-bain;; 1 "' oi less .i v 2. 1928 SHE DAILY N2WB FAGS FTTH NOTICE. SWIFT PROGRESS ice that iin application iir Parliament of Oan-un-ieoi for 1111 , . , ,1-uiion of a rompany MADE POSSIBLE Increase your I lit' Allwrta, Peace Rlver , company, or such i,y , may be given, to oun-v- d Louvre a hSridKe: at railway a puis? M thence 5t follows: or in near a BY AIR SURVEYS energy and moo s ... inn to a point at cr at McLeod. thence vitality of the Canadian Paw- Mapped and Chartered Ouirk. poim a or near th ,. ,,.,. .,, 'T.' v thnnr.Mrl nrrly and nra 01 by drinking . ., point fjr tocomoe. urnwA, ... Peb a To ( v ana iiwntgna ui til imr i MmnuX&rfr l t:.WUrrl.ll.th.llhrUluto alld i.;ui at or near the City ""inmrK combined In on yr would ...; oS aM imrmimy-t - . , itiver to a crossing ot dl""r5 H would require an h ver near 1U junction r'iiy of surv.yors. Yet slightly mora "i'n'e "SSJn'Vl'oriSK l;"1" l - oov- -. Province of Alberts: mcl b serial surveys in Canada !n Westerly through the 1H27. according to tbe mart of th. " , to a point at or near .,..., K,....,,.t r , the Canadian Katlonu , ... " pnwenwa oy Province of Britlal. i unt at or near Orande . North Westerly direction r or near rouoe uoupc iKiMit at or near Pouce ,rtti Weatcrly dlrectlo.. or near Hudson's H p. K:ver. thence In a gen- Winterly alia Westerly di v.rth Westerly by the .iite througii the Pnn iit or near the Tcwi. he Province ol Brum: :, head of Pjr.l-n . it at or near Hudr. n Peace River In a ge:: tirectkm to a point a thence In a Nor-u a point at or nee; i. urut thence Hortberl. the right bank of tr. or near It Intt-raectiu . liern bound, ry of ;h :rta. . ) being declared u m; benefit of Canada : the aald Cmpaiiy t '- d..cke ur.d hotel-, ant - t vessels and to collet i Hp. 'i and 'elepnuM n .til'.f. u file upon ad-. , r arte and to p'wr-i ier energy and It dl-I'lilui from a:. d roller; . the aald Company tu :n reapt-ct of 'he aa.'' an amouD nst cx-T'.i iiiaund 40.(iOo 00 r.r the prairie nectl'jr .4 8lxty-flve Tli.usan i :..r for the m'.u.nal:. . City of Cdroon'on. In 1 Alberta. lh! 4th da-: 1938. I STEWART CI.ARK ' hnir of the Appll'.-afit. e it Bury. or. etc . K of Toronto Bide AlberU. t MEIl NOTICE I'M I li-ION AMI I'HE mce tnat R-joert M nirrta 14)6 8tr. Ave BC. will apply fir a .lid ue 20.000 a:ion ' ' out of t 'iia l i rt'K Tlove ulH.'erlv a:i i :i Inlet. QC li..il-eteii rr mi :i. er. ! Hukton Int Tue rrel trjm tlie trean. it 300 feet f r m n'uire ' nigh twenty-lour rre n leijae and will t .hi porpoam xxi. the . " .tpplied tor to ieae . ' i--! r 1'iiet. Morety- ported on the vround ! Decern be: 1 a-'7 A e and an appl.ra'ion ind to the "rt A- " ' (I :n the office of the t Prlnoe Buper.. B "ie application .nay be ..'1 Wattr Herorlr ,r t. Her of Water Riant- U nga. Victoria tl C uy after the firet i- notice In a local re- f the firat puhlira' i t. 1921 KUBKBT U CUIUUK Applicao NOTICE. I Title No MM I vo Lot ii alx l Block nlnetreti, i. ix Idi. i Title Ho aWOI I to "n till and eighteen 'nty-l i Mi. Section "t Title Ho. H90JI to lt tti. Block ten ilOi.aSer- 1 V i ' t Title No. 1447 I to Lot -41, forty-four 1 44 1 and 6 1, Block tweny-apan 'lini elg'u (ii. City of i r' . Map 825 oi o; loaa of the above I tie Iwjued In tbe name 'i.K'iii haa been filed la una tarretaf cleau that I tpiratlon of on month '' of the first publication i provulonal Certificate of ' 'f each of tbe skid loat ni'sa in tb meantime " to any be made to me tlx Lane) Reglatry Office ! " ' BC . hla Ird January. i " P. atacLBOD, negiatrar of TUiea. I lANliACT ; " , 'TRVriON TO .U11.V i" t.r.n t..m " ' at.d DUtrlct, Land Record-"i Telegraph creek, and' !" "orthweat end of Oladva nulea northeast of the ,A i'tr in about lMe w went, tin bout V awdag. .north i N"T!CI that 'lllltlya MM'. nn xra mint at t ,., a r I. post planted at tbe 1 Oladva Lake, about 'I Of the mmtth f m.k ' ' ''""t'e one mile weat; tnenoc nrth. nd conUldlng 1 1 john alprto xmaxox IX-einh... a , land act ' r INT ir. Run "' "It uat iHlahria N'rrvi... .. . . 7.. '"'n U. Ourrle.! '.'end. if .i.ecc.uptlon fih.; on,.... - .w; or a leaae o. leiiro... laiim: i '"nee amiolli0'' L "wly I eiiMerly e,,Mi;o"h,,rh M rh.,. ,''bott 12 chain,; a. tilt lie' aul- ! VaJJUX.. W I"!! TCP IJ IH lit Ik A nOital , W M4NIIHMWII vtiitifin or Dominion Land Surveyors at tli Chateau lsnrter tnri. IV'mi Mil A 111; MILtW Ai, cr a the Mze of Switzerland lying ' !'' "t of Lth Winnipeg wee not '"iv pmtograplied and mapped but 'TU..-4'Cl for nulD VMri KltnnllM .11 alMa.. 1gaJuilBT DA 710 lit Of WitaFf7Ul mmm-mm ttWBpaga HOMESITE LEASES Onsurveyed sreae. not 'ft " eaa aju be eased as homeeltee, InmtloneJ " rtrtedtbe nret year, title being Ob'ainabl. after reeldene. and m-pNreenant condltlone are fulfill and land has been eurveyed. LEASES rae erasing " InduetrUl pwr. 2S "i, exceeding aarae MffiP" 0RAZIH0 e Sd KilSU -P U t- in i: on .y are effected In mapping lande li.t by ordinary methods of ground .ry would Involve tremendoua ex-i diturc of time and Bort. I K ftf "TKHMrMW-E Mr Pierce reviewed hook of the mar- IN rRORATE nit: ii riu MC oi kt or hritimi N.I MM t 1: tde Matter of the Admlnktratlon Ai t and ': 'he Muernf the Eitate of J3hn haiieeu otherwlre kn- wn aa Johan Kj. ukav Dereaaed Intea'.ate TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hie Hue r F MtB. Touns the SOth daT 'jy required to lumlah aaae . erifled to me on or before the f Mar h AP IB38 and all -leb d to the -atate are repay 'he am'iu'i: of their in- di'MM.iie-k io me forthwith NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. Prlnoe Rupert. BC. Da'ed 10th day of January. AX 1138 SYNOPSIS OF iJIND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE EMPTIONS Vacaal. unreaerved. eurreyed Crow i. '.umla may e pre-aaapted by Hr:- ,ul.Je4'ta over II yeara of age, nil I v Hllene nn darlartng Intentlek u i,.iiin Hi Ilia euujeeu. cendl-tluii.C upon reeidence, ccwitiea. .nj iiijrovmnt for acrleultural 'iut im-e'i l uii infurmatlea eoncaritiaa ro-.aii. na regard lug pee emptloea le given in bulletin No. 1. Land Serlee. How to Pre empt Land." oanlea of i.hi.-i, i nn obtained free of oharge ly aii.lrewilng the DeparUneat- of Unde. vuiorta. B.C.. or to any Oe-ernment Agent. Iterot.l. wlU be granted cevertag uniy land suitable for agricultural iui'Kiet and whleb la nut Umber-land, le. oarrylDg over . board feet uer acre weat of the Ceet Range and Mee feet per a ere east of Uat Hung Applications for pre-erapUoes are le be addreaaed te tba Laad Com-mlaalwter of tbe Land Recording Dt- la mktrh I ha land aBKed ft Is ettuated. and are made ee prmted I forma. .iat hnm iKa Land CntnMleeloner. Pre-emption must be occupied far five rear and Improvement roadt to value or 110 per acre. Includlai clearing and ewlUvatlna; at least five acres, before a CrowB Orant ean be received Kur more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How te Pre-empt L'd" PURCHASE ApAioationa are received tee pur-base of vacant and mr" Crown lande. boi being tlmbertand, for agricultural purpoeee; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is ll per acre, and .eoond-olaa (gr"-lnglJid I! M per acre. Furtber In. fermaUeo reererdliig purebe or ". 4? Crown lands Is Bu5 S. Ii t-.7 bIh "Pureh and Jobs Alfraa) 0I crown Lands." anar Atlin. ui , lnduatrial sites oa IHp8KtfldR?!l timber land, not eieewdlsg Mree, h following deacribed "? lUhLed or l.et th. eon- inw 99 If LI1 1 lanes e 1 -" "The goodness o prime beei" vellcna acccmpllahmenU with aerial photography in the retime of engineering, particularly through tbe moat re-ceat developme.it In the uae of -.hc -' h j ii Tills operation, carritd out atreocope r.h vertical aerial photo-ii H-uiei of the For-t tM 1 1 ice. ; grapha Through lu uae engineer bad ai tin i lit of u,e Interior, r.iverea i been enabled to locate an electric Allure miles Photographs taken nilaalon line over aoo mllea In length to check up underwater eondltlona up to depth of twenty feet. CHURCH HOLDS ITS ANNUAL SurcMtHful Year Reported by Baptiaiat With l'inanrw in Uxcllent Condition The Baptist Church bald their annual '.:.! ii) AD 1028 I war appointed congregational meeting Uat evening In im;i;;ui. raioi oi ue eaiate .1 hai.i' Krnak - i hi.vl'iic ar pi i r! If il.v par of John . tbe church nariar when thai nanru of ' di!;r zvxV r- laiui- agaitut the aald ertite ad to a targe- gathering of member and friends. The report showed a aplendld year cf achievement in all brancnea of tbe church activities Tbe financial report abowed a total amount raised (or all purpose ut the church of 4ST711 of, whlcb WMJO waa given to miss amis Tbe following reported (or their respective department: Church clerk Mia A. Dawson. Board of Peaoona f. H. Lwuary. -undsy aebool -Duncan Miner Ladles' Aid Ut W. B. Mission circle Mrs. p. C Children' Mission Band M lean Lillian Jonea and Eileen Ham hi In. Boy SoouU P c. Miller. Renovation Committee V Houston. Plreelde Club R. W. Howard. Treaaurer- Mr J. O. Thurber. The pastor, who presided, also gave s brief resume of work of tbe peat year A number of vocal and Instrumental items were Interspersed during 'he reports by V. Houston and Joe. Oay as vocal let and Mlaar Aleta MrKJn-iey and Catherine Mueaallum, who gave piano selection After refreshments were served by Mrs. R OUkcr. Mrs H Blake and Mrs. Stromdahl and a social hour spent tbe meeting wna brought to s close Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Capt. Wlliuua sun of Porchex IaUnd urgee the use of the BewttWi gill garti in rutting tor herring (or bUtbwt JsJIr nenee f whMnv an ..eteWs w , J I Oilmour. late of this city, haa Invented a simple caulking contrivance which It Is claimed Will do the work of ten men in shipbuilding. Mrs P. W. Hart baa received word nf tbe death in Pacadcna, 'California, of her brother. H. C Clarke of Vancouver, member of the well known firm of Clarke Stuart. INSTALLATION AND SOOAL GATHERING Memlwr of Mtnn-e UMlr and t'rietida te NHMlter f tw ITeNriit at I'anrtlwii laut Kteulng Inatallstlon last night of 1MB ofllcers of tlte local Moose Lodge was followed bya soclsl at which nteubers of the lodge and their friends to ibe number of two hundred were preaent The festivities were In progrea until about a am. and music for dancing waa by Dave Eastman's Orchestra. In tbe course of the evening there were vocal solos by B. A. UoP hereon which were well received. The following dfneer werelusuiled by . WalUtedt of' Juneau, dutnet deputy supreme dictator: Past Dictator- Mllle Boyer. Dictator L. R Parry. Vice Dlctutor T Elliott. Prelate Jack Judge. Ticaiurer Ted Rorvlk. siyeant-ut-Arm D. C Schubert. Ixyier (HiHicI R lxnig Outer Crusrd FrirKi Tu ! c 1 rd Bcsdden, W. II. Derry aud L. J- Blaut. 88! i i- Royal Canadian Air Force in nd even "atxitttd' the tower alien; an , (iHirBe IL Grixcl)', in IiecOfflinC ALASKA FISH BECOME ISSUE rummer were uoeo to plot timber- leaaniinanon of or 80 mllea of liver had I l)t-m(cnitlc Candidate. Vmc 'ypr nop which were then the baala ' dlacloaed dam Mtea and resultant flood -(.1 Kround crulalng by loreatry offlcera, e aeeaa with eucb acctaracy that au- ' '(ompi:shiiiK a reault In a few montha glneera were able to go ahead with t tteily oiipottlble without tlte aaaiat- their preliminary plana, and a few a iue uf photographic ma pa since the ground Maaaureeaenu at eriUeal points loaupu-ittioii of aerial aun eying au will check up the whole eebeaae In tbe yen-, ajrfi aald Mr. Pietce. thla art haa place of aurveya which would have li -'.I'dly demonatrated lu value in 1 taken yean to execute. The ateiwoaeope ) f npplicatton' to mapping, eapeclally haa alao been uaed In ibe stud! of pro-:r. a new country of the eitent ofiJected railway routea. Hi tbe gwlaarleal nada. alnoe by ita uae aoeetl and egaminatlon of rock exnoauraa atwl even Local Control KtfTJHIKAN, Ml. t.- The principal mpalgn Isslaas In Alaska for the elec tion of i ii mi saalnnsl delegates will be hom rttte and tetrifrlt) control of the rtaherie. Oeorge M. Orlgnby. Ketchikan iMoniey. aeeUrad In accepting tbe nomlnnttao of tbe Beward Democratic eonvenuots j4 stating hn intention to file m Om urtmartss. "One man dietnaarablp of our prin cipal luduaUy," Mr. Ongaiiy said, "however buiasarly cotatueted. : un-American and tnlatraatiy ttelouK I am for territorial oontrol of the rinhertee, for full territorial aovernmen: and believe t can get both tT I sen elected.' Ill HTATRMrAT M. Origstry's nalsanen: follows la full: 1 snail accept the nomination of the Beward convention for delegate to congress and snail. file ::. ; noi.il:- 1 do r.ot wlao my eonvei. -..on nomination to be prejudicial to trie aaplratlona of anyone dee who may deelre to get be primary nomlnwtlon If anyone can get more votes tnan I can in a primary election, be should be the nominee regard less of the action of any convention 'Prom tbe outline of the platfarn: adopted at Beward I find nothing Inconsistent with tbe recently published Ketchikan pltaunu tadth which I am In fun accord. The snVln campaign la-sues in that Terrimry in the congres sional election wtl Be tbcane rule and territorial, odbtrol Cf th- Ossrles. Hat s single ftarward 1eVi!Hecir 'tBade by the present delegate on these two mast ltal propositions. The 'gekiple of Alaska are. I believe, almost a unit tar tbe fullest form of term-trial governmen' and control of our flabei Isa. I'KIVCim EMlOUM.Il Tbe nation si Demoeratas parts; baa repeatedly endorsed both principles in tu national ptatlorm, and with the election of a Democratic president and lonijisss tbey will be enacted into law. "I am an ardent supporter of Oov-zraor AI sVnltb and believe that be will i)e nominated and elected. If be is. tbe ;iiK win be tbe sppotntsnent of bona Ada Alaskan to federal office, and local self -government so tbe fall en-.cnt ever occorded ary othor territory. TP.lt 1(11 OKI 1 1. rOVTROI, "Our leeMaturs ehouM have tttrlsdle-lon over fish snd gsaat. The preaent lie-man dictatorship of otor prlnclpa: nduetry. however hones Uy conducted, is un-American and inherently vicious. Mo fe knows today wtm the law will te tomorrow. It Is fslr uobyisi to capital ncr lgbor. It It wUls) the power if one man to make or brcdi the wbole lammMnttf by etlmmss s)Mon taased hi nas isbsutmiubi iiuornwsaansi or nua-'ntensMana. I am for faVdMrtal con trul oritai flslierM for- ftsH rWrrtorisI Tovernment. and believe I omn'get both If I am elected " NEW METHOD USED INCITY LIBRARIES Ttlaehlne for riierklng Itsnka Hares s4 of Time NBW YORK. Peb i Making librar ians out of inachlia-s inatnad of WAS VERY WEAK NERVOUS AND MELANCHOLY Un. Oeo. McKftun, CampbeUforJ, Out., writes:-' A short tine ago I was troubled very badv with my heart and nerves, tbe cauae o-f it, 1 talak. tu aj golag througk tie ebagge ai Ufa. "I wag verv weak u3 melutbelr, and so nervous 1 eoukl hardly Lear te bear a ek?k Uekisc, and I did net slarp well. "I wn adrtsed to try so i irat gt once for a box took ''""tj a4 fot aa- tker, and Ufore the were all jobs i iwt good, my nerves art Uae, I tlo not mind as oie, gad I ran sleep well. I tan- not recommend then teo high! to tbest iufferlnf ti I did." Tries SOe. a li tt tQ drng-giitt and detlers, er mailed direct en twript tt uried tj Tie T. MUbura Oe Limited, leroaW, Oat, Dresses toe out of libiuiiaiia la the avowed prrpone ot an Instrument that ha been Installed in the New Tork Public Library to do tbe vast amount of clerical work In checking books In and out. The machine, whlcb ha been Installed In the central enreulatutg branch if the library at tlnd Street and Fifth Avenue, eltmmutc the writing of in numerable figure by Use librarian aa abe receive snd disperses, books. "Wftrr one onnen IV -ate. ,kbJ borrower card and the . card that la attached to the book A little tin plate bearing the imprint of the borrower card number 1 a weened to the card and aa a book is taken out. snd the card Is checked through the machine it leaved the borrower card upon tbe book card, making a of tbe date and person borrowing the eolume Tbe Inatallailon of the machine In tbe busiest clrculsting branch In the city has expedited the handling of tot .nttt crowd the officials say. SCHOOL BOY READY FOR THE OCCASION LONDON Peb l Lord Charlemont. minister of education for Ulster, put the following poser during a visit to Por- tura Road School. Ennlskllleni- "It coin were dug up In a garden t Canterbury, whlcb waa In the area of the Romnn occupation of Britain, with Julio Caeear on it. and date 'B.C. 43.' a the coin genuine W e' Qlv reei for answer." The in' oould t .; "tie b"v f"t".i gave him answer ai How could tbe man who nokgfljHt, and 4gMHHemont minted the coin know that the year waa B.C. 4S" Mr P Revan. R.N . lady auprrlnten dent of ilie Prancoia lke Hospital, arrived In the city from the Interior on Tli in afternoon's trsln and will uil tomorrow moniliiK on the Prince Rupert fur Vancouver en route to Vancouver felalid on a holiday vlait. of Ladies' , Hats, Coats and Lingerie For Cash Only Starts Friday Morning at 9 o'clock Mr. Richmond has just got back from a buying trip to the south and eastern states where he has made several advantageous purchases. As well as to make, room for these new goods, it is our principle not to carry over any stock from one season to another. We are determined to clear out every article in this store before our Spring Goods arrive. So come early and have your choice. But no returns and no exchanges. And cash only! 100 Crepe-le-Chine and Crepe Hack Satin Dresses, whose regular values run up to $20.00. Slaughter Sale Price, each 5.95 LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES Regular values up to $15.00. Go-ngtor.j 19.75 LADIES' COATS 15 uuly, Ladies' Winter Coats. Regular value to $30.00 each for- 12.50 8 Ladies Winter Coats Regular value to $45.00 each for 19.50 11 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $09.00 y or 32.50 No Returns No Exchanges Our whole stock of Ladies' Evening Dresses and there are some beauties, too. Regular values to $40. Slaughter Sale Price, each 12,75 72 ONLY, LADIES' HATS Regular price as high as $12. Going for '1.45 LINGERIE 50 sets Ladles' Pyjamas. Regular $7.50 value for 2.95 Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Regular value to $7.00. for ; 1.95 Siik Slips' Regular up, to $G.D0 or. ... . . $1.95 Silk DIoomers and -Vests, each . . 95c Mail Orders at these prices Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, R.C. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD Opcrntinx (i4T.r. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry D Bnuinrerit, Machinists, itoilcrmakcnt. Blacksmith, i'gltrrn maker, Fnuntlers. Woodworker. Hlc. HI.BCTIUC AND ACBTYI.BNE WKMHMS. Our plant it equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. HONES 43 and 385 f) an ad ian National Q7ic Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE. Baiting from PHIXf'K Itl'TUtT for VANCM'Vni. VltTOejl. tT.ATTI.C and u uitu it polnU. i.jh lldUW, 109 ejn ' , roc HT KWAKT and ANVOX. sacb HtUMllW. 10.00 pm. For NOItTII and MII'TII IJI KKS riltltl.dTTK ll.M)H. Portnightly. PASKKMltK Tit t IN! I I. AVI: I'llIM K IH'PKHT Bach MOMIAV. HKIINKHltAY and o.tTUIUlAY at 11J0 am. for PKINCK UKOKdK. limiONTON, HINMI'MI, all poUiU Eaatpru Canada. United uvea. AUENCT AM. OCEAN HTKAM.MIIIP 1.1 NM. I'tr Canadian Nsllunsl Express for Monty Orders, foreign Cheque., ete also for ytur nett shipment. CITV TICKET OrriCE. Btl TIIIMD At K PHINCE KliPPBT. rkns Ms