1 f v 1 00 PAGE SIX For Husbands Only MAN Y men do not realize that washday brings the dreariest drudgery into their homes. Relief from this Irksome toil is a gift within man's power which will be more appreciated than "gold or rubies." Let us explain the many varied services our laundry offers. . . all of them within the average family budget. . . and any of which will definitely banish the tedious, toil of washday from your home. .Call 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian 1 iry and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 Stomach Troubles Of what use is money or food if the stomich fails in its duty and causes you misery ? The healthy person does not, and should not, realize that he has a stomach. Digestion of wholesome and normal foods should be automatic. But this cannot be if the stomach is receiving less than its full supply of vital energy. When the stomach fails in its functions, tvso courses of relief are available you can reduce the quantity and variety of your food to fit its subnormal capacity or you can have the cause removed by spinal adjustments which restore the flow of vital energy to its full capacity. Which is best. We be-litve in removing the cause. Phone Green 211 W.C.Aspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange Block Hours 9.30 to 12.:S0; 1.30 to 5.30 p.m. Evenings from 7 to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - llth St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Illock Phone 675 DENTIST FISHING BOATS BEFORE COURT Several Well-known Craft Concerned in Law Cases in Alaska Just Now KETCHIKAN, .Feb x. admir alty ease are now bending before the district court, one of which Includes the power boat V- M. taken on the west coast and charged with Illegal fishing; the case against the Commonwealth for damage to the Ann 3. through alleged carelessness, and the one In which the Monroe charged the Oladstone with crashing Into her near Sitka. The case against the Commonwealth ' set for February 6. The M. & M ease probably will be tried In Juneau, Arne Suomela, United States fishery warden or Bristol bay. arrived here In connection with the latter case. Becently the court fixed the ball of the Gladstone $10,000 for the release of the boat for the fishing season. She Is a hallbuter. The Munroe was hauling salmon at the time of the acci dent and claims that she was on her course when run Into by the other boat. HOTEL AllltlVALS. Prlnre Rupert A. C. Gardiner and J. E. Malkln, Vancouver; A. D. Balllle. Mrs. M. J. Wynes. Mrs. HVB. Rochester and Miss Janet Bevltt Rochester, city. Savoy Mr. and Mrs Rord. Powell River: ROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES PRUNES 40-50, per lb l,,r 25 lb. box 82.75 CO-70, per lb ISVit' 25 lb. box 82.15 90-100. per lb 10? 25 lb. box $1.75 AYLMER SOUPS Highest Canadian quality, Tomato, Vegetable and Oxtail, 2 tins for 12 tins for 81.H5 EGGS We have the freshest Egg that can be procured because we buy them new laid and sell them the same day. No storage eggs in our atore. 3 dozen for SI. a." BUTTER IN BULK 3 lb. for 81.25 PINEAPPLE Singapore Blue Mountain on sale, 7 tins for Loganberries, King Beach, on sale, 3 tins for 5c Peaches, Sliced, Del Monte, on sale, 3 tins for 05r VEGETABLE SPECIAL 4 tins Peas, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato. Value $1.20. C tins for 05 SMOKED MEATS Shamrock Hams, per lb. . . .'15 Circle (S). Picnics, lb. . . HSf Empire Bacon (Swifts) . . Slock up on the following ani Save Money Helm Catsup, 3 for .... 051 Libby's Pickles. 3 for .. 81.25 Strawberry Jam, pure . . . 75f Plum Jam, pure ,-5 Seedless Raisins, bulk, 4 lb. for 55 f Mararoni, ready cut, 2 lb. for 25 Strong Cheese wfth a kick, lb. , !$." Best Fresh Ground CoTfee, lb. 50r Highest Grade Ceylon Tea, lb. 05 B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 45 and 574 OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND HOYS CLOTHING ANI) FURNISHINGS . Is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller. Proprietor 'x'HE DAILY. NEWS Thur.idav, F, RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. 41a?Ptpdued (Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode Gold, $120,972,318; Silver$$0T7jMlad, $106,970,442; Copper,. $iI09,l)G7,0G8 ; Zinc, , ?fpi2,$77; Qpal and Coke,J&i84.599,133; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minorol,..:.$0,.407s,,nakinK; JUjniaeraljirQduction to the end of 1926 show an "n AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 1926, $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles "are obtained by developing such properties, the jsecurlty.of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. , Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described fnfspme. one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining fnyitrnerits should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to tne Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports or the Geological Survey of Canada, Winclj Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources bf information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. KkBB Clarence Letnes. Port Esslngton. ON BERTH TODAY Swedish Grain Ship Completes Lining and is now Loading Mabriton Next Ship Expected While no grain has yet been shipped 'rom Prince Rupert this season to the Or.ent and lew Japanese vessel! have Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and 6th Avenue SAVE THE COPPERS Capital Creamery Bricks 1:1. 14's 85.08 E.C.D. Creamery Bricks 10 14's JjiO.tiS Highest Grade Creamery Butter in bulk, 3 lb for $1.28 Flour, 40's, any brand 82.51) Pastry, 10's ."7r Sugar, Granulated, 10's . . . . 7.'J Milk, per tin V? Malkin's Best Nabob and Blue Ribbon Tea 70 Coffee in tins . . . , 05 Fresh Ground ID CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, 2's, .. lit) 2'i's 17? Peas, size 6 .. 1 5c 4' :) 8's ; r,r) Corn, per tin Iflp Libby's Asparagus 2!). Pork and Beans, large Una.. 12 Campbell's Soups ... 110 Heinz Soup 12 Law sixe 10 Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 Una for 8Uf CEREALS White Beans, per lb.- 8f Split Peas, per lb Of B. & K. Rolled Oata, Ta .... .':1c4 China Oata', packages :W Swift's or Burns' Side or Back Bacon, per lb 18c Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb 21 Hams for the contest, per lb. :15 California Prunes, 4 lb. for 'Ait? Black and White Figs, per lb. 120 Naptha Soap Special, bar . . . Sunlight Soap, 4 bam for . . Royal Crown Soap, 0 bars for 3 DOZEN PULLET EGGS Extra, strictly fresh . . Fresh Milk and Whipping $3.00 Orders Delivered Free Phone 304 NEW Party Frocks JUST ARRIVED -at 'Dem ers Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 been here, it Unreported that, later in the season, several Jap vewcls may con here to load f of Jhe Orient. Local Japanese have been advised that at least one of the Japanese vessels which were here during the 1B2C-27 seawn will b back probably about April to load for Japan. Meanwhile it is expected that the moat of the wheat to be shipped form this port will continue to go to tne united Kingdom or Continent. The fifteenth veel of the season here It is expected will be the British j learner Mabriton. She Is reported U hare been follow mx close on the Swedish ship Sagoland which la already 1 here and Should arrive before the end : of the week. Already lined, the vessel will be ready to start almost Immedi ately on arriving the loading of a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The Sagoland. having completed lining, moved down to the elevator about 10 o'clock this morning to start loading a full oarto for the United Kingdom or Continent. It- Market Prices Prices current are as follows; LAUU Pure 3c Compound . . . ... v 20c B.C. Fresh pullets 40c B.C. fresh first 48c B.C. Fresh, extras soc Local new laid sac? h.mi Smoked kippers.. 4b. lie i Kippered salmon . lb. 3Sc moked black cod. ID aoc Finnan haddles. Ib 35c j MK.lTs ' Fowl. No. 1. lb 38c aud 40c j Roasting chicken. Ib 4i , Ham. sliced, first grade 50c Mam. whole, first grade . 15c Ham, pienlc. lb 23 ' ,o ! Cottage rolls, lb ', j Bacon, back, siloed ... KM! Bacon, aid .60c to 60s Pork. Jry salt 5 Ayrshire bacon. Ib. . . He 1 Veal, anoulder Me i Teal, loin 40 VesJ. tag S5r Pork, shoulder 3k Pork, loin 400 FW. Me Beef, pot roast 15c to 30c Beef, boiling uc to 18c H'. tk 80c to 45c Beel. roam, prime rib 33c Lamb, chops ' . goc rmrrirai sdi irivigr ir m rt iw TTt immiwrimm This Watch SGood Value We offer this week a very reliable Alan's Watch at a moderate price. The regular price is 920.00. Plain tfold filled case 1 C size. Screw back and front, 17 jewels, white dial within kl l'bck nanus nnu figures. We guarantee it to be sat isfactory aa we have handled this make for years and find them the best timekeepers at the price wtvovtr had. ONLY FOUR IN STOCK 9 JOHUfiUWCR? I TI1C STORE WITH THE CL0CN K aien Garage Dealers in all GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS Open for Service 8 a.m till 10 p.m. Dally 21 Hour Wrecking Service UNION GASOLINE ARISTO OILS & CREASES GOODYEAR TIRES The new Chevrolet Models will be on display on the Gth. Lamb, shoulder ., jJc Mutton, leg 400 l4nb. leg 48c HUMon. Chops 40c MttRun slioutder S0c IHITTf.R I Brookfleld. Sheaaroek sad Woodland. lb Son jX.C.D.. Ib. 608 Capitol. 8nd grade, lb 4M Eraser Valley. Ib tec Zealand. In bulk 41c prints tOc Alberta Creamery 49 t III KSE Camembert cheese, 8 oa. pkg age Kraft Lunbsryer, 34c Ouitrto solid js, New Zealand solids Mc '. lb. 4M Kraft 4J4 Norwegian Oost tb Kapeison Umberger 70V Roquefort 70 Swllta Brook! laid, lb 45s Oorgonaoia. ib, Mcira-a cream. Jsrs . . . 4e and 88c Brook field Swiss elftea. lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cbeose. v lb. pkg. 380 Oruyert 4 OoWen Lost, lb 45 Jack. lb. 50c Homano Sardo, lb. Tie Osmmelost. lb soe HKIAR White, par 100 17.35 Yellow, par 100 $e.76 riour. 48's. No. I hard wheat..... 11.75 raairy nour. 10's 6tc Pastry flour, 4's tt&Q VtOKTAllLLH HeeU, b lb. for Me Beets, sack tl.?t Carrots, new. 8 lbs. lor ate Carrots, sack ,s 11,35 Potatoes, b lbs zftc 1JH Parsley, bunch io Cauliflower. DC, head 400 California head lettuce 15c Osrllc. imported, per lb 40c Spanish onions, per Ib 10c Leeks, bunch jpa j hwd - 10c It Ua Bplnach, local. Ib. . 00a BX3. Cabbage. Ib Cc ur onions. 8 Ib. for 2(0 Turnips. 8 lbs (or Me per sack 1.00 : Brussels Sprouts, per lb. joe Hothouse Rhubarb, lb. sac run it Oranges, Valencia, dosn...40c to 11.00 Iernons, Suukist, docen .. 80c and ( h; Kxtracted honey, lb j4o Red grapes, lb j&c Dates, bulk, a lbs. for jStf Raisins, bulk, per lb i5a Sweet !otatoce. a lbs. for age California layer figs, per brick a0 California Dainty Date, package . . 38 Splteenbergs, "C" uncle 13.50 pncy M.TB Extra fancy 14.00 R.mie BeuutlcH, fancy $3.aS Ex'ni fuacy $3 80 Weekend Specials DOROTHY MILK 9 tjns for .. .. $1.00 Per case, 48 tins (yjjhe price if right, and we guarantee the . ( u . Kettlng a large distribution on this new nulk 1 rdp9rtt;vthls"ltne is here to stay Social price on Baby Size, per tin Limit 20 tins to each custom 1 Combination Special 1 Jar Libby's Pickles, 20 oz. Your choice Sweet, Chow or Sour 1 Jar Honey, Malkin's 1 Bottle Tomato Catsup 1 Bottle Beefsteak Sauce 1 Bottle Rowat's Worcester Sauce Reg. $1.50 value for $1.00 Cowan's Instant Cocoa, Ib. tin. reg. 30. Special 2:lr 20 only, tins Nabob Cayenne Pepper, Ib. tins, to clear, at per tin .... !."( 30 only, tns Nabob Allspice, lb. tins, to clear at per tin l.lr Jello Powders, 3 for . . 250 Flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Cherry, tamon, Orange. Budweiser Malt, Hop flavored. 2'ii Ib. tins . . $1.25 Budweiser Malt- plain, 2V lb,, tins $1.00 Peerless Malt, 2 '4 Ib. tin 7.-m Knox Gelatine, 2 pkg.. . I."f Homes' Gelatine, .'5 pkg. 2." Hops, P.K.,4'a,.2 pkg. B3t Bottle Caps, per lb ."0c Make your own beer. We carry all the ingredients. Australian Wine Rainins, 3 lbs. for 'Sif Christie Sodas, Dinner Palls, per tin 5."5f Mrs. Haines' Orange Marmalade, 2 lb. tin ... irr Mrs. Haines' Pineapple Marmalade, 2 Ib. tin ."Of Grape Nuts, per pkg. . . !." Dates, in bulk, 3 lbs. . . 'Sit These are last season's stock but very good value. Poulton & Noel's Meat Pastes, in glass jars 25f Also Bloater. Anchovy, Lob-, ater and Shrimp Paste- jar f Robin Hood China Oata, pkK :170 (1 Cap and Saucer in every package) Airy Fairy Cake Flour, something new. Special, Pkg :tf Braid's Blue Label Tea. reg. 80c Ib. Special 05? Libby's Pork and Beana, medium sixe, per tin . . 10? Limit G to each custom tr. Icing Sugar, 2 ib. pkg. 10? Meadowbrook Pure Jam Cherry, Peach, Gooseberry or Loganberry, 4 lb. pails, each 53? Rupert Table Su a Phones WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. BILLIE DOVE - in "American Beauty" LLOYI) HUGHKS, WALTER McGHAIL, LUCIKN I1U -A. ST. JOHN, MARGARET LIVINtJSTON, KDYTIII'-CHAPMAN and othern IHLLY DOOLEY COMEDY "DIZZY SI0HTK." AESOP'S FILM FAI1LES Admission Combination Vcsuiahi, Special H8 lbs. tin- st i ,, 1 22 lbs. Terrin i i ,, 14 Ibrt. B.C. (;,,. . ' 0 lbs. Red 11. , . b' Ibd. Cocking 1 1;.,..:. California Cel lo l Imperial Vallc ! . Sweet Spuds. 2 r. Freah Spiiuuh, 2 Cranberries, li Cauliflower. p i Bru.i.sel Sprnu; Ib Sunkist Orariy. size, 3 dozi n , Larger sise.s, m , 50i , Florida Grupi Apples, 3 lbs. . Gu no, Balilu i and Wagners. "C" Grade Win. Va box Box "C" Grade Ytli-.u box Box "C" Grade Spit. -i box ri.; .Box Ri.1.1 V0 VISION-B.C. Fresh Fir.-t - i . This is the rm : Special, 3 doz sir. Local New Laid Y.,--. .-t sixe, per doz. 5 Alberta Bulk Hut'. SI II Finest New Ziiil.u per lb Roquefort Chr Til ir Grecian Ripe !u. per Ib Ajax Hams (ulml 2 Picnic Hams, ( n Brand, per ll Peter Babbit IVai 24 lb. pails Lard in bulk. 2 !l Weston's Fruit C a). Cherry, Sultiiu.. Ha, 3V lb. slat. Sl.lil Frenh stock with fruit. , Ginger Snap, n stock, per lb. Ilk Christie Scotch Cookies, per D Iff Marshmellona. h i M Toasted or ; 210, mi, UI2 35c and 10c To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas In home decoration m w "lor combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes f"i l'''1' ' room, now color beauty everywhere in the house "01" l!ll,,tl' Ing Lacqueivcornea as a household blosiing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3