I -I. ti PAGBTWO any than thf . I, tal. n r :i r pari: in. Th. thf was THE DAIiiT NET73 CHILDREN'S RECITAL-YESTERDAY The Daily News EVENING PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUfeSCKII1ON RATES City Delivery, by mail or cajTffl'period, For lesser period, paid, to jnlpsv T njonth r k. i lei'jr.v ai t:.'' ' ' .iTl'l 1 . - pi ..f !h, i: M.,-ra!. a 'im : ', -ujipnr; ;:: ?n,- ai rilift' a!a ;i i- 'ai..((.i:ja' in a rtfi I : . -r . ; . kit! v(cssfr. tht !: Anhi'i-year, a ... ;h t ;. 1 1 1 "i D I r S f i f 'nia ' :hi- '- V. f - .ii !. !r.. r.,'!;. ' ' f (I 1 ill T f ij'.i ii" ; ly i; h ' f 'hf liinrC: i if!:: Kuarai t'lird t ; ri j rk -ha! Ii !. v a:..l ):; nil lu Verne ! I'ri(! ;i ! .! l:h... !.. - : ' i ,i , h ha AN BE NO 1I KMM, B.VK I; M.. .hahl. h, KITIt ISMS riuWi'TI. lit iailM 'hi li ; -A : i!i r-l: tri..- :hi- wi ii!f re'ic! in if c ' :in ; in M.M.M-! r; I ROM NOW nit:: ON By mail to all parts oi grtjstrnd Central British ColttmbJa,' ite income. The h'ir archdeacon and elevated - of their con- - all church : I - n preceded .'.ii and schol-e i r- tion, less .i am paid in advance for yearly period $8.00 diocese. - algary, dicate I.. a I Mi by! project. n me:.? rri.' v epe : criticism from ,.n p.. fi. in progress. It mat- ters no- what they .. ..r -:. i: -a,;! l,. argued down, discredited or mi-.ii nte'i hy he '(pp.. -ii- i.. Tnat seems inevitable during an elec- acult to get at the truth in these matters because ui ul) a usseaiwrraili seem to be privileged to say what they wish against ther shle. HaBpiMn Frinee Rupert we have now a group of men who may be expeetoi rfy on a reasonable campaign. Opponents should also be friends, else the idea of democracy has failed. We can respect opponents and even be close friends with them, bat H in difficult because one aide is sure to do something that the other thinks should not have been done and recrimination is apt to follow. Feeling is apt to run high at election time. People stake money on the result and the moment that is done they try to win, no matter what the issues. From this time until election a good deal of news of the elections will appear, practically every day. While some will tire of this, there will be others who will like it. but at any rate it is the duty of the newspapers at election time to discuss the issues and also to give the news nf campaign happenings. CITY TO AID GYRO CLUB IN FINISHING neaeawry to put the sraund In shape lor the reortviug of the playground equlp-manM.Bvttar draisne a needed and ir a aflgp(et that-dhcTw h ttug ITQ MCW DI AYTDAllMn rma thf round. the dirt thua ob-liU 11 LIT rLfVIUUUlHlM tatned being used in widening the nar- I row atreet nearby. Some fifteen or so In reaponee to a request from the . loada of aand or dirt would be needed playgruund committee nf the Otto Club. ; t properly aurface the ground and It the olty council decided last nigiu to ' h Mked that thin be furalahed by the furntah thf organization with aome fll-jC.ty. teen loada tit ana and certain other materials which WU1 be nprr-:iry In th romplrtloii of the Ac-rnpuhi. Hill playtsrnund Thr rub. It imder-atood would be renponalbl lor the hauling of thf material and Hi- nlnv ground -ork ltir The letter from the playground committer makins the requeH-. Htau-d rrm-aome 20li wrrih of wi rk wmltl b Varloua akkrmen apoke In favor of cranttng thla retjiieat for a laudable en-erpride and the requeat was met on mou-jn ;if Aid Collart. aeconded by AM. Dbb "r: livtn: ypent sewal month li'tlnr their natlv hime In Scotland. Mr mid Mra J.inuH Simpson returned '" i'.i- f It v n' thr f the week. Heavy Meals arc Out of Season Every biscuit an ounce of health Mineral salts, vitamins, roughage The whole wheat thoroughly baked TRISCU1T Delicious whole wheat cracker tade Iff The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company LtdJ Number Towk lart Mifliul l"en III Juvenile A m:tal by the pupil of Mlas Way lat evening in the Dinted Church ?ruved exceed nuly Interesting, each i item on the lengthy (jiuKiat bell :rrci:tab;v played and outstanding tail -n by many oi ine sraoefi pram follow: i ntratp. J S. Bach), by O. Lawaon. Lullaby. Op. 55. Ho. 6 (C W. Krof- Or four months few ... C $1.00 man . R. Stromdaht By mail to all other park f British Ceiumbia, tfce -British Empire and United States, in advance per year By mail to all other countries, per year ,. . . . Advertising and Circulation Telephone - SS Editor and Reporters Tflephone - - 8G Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations HAIL EDITION Tuesday, June 12, 1926 verse written by Dr. Watson which reads as follows !, f..r hi- : rrMirt'. : (!..;:. i, c;i;:!-tt r ;,r- fw w hi 1u: that w 1.1 if I f Lord of the worlds, with strong eternal hand , Hold us in honor, truth and self-command; The loyal heart, the constant mind. The courage to be true. rTjr wide-extending Empire bind. And all the earth renew. ;t - A him (. : he c! "ii.f-- in f liiifp .! of Vila" rriAwn through every rone, ':!!. all the lands thine own THE NEW .( a i h.-C ?! ..! hf I'iM,, ., BISHOP -!..n;-T Ik . ai train lack of income 1 alcii'.iiia mi Wednesday last y th- r!e "f the Ven. Arch-; ia r. '!'!,. Daisy Chains (D. D Stater). X Wllktn- - . retire vraiw iv uuuwwi. x. muu. Le not du Tlllafe (Carl Helns). F. Halnea. March in C (J. Rummel). Edna Mc Lean. Bt'ssonu iStulta). Julia Thorn a. Alerro (H Clementli. K Brady, tjneette (J. 6 Bsehi. H. Hampton. Little Prelude I J 8. Bach). P. Ireland Harvest Hsme Op. IS No 4 lO Laoae). J Scott. ,8hn" Rirhn,mMn "n( NATIONAL ANTHEM In view of the evident disagreement over the present Canadian ! Rffrf Dp ,2 No 5 )N vo:l wiimi National Anthem it has been suggested that all might unite on a'j McLean. 1 Skating iC Klein I. A. Thurber. March iB. P Harrlsl. P. Sreeu. L'Avalanche iS. Heller i. O Allen. J Valc:ta Op 10. No 1 iC W. Krog-J nan I . M Casey. I Op SO (F. Vcigh). Mary Oaaey. i Aphrodite (H S. Btoughtoni. O. Ad-! Dfielli Will o' the Wlap i A. Jungman). M Puller. j Pint Regiment Marrh F O Kelly). O. Sekerman. I Valre Etude iR M. Btulta). D Chris-; j Scnstins (Kuhlmit. Z. Ireland. Curloua Story (8. Heller). K Mc-; Meekln. yn and communi-! '' Drll Dance iMercandante), O. Wst- uy in its charac-! kma- thp .nHnwTr.nt "r'P1" (Bachmann). I Sturgeon. At Evening (A. Sartortol. W. Iby Valae. Op. 70. No. 1 tFr. Chopin). Nocturne. Op O Brady Valat. Op. SB the ; Hetlbrotver. Man in the Moon 'I Wtoctlon (Lack). M Varna. A' Tol iL. Rlrguetta). R. XHBSMky. Valae de Concert (A J. Paabody). J. Rltchla. Imprompcu. Op. Me. 4 (9. Schu-tS. Connie Morfaa. Valae Op. 20. M. S (Kaffaaatt). at. t. Mo. (Pr Chopin), Mo. 1 (Pr. Chopmi. af Dut-t iBewltt). V Xriaeeaky and X. Steen. Two Part Invention (J. 8. Bach). B. Bernrr. Murmuring Brook (B. PoUUnl). M Tlf tciark t.f An.-rtcan Indian Rhapaody (T. Llvur-jicei. A. Tbompaon. i Sonatina in K Plat (J. Haydn). W. Poller. I Kammenol Ostrow. Op 10. NoXa (Ru-olnstelnt. 8. Otafaon. There are alwaya soma people who viae to get the credit lor work done by meon olae. Tou can. tell aomthlng about a man a early life by th way be play a game of carta. If be aptta on hla hnda when ipadec are truaipa. you know icmethlng of hla former occupation. The aoclal favorite la pretty rare to be nothing more than that. The fight la on and tomorrow MacLeaa makes hla bid for fsaae He la expected to tail ua why Liberals Are something more than a name. In a vHkuje everybody run to aee the lire. Some people in Prince Rupert ran and others drive their flivvers. iahi aaya Junes a the hupk. jrtj oayi'the' eOuBtrV 6ught' to rnake him in a Jury and let htm play a nolo game. Then he'd ase they did the right thing. It's easy enough for children to respect their elders when their elders are respectable. The less culture people have the, mere hty like to talk, about It. If thla hot weather continues we shall pretty soon be singing that tuneful little ballad "How dry I am." Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert JI NK It. 1D1R. The Sons of Canada have appointed 1 the following general committee to take ' charge or the forthcoming Dominion 'Dny celebration: chairman, W. D I Vu-rtt, secretary, J. V. Macdonald: 8. D Miicdoiiald. John Dybhavn. D. C. j M Ru J. F. Hutchinson and Oeorgc j Abbott. The following ate chairmen of :n Bub-committeee: deoorstlona, W O . j Bntrle: parade, S. ,$.tsi5keri.1 grounds W E Thomson: sports. Ben Belt fiiiHiice. Ben Self; puUiclty, S. J. Wliat- The following have volunteered m Mine teams here to gather apaghnum mo for use in the military hospital averwas: Mayor MoClymont. John Dfb-liuvn. J M Clancy. D. O. Stew.rt. H 8 Wsllaoe. J D UoAuley. E C OlbboiiK. E H Mortimer. Oeorge Pnzwll. Jaivia MrLeod. Hurry Atkins, ,1 W Doherty, F W Dowling, ThomU ii m i m i .JsViLA v -tvi n w-i ' - r c siBHBn i i at .XT" rrt 9 : i makt, graceful, luxurioiw-the New Quttdam Oakhnd Six bear eloquent wSt&dM to the beauty and the comfort built intoevery Body by Fisher. It strikingly ilkmrates, too, the unmatched ability of Fkher to build supren e value into a motor car body. You will not find a greater motor car value m Canada than the New Canadian Oakland Six. Part of that value is in its chassis,, with its big motor, itt bull-dog sturdiness and strength and part in the attractive, comfortable and extremely durable Body by Fisher. That General Motors is able to offer such a car at such a price is still further proof of the beneficent resuk of Fisher resources, Fisher efficiency and Fisher craftsmanship Body by FISHER GENERAL MOTORS Bmofev ' CAN ADA .LIMITED BaBButL -wBavK MeMeakte. Baa Salt. Mb tin. J. C. Braay Hra. L. 3. Oeog amy. Jack Men aw Oeorg Prlsaell (.Bailing at Usual doing btailnes Our-1 "ipptag Mrs. r. O. Bswaaat. MM O A. W-4-l . i photoa. ) A. I ! W HAT I SAW' i I ftfttftttt Alderman Theo ' JoUsrt looking other world's tc cokaguer. J. M. -.era of the key by making a tea Oiler Beaaer renting another swMe to hla new block. Mra. W. T Xeestn. Mtj . W t iCCICTlLrT ruin niTV Petera. Mra. PhU MetfemMd and Mrs M ; JlOul 0 i rill I rUi LI I I L. Metntoab have kewn named a oaea-! mtttee by the Red Oroaa Sacletv to reerutt new membera. I ENGINEER IS NAMED teafferaan Apaotnted m M to Rerewti) (-mated nvb- I'easWni I The apnelntmant of J. W. Heffernan olerk in tfnt city engineer's depart-' tat ment wsa ratified by the city council i I -'-it night on recwrnmetidatloa of the ' 11 midi vaaM ails aaweavals i sasjsav wi bgaej ffUVIVlUU WawV BPBJaMSl JJBjT eaaOly hvbwvtewad by tha fnafpr and tity engineer who recommended that Don Plnn head of the riaberles Ra 'Kr Heffernan be appointed In view of the perimental stution. lacking brown a a ! ,:ict that turned soldier. ta- Pred Dawson feeling rather proud of hit new ear. psyer ana supporter o: s widowed mother. Some fifteen youngsters as wen sa I the "old guard'' attended last night's tan Dlbb signing -up another print- i lacrosse practice Organisation la pro-lag contract and giving hi opinion on ""O'ng with Dick Woods and Harry things In general jT'ckgrlng In charge. W. W. Wrathali taking a rest from' The Least Excitement Made Her Heart v Palpitate and Flutter Mrs. Ambrose Oner, Hginburg, Out, writes: "I suffered for some time with s bad heart which seemed to be controlled by my nerves. The least little excitement would cause it to Sutter and palpitate, and at tines I would hare real bad spells. I suffered in this way for soma time when, one day, I saw jRMBsaV an i n:u rttfa VsUJaeaMaUall VJi'IS.TrT371 IkV advtrtiMd, so decided to try them. I h&d onlr taken a few boiei when I noticed that I felt better, to I eon- tinubu tti-isg them and in a short tints my heart felt entirely different' Prlee 60s. a box at all dnipglst sad dealers, or mailad Almet an t1t pries by The T. Mlfcura 0, Limited, tifirth 7Lrl Form No. K Section M) LAND ACT. satin; or in',.;vtiok to aitlv 4 TO PI RCUAh LAi In Prince RUDert Land r-ordiM 'htm. trlct aad situate about mil- risen the mouth of Chutae River. TAKB NOTICB thnt the Detroit Western Mining C-mpanv of Vancouver B.C.. occupation Mlnlnr, Compsny, in-teuds to applv f-ir pcrinlasloii to pur-ihase the rol! -.viug described lands'-- Crinmenclng at a post planted one foot distant from the Witness post on the West side of Ijt 172: thence wesUir-ly 80 chains: thence southerly 30 chains thence easterly SO chains; thence northerly io chains, and containing loo iirrea. mowjaelass. lrl8BBBBBBBBBBBf MHI U. Jl Peal. NOTICE OF INTENTION tO TO PI IK II A Ki: I.AMI AIMiA In Prince Btlpert Land Recordtng District nnd altuate about 4 miles from the mnith of Khutw Blver. ..NnT!c! thBt the Detroit t ""vrl i"iing company oi Vancouver B.C.. '.cent, ition Mlnlna Comiuto in tend tt, n-.ply for permission to 'purchase tve rollowlng described lands lonin"- inn nt a nnrt n!,,.rf r..... " ' f'f SW corner I.t ma i I'hwesterlV 100 rnn'lin. t(, v"-- niore or leu; thence I northeasterly 100 chains, thence westerly I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers 1HK IIAINTIRST HUBAKI ANT HMin. Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & QqU Storage (X fi wjpf !29e Prince KuperU TLC I CURE DBPECTTIVB VISION. DEFECrriVF HEAR 1NG, CATAKHII and sther organic troubles by unr methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C Phone 134. iix, untl i (intttiiiiiig 130 ly.res, more K 1'ARDOE WILSON. Agent tor Detroit Western Mining Oo. Dated 18th April. 188. FOR SALE SEALED TUN DEBS, envelope endorsed "Tender for Los-haul." will le rseslved by the undersign! up to noos of JuM r, Mth. 1B3B. (0r the purchase of kif-baul - i at .1 Buhaeffer's mill, Lot &L Beaver Highest, or any tender not beaesssrUy R B AI.LBM. Dlatrlol Forester. Prince Rupert, B.O June 8, 1928. 188 Wallace IIIocL Open EvcninRS For Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Suppl''-"-B"n" ley Valley JIy a..l 0J Seeds, Fertiliser and COM call np 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co.