lght. Now then talks! What about that jiible load ol box cutt!ngn? The kid-..I'-s like Cb bitudle It. Can you beat It ji aa.M per load? Hyde trailer Phone SM. tf All boaU wishing to enter the Yacht Club Begat ta races are requested to run the nur the buoys tre now In place r.nii iuru In their tune. Beutla n July 15. 100 iJrn E!lr::. rl.let lcward of the .tUu.TMr C.ilul. lb bacK in duty aboard hj. vrshel ultcr nnving becu aahor at V .iH-ouvir tor ihe'paat lew trtpa on L.cruuiit ol Ulnesa. Scnreant Alex McNeill chief of the c.ifir.ci cktachraent or the provincial p- lice, returned to the city on the rt.uiii thl morning from a trip to Auyux and btewurt ou official tfUUW. UnlLti ateamer CaUla, Capt. A. Johnstone, returned to port at 11.00 this ii.oLBlng from Anyox. Btsrwart and Mhrr northern points ol call and will tall at i u clock this aliernoon for the sculh Word has been received here of U.c caft i-T!! In Vaueouver of Mr. and Mn M. M Stephens and daughters. Mis Alleen and Uturm Stophcos. who left here a week aio Sunday maraing in their power bosA Vera B. Frps. W A. Talbot, assistant district en- 'x neer for the provincial dapartnMnt of public works, srrtvtd rn the etty yesterday on his way to his headquar-ters at Acyoc follow tng a trip to the AUin section of hi district on official dutlse. Coat of haattng the Otty Hail snonth ot.ifsjM mm tight aeof in to the report of Mm Walker. Bxley. Jamtor. warn was irtcetsd the oasjaeU last night Tbe total oil e-onsuaaption was M0 gallons c and-e-natx gallons at a cost per of 41c Jasn Vanophen. fcrmerly Interested In mining at Stewart, arrived In the my o:. last nfrh train from Winnipeg and will proceed tosnorrow to Juneau to pay a visit to ttoe JusMa ii: iik which he owns. Mr. Vanophsn, aho is acaomnanlad by his wife, is registered, at the Savoy hotel. The city council last night accepted an Invitation froaa the Vancouver Sawri of Trade for the mayor and alderswan to attend a dinner on August 24 aboard tne steamer rTtnosss Alice upon which iiienihais of the Vancouver Srard will be making tnotr annual northern tour. The mayor that all the alderman make an aspeelal effort to attend. A letter was read at last nlgut'i council, meeting from T. Wi Mart calling attention to the disrepair of the wslk In the lane between the Cat hoik and United Churches end urging thai it be repaired Mayor MaMawSle suggested that the neoeesary repairs could be made by using a few old pUaks The matter was referred to tfe ol Works with power to act. Wssheti and Dries Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minuter Washed, lllued. Rinsed and Dried. Sold on cany terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 fabrics, heavy weight, (I Trndlnr Co. ? J Liberal Onilttsi Rooms are now open at the onfMr of Second Avenue and POurtta Street. All supporters of Hon. T. O. PateUo, minister of lands, art cordially In VI tad to visit toe rooms. Phone a. tt Capt. Oeorg Slack. M.P. for Tukon. who is rampalgniai m tha north on behalf of Conaartatlve candidates in the focthconttnc ptsvindal election. left by gash net this -morning lor Alice Arm. Later ha wlaWapeak at Anyox and Stewart. Due to washouts is the interior, it was 1.10 this morning before the regular train, due fcm tHt Bast at 330 yesterday afternoon. arrived. The steamer Prince Rupert, sail l up fnr Van couver, was held until the iratn came In with a large group. of tourist passengers for bar. ANNOUNCEMENTS Orange picnic to Qalloway Rapids. July IS. Prince Rupert Rowing and Yaeht Club Regatta. July 16. IBM. (qv Indigestion AND "BLENDED FOR Sam Jsbowr sailed last night on the J:liice Csuuias for aa burtussi trip to itewbrt. Mr. ana Mia. C. E. .ng on the Catala thu aftefBoan a brief trip to Vancouver. Thomas Trotter sailed on Mm Prince rhaiies laat ulght to make the round -lp to Anyox. Stewart mid Maaeett In- et polnu. Passengers sailing this afternoon on Uic Catala for Vancouver will include Mr. and Mrs C. S. Ba.ator, U: and irs. P. BoUard. V. Davidesn axul Mrs M. H. Blott. Ex - Ms y or T. 8. Baxter of Vancouver, who is campaigning lu the north on behalf of Conservative Candida tea for he provincial election, loft on this aicmlngl train for .V'indsrhonf tn b'"h town and ether iaUrfctr polnu e l billed to uprak. Pajtenges arriving in u srtf from crthern pointa on the Qatala this morning intruded Ellen tvonoeh. Mr. and Mrs. P. Watson and ostld, Mr, and Mrs. W. Qrlfruns and C. B. Une- son. Miss Olaffson. Q E ChiUak. A. I. May. O. Swameon. W. M Phlspsn. Mrs A ons. A. J. Curaou, Mr. OalrtK and Mr. stuttar. from Anpac; Mr. KU- iirii. Mr. Davldaen. MaTSaaiii Alex Vc.: W. . Van Horn and Mr. inct Mr W O. Murray, fram Stewart: I) C McKechale. frcm Allot Ana, and v .ibitun, from Armndale. ItEOIMKNT MNKll' The line-up for the Kegunent In to-i :i-litv lea;tir football xiatch with the Grand Trrmlnnl. nlM 'Je as follows: t'-irbtt" R and Bvr Kelsey. Bap tie lud 'lir';i: P. Ho.ivKsneon. Wilson. Ncl.st ii n.u.fi. iiiui N.rrington; re-iiim:, A. tkkU&uwu iiu Ionarty. Miss Alios Spanear left yesterday for a holiday trip to Melville. Saskatche wan, Htn. A. M. Hanson Is British oolum- Ma's orator. Do not miss hearing him on the present political situation. Orange Picnic July 12 to Oalloway Raptde. Can leave Metropole Hall at 10 am. and a pju. rare toe. lea. conee. milk and sugar provided. Oood sports Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Studdy and family, who arrived at the and of the week from Alyaoeh. left on this morning's train for Oleawtn. Iowa, on a holiday visit. Those Mho havw nOt beard Hon. A M. Manton speak during the past few years should not fail to bear his address tomorrow night at Moose Hall He U a whirlwind. AM. A. J. PTUdhonune leaves thai afternoon for the Queen Charlotte Islands to spend the next neek on a campaign tour on behalf of Hon. T. D Pattullo, Liberal candidate for re-elec tion in this riding. iitvmiM tn TS Osilv Sew Bwll picnic sandwiches are delicious Don't use too much, it is to concentrated: spread it thinly ioi on bread and butter MILDNESS" Now is KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day tones Ltd. yfic Pioneer Drttgtyisls THIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES H2f,200 t ime I CURE- DEFECTIVE VISION, DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATAIHM and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C Wallace Block. Fhone 131. Open Evenings