F0U3 finds,. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMacus now RtMEMtaeR- ougam- k SJjjSmm AHi I AM UVA, I Ell. WXVS m you are -aoppoeo to be. j-f , -4WS DOCTOR OOCTO? ' M UR he ME meyw- TH9- CO oo the mvmr , ,a I DOCTOR' K'OOOM-AM" TOO Sii'LLOOME OUGHT "COO O-i DiET U TOO THINK ARt5.TOCAlATTHtHOUBtTTO l tHJY TTOO r-i-o i i i CRANBERRlE. HOOLD lMAirZ 7f"J' THE ObWN AMO HAVE TEA R) ARE HEALTH?. ANT TELL. MY WIFE Transfer .cn aecr am rMRAS aJiuws r- , PATitMT WTTM Ub BE-FORE. TOO M I AT 1EAT OMCE A WEEK- f V T L ACTjPOFE)10KALLX one oV them I yj! r - ' v , ' Fifteen years' experience IrT' FURNITURE AND PIANO Wo sell S kind af Col Any kind of Wik1 in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Nifht Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Paper and Fella Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigom Shingle Stains Cremote Oil Marine Sean Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing priees on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our tock-list board daily. W.' n give instant ser-: jj; Fuying and aeliini' " s ks on Vanco i . i i. i .ge. uv ;,; . ive facilities f- ceji:;- Wheat orders :i Winnipeg Stork Exchangt Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Jojinston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, Il.C. City Meal Market Selvig Rras. Third Ave. Phone 70S IUOT FISK GRONSAKR Alle sorter norek ost Norwke fiskekonserver Norsk e nukkerkavrlnger Neroke hreteakenrekker Nerake rugakonrokker Nonske knekkehrod Norske flathrod Mutter oav. 1st ky. vorer. Rlllige priser. Hurtig ombringelc DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load . . . .1.1. . . $50.' DHeW"Lml -rrr--T"-$6j60- Larga Sack . .. j, &0e COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $1L2S Alberta Soothes Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransIer AND COAT. CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. P T! "!";, 'f jr FIRST TIME THIH VK.IR THUi KM lUritlNCH TO NEW YOKK XMtM.- irA mm Httix lead (Specif tot.k Bedi ttUl .. gut - tw f ,: Cute Dodj .. s nd 0':'- r 'si. Cincinnati :.. ss St. LouU 31 Tark i St-'J , Brooklyn 36 PlttsjHUrg 33 Boston 10 Phlladalphls 10 York . Philadelphia St. LouU ... Cleveland . . Detroit .... Washington Boston Chicago A merlcan Iiragnr . St . 3S . 37 .. 34 . 23 . 10 . . 17 .. 19 L. 31 31 to 3B 10 19 35 37 30 37 37 SI FATHER-WT "T WOMOCR- FLJV? I VvrSOO"T TALKING- CrVBR THE PHONJfa. TO fl iWftuk . . . 1 . V WAPPCMIN EVERY DAY- Dally Kewi) It. ClnctnnftU be National Lc- itmfin of two a. t; : M . K i.-.. jr- Ik 'lit Br', a ,1 f- l! In :..'1 ; ia f tbt- dlan- !.''.: he s- ' ' . . - V TIOV l ClnC!: :...! 7 V- . Chics J V. . St. tOM , B. ' : Plttabu 4 F AMI KH tv New To . ' c : . t ll.l t rk i i m.i i: Waahlngt :. 7 c. 1 o Phlladelph t i ;ro: Boston 1, t- i, ju 9. LllAOl r jtTAMll.Vn Vtfcjisl league 506 Ml. .440 .404 .233 .796 .004 319 Around The World With Sport Fans (My The Tramp) .471 .433 396 3S6 380 The business and professional men of Bcunonton have put up SQ.ooo for the expense of ttie Edmonton Orads. the Canadian champion girls basketball team In order that Uiey may eo to Amsterdam to seek the -world cham pionship. The Olympic conMsittoe pays JMrt of Oie-eost xnV girls Wtl gp to Parla and other European centres! The Crandon Sun f:ys Canadian fans Klad to see Toronto rlJlnu at the lop of the tnternatlonal League. The team has been getting notne wonderful pitching, and aome even more remarkable hitting on the pan of Dale Alexander, their first-baseman. "Big Boy," I u I pre. b .. Jyn ;(t. I .. bol : pom . con-j vCk IB ; Oev ' . brtrf , Amen M Itrt -A their with 4j to tbe'&U tone SPORT, CHAT Bar Oarfc aad tit Haxatac arc hard t work prapartnt for ttwlr ton ouiid HtHiwfnt Friday nlgBt. Wttta Oark i tpuutkw a poncnar and Haraing uflcdi-aa. tne tana aw at aaubt about ae ou oma. Bardlnt is a id to bt n Uw seat ahape of sds caraar and houW n no alaMt to oCar Ma ttji . t win i able to display KJme o( bla .wn p inching ability watch arlaga a laugh .rocn Clark. There lbotud be acre -tlon in tala boat than any 11 wi e this season. The strongest -41mlnarlee atrallakto wUl be There has been quite an ;Hrad heth o. - to greater . ' . u :' : ' : a . i- ,:: ;). U;ii li'a'.. j-- tun '.ii ' iil oe !;r h:m cvm 'lion:'. !c ( - r.i:i minor ;tMWT la sppi.x.- I -, Bigelow has kept his fc up aiwuJU-' tMfe J6D stark,' aha ibe season goes on 'afw ao sigx ' tUpsriag. Ba's sacking extra base Dkiaa galore.. The Barook. mainly because fit his Urrlflc hitting, are leading league at tht time. MORE GAMES IN TENNIS TOURNEY miimt Ht i'CKT run torhviMBVr N1W IN' HU'OMI ANfl Tlllltll KOI'MIH The following gamea were played yesterday afternoon and laat evening in the Prince Rupert Tamils Club's tournament: Ladles' ftlntle Keeund Itwund Mi it e. Darles beat Mlas V. Smith. 6-S. 3-6. 6-4. Mined liowbles Kreond Itsunil Carl Brand and Mlaa C. Mitchell beat E. J. Smith and Mlaa M. Lancaster 6-4. 6-3. Pete Black and Mlas M. Palmer beat J. Parquhar and Mlaa M. Harvey. 6-3. 6-3 Ml veil Ileublea Third Kound C. Bmnd and Mlas Mitchell beat P. Black and Miss Palmer. 6-4. 6-8. MeH4 4n(fkU.Sritd Itoniwl 1 A. A Conn on heat Ht. A. Pryot, 6-1. 9-6. 6-3. Today's games will be as follows: u c w. HinnmH vs. 0. V. fclc- to Mcrdle, second round, men's alnglea. 6 p.m. H L. BhadweU and W. L. aasoi-ford vs. I. j. Smith and It. Porter, second round, men's doubles. . r. 11. uiw; wm. i. v viyne. aulte v..- "n avt-iag 1 recano rowna, ami BingMS n 01 over ,ai. ii mow quaiiueo don't ,S30 p m. -Poll Howard vs. Alei. Con tnean a move up Into major eampany non. second round, men' singles. at tne end or the aciuion, the signs arc 7 pig E. W. Maratttette and Mrs. su wrong. 1 well va. Mr. and Mr wkat'th? din;my I MC-HANNERTY rD THi-5 j jtrvr two oay ago- I S. . - : ".. "x I I V. I YANKEES LOSE TWO STRAIGHT ' end rcund. mixed doubles 7 pjn. Blidill ind Stamford or Smith and Porter vs. Josltn and Llnaey. third round, men's doubles. RAILWAY TENNIS TOURNEY STARTS n.B8 n.vni ybhtbhuay is mbxt AND LAIHKW IH)l BLKK Following are results of games played yesterday afternoon and last evenirt In the CJUtTennla Club tournament MKVS Hi.NULEH of ticket and indlcauons skattebol beat McPheraon. B-2. 8-3 reootd crowd. 'wilding beat Frew. -a. 6-1 e Sox. It ruch occ wnce has tickled faodom' have been ?ancy a jeh since Walter Johnaoi ason. Phil- -ot Into 1. first world's aeries. Ap .: and bea parently onger bothered with alnu straight trouble. ': Oecrge has been bat o u the Ung a' . tshy rate of .419 In th jk -me- Katio : c getting at least one hi St. Motr beat Walton. 2-S. 9-7. 6-1. one the kingpin of Rogers beat Mftxtoy. 9-1. 14. 6-1. league players, baa made good LAU18M' HINdLKK taeman of the Boston Braves Miss Motfey beat Mrs. Rogers. 6-1. 6-0. terlty iinloobad for even by Mrs. Htltby vs. Mr Bslnes. unfinished admirers and probably nr Up . .. He couida't hit ic '' His playing ha ''tie - aroused new inter it the warn, vlndl- "I : :tm. :: astuteness o Slid 1 .Ml- P0RTS1PS0N MEETS SANKEY tOlMNO AMI FKHVUNT HCrEFIION fllVCN AnillTTEl) MAN ON HIM AKHIVAL IIOMR SI NllAV MOIIT A rousDu snke a . oakSanl - tlon was given Jot "mi ASt week at New : :r ;iurder of Msm Lor- .. ie arrived at hU ' .-I.., n aboard the ji. r night Prac-.. ' on of the na- he wharf t- -.1 v. two years' n- : "The Won in a ' sung fer- ''h;i k e and the v:.: w.' . . frtondsJ 4-ius. "The ctlebra- i- included tbt 'making of speeches. It is rmderstood that Sankey will gain be employed in the canneries ttus KIWANIS PARTY DUE HERE NEXT FRIDAY lllg TiMir1t ftroaa From Eastern Htste and Canada to Arrlte on Train and Mil on Moat R. F. McNaughton. district passenger igent for the Canadian National Rall-waya. will leavg on tomorrow morning's train for Jasper Park where he will meet a delegation of some 180 members of the Klwania Club from the Eastern States snd Canada who will pass through here en route to attend the forthcoming intimations convention In Seattle. One hundred mam bees of the party, the first large tourist group to travel through here this season, wfll reach Prince Rupert by special train absut 3 o'clock Friday afternoon and. the remaining fifty will come In special cars attached to the regular train that afternoon at 0. The vessel making a apeelal trip for them, they will sail for Seattle at 4 o'clock the me afternoon with ' tsps J. V. Clyne, eec-1 Bruce nrowte at Ocean Falls. Powell Vancouver and Victoria. Bishop E M. Bunoz, OKI returned the city on yesterday afternoon's train following a two week? vis't to the central interior portion of bis dlo-etae Including points as fsr east as I PCrt Stt 1 . M M Urn. - - n . . . a development in tourikt traffic "the first capital of British Colum- t 'W W, l, I F.IM. W. j. Brim. ,Hl,u g-ft .iV- .. ' ' !' j 1 I I IIW1I I I .JEUL. .' "' " ' j j MR O'NNY W M ANN6RTY PBt3BPK 15 TMCT- Y; J P'N . i IEKG i I ONI THE PHONE AND EJiBBk. tWbT KJBal TOU L SI l" ! l -WAMT6 TO TALK TO YOU I aHSRB ARE YOO Bl 'R"" i PHONIN FROM? V anted For Sale For Rent FOR RSNT. meat, hot , aUllTtt. Ltd. , , PUR REJ men ti. Apply DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per wo'd in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c FOR SALE OLD MBWSPAPaTRS MAY BB OBBD IN stead of baUdlng paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet i pec la price oa large quantlOss DaUy or sale -eiMJLsanm uttnecH May. 334 feet long, new S hup. Du Brie engine All ready to go. phone Blue 31S or 4. IN OR BALI. 34 FOOT PUAeTCRB boat. First class eondlttoa. Iwaip-ped with is h.p motor. Phone S0. FOR SALE. LOTS 3 AND 39. BLOCK 91. Section 6. SIM for the pair. I snap. Phone Black IM. tt OR BALE -FIs)C ready to run. Real bargain. McLean. Seal Core sultobts BOAT. Phone 14t OR SALE --COTT AOR AT SALT LAKE. Phone Black 727. 1SS fqk navr HUE ROOM HOCSS FOR MOST. 10SS Second Avenue. Suitable for Ing purpaaaa. Phone or ITS OR RCNT. Housekeeping married couple. Phone Bad atS. 1SS OR BEHT. - OrPKBTON BODSE. Ninth Avenue Bast. Bent iwasonable ApplyCUy TreasursT. City Ball rf OR RSMT PIANOS. PLATER. PI A NOS. Phonographs and Sewing Uvehiaes ' Walkert Mueae Store. ' tf PLAT POft aBWT-SlfC lapOMB ATDl sat POW BOOM ArUsrt- AFP1T Mueaallem Orooery. HOUSE FOR RENT. 640 SUMMIT AVE. Phone Bed 393. iff LOST 8TRATBD. T60NO POLICE DOO about four months old strayed early Tuesday. Answers to "Nanette." No collar. Any person noticing her please notify 768 Eighth Avenue or phone 743. Reward. 1S7 ClUKOIMtACTIC ML R. r,-EVni.ItON Chlroprartor Sat Third Avesue. Telephone for appointment now to Bluf Si. Residence nboae Black 361. Acute and Chronic Disorders fully treated. Established 1994. AUCT1QNEEHS. cAirti. nipEKT'.ArOTioji juakt IVilrrott lllnrk Mrifl' -rHbfeaf-.'WV.-li ot etsMftged. Orating and packing done anode saM oa Commission G. J. DAWES, wetleierr. lsrk ito KI5STAURANTS flOOD KATH CAIB Mrs. Unter, Proprietrses Third Atenne. net ii.w v 1 tllsTl " Amnrin wtass Mariw H , l. wKm ' nuul an n a. . -,111..., . - .1 ; yoseo aieau and Home 1 1 u.f vwlri lkc ciiiuiiry inia 1 gy Bread wwMiier la einectod Lieut. Oovsnwr I Hei4al C hlrLen w I " - Dinner r.very Sunday Eitnlng from S30, SALVAGE AND TOWING IMn Ifnruart Salvawn Jt- Tnu-lnr 171 Article Lost and Found,!- I or Mewart and FiriiiiM Co I tej HAS HAItUAINS IN OAS IMIATM j Jf,"r Cp ' aaturday---aa. P: i H Small Safe and True witter for Sale i Frees Mrasrl sue tVtinirt-lit lor- Easthope Engines. CoolMge . PrlI Pru.-. , g,, m .-. ipr ipt : Itaartss sll aftfsfAlsMI ffJat CtaawaktRasf H lake lry- SUMM8K KK80RTS LAtiBlAB HOTSl'KINGS L0IM1IW NO IV (IMN L.tl((llr H(irKHHI.N(ll IN CANAllA (Uthia Water) Trent 1'WiinR an Lalekc Uke new open (lOOII ACOnilinilATION HIK llftHIHrtii LakelM Lake. Terrace, B.C. PAIITIt J. BROCS XtNaTTONR. FU1LV1TUHB AND HANCB8 OMPUnT LIMB OF NEW FUBJIITOsUt in stock, beds, springs, mattfsasn. Dining- room suites; Chslsrfteld suites; carpets all atass: Linoleum sad linoleum rugs; tohtss. kitchen cablneu, dressers, chiffoniers, atmda. curtain rods, blankets; sheets, ebairs. . eur stove. X .MMRNtir Sen Tour Imagination. I.KAIlS TO WHITE MTOKIRR .. Free information. School of Literature, 727 Standard Hank lliilldlag, Vancouver, Il.C. l or Vaneoutrr Ouc asiMa.asa m 'loaahla.- Tou are la U 'paU-ail - . ' 1 SCHOOL OF L1TBKATUHB STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Sunday-.i Prtnee Hupert 11 fm Tuesday ss Oatala I pja Thuradsy-ss Prince (Hnrfe..ll PJB Friday as. prlaoms Royal .. 10 pm Biturday-rea Cardena 7 a m June 16- -Princess Alloa pas. June. JO as. Princess Louise .... pjn. June 33 as Prinoan Charlotte p m. June 37 as. Prlnceaa Alloa pm. June so--as. Princess Louies .... 1149. KriMii VsnroHirr Sunday as. Cataw 4 pja WedneadayM. Pr. Oeorge 1040 a.m. Tuesday h. CaUla lf0 am 1 1 Tuesday -ss c .uk ll ai Thuraday es Pnn -. June ia-m Pri:: June 30- S.Pti:'' C.PJl.-Vune II, 15 " ,., (Vrir Pr:n. - r' ": '' Juae 89- ss. Prune - A ' June IT -as. June so-aa. Prm- 1f E.1U4 MAIL SCHEDULE m trie Kast MauAaya. WedueanT : Ike East Mondsys. WedneMl a- mall due T Vanemiver undsys .... Tueedsya Tburadays ewtiifvtv . . 1 '3 Sainr.tsys. . ioa h iid rfiu ...ip! W . o r...v B IA 20. 1 f.m . - . trasa VsaeSiivrr lt wauiiaeasja Wdays lti sturdsya Ts Anrw aivo aiwt , 1 Sundays . T7Mnvsday from An.) a r-rway-ea. Cardena s-rl Twsaoays Prtdsy-aa. rnnoeas Royal . 1 4 P"1T, ,m I satardaw aa. Pr. Rnoert. .10:90 1 am.-4- mvMas Allrr Mm Tuwdayt Tburadays Per tKewsrt and PrrmH-r- Sundays atamttn ew Mewsrt and lrat"- , J wsadays ., s aJ Mt.JJrai-- ,u June I-as, lTlnosas Louis.' .' 7,:r:T. UWrfTllii Uhi ?:- June iaa. Prtneeaa ChaHstto aJtof Jur.e 39 as. Prlnesss Allot a.m. June 25 -m Prlncen Louise am. June 39 as. Prlnceaa Charlotte., a.m. lor Port Hliiiuon and Nsas Itlvrr Sunday es. Oatala 8 p.m. Friday aa Cardena sjn. I'roni Port HIinjHwtn and Naa lllirr Tuesday--as. Catala 1130 a.m. Saturday as. oardeua a.m. lor Anyot Sunday sa. Catala 8 p m weaneaday aa. Prince aeorge. 4 pm. I'riHli Anynx I ar Vrtfi uren I hirl..iirv-Mondays -es Pr.n c.jr.r 4 Fraea Nerth lami 1 inriif Thursday--as Prn.: i ;o Per Swath qmrrn hahoiiM June IS sa. Prine Jaa iiii July 3 Prtnee John July J -sa. Prlnc J 1: July SO- -as. Prtnee Jr.v.i AllgUSt 13- as. Prince J iu August It aa Prints Joan Sept to 1 rass P- John a ITaea Sealh taem rhsrMi June It ea. rnnr 1 f.n Une 97 as, Pr-.no .1 in July II a. Prmc 1 July 36 sa. Prim-' J ' August S- sa Pn.K-.' J-h:i August 33- as. PTu.i J '" SSpetmbar 5 as Pr.:. f Jjhc rar Alaska WednesdSV-SS Prince fru June 13 ek Prmrw Lpuu km IS M BritrM Clurl nie Jane S3 as Pnnoef A'.:f June asaa. Friucf j- ' June 3 as. Prin. cu,nc.v Piasa Ahafca- ..ll dsl Ssttudayi " Tt Alaska rll- June U. 18. is, 22 as. c i Press Aljvke Poln- June 8. 16. ao. . 37 w To Norlli Qen rlnirMI' f UsawastsaO eaawssussj Jtft '"M ITitm Nerth Qseen 1(- Thundaya liar Knuth tjiieen June 18, Jul" a. 16. I" Sent 10 M ai i II pj lie A Prow MMth Ifiiern ' ...niH " June 13, 27, July H lS 4 ia i