: ..at in the ' 'oi n and in 19H i v Ilivl. Low . . ilivh . Low Hijrh Low Hiyh I..,w . II i('h low . Ilirh Low fliirh low Hiirh 9 went on reserve a major. Returning to De- I m it. he entered political life and served both in the House of Re-liicM titatives and Congress before I I was t ailed to the Harding administration. Tiii. ic-ted. in the mine with S. r.tary Denby is Major Har-in-'N, commander in chief of the ;ii -rian legion, and Charles ' ii' . both of whom are arriving Inn' this afternoon and go south to Klnitze Inlet on the Cardena. Strii'taiy Denby and the rest of the party were to come but hant'i d their plans and decided tn fly u, ii.C. instead. tiaylor W. Norton and C. J. I.i .-iier. also Detroit directors of the I!,-venue Mining Co., arrival here tli is week from IxM AngIM and will gn south as wall tomorrow morning. 7 . , PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, Sept. 21 . . .26 a.m. 15 ft. 17.61 p.m. 17.3 ft . 11.48 a.m. 10.4 ft Saturday, Sept. 22 8 02 a.m. 14.7 ft 19.23 p.m. 16.6 ft. 1.01 am 8.0 ft. 18.51 p.m. J 1.5 ft Sunday, Sept. 23 . 9J3 a.m. 15.1 ft. 20.44 pm. 16.8 ft. 2.21 a.m. 8.1 ft 14.24 p.m. 11.8 ft Monday, Sept. 21 ....... 10J4 a.m. 16.0 ft. 21.58 p.m. 17.6 ft. 136 a.m. 7.6 ft 15.48 p.m. 11.0 ft. Tuesday, Sefd. 25 11.08 a.m. 17.1 ft 22.49 p.m. 18.6 ft. 4 36 a.m. 6.6 ft 16.53 pjn. 9.6 ft. Wednesday, Sept. 26 11.44 a.m. 18.2 ft. 83.38 p.m. 19.6 ft. 5.35 a.m 5.5 ft 17.41 p.m. 8.0 ft Thursday, Sept. 27 12.18 p.m. 19.4 ft. 6.06 a.m. 4.5 ft. 18.24 p.m. 6.3 ft Friday, Sept. 28 0.23 a.m. 20.G ft. 12.51 p.m. 20.5 ft. 6.44 a.m. 3.7 ft. 10.05 p.m. 4.G ft. Saturday, Sept. 29 High 1.06 a.m. 21.8 ft 18.21 p.m. 21.5 ft I"W 7.21 a.m. 8.2 ft. 10.45 p.m. 8.2 ft. LAND ACT. vonc i; op ivtkntio.v to avvly ti I.KASK LM) n Mini: hen. ind Reorllna District i -iniiir unjoining Lot S180 on Bait '.: Skorua Rlvr. kk notice tht Ohrutln Oorlc;. '' id' HC mrrld wosmb, Intend ' ;;'iy (or m of th tollowini d- '"'I Inndf: ' mi iMPi r'ng at n pott pUntd t th "i Musi mriift of Lot SIM, Hang B. 'm t)itrict; ttienct n rth 80 chain Mlr it 2U rhaliu: thene noutb 80 us Mii-tice wrat 20 ohalm, irtd con- ' Hi' mr iktm mnr or ten. ctmisTiNA coRunr. .. Applicant. Dstd U.y 38, 1928. toundarjr. tour hundred and fifty feet. more or ieea, to an intersection wrtn 'he westerly boundary of the B.C. Pith-'ng Paeklng Oa.1 property produced tortlterly; thonce toutharly. following laid weatert ooundary oroduoed all hundred feet, snore or leas, to mean high I water mark: thence easterly, following I -he mean high water mark to point of i Nunenceent. and oontalnlng sU acres, i ore or lexa Da In 'rlct, Ponn No. it (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTKK r INTKNTIOV TO .tPH.V H)l i i:i; or toKKxiioiti; I In trlct. the mean high water mark to point noeamencement sad containing ten acres, more or less. BRITISH COLOMBIA naHINa k PACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Henry Bushnll. Agent, i uaieo August a, lew. jvts Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. BRITOH COLTJUBIA FlatHING At vimn nr ivti vtiiiv tii tppi v iw.J . PACKTJfO) (X). ZiEEL . 1 1 1-ttr ,ir riinromitUi ' M tad Aumut 17. IMS Hit the Bkeena Land Hecordlnf Die-' annate and rronting on Lot a. Ranae 4. Coast District, Lowe Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that the Brltlah Oot- timtala Plahlng V anted For Sale For Rent the itknni Land Reoordlna DU- CTiorilM at a post plailted at the trlct. situate and fronting on Lot 11 W ami rttuau hontlfta M Dart of """V 'r1 of "J" ,U ,HJf Coast DitrlctrOtall River. nans lUnie S o. 0 wmet rflstrlct uswrei, T(- ieie "H? l h",,!; ,h.nM ,ortT TAXe NOTIUK mat toe British Col- chains more or less, to an Internee-1 ...L. urnhu PtAHln n.ki.. Jti Paiklne o Ct t Ltd.. .j of Lot It. ie. rsDh Passat. iiuitt nuuvt mi in wivian um- ..,k ik.. nnMh v..JLT'nTi .,5 i.hr ' "h chains, more . leas, to the sm.tr.weet i!?- .?j2a.S. TilSS 5? f rrer of Lot I: thenoe easterly, follow- rrk.,i nii. DrTCd ramw tn mean nign wsier marc to trx J2J?Z2. rifl?h Fnt 6f commencement, and conteln-Commenclnc n at , post planted about t cr -,.hl-, mm nr Um wtnty chalna northweatly rw the BRTmH COLUMBIA PISHINO A; uthweat corner of aald Lot 86: thence 'vmt. ten chain; thence northwesterly, , oarallel to the general run of the short line, fifteen chains: thenoe east to mean high water mark, ten chains, more or leas: thence southeasterly, following mean high water mark to point of eom-j mencement. containing fifteen acres. more or BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINQ As District Forester. Prince Rupert, not i-Abnimi w lu. liter tnan norn on tn anna aay oi By lames Henrv Buehntll. Agent, i 1 Benternber. September, Dated August , ivw. IN PRORATE in Tin: nnui:.MK toi ut nv iiuitimi fOll'MlllA In the Matter of the AmlnlstrtMon PACKING CO. LTD. By James Henry Buahnell, Agent Dated August 28, 1S38. 966 TIMBER SALE X10388 Healed Tenders will be received by the IBM. far the nurchsM of 366 Licence X1MS6. Kumdts Slough. MsMiett iBiet. J U i.. to rut 4 lineal reet or Cedar Poles and Piling. Two (2 1 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. BC. or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. DO eV?1?-. W THB U VTTBR of an for I application . . s.,.1, Albert of the k. Estate of Albert In the Matter th lu)M 0 t jjupiicat Certincate of .1?SV.???r th.t h order of Ills 71 ll nineteen hundred and September. AD. IMS. I waa apo.na sitlificton Dranr of th. laM of th- Administrator oi vne e. oertlfloVte of fit! covering the above ZmZXttihtoJp."" first ! on"or. naoklnc. intends to apply for a in publication hereof, a Duplloate Certlll- AD. 1928, . r-hir 1MB and all parties ?L.M7n fhe estate are required to c'e of Title to the above land In the ! the estate SaamounToTthSfr iMdneas to name of J?, P.l.ahury . Th. Iglnsl amount of itv tvi"i" .. . . . . ii, at HI lltHAn n Official Admlniatrator, prince Rupert. DC. Dated the 11th day of September, AD, 1828. ' lri .11111. III IMI UHWU VI1V w lUIVHWIill. Beptfmber. 1010 kv.a la numbered 309R i Land nntry Offi, Prince Rupert. D C. 33rd July. 103R. H F MrI.EOn. 1 201 IiegUtru of V;t'-.' Dated the AD.. 1021. r!,by, September 21, 1928. THE 3;AILY NEW3 PAGE SEVEN WAS FORMERLY ' BRINGING UP FATHER By George "y!vMa.nv U.S. NAVY HEAD r ILL. (. .T V... ftTUWrV, I PLAV POKEI5. J TO PtAr VERY Ifigfc V J , HA.TY- often with n -mfflSml THAT i Edwin Denby, ex-Secretary of Navy, is Enroute to Khutze 1 Inlet iMIne A noted viHitor to British Col-nii'l.ia in Kriwin Denby, former sec-1,1 ii v of the Navy for the United .- ' ,i i uinler the Harding admin- i i.iiion, who in arriving on this c o t Ity airplane to visit Khutze l':l'-t where he will inspect min- nc property of the Revenue Mln-ii.i' o. in which he is heavily in-.-rifled. Iiy profession, Mr. Den-i. is a Detroit lawyer, but he P"'t much of his life In the ii i . y. As a youth he went to hin.i, his father having been ! ni i I'd States miniater in that - o iniry, and he himself spent sev. ml years in the Chinese Imperi-,1 Maritime Customs Service. He ;r admitted to the bar in 180C rid two years later enlisted In I;. Spanish American War, Serv-1 ;n (.runner's mate on U.8.S. I nine. Me later ixrums a Unit inited States Marine 1 e !,('! rVatur .Vmn, Irs. Crwaf Bffti right mirval I THERE. MO UtTFTTlN'TOUEEPj x N --3 'V'"' 'J '' ''fl v with that noise-so i might w&Lt-ecrt'S-it-- J 'htTl'J. ... Kfeffif i . i V "ii" . A"3 WELL GIT OP AN Ai UONC, FOUf IN THE. I YEb- IF YOU fesf , ) JM , Z 7 A-b rM coNNAGrr OP i think " moRNIN-i"ve been cot a home CJ , , J II Z i , V- I'LL CO OOX- , J PLAVlM FIVE WOOrV' Lr. H tOR- I M . 1 ' i jO DlbH OF CORMED E.E.F s TIMaf) MtftT i Tiu.Ou H rfW I REMplSB.R- I Wie.H x fl h ANCAftBACE wooLONV MOT TO MENTiorM THAtN ' OONt MENTION tCOOLO A m No. u (icttoa M INI) ACT. NOTICT. Ill' INTKNTIOV TO .tl'I'I.Y Hilt uiw: or idkimiioiu: la tba Skna LaMI ifcocdlng Dla-trlet. altiMte and fronttnc on Lot of XOTICK OI- INTENTION' TO tPI'LV lOlt l i:t Of f'OKKMHOKE In the Skocnm Land ItooonUng DU- trlct. and altuatc. fronting on Lot 1ST, Range 5. Coast District, InvcnMs Pm- T?wnatj0f Take 22 NOTICE that the British Ool- TArKrTICE thai to, Brltlah Oct- ttSn ahnt umbla ruhinc A Packlns C. Ltd . of i?.vr;?.0?LuP?Lof V1?.? and "SSnnnl "n7 chain, mm, or ). to -JZZ'X&Z JZL t3J?Za murweiloii with the west boun-l,jK!Srt tc irftta ui!rZ2Ll niSSr. rf!nr of Lot 1X7 produced north; thence C nJSTL',0"w,n uU1 Production of the eat l.BS. VSSL'lJrXZLStLiSZ tert. ' n ' -ouu, to mean h j . . -. wmir muK' theme tnnn easterly iuuMf rmiAwiiw u ncht aattaa to the aaid easterly Of II DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50e WANTKI) tMn with tne a-e-.t boundary or Lot aivancouree. BC.. ocrupatlon PUhlns and of the fuUowlng dvsrrlbsd foreshore: Crmmenclng at n poet planted at the northwest corner of said Lot 11: thence west, ten chain: thenoe south forty chain, more or lew. to an Intersection with the south brmndary of Lot 11 produced west: thence east, following aald prraurtlon of the south boundary Of Lot 11, six chain, more or leas, to mean hlsb water mark: thenoe northerly. following the menn limn water mark to of eommeiii onii'iil, and contain -I Slnt thirty acres, mire or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINQ A PACKINO CO. LTD. By J time Henry Buahnell, Agent Dated August 2fi. 1028. 266 IN PRORATE in Tiir. Hiipnr.Mi: roi ut or iikitisii fOI.I Mill In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Batata of Kfther Kljlas, nee Esther. Qokxnons. I- TAKSNOTIOb? that ir"oVder of Honor. F. McB. Yoiins. th 6th day of September. A.D. 1928. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Father KUlav nee Esther Salomons, deceased, and all parties having claims against Malms JArnst against the tne ssio said i""''"" estate are hereby J i "Xl . nvmg produced to me. It It ,the aald estate are hereby reoulred to intntlon to laaue. after the ex n,mtah nmiierlv MrlfM me tfore . -s and tin riilred to pay the thetr Indebtedness to me NORMAN A. WATT. Ofll lHl AdmlnlstrnUir. Prince Rupert. B.C. 11th day of September, I FOR RENT WANTED Two girls or woman FOR RENT Modern suite partly can have room sad board in , furnished or all furnished or (rood home with no children, i will rent flat to suitable party. Phone Blue 170. 224 Apply 225 Second Avenue, tf ,.., , . FOR RENT Four roomed hourse ANTED A real live man to on gewer doe , $lfi 00 A take over the sale of o4r pro- , 3W Ffth A w ducK supplying hundreds of phorMS Green m 224 satisfied customer .in Prince I Ruoert and district Real on- FOR RENT Clannertnn Hnua Articlt-a Lost .and Found, &c FOR SALE Daily News Pontiai Six 2-door Sedan. Value $1200. Will sacrifice for cash. Write Mrs. Geo. Dover, Terrace, B. C. 222 portunity for Rood man. Fori Ninth Avenue East Rent rea-!F0R SALE Special. Lots 20. 21 further information apply The! aonable. AddIv Citv Treasurer. ! D,ock 7, Section 5, J. R. Watkine Company, 876 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. tf Poren No. 18 (Seetlon 86) LAND ACT. PMklnai C. Ltd.. of votwi- im- ivtkvtiov tii iti v nui Vanaouvar. BC occupation Pishing and, I.kaki: til' I (HtlllORi: i Of invrnoa no ipwj nar a lease of the following described foreshore: In the Skeena Kand Recording DU- FOR SALE Launch Gwen, four horsepower Easthope engine, all complete and in good run ning condition. Apply Pullen, Daily News. tf City Hall. tf fronting, on .Mclirlde Mreet iTice $ i,uuu.uy.; 4uu rjain; osy FOR RHrrr.Ejrjjishea hisWnnA SgOIkyeJtlyVat-pervefli keeping rooms by the diy, weekiT Apply owner, W. ArnetU Dau- or month, rnone Ked 007. tr I phin, Man. 248 FOR RENT Steam heated room! in private residence; centrally located. After October 1. Phone Blue 412. 224 FOR RENT Pianos, Player-Pianos, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT -Thr-e furnished hnusekeepii jr roomt, suitable for married couple. Phono Red 528. 225 FOR RENT- -Six room house with bath. Apply 120 Ninth Avr-nue East. 22ft FOR RENT Seven room house with bath. Harbor view, $35.00. 411 Fourth Avenue East Phone Red 388. 223 FOR SALE FOR SALE Pedigreed German Police dog puppies, six weeks !pnn cup Trn....).i ,.-1 vi. u . i , . i j uiij'incicii,ru lui ues in used Trucks 1D26 Fiiher Fast Freight IVi ton truck; 192C Day-EIdef Worm Drive 2 ton truck; 1 Vi ton Reo Speed Wagon; 1 ton Minom inee; 1 Patriot--and others east terms arrange Send for complete particulars. Hayes- Anderson Motor Co., Limited, 1256 Granville Street, V'ancou-ver, R. C. 243 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management Clean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Dalberg LAND ACT NoWi:' or 'intention to apply TO ITKCIIANK LAMi " ine voasi Lana Re- M L.::.lr,iu,i i , uistnct, old. i'.'iniOUS hriminalPOUeZl nerctlmr nutru-t r THHnN n,ln.rt .nA blood strain. Phone Green 451 tf "iKV& dToOoVo,170" SALE or charter-Work and a.. TSS. He-mi- ' ' f A r A H n O If I D. Engine, Cheap. Cruiser 'Vera S. Fry" Atlas II. D. En- M. Stephens. situate about 4 miles from th mouth of the Khutre River. TAKE NOTICE THAT Alexander 8tuart Maccnll'jch of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Broker, Intends to apply for permission to purchswa th following described lands: Oommenelng at a post planted near th south wc t cornet of Lot 204: thence vest 20 chains; thence south 40 chains: .. , . thenr. eatt n ehsln. thenr tuirth an Kin'. Neeps rive. hUllauiO I0rChalna. thence west 20 chains, and con-hunting or survey parties. M. itemm ibo acres, more or less. as vi a tf Ynpn DTv t a erases a a a swtv-t v v sea 11 1 Appllca&t. MAY SOCCEVT- WE J 1 AND CABBAGE. To-CWYf ' rT jjCj c&r'J Uy l OkTth?S eoT' ABOUT fT W2 . P 1 FormNo 1 (Swtlon 86) I" : '- - . i CIIIKOI'RACTIC I 4V 4 T II 1 1 I DR. W. C. ASPINALU Exchange Illock Chiropractor and Electric Therapeutist. All Diseases Successfully. Treated Phone Green 211 or Black 2S3. Chiropractor DR. R. E. BVOLFSON 623 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now o niue 85. Residence photie: Black 262. cute and Chronic Disorders successfully treated. Established 1924. TUITION A. F. WILLIAMS , Violinist of Wcstholne Theatre FALL CLASSES FOR VIOLIN TUITION' Studio, 213 Fourth Awav Bait Pupils now being enrolled. For terms Phone Dhie 480 SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co, Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Eiisthope Engines, Coolidire Profilers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 a.m. till 8 p.m. 56 i Phone 561 AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Federal Block Furniture of all kinds Bought, Sold or Exchanged Crating and Packing done Goods sold on Commission C. l DAWES. Auctioneer Black 120 FURNITURE AND RANGES Good assortment of Linoleum and linoleum rugs, inlaid linoleum and Uarry-more carpets. Also Simmon's Beds and Bed-diMK iiuludinjr the Ostermour Mattress. A. Mackenzie, Furniture. Phone 775. JV