Trappers ! Are you fretting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloota. Just sow we wait mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx. We have large orders from Manufacturers in the East, and If we cannot fill them we lose oar bonus. We pay top prices for everything. H yea have a large let wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if yoe want a square deal tell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and -HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders Ass'n. of B.C. Birds 'with Official Records ander Government Inspection. 1 Wait ami Brw n Lrwhoraut, Barred Rocks. R.I. Reds. Wyandotte. Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorca, Blue AndaluMan Order New. Reasonable Price. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd. University of B.C.. Vancouver. B.C. Radio Radio Ai well u apectMawOg en lb No. IT Radiol, w abb to draw our attention to the Use tola Mo Vs. It I soother ol the up-to-date, last ix months aoocfctU. a all tub receiver. Prte. lew Radlolron t MM Pies, vita Radtotram . . III! S3 Prlca. complete with Badio- tron and 100 A Loud- apar SISS.1S r. W. t IIAMI4 a EBehnire Wholesale Dealer tor mnre: sis sum si. IWl MS Prhwr Kftfwrt, I1.C. LINDSAY'S ' Carlage and Storage Phone C3 C(tage. Warehousing, and DiatribatloK. Team or ' Motor Servfct. Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furnllum Mvinf. Uac uvea fad shrub (nan the city aae) In npal m the coat of ib wort, and motion of B. B. Rochester, the aa (hen. IRISH MUSIC SUBJECT OF LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB ON WEDNESDAY There was a aeaaanaJ prograaa attcrnooa at the rcgvlar bt-dMsttav Ij atecunc T the ldlea- Uuatc Ctab. Irtah roatc baiikf Um aubftet ai the day. Mr Jania UHjkm and Un. J. J. Unldoon t in chart of the mwuo. uw latter reading a blah aauaic. The prograni at nuaaber waa at loUoa: Selection by LdMa' Uualc Crab orchestra. Vocal tola. -Qreen Isle of Ertn." Ufa t. Vacal aolo. "She U rar Mi. WMuata Miliar. Vocal aolo. "BejMre ate If aU ndeartng oung Channa.'' Un T Allen. vooal aelo. taat noae of Mrs. WUllaaa OnHkabank. Vocal aokt. "KlUamey." Mra. J tt McUod. Vocal aots. "Kathleen Maeourneesv- Mra. H N. Brecalaaby. Vocal aolo. "The Minstrel Boy." Mm. J JMuldoon. Accotopaalati were Mra BeuM. Ml. R C Fraeet. Mra. E. W Marentette. Mra Rolf Walker and Mla Hartorte Lancaater. THE HOSPITAL CANNOT AFFORD TENNIS COURT: AN.ESTIMAIOLCOSJi The qitemi uu of making 1 Minis court st the Hoapltel cuaaed st some length by iha board and it was nasUy lay it ewer inderiatttoly coas. M M Stepbaan. oi aa OSHI SVUdadM awtawT-AtW alVbl bafidT of the) rwands committee save detach, of thcjil. iwsimwiiooi. ne ewuawaieo the totaaL' cost would be from IUS0 te I1.4M. Thl 'laar up avaan i imig BEQI this tl OM feet losnbrr Cost of erect la j sa Hardware ioa PUling no Preparing land, sac iao While thare ware ganeral eapranieaa 'I opinion In fsror of the court It waa 1 felt that the eott at hibtuva. LAUNDRY TENDERS are siiRMinrn to sew il N TP HOSPITAL BOARD I BRj for the laundry work at the , General -Tiaapttal were oewtred test iiMtat ano raitned u the Bouae Com-adtto with power to set The bid C.NtUll STE.IM LtlMlRt Uolform es'.-h nurse per mr.iith SS or 30 prr mi; ofl lau o ,: .r - ,-u. It SO prr 100 piece. Blanket. Ar.titi iOr nt) t.-.i.t Me. MOMIK I tt.VnRY unilactn S5 per cent ad Ha Other ..-! , sitj per 100 111. Vr-. n.,.,!.;, 90c M(.h 0c et.' FAG3 F0U2 "THE jDAILT NEwa Thn BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMap,,, Ve GH'VfouRcoALispicicec) fcui-mccie i come to Think of it- i rvt oetN thimkinc If iMi I VHE.RE KIM VOO LIKE. THlb HOUSE. " IT OVER ASO I HAVE (SENSE IN MOVMN'- JmX , I crrAvitwuKE MOVIN' I'jAi NUISANCE II I I I I I . UBClUfcD ..... . . ' HAT-VJE. . i i i i j TMI&? a ' you coueryrr QT me. WILL MOVe III TO MOVE NOW- rV tf We pas our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and test prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that wOI jrive the most heat with the least waste. Let u have year order for delivery new. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and (irate) Roofing Galvanised Roofing Chimney Tops Eave Treughinc Conductor Pipe Roof Flashir Warm Air Pwnaces Stove Mpe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 348 Box U7 MAKE GARDENS iciTFfxff RETURN BOUT AT HOSPITAL' gSiSnaulub IS SUGGESTED HOARD PLAN'S TO MAKE IttlM IN RKUTIl'YIVtl liBOI Nns AT THAT INHTITITION Lac Bight the Hospital Board, with asa TWanpaon prulcTllig, sort author pty to the grounds oaamUW preatocd ' m a poatpooad game In th Cold roIHL TIItT Mrlnv tl.I AMI Storage r- Orand TeraUnaU bilbard la KVUH M MIX UMt MORE: toarnamec'. laat night. A Murray of ' li tT: HAH UtRtiE the Cdd Storage wou over Jamea An-' drears by a scar of MO to 1C The 11 aud ibte ssaenlnc. though TtBranihmla tHn I K. rivrM k n lackJna afflefaJ ranfirmation. that ' ' aggragate aoore of Nt to other rtmrm harln him mimnl. IL. ,k? ZZT P- nd Dom H aeoond place In " a" "- " " 1 th i atotnltal and aHttw-i it m Khii tat I soeaatturea with that in rlea- acl . . -i-. .-. amount not to exceed SIM. 1 "agm aumai to oaae are a ioi Poliowlag the dftllon in regard to the bmnla court. Ur. SMnhena eantatned thaf they re peaninc to naake the grouixlt attraettee by dlggsaff. gntbbtog and ataanplag tat paHUag aoeae of the tota graa and Oowen. A !at of the planta he ezpectod would be da uated. Kirmao Tbompaoci remarked that the peace leaked very bare and We at a hojpltal m gloojny enough wit bint that. He thought aoenethlng ahouM be done. Fayed Total Am. Ceis 8toaag .... it lOSM ta Orand Terminals. II r6 SSO Orotto It 97M MS oyro cms ii stii set Maple Leaf it MS43 807 Individual averages la the league to date Saito: saf Hayed Total A. BaUbe CM.t a r. Stenbeoa (O.Cl a. May C3. ... Diecuauon IoUoed in regard to get-rA- Murray ICS.) r. u ryie iu.t.i A. HifdamM C& W. H. Load IC8-I 1 , II 11 11 10 tX Broa-n t Grotto) 11 C- Taamgmta tO ) Id ,J. Judge Carol to) l J. Beeslcy (ttT-l 7 A. Dottald IQCI T T Wlillaau UX. .... a W. X Netaoa (OjD.1 .... 11 Bed Self IB.T4 10 B Morgan tOS.i 9 O- Hawe ia U M. Mct.ehlaa ijfji u Mayor UeMSrdte (MX.) .. 10 M. Andre (Mi! It P Baaagao IOjC.) 11 O. Waagfc (tHotsai .... i J. Winan ICAl 11 J. Hamilton (MIVI It w. e. vrmiatiwi HI t i . a K Steasan (Q.T.) O A. Wexxfiand iO C i .. a Andrew (OT ) 11 R Tooag lOratto) Bert HuJUS. iO.I fj. P. Ttater (O.C.I .... T K. Meagber (0 t John Baicer (OS ) 4 Browo IO.I 7 b. icraose (O.Tv) 9 HOTEL ARBtV.ljA. ko ao aao aw 116 1M SMS am SIM 1M SOU 1664 tan isso lass an sots ISIS lau w ion 1TTT 91S0 ms tsos KM ins lass im itai taw H list sis SIS MT an lai 1H UM 1ST 17 1SS iat ia 1S4 is las 182 is; iaa tit 17B 177 1T7. ITS 173 ITS m ITS 171 170 1CT 17 10. iaa IM 141 1SS riraie Roprri W. E. O. Urlamnn and J. C. Fcrter fTutouto: U C. vrrtght. Jtthh A Man- hover and W. WUlav Vaadouver OMral T. Chrtatmaen. Katchtkaa; T. J Uu- taster. VancouT. i. MavahaU. Wlnnt- Jook McPeoalS .would be iwalalag In the city m order to meet Battling Our--rich In a return bout In three or four time nipporters that morning omiahlnt the ring arrange mania mat night, it was mid that the rope wawe toe low and that there re only two at them when thee 100010 have bate three. One of the "might have jan tortea waa that, had McDonald oat eustatned ban wbea he toy sot of the ring to the eighth round, the bowl aught have had a dlfTmeul ending. Ralph Btolth. promoter, announce that the Bate met night totsMfa 1771 After etofoeuag.the 1160 sad expense .'or MaOaataM and the gene coats of .be fight, tt was estimated that thate waaCd be about a09 I Ourrich to split erenty. I SPORT CHAT I Poaalbty the aaoat Important to be impressed upon the mlad of our Dido Ourrich as s result of last nigbtb go with Jimmy Mr Pons Id of Vancouver ia that he muet now do in'iaif" finish Ing up to tha One patnla of the pa tt ht 'to to aaeead. to greater height la the ftattc art. Prom the outer 11 0 the aaairh nut he st lasst gathered' com. the losal battler la dos- laeased of oSto 'of tha qtuliuet that llbasitll Wr. .anna 0 go further These east- soy bo od icaps that be amy have add which U ahould b nudbli to cure. Tie local hoy evtdonUy ha rmslHatlc smbittona which rannat. bow- h turthar iterilnpid tomBy He atad good start, despite t-. sad aream to have the etua to Iubb. 10 a certain eatont he has peween this. What he aweda most of all oew at rxportenoe which he wiu hare to Uatrl u attain. IS be- cast stand sgalort what assy be oatomd to ewes a ottr a Vaacooeer. he will thaw, he real pw tolae which la uocntaln quantity Poolino Uacndun. the kag mkrtoi boy I fro tbr rWenees. is hsndlad by a coofcrenc. He nevar gets a wire. atg a paper or amkas a pugUlstle moee. nlthout a ooartottc of handmm gb duigtntly sxwund hmv Be coo U.rlj deornt broken Bnalla. He HoeaUaa, even koosi aows that tsat so tout -.But at m ohsar .laatnirBpri mm to ' Oxo makes your dishes more tasty "XO it Concentrated Beef at its Best, it Venncnes pasties, pies, stews cd all meat oisnes wtn tue nutriment savour of fresl lean betf . 0x proves erdinarv dUhesf la tr4s z t 1 j sppetiilsg The Goodness of Beef V antecC For Sale For Rent vw W Ul Hmv Wn la. iM Rtauai .Wu JwAirrtP motos rost troiuno bout Seod partkratan to Bos SOS. Anyw. BC 64 rmrjBUjKKSfPfiaj WANTED PfKMfE BSD rOSt RENT. Btwe IBS. Orocerjr FOK RUNT - nwnatfKD AiAjtr- rcom soO bath. Water MT. tf -ROOMS WITH OR wrrH-Oeaval latotlan Phone tf BOOSE Km RETT 8 ROOMS AXD BATH. Aasay Manrs Bioa If LOST LOST - LAMBS- roaaC COWTAININO tw key and amall suat between Oewham Aeewu and Boa Ms Ororery. Bewaad. Finder ptoase return to Datty Nam LOST BLACK UA' uualng live or eat key return to Dally it Mtf1atvilJliLlllt ' to the eetacttoa ai a CASE COM- -si Bngtlsh That h part of hi hand-Mrs arced Ha aught, speaatng Eos-liah. be tost a baa As a dark-hrowad wo mi. be taoto poatl They bare tsught htm to la all ngiiaaaa. Pwnllno stand acowttog. tbatafon. whfle his tabby owe hatoa to aa EK-Itah quiatlowei They turn to Osrudmn. throw him 1 In d Spanish and Pal-lino iwptiea to kind, arinugglng hat boulder. That's part of the he com through In the ring the Spaniard I exceedingly tough Oeorge Oodflwy couldnl holt Mat: eouldnt even ink He has never bean he tuma a flock ot of every right. He awdaw't know bow o Oght. hot he rtobw. aay-oy Mat arm art knotted with ana-elm. Kb atomacb b like a ribbed He goes in head down. and hell catch aoytbtog thrown and return stiongth mi prodirxm. His YANCOUYER IS PROUD OF JIMMY McLARNIN DECLARES NEWSPAPER I ' 1 r 1. i , CTaoeoweerSwni I jaatottortug oof a iw.f.t a toawh of J aWexr.aaaa.a aaat lewawjrTj itoTT prratwllao of a first am boaer adds at.ythtoa to the cultural wealth of the community But, Juat the asma. the idea of young Jammy McLansto aotog down to New Yor as pniindtag his way into tb lagtoal atottevtoorahlp tor the Uefttwetght till ororidm a thrill tor Vancouver peTpe The American papem an full of htot To btgawst Asmeiraa proawaten are anpetlng for hi arrvlcan. And when the sport sage Maaoo the Dame "-Mcl.arnln to the world, thry sre blaaoning the nam -VsnnMiver-wilh a. This right gam at umtoiibti aly ry lowbrow and all .V tt of th r It w toosh sad saaoeusaia gary rouni ibnay should have set out to be n l- maethlat Ime thai lastaad of a alash- 'toJ w MoVaraln of Vancouver la an aaet this dty and tha) city b pawud ol Prince rupert to playmansepoolat billiards tonight " wasaww gam na bean amnaM I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED FOR SALE - - - . roei SALE. toaatn u Atlas 4 This boat packer Apply PuHmoto, FOB SALE OAS BOAT IPOa SALE CAN ABIES 10 ft. engine: or Ward Electric. Cow Bay "VAAA." IS BJ. I1SO0 asoeUrnt Attln Are tl TWELVE ACRES AT S roam cottage, small clear ing: front sge 00 rlrer and provincial highway. tOM. Bast tarma C. J Nomngton. f O. 80 4T8 Ftinor Bu-pert. Br. M rOB SALE Sesee. dining and linoleum (mm ALLY pet tot suite. WICKER Asniineter rang, dinner art. typewriter Asofy SM. Fifth Avenue Wem ate. OLD KEWWANato MAT BE OSED IB- stead of building paper or to lay be- Dally earpeu oa the floor Oet price on large qusnUUm -D0OOB SPBC1AL SEDAN looMrvTiMo ocaLaa ocAiaa meat atleera. cbeeaa cuitom and oabtaet. meat canopee. rod- mill cash kt- per! lepasr vice awatracto. aaehloe Ba Easy term UattsV ttUTOH aopty PuOen PAIR MAO adustmewu 8er-m. used or rebuilt dia count THE CtLM nP LTD. SOS Cardaea t TV. rowewaver KC FUKNITUIIB AND IlANGtS Suite. Dtotog Suite. Kitchen Tame Binges. Unotium sad Unotoum Ruaa. Carpets. sSlnds. Cwrktm Bads High Uia High High torn Hlfh Low Hint. fcrtotogaW between SJS Un.,po, and !u "ware fwawerx. ine toaam being aa fai Iowa Mstuepool Rearlev tlson snd t;n Otsther Norman. Pr-rr Ruper Ymi:.-, rv.usld H at Hetno .t ng H'ih Pesyer Patoo ai runny snd Mattroaam. WUtdow fjavtoia W have- sal a tow mot mtt at the old prto. X. MirKENZIR. ri RMTl tlC Pha TTS. CHI31NBY SWBBI II. J. ZmikEIIN fteaeral Handy Man ftwoare sad Stove Qlianad and Be- yalraa OhtoUstet Seep. Oemetery PtoM oeed Por. Phone Bed US. Fttoee ItapeH. B0 EXCHANGE ami xrio iur ttiKMTrar nd raid am T-s ajo. SI ai gun. lOJ IA Usot pas. MIRTH and . rXTsnnrnjftt a MtRta SS Third Ate. Phane CHlROHlApTlC IIR. R. r. ETOtlON rMitinf I Third AventM r amtotwewt now to Biw St BatlSinw phone Blact SSS Evanlag calls nd m ananaa OfwOOOOO IMUNCE KUPRRT TIDES TIHMMItV. Htani is is tai ass. Mill RDtr. MlKfll II ' lit iwbmv. I St am. ' I I'TOJTaW! SIMV. MtHIII IS lt:M 11 ll-at sa Mnvinv. Minni it O.-04 un II M p m. ... t M sm It pro TimiiW. MtRflt to O il am it a pm S 3 p m IB 04 pm IT I ft ISO -IIS -TS - m ft mo - 11.1 - I0t 'at ti - 44 - IBS ft 304 " Tt " . ' Itt ft. SI S " as " it " STEAMSHIP rot Vtjieawter Prldsy-m ft Sstnrtl.iy v , at Pr;,. ... Mar-h ! . 1 MsrrM S -lt Vaarawtee Sunday iw 1 Wedmaday Salurtlst- w Saturday a March 11- . M-ch 11 March II v rr Part ba.n . Sunday -a C:i rrava Part tUa,.n . Tumday la tajo axi . Sunday --m. ( Wednesday tram .tajwa ni Tuesday at . PriOay-- Pr lar (faeeo rhsri-i- March 10- at March t - -Ivaea Qoeeo I t, March S i March Tl a. lac tUaka Msrrh II--. Marc: Jl a : Marrh II- . Frwra tlaUf Marrh St - a mail snem law I be tatf Mondays. Wee- -ctoaet team lb Eaal Tweadaya Th -do 7a Taaea0er Twewdayt Pndaya .. Saturdaw cpjt--rb Tratao, Hsnrt'. Satosoar Ivsea TO aajraSan Sariiida C PB ttsre-Traans. SwndT Ta t AIW IXMW taje. All" Prerateri Ta Nad River P' ream Saat River P" Ttaeaday Ta At Pwtota- March 11 11 rram Amaaa rwno Peb It. Marr To Qween CSaeai' ' March It an.: ram l)eo ( " t and unrr Oraham AUir ' lot Am at Sth 0th Avo. A- : tit -Oth Ave A .hom llth Ave at 6b- llth Ave h C tth Ave A H Oth Ave at Hat ' Sth Am. At Coti 1 tth Am. Ore-.-. tth Ave. A MrB: k Pro. Oovt u o.rr. mawjoo M1; "if ' tad Ato tod f Srd Are A Pultor 11 Srd Ave At tth Sunday - One c-t pm coIlwHoo CNJtTR far the East -Maoday. Wednc at 1 1 90 s ou rram I he tar TueadST I ' at ISO pm teititjl MOYEH