PAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMDIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RAT Cilv Delivery, by mail or-lrf0?fyearly per; For leaser period, paid JidySHrfc. per mfetfi .., i!. i. inru of NerthifrTBUnd Central IlMtSBh Sol 5hfl.iL J Hi Friday, Sept. 21, 1028 OUTLET TO PACIFIC C0A$t The C.P.K. in conjunction with the C.N.R. has de- KAMLOOPS COMMUNITY HOTEL The city of Kamloops recently erected a fine com to-date in every respect. W. B Dornberg of Vancouver is the modern spirit in the development of the Silver Cup mine which is being carried on successfully on an ambitious scale. The institu tion of regular shipments from the property will mean a great deal to New Hazelton camp. The Mohawk' hiine on Four Mile Mountain af Neii' 'flazelton, which was recently aoanaonea Dy the paid in advar.ce for yeatffperiod "3.00T Federal Minim & Smelting Co. at Or four niontns ior . wii.wrc" - By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British. erations, the Mohawk Mining Co. Kmoire and United States. Paid in atoailee per 'year .... JG.&O ! having decided, upon the advice of By mail to al! other countries, per year $7.50 n engineer, to continue the de-Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 i velopment. The owning company Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 ; will follow upon the lines origin- Lo.:i Readers, per insertion, per lii.e ;W. oia,,y Ia,d out h Federal Co. Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone ' 93 Editor and Reporters Tf Iephone - - 86 IVMLY KDITiON Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations and it is expected that, within two weeks, the tunnel will connect with the ore body which was the original objective. The new work will be in charge of Al Harris and he will have a crew of eight men to start with. While development work is proceeding, tome ore will be taken out for shipment. Another deal is reported to be pending on the property. All negotiations for the Mountain Boy property at Stewart art off and the company will itself carry on development, it has been announced by L. A. Derome of finitely agreed to purchase the Alberta Railways, one of Montreal, representing the finan "nds almost into the Peace River section of cial interests of the Pat Daly ritish Columbia and the line will be extended Mining Co. Though four good of-coast, the deal being subject to ratification fers ?d been re" . to take sponsible operators over , -al -i i; i ii t 7 parliament and the Alberta legislature, tne property, the company has de-jig will be to endeavor to accellerate the build- cided to hold on itself and carry ne to the Coast. i on operations with ample capital i for the engineers of the railway to decide vai,,,ble- " is itri that a aast outlet Shall be. If it is thought that '?Jodcer will soon be made of the : , irt is best there shouM be no difficulty in the ing proper running rights and port facilities.! A syndicate has been formed to 1 1 eers should decide that Stewart is the place carrv on development of the Mei- T?iirvo-t ruv.1n tn ,i ' vin group on the north fork of tea success. l x x - - ..w.jj- Marmot River and operations are; tilvta Via1 e 4tt. mstaia4u Prince Kupert people Will naturally W18h to The Melvin group consists of five !'.R. make this their port jointly With the claims and fractions and lies to Stewart people will wish to see that place tRe north ana aJng we - minn', rmina'. r,nnt port for the hew , u if it : is useless for ter Idaho and Prosperity groups, i 1 1 line, " aces to feel themselves rivals. Each will use i9KnAn The capital of the syndicate is means to place their claims before the railways ' Jiments concerned but there should be no ill- silver values on the Nelly loinir so. Therfi is an mnrVi in mmmnn Utwoon W. and May groups at Stewart, aces that there, should be co-operation rZ-JSZ 1 '7' , '.proving quite surprising. Assays! " . .. represenMnt three, of the veins SMELTER AT PRINCE. RUPERT have shown from i. to 836 ounces H. W. M. Rolston was -in the city a few davs. 8i,vef up to t" ninded the Daily News that he advocated a WDt m this city several He still of years ago. was Recent development of the su- . .at this was the best possible Site for it. The ver Bell property at Stewart has It was the outlet for the Hudson llay and other resulted in opening up four parai-mines and that there was good water transporta- ,el1 ve,n" in width from twe,V5e t3 :il ii. j. i i ?i it , . -r-r thirty-three feet and traceable on n wivn uie coast mines maae ll an Uieai location. He the surface for l OOO feet at more nought Prince Rupert people should work hard to se-' aii Vam-tn, mrri vi' cure it I The crew on the property has been increased and it is the intention of the management to open up the showings for an engineer's re port. Assays give commercial m unity hotel. The cost was $142,000 and it opened fori Que, Ti . sTiver business 'on May 1 'ast. Local citizens of Kamloops sub- some gold, sot ibed $100,000 of which the irreater nart has been Daid! ud and now bonds are beintr sold to comnlete the amount, i A&aya of 'ore from three main VnmUnQ ia nnf no lorrr, oD Pv.,Vi TJ U.a ! ore . tWO of them Silver nouiiwuD jo uuv co IUIUC ao X I 1I1V.C IbuiJvl v lillk UIC... -. ,v, ,v.. . , of their opportunities. V T Wash with Zaxn-Buk Medirinal Soap. and lead with ciMens are a real live bunch and are making the most I George Enterprise, adjoining the News of the Mines ROUND PRINCE RUPERT Silver Cup Mill to be Operating by November 15 Mohawk Mine Resume Operation George Enterprise Asways High By the middle of November it is expected that the mw mill on Lh Silver Cup mine on Nine Mile Mountain near Now Ifozpl- George Copper, on the Upper Bear River show as follows; No. 1, 0.02 oz. gold; 140 ot. silver; 3.5 per cent copper; No. 20.04 ot. gold; 1S6 ot. silver; 8.3 per cent cop. per. No. 3 trace of gold; 4.0 ox. silver; 16 per cent copper. P. M. Linklater. of Victoria, president of the company , states that the mine is assaying higher and opening up bigger than had ever been hoped for. Two camps of sixteen men are how operating on the property, opening up the or bodies in a large way. The as says prove tnat the big copper t(.n will be ready for operation and a steady flow of concentrates ' "one tne orge Copper extends In. m i lie pioiK-rty should then commence. Splendid progress has; 'nto " Enterprise. . Ix m madt on the erection of the plant and attention will now be! " " in- ,i i . ih' erection of the tram line connecting the mine and H, nun. In facilitate transportation, extensive work i also being cirii'.-il out on the Nine Mile wagon road which will soon be in the lu st oi'ulKthc. The mill, an oil flotation plant, will have a capacity for () ton. per day with a- I Man in the Moon I . , ' "" nannn m" W bM h"u " , , "U m'.lc frj Fighting pays, whether i... inai .iiiiuuui. i ne uic ii inn mam a(un iiiau. .oi.oniy i riise fighting tin mine will reach the crusher will the concentrating plant be business, ' over a 1,000 toot aerial tram, t he modern but I he camp will he up-j or just it is ordinary I If Tunney hand't fought he would not have been a million-aiie today. I.i'i.W Joeal doctors tart ricWihfc'ng a "tffftV objures to he entitled "UTiat I Know about m. neighbors" there would probably be a good many men and women leave town. Hot ness. words often cause cool- j '.'uesswork is not the kind of thing to put into business. Jake THE DAILY NEWS Friday, September 21 A $ . 1923 fa It ilosfecf saya you take no chances when you advertise in the Daily News but of course he's prejudiced. In some, parts of Central 'Africa a wife can be purchased for about six dollars. Jake saya those Africans have no appreciation of the value of money. Blessings on th.t. little dame. Bareback girl with knees the same t With thy rolled-down silken hose And thy short. transparent clothes; With thy red lins. reddened more 8mere with lipstick from the store; With thy makeup on thy fare, And thy bobbed hair's jaunty grace From my heart I giva UMMoy. Glad that I was born boy. TOLL OP DBA I) WE8T PALM RKAtJtl. Sept. 21. The estimated toll of dead of .Sunday's hurrii .ne in Florida has increased t . between seven and eight hundn 1. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. ' nothincS If lie to measure Clotlw&j FOURTH STREET A GARMENT made to your measure is made for YOU. It fits . . . PERFECTLY! , f The style is as you want it The fabric and ; , shade meet your own preference. and at the Tip Top store you have your choice of hundreds of cloths, purchased from the world's leading mills, in a tremendous variety of . pattern and color, all at one standard price. Why wear readymades? P. CRAVETTO PRINOt BUPKICT. SAFETY HIGH INTEREST Many a man has lost his hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of hijh intoccst. A safe general rule to remember is the higher the interest, the greater the risk PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO . ,A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL . p 1 here they will earn n I reasonable interest and Lc safe' jr :. 4