1 it., , i. ,i l: ,, March 15, 1928 Montreal :: Importers LADIES' HOSE large assortment of 1 (It-' Hose at remark-i i low price less than ti iiiuiacturers' cost. OVERALLS Manse, -"t "j A bargain at $2 25. ..; clearing price l.U?t of Men' Overalls. ,vy ttRr ' or Hoys. Sir.es from l year. The Im-m leg. iljft. Now go H5r Klinki Combination is y$t& maile. rvl Now going tor FOR HOTS ok With Blouse- tor all colors. Kimi i 75 value. Coing .V 1 annelette Pyjamas ' $2.00 value. Going ime ' lioys: We have a a ortmcnt. Regular value. Each suit to l at SfcUW 1 "tig Psjjfta. Khaki imrd wssrhur stuff Keing for H5r 71 : Montreal Im Hio.i vcnuc 01 t WHOLE STOCK MUST HE DISPOSED OK QUICKLY H. re are mentioned only n few of the mom hundreds of i,.,,, .,,n awaiting your own selection at prices that are away dmvr lwn. You will nee many others in our store whtn you om m. It will pay you to luy now when you can buy real ,iu;thn L'ood at ha run in prices. MEN'S SHIIITS Kmnket Flannel all .-I'irts. reg. $4.50. To l ,t each . . . 92.15 ii'iijr Work Shirts, iand the hardest ''nly a limited Regular $!.6D Now each Wit assortment of Eng-i: nadcloth Shirts of -i". In-lit makes, to ! ' Irs.- than munufuc-nriccs. MEN'S SOCK8 lii!avy Pure Wool i-t-n. f5c a pair. Now lOe . wool Socks, auit-rubber boots, rctf. iliic. Now 2 pairs 4.V ie Socks u fine black and brown. " a pair. Now 2 or AV NDEKWKAH !' heavy u!l wool ix l Underwear, reg. ii r..rnient. Now !..- i n n uiialitv in rinmhlii- Jlti'-I oi.lv 1 'nn:-'i''.- I bin.it ion Now . . . ." tinman's SPECIALS '' lieudy lUaora. regular 1 . Sale !". '"'i Duplex, 1 blade. Saie price "" ! lVna, regular f:i.7B. Sale pn.-e . . l 'ncila, reirular 50c. Sale I'l'UMh Seta. aaurulajaJHI.OP. l!nih Sets. rSrulniBKH.IM) Salt- I" 'sfJltwBlMsKslruMh anipM. reifulitr 9.(lJ. Sale pnci : 1 - ii Sdii). Sale price, !1 cakea liii 1,1 s,'l Sale priee Ull' I'.ottlea. Sale price 'MM' I 41 .4Mm.M19 M . as . WW mm m jb mm-- w r, ft .... .s, i s-.v 3.75 ' avy Wool ( r K- -!-"0 value. $StMT Ail Wool Shirts and Drawer.-, n-jr. $2.K) it garment. N..w each $l.J!.- lOBBlitn's "IV Underwear, reg. pi-ice $1.25. Now. each garment 7l)r 1'emr.aii's "7!" Combinations, reg. $J.r0. Now $1.75 I'enmarV "VI" Underwear for Uoys. Sizes 24 to "it. Combinations only, liegular Sl.Hl. Now $1.25 MEN'S I'ANTS .Men's Kiwki Pants, from the b"st makers. Reg. 12.26 value. Clearing them out for $1J1S .Men's Hurnock lirand Pants, made in Nova Scotia. Reg. value $5.75 per pair. Now going lor $4.-15 MEN'S SUITS 2(H) Men's 8uit and 7S Men's Overcoats by the be l makers- you nave vour pick at GOr on the dollar. ' FOR THE HOUSEHOLD , liir assortment of heavy Fli'.nnektte .Biiqssw, iff grey and White; 1 , K.-truUr $2.rn value. All goiMg now for .... $1,75 Pillowslips. Forty-two inches lotitr. Regular 60c value. Now going for .... S5f Tu:4iish Towels. Fine absor-11.1 material, made in lri'!and. Kegular HOc lue. Now going each t'.r '. 17Hf FOR MEN .'. big lot of Blazers for Men. a!! patterns and striper For this summer's wear. Keg. $."..50 for .... S1.UB Vl!-Si'k Neckties, very fine .i.ali.y. Heg. 75c value. vw 25 Ti ree qunrter. length Rubber Pe ii s for men. Made by 1 loTiiinion Kublier Co., reg. ?7 !io. Now $5.W5 Cjll.t: Kazors. L-irge case, reg $100 value for . . 70f Small case. reg. 50c value, for ., tt5f porters Telephone Hlue 418 J. II. Miller. Proprietor .... tat .... 10f . . $1.00 JI5f . Sfl.OO tsc.oo to.oo $7.no . sen? S.1.35 o I'MIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST. I M i,,,N!s 8 200 Local and Personal Death. Dr. J. r. Omu Phone 8B8 Skating dally. B to 4 and 8 to 10. ti Dry Blrcli and Cedar, Cameron Trans fer ssJ Clet the Big 4 habit' When thlDtlhi f a Taxi, phone 4 V Marcelling and Balrcuttlng. Mrs Skinner. Phone Black 036. of work April 13. 84 Tha counts eourt cue of Wllllani H Maclnnea vs. Mrs. Marie Hanson ha fcten adjourned uoill next week. Mimeographed coptea of the bylaws art' to be made If the coal Is not too (treat the Hospital board decided U:. night at Its meeting. Imperial OH Oo.'a -tanker Htna Brc. in due In port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from loco wltll a cargo of fuel uil for the company' local tank. The ladies of Prince Bupert are Invited to inspect our eastern goods These arc all marked at our low price Nothing over a doHar. ..The Dollar (Store 6. Newton F. (Dick) Pullcn was one oi the? attending the supper dance given by the Institute of Journalists at the Hotel Oeorpla at Vancouver Baturda; evening. Mrs. Olossy reported to the Hospital Board last night that the Ladle;' Auxiliary hal asked that wherever pc'ssltU hoopla' supplies should be purchased 'locally. Members of the hospital board present at the regular board meeting s the hospital' last night were Messrs Thempsou. Christie. Brown, t Waugn. O eer Stephens. Rochester, Mrs Class; and secretary Birch. By instructions' from the police, children under 14 may not visit the Show unless accompanied by an sduli They may vatft matinees unaccompanied. C PR. steaaatr Princess Mary, Cspt. Arthur Blatst. is expected at 4 thlt afternoon tqam Alaska porta, sailing soon after arrival for Vancouver and Victoria. The vessel wsa reported dust Ketchikan at fl o'clock this morning At the meeting of the boaplui board last .nigCtt (lie lady superintendent. Mis? Harrison, hold arrangements for the graduation had been made to take place in the PMtbvtsrUn Churcff. Karcbjf2vthe plans bentg similar to dreWs Society carpet bowl- in; game between rinks of Charier Ijylor and Nell McDonald, scheduled for last eveulng was postponed OntH ttnlglit. Tom rrr night the Ioll-11. . rinks will meet : James Dick vs Jack Frew: Oeorge Scott vs. Jack Wat- son. The quwjslon of grading the atree In front of the hospital was mentioned at the "meting of the Hospital Board last nigh. Alderman Oreer explaiasd that grading would drop the street below Use preaeqt entrance and the side sntranee would have to be used for stretcher cases. The matter will be taken Up by the Board of Works of the city council. Reserve your sesu at Or me Drur Store for the St Patrick's Concert in the Wast holme Monday. March 19 Curtain goes up at 8.30 p.m. prompt. Irish music, son;' nud dances There will also be featured s sketch entitled "A Fair of Lunatic v with Messrs. Alex Con iiou and Dougherty in a dialogue "Just Nonsense." In addition a play Ui one act entitled "Yes. Oeorge" wUl be presented by local talent 68 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mowrliert Ladlns' St. Patrick's Whist Drive and Dance. March 16. Anglican Cathedral Tea March 17. St Patrick" concert. Monday. March 18. Westkolme Theatre. SUnday Concert by Regimental Or chestra Westholme Theatre. March 25. United Church Raster Bale of Work. April a. Queen Mary Chapter annual Daffodil Ball. Raster Monday. AprU B. Anglican Church Easter Bale April 10. Catholic Women's League spring sale Ladles' Auxiliary 8t Andrew's Society Raster Sale and whist drive. April 80. Ilka Cabaret April 90. - , 'ti III h Royal Society of Bt tiftorge Wist TrlM mid riflnre Ahtll atarnh Of nose or throat is uiuall v benefited bv ISf muffing up nostrils and inhaling vapors s o THE DAILY NEWS Declares War "Fruit-a-tiveM-the Enemy of Dypepia URSULE, QUE- "Forten ST. yean I could not digett food. Now I eat like new man. Frult-a-tlrea relieved me completely." J- Martin. 1 bur' . oi 'Mint lay nioit bf'uan'tUVecurrent ttack of dyapepeU and, kindred ailment!. To remedy thla, the regular use of Frult-a-tirea la highly recommended. The gentle, natural stimulation of the bowels and digeatft a yatem bT the fruit juice ex-tractiandtonlcalnFrult-a-tlea soon heals botheraome and painful digestion. Try It. Sold by all druCglats 25c and 50c per box. j x . - Tin alUTiiuoirs uaiii mu East i.'. 3.30. wa reported lug to be on time. ii. urn R V Q. LuPlue sailed last nihl by the Prime Oeorge to make the round trip to Stewart and An tux. James Underwood ot the Forest branch wil. sail by the Prince Oeargc tomorrow morning on a trip to Van- ouver. We are lleadtiitarlers for shoe repairing. Nnid tlieni tu us fur value, kenle and satisfaction. Mai Arthur's Mute f twe. V Wrd has been raeelved here that Mr. Howard White, who la visiting In Seattle .ece.itty underwent a minor operation ii. her nose there suoeassfully. Annual mrettng of feist rvallte AsswOatam Ih Clab Kmhim on 1YI-ty evralng, Jlanrti 11. at 8.15 o'clock. All Osnservailres welitnie. B. J. Mslllsh. manager of the local branch ot the Canadian Bank of Commerce, sallsd last night by the Prtno, Oeorge on a business trip to Stewart. Mis. A. D. 'ChapFStl of Haaalton arrived in the city front - the Interior on this afternoon's train 'and will sail to morrow morning by the Prince Rupsri for Vancouver. Anglican Cathedral Tea and Sale ot home cooking at the home of Mra. Deo Ror.e. 230 Fourth -AvsAkv Wast on Saturday, March 17 from 1 as . Every body welcome. 64 The new halibut boats being built at the dry dock for Capt. John Ivarsoi md Capt Hsns Undrrdsnl, which were launched recently. wUl. It ai eapected be completed "or very nearly so by the end of the week. 0. W. Taylor, travelling auditor foi the Canadian National Railways, wbc has been a visitor In the city for the past week on official duties, will sat: by the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning on his return to Vancouver. During the past twenty-four hours thirty-five carloads of grain have arrived from the prairies tor the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rapert elevator Railway ofllces this morning reported 280 cars on the territory west of Jsspe Park bound here. At the hospital meeting last nigh It was r.nnounced thst BUI SO chapter I.OJj.E. were having the children s wan decorated In Ivory and white with sten cils between. Queen Mary Chapter ws ;ivlng another bed In their ward and also had a new floor laid there. The latest Innovation On the Canadian National Coast Sasamshlps is beauty parlor for lady travelers with which the Prince Oeorge la now equip ped and which will also he placed In the Prince Rupert. During the sum mcr there will be a lady attendant. On behalf of the finattae committee J. L. Christie reported to the Hospital Board last night that tha laapsndlturv.' had been 64031 which was 1.014.l( more than the tot.il receipts. As souk of the payments had not yet come Ii he thought they would be on the rlgi- Ktdc on receipt of those. BARNACLE5 FINNIKY ABOUT COLORS BUT PREFER THEM DARK l.eur White. PiirlliHiM of limit In I'atnr of Dark sireakK It Is said LONDON, March 16. Barnacles are flnnlky In regard to colore hut they pre fer tbem dsrk i It was recently atinoaneed that the !SMfofWtvf)Pt(u (ylBattatsyhtclt "frsYuiatw ti rjStWmfmSs- iiflw uych oaid 7gt1etrB they were moored in karaflhl Flarbor. These boats are painted White, but three of then' have vertical bhtak rings palut- tl ran id the hull for' Identification purpurea. The aeon ill boafhas one ring. ' h- third two unci the tourth three. It agipear'- that (he barnacles were oonceii-t'.i'i'd aim, .' I'n'iK'ly on the Msck r : 1 1 ij.-- A'cia'dumh w hi'n the bulls were rieuned the fciack lines ' were painted Hit below the water Hue. But the interesting qneu'liMi remains, why doc :i 1 i mini ti' whl'v ' VANCE TAKES ' OVER HOSPITAL WILL HE ACTIMi HKCKKTAKY-MAN-A (iF.lt 111 IMM1 ABSEXCK OK . IIAICKV IIIKCII KUt SIX MONTHS ..n:iAir rrr . At the regular meeting of the Hospital Board last night Walter Vance was appointed acting secretary-manager during the six mouths absence of Harry Birch who Is to visit Engluud. The other applicants were: Ernent Unwln, tawrence Lambly, O. K. Lahlff, O Smith. H. 6. Pelletler. G L. Rorte. T C, Chalmers. Francis E. Forrester and John Unklea. One of the. conditions of taking the position I that the applicant shall give his whole time to the work. HOSPITAL ORDERLIES TO BE ALWAYS ON CALL Ilou.nl l)nl(lr to Aihrrtl for Night : Man mid Whole (ueittin I Dlwimitril The Hospital Board last night discus sed at considerable length the question of engaging a night orderly. The re-Milt was that iwj resolutions were passed. The first wss that the lady superintendent be instructed to have supervision ot the oderlles and see that the work required of tfiem was carried out. The second was that they should advertise for s trained night orderly who would be on call to the wsrds at any time during the night and who would also undertake the Janitor work of he Institution, 'the salsry to be ago s month and meals. It was reported that good trained orderlies could be secured In Vancou ver for M6 a month and meals when on duty. The respective abilities of the meni now In the emplcy of the hospital was discussed and It was decided that who ever held the position must be able and willing to do .the work required by the lady superintendent. That wss the first requirement. The question of handling alcoholics as discussed and H. B. Rochester ventured the opinion that no mors IfMtlenta of that type would trouble a. Nurses should not be asked to look after them. There will not be tny more D.T.'s In the hospital." he declared. THREE MARINERS ARE GIVENTHEIR PAPERS Arthur Diwaltl. Imcim- Itrk and William (hMiirtl are Nw Tag IVatt MsMrr Arthur Oswald and Lome Peck of f4rlnee Rupert and William F. Oosnell if Port Simpson have been awarded tugboat mas tens' papers ss a Result oi ests held here this week by Capt Lionel H. Lindsay, examiner of mas ten md mates. OoanaU and Peck attended .ne school lor navigation which waa 'eld here during the past winter by Capt. J. R. Klfert, harbor master. The school, in which twenty students were enrolled. Is now closed until the end of he halibut fishing season. Capt. Lindsay, who baa been here 'or the past few days. wUl return, to Vancouver on the Princess Mary thl ifternoon. Passengers sailing this afternoon oil he Princess Mary for Vancouver wUl ncludr M. Cununlngs. a prairie farmer the is on a trip to the coaak S. V. Mut. evangelist for the Scripture "Jnton or Canada, who has been con- ucting a campaign here, and Capt Lionel H Lindsay, easmlner of master sod mates, who has been holding tesu .'or tugboat masters in the city. "GOVERNMENT IJfjuOR ACT." NtlTK'i: OF AITLlrATKlN Hilt HtElt i.icenm: NOTTCI Is hereby given thst on the iSth day of March next, the undersigned ntends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for s license In respect of the j remises being part of the building known as Port Clements Motel, situated it Port Clements. B.C.. upon the lands J escribed as Lot No 5, Block 44. Sub'-llvlsion of Lot 746. Queen Charlotte ls-aild District. Map No 107B. Prince Ru-.ert Land Registration District, In the Tovlnoe of British Columbia for the ale of beer by the class or by the open tuttle tor consumption on the premises DATRD this ISth day of February. ;RM. BRTDONI LORNI TINOLET. Awtllctni. GOVERNMENT LKJUOK ACT" oni i; of Ai'i'i.u atkin i tut iu:i;i; LICENCE Notice is hereby siven thst on thx Ibth dsy of March next tha undersigned intends to apply to the Liauor Contra Board for a licence in respect to pre mtses being part of the building knowi as "Hotel Maasett" situate on Lot Elgh i S i . Block Fourteen 1 141. Plan D I. 7. Massett Towualte. Town of Massett Queen Charlotte Islands. Prince Ruber hand Registration District in the Province of British Columbia, for the aale o( beer by the glass or by the open iot tie for consumption ou the ore- nilseK DATi:r at Prince aupert, B.C., this btb day of February IBM GORDON B UAV" ' Applicant. J9y Ba, law, TT1I 111 . sea BBM TJa WS ll.l-l.l-l MX His Majesty i 4mww0 i is yburrrjajl, jffB any time to bankim the Banof Montreal It is safe and convenient to deposit or withdraw money with us through the Post Office. Ask for folder telling how to do iti -. .- . - BI 'I I 55a Ranch eH.R,H. the Prince efWmttt.HithRiott, Albert BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF U 0,000,000 D. C. PATERSON. Manager I'rince Rupert Branch: City Meat Market (SELVIG llltOS.) 3rd At'enne Phone 7(S MEAT- FISH, VBCETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HalliHi (emu PrtiMV KuperL lor VANTOirVKK. VICTOMA. HutMlale, Alert IU), etr Tiieetlay, S p.m. tor VAMOUVLlt. V1CTOKIA. Swanso'i ikty. Alert lit), etc. Salunlay. 0 a.m. lor PORT RI.MIKON. NAA8 RlVtb POINTS. AUCE A KM, AKVOX. RTE1VAKT. Wales Island. Saniisj. S pjn. MS Jnil Avenue K M. BMITII. Asenl Prlne Huien H.I Through ticket, sold to Vict oils sail rieettle. and baggage rheeked tliretigb to destlaatloa. (cANAOIANI PAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wruntrll, Juneau, ami. Nkagway March It. SI. 91. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle March 1.1. '-'.I. AMrll 4. I'KlNCKelN IIBAIItirr. Tor ttutedale. east llella Hell. Ocean ralK Namu. Alert Hay Campbell UHer, and Vsneuuter every Ksturdsr. II s.ra. Alency (or all Steamship Lines. Full lafnrmatliin trmm tV. C. OKCIIARII. General Afent. Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue. ITIivee Ituprrt, U.C. (l'liune 31 UNDERWEAR Specials ODD LINES. Turnbull's very S2.26. for .' T r BBBBBBBBBBBBBtT J- BBt i s. . ' aswBB. TurnliuU'a very best RajilsaMb WwJlstctf ' $1.50, for t .$1.00 Turnbull's very beat grade shadow-proof Slips. KeirulBr $2.96 and ja.60. for ..; All good shades to chooae from, and all size in stok. Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.