I CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone read) the Claasiried Ads. MHOK CAIJ.MIET If you lose, advertise for tt. Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays If you find, locate the owner. Dancing every Katurday nljut Whatever you need, advertise for It from 0 to IS. PRINCE RUPERT Oanre Hall for Hire. (JET THE CLASSIFIED IIAIIIT. U Accomodation for-Prlvae Parties y Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper riione 457 1 XVIII., No. 222. ' . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 Price Five Cents Vol. NOR TH&O TT OPPOSES VANCOUVER September 21. Declaring he had been "framed" and will fight extradition to the United States, Gordon Stuart Northcott, charged with murdering several boys on a chicken ranch at Riverside, California, was brought to Vancouver last night and locked in a cell in Okalla prison. Northcott, who was captured at Vernon Wednesday, was taken to Kamloops where he was taken aboard the train Thursday morning for the coast. At Okalla he readily admitted his identity but did not appear the least concerned. He read the newspapers avidly! and c omments on them. He i fnpni inlly interested in the accounts of hi flight from Van-' (r.uvir. one police escort de-, clnri'd. ; The L Angela . .jltapatcheft I Northcott characterized as a "n- rne up." He had little to xtv following his arrest. His Mil-, conversation between Kam-, loops and Vancouver amounted to "This is right," or "That is wrong." as he eagerly reao thiotijrh the newspapers. Many hundred of people were a the depot when the train pulled in to the station shortly after , rit'ht last night in an attempt to pet a glimpse f the youth h it the train pulled up at Ileatleyj Avenue, several blocks from the i station, and Northcott was hurriedly removed to a waiting auto mobile and whiaked away to Okalla. Mother Admits Identity f AI..:AltY, Sept. 21. The wo-nian held by the police last night admitted her identity as Mrs. Sarah Louise Northcott. wanted at Riverside, Cal., in connection wt.h several murders there on a chicken ranch. After declaring or :to hours that she was Mrs. J. Illa- k. a widow and without chil i'r 'ii. she was shown a picture of hrr son and told of his arrest sml thin she quietly said: '1 ;im Mrs. Northcott." She ad-' rutted identity to Sergeant Car-i uttu rs and Bsked as to the welfare of her son. The police declared the woman to be held here for the U. 8. authorities. Knowledge that her on is in the tolls at Vancouver and might need her assistance vn responsible for the breaking own of the woman's reserve. LEGATEE OF A RICH RELATIVE dreik Merchant Lenveu Her Sum of $750,000 Pounds in nil LONDON, Sept. 21. Lady Byng has been left 750,000 pounds 'eiling in the will of Pandeli Italll, a wealthy Greek merchant, who was a relative of hers, says the Evening Standard. Ralll was & romantic figure in English society who died last August, aged 1)8. HpsK'TH Hy. 'ffJP wBmm lVt 'VaalaBiallS jtaBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaHal flHaHsBaB President or the Council QUEEN MARY CHAPTER HOLDS TEA AND SALE Successful Event Took Place Y tertlay Afternoon at Hmh of Retent, Mr. I). C. Stuart A successful tea and aato of home cooking Was held yesterday afternoon by Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, at the home of the regent, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Hays Block. Xn, 8. P. McMordie, Mrs. Shel-ford Darton, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter and Mrs. 3. G. 8 teen penred, and assisting in serving was Mrs. Thomas Andrew, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. W. C Aapinall and Mrs. C. J. Norrington. Mtn. Robert Blance and Mrs. Alonso Haines were in charge of the home cooking table. During the afternoon, delight ful vocul solos were suns; by. Mrs. Krnest Anderson, whose accompanist was Mrs. Morris Blott. RAILWAY PROMOTION ' IN WESTERN REGION W1NNIPKG, Sept. 21. An-j nouncement is made today of the promotion of Albert Wilcox, gen- j eral superintendent of transpor-j tat ion, Canadian National Rail-, ways Western Region, to the poai-, tioii of assistant to the general V. I. Smart suc ceed to the position of general sup-rh'tcmlent ( traimportation. DIES AT WINNIPEG! WINNIPEG, Sept. 21. A romantic figure in the history of the missionaries of Western Canada who served for forty year as a missionary lo the Indians in the ;un;tpelie Valley. Rev. Hugh .McKay, M years! of age, died at his home here lust night. He was a r .-tidenf m' the west since 1884. STOCK QUOTATIONS i Courtesy of tt D. jOi.osoo Co, uULt The following quotations were bid and auked. Argent Rufus 86; Sfffe ' Bayview, 6"!4 ; .7 li. C. .Silver 1.35: 1JA. Bij? Missouri 49i; 61. Cork Province ttS 47. Cotton Belt, uii; Dun well 11; 14. Duthie Ho; 83. ig Copper 5.25; SJO, (ieorgia River, S6'4; 8T.. j Gladstone, nil; 4. Colconda, 80; 86. Grundview, 39 Vi; 4t.". Independence 14 Vi; 144, 1 liitiian 5';; 7. Kootenay Florence 20;. U, L. &. L. 9'i; 10. Lakeview 1J nil. Lcky Jim 25; 25. Marmot Metals, 8; . Marmot River Gold 9; 10.- Mohawk 6Vi;Vs. National Silver -1; li Noranda, ail; 61.75. -Pend Oreille 18.76; 13.90. Porter Idaho 66; 68. Premier, 2.30; SLS2. Richmond nil; 4. Ruth Hope 59; 59 Vs. Silver Croat 10; 10 ft. Silversmith U; nil Sloean King 6; all , . Sunlock, $.00; SJ0. Snowflako 47; 50. Terminus, 14; IS. Tbpley Richfield 60; 91. Torir 2.80 8.00. Whitewater 2.00; 2.02. Woodbine 11; lift. ' OIU Dalhousie 2.25; 2.30. Fahyon 11 V2 : 12. Home, 2.55; 2.59. WILL CARRY RELIEF SUPPLIES TO INDIES FREE OF ALL CHARGE MONTREAL, 8ept. 21. Cana-diariH are deeply concerned and immediately interested in the tragic eventa throughout the storm-swept West Indies because; of the strong personal and trade relationship which exists between thesc countries. Canadian aid for; the British Islands affected is now being organited and to assist in this instructions have been issued by the Canadian National Railways and the Canadian Na tional Steamships that all goods destined for relief will be transported free of charge over the lines of the railway and in the' eisels if the National system. ' Postmaster General Resents Statement of Minor Employee GOOD ROADS LEAGUE ENDORSES RUPERT TER Northcott Declares Evidence At Riverside in Regard to Murders Frame Up and Will Not Return Mother Denies Identity Until Shown Son's Photograph iiitjctcdm wreeinmnv When She Ac m s She s the Woman Wonted . lUUOlunttlU hy Police HON. It. W. IIRI HN J l.NSI'KCTFI) TI!' P'ISH FUKK STATE GIRL GUIDES: Gen. Sir Robert F.vlen-I'ruveU, Chief of the S outs, Lady Rden-Powull, and their son 'Ver. at Dublin, where the Irish Free SUtejOirl Guides wore assemble t y ,, Matheson Gels Good Roas League To Back Speeding Up Corstfudion Of Road Prince Rupert To Terrace I). J. Matheson, who came all the way from Prince Rupert to promote the interests of his city and its 500-mile long hinterland was successful in getting; the Good Roads League to ask the government to continue and speed up the road construction between Terrace and Prince Rupert, says the Nelson News reporting the league convention held recently at Trail. The work of connecting up the various hinterland centres was not proceeding tno badly, Mr. Matheson admitted, but the coast connection was proceeding with painful slowness. If the work could be speeded up, he figured it might be possible to get the connection in time for use by this generation. That Government Lied to Them Tells Postmen at Convention he Proposes lo Take Action in Connection With Speech of a Delegate OTTAWA, September 21. "I do not propose to en ter into a controversy with a minor employee of the de-partnwnt in regard to salary increases sought by the letter carriers. The same kind of statements were made on tlie floor of the House. I stand by the replies I made then." This was the statement made by Hon. J. P. Veniot in the convention when charges were made yesterday by It. S. BuM of Ottawa, delegate at the convention of the federated association of letter carriers of Canada at Windsor, Ontario. "If, however, the minutes of the convention bear out newspaper reporK I will ''". The Government lies take action." V r. Veniot s.iid iw,"'n ft ' it cannot give us The PostniuMi r General did not indicate to what would be the nature of the action. Mr. Bull's was: "The i tlu money without the approval j of the commission." Making another new record for reported statement early arrival, C.P.R. steamer st muster general Princess Royal, Capt. Albart Rip- knew very v II that the civil pon. reached port at 1.30 this service comnuion would not afternoon from the south and give us the raise when lie iv- will sail at 10 p.m. on her return commended lm reuses te the com- ' to Vancouver and way points. RACE he declared and added: 1 was seekiug a sate place to leave hef and theo return alone and fight mis tfcinV Referring to the charges he de clared they had been "trumped w ROAD Young Northcott Tells Story Of How Eluded Police This Province VANCOUVER, September 21. It was to shield "poor ittle mother" from the pain of knowing that her son was charged with monstrous crimes that Gordon Stuart Northcott! gave British Columbia one of the most thrilling man hunts in its history, according to a copyright story in the Vancouver Sun today. Thus Northcott. explained to the newspapermen the reason for his flight and bitterly denied being guilty of the Riverside "murder farm" charges. "Lota of stories arc circulated about me," he declared. "They are all untrue. Some people have been suffering from too much ! imagination and a lot of people will be sorry when this case is! I cleared up." In order to protect! his mother he kept all the infor-j SHOT HIMSELF FOR A WOMAN mation of the charges away from. . i .w ; Vancouver Man Ask Th.il flfrl t , own uvnBiwuet awutauMi . . V" Do Liberated Frn' LWaai As CALGARY. 9trpt tlht9tihm ia note addressed to Magistrate 'Shaw ststimr 8""nf that a o-irl nmH up '"ie aiurpny whom the judge had nt Prlaon for six Northcott described the capture and excellent treatment given him mo"th Vancouver was not by the provincial poUce. After ?fui' J tne off charged, T. he left the house on Pendrill IIu". ye of ye of Street, Vancouver, Sunday night. V'ni,.V!r' him8e,f thought he motored to DIaine. eluded the ?het ,eft twple wfth a S2 calibre customs and guards and returned P'oi ai js.jo murs- to uanada again, and again re-crossed the line only to return to the Canadian side and then on A uuovietj lie auu met iiivs vnt n civ proceeded to Calgary by train and Northcott, used an automobile to a point near Princeton where he took the train to West Sum- merland, boarded the boat there and was later captured. "The newspapers, especially those in the south," the prisoner 1 declared, "convict a man before he comes to trial. I don't think there should be so much publicity before a man is charged with : crimes and comej into court." PREMIER AND PARTY VISIT P.G.E. LINE ' Victoria. Sept. 21. Premier .Tolraie, the entire cabinet and 'several Hrltish Columbia federal members of Parliament left to day on a four day tour of the Pacific Great Eastern and the adjacent country. SISTER OF C C MILLS PASSES C. (1 Mills raoeived word today of the death of his sister Miss Mabel Mills at the family home, Pratt, Kansas. She was 63 years of age and was well known in Prince Rupert where she had visited with her brother on at least two occasions. , Sho had been ill for some time. Miss Mills leaves a mother. Mrs. A. D. Mills, and a sister and brother in Kansas in addition to the brother here. imj ui w-rnTOn na (ilea naif an hour later in the hospital. Hudson had apparently been by remorse at the ore- driven north and along the Cari-!aicmen his 8irl Mquaint- boo trail where he left his! r .7. weD ine namgurtrate to mother at Spence's bridge. She:" l"e siaiement as a death The coroner stated that an an inquest was not necessary. VANCOUVER. Sept. 21.-T. M. "Prank" Hudson ia xttH have left the rooming house here recently following the aentencing of Mrs. R. J. "Billie" Murphy to six months imprisonment on a harge of theft of a check for 187- The police state that Hudson was a defence witness for the woman. He left his job as bar tender in a local beer parlor about a month ago. SALVATION ARMY HEAD IS MOVED Major Walter L. rarruthera, Hi-, visional Commander, Transferred lo Manitolia Successor Named Many friends in the city as well as throughout the district will regret to learn that Major Walter L. Carruthers, for the past five years divisional commander of the Salvation Army, with headquarters at Wrangell. has received orders to proceed to Winnipeir to take charge of the Manitoba division. He and Mrs. Carruthers are expected to jro south shortly. Sftaf f Captain Acton, recently in charge of the Winnipeg Citadel, will succeed Major Carru thers. He and Mrs. Acton are now in Vancouver and will come north to take up iheir new duties after the Congress next month. A fisheries patrol plane, bound for the iias River, passed over the harbor, flying high, about about 1.30 this afternoon.