Save Money ma iic.ipwi way to buy the Dsi: ftlir et ! i i n ; ,, rout is 85.00 and your K :iverd to your address '.. , :,,-' Just figure out the ,, in you for this dally r.,r twelve month I ! w ill , N. 6:5. 1 ' -r 5 Jj il VMM. T(11V IOK HIK I .K i n I INfcXT WITH l I I. IIM !i utamet fceisneu. Prince i n nth araln lnp of the! rmr thsa ftemoon with a TRAIL WINNERS HOCKEY SERIES i II ItlllllT T Tl V IN l imiI lll- (iINT 'iVKimi IMttKMlTY "N. Uatcb IS T!i- Trull rtcleatsej Ot-llali ""if 1 :.-! night Chut 'iniiin thr 0 Enters now hae the right v.mitoba Ualfraity in the for the Allan Cup play SCOTTISH CUP SEMI-FINALS w. March 14 The Hlbern- meet the lUngtra at Tyne- covnmun w iiw unim w - province of Canada to enact legislation with referent- to property sad civil rights ss allowed by the -NA. Act." A copy of the ajeallltlfH Is to be transmitted to all imiHainal ' menu and to the goearBsniat OV . tawa " TT 7JTZ Other resolution, on the OrttaJ fH tha Onlled Kingdom of 1 . - . ,. k blem Mitntiuren aunng iisw i ,i ,niw on departure of the ske.- a. n w M m '"on hf ?rovrd ,ub,muted after the members v for the in the tr.. in, njtb form w ier berth at the elev.itir Mansfield is elmost loaOed . . ..j.j..xj.i away In a day or so. ntorning. no further grain yfiAN I.OIJ.11 . been reported p,.n had ,.,;,, , t IN1TEO frTATEM TOHAY mrw TOItK, March It. The Canadian Oellar which yester-day was reported as being at par her yeaterday. m wed upward again today and was at a premium of a quarter of one per cent this morning on ei-change The gain ! regarded aa re- fieri lug the prosperity of Can-ria with the continued flow to th Dominion of American Investment funds along with the approach of the opening of navigation and the grain shipment season la the east. WOMAN KILLED WHEN ON WAY TO CHURCH .ii.i I K IIV INTI.KI UI1AN TRAIN Ml MOTOUMtN I IIAU(li:i WITH MN!Ltt(IIITKK VANCOUVTCB, Uarch Mrs. (Mo tnsuaUy NAME IS rilAMlKII Shins PRINCE, RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT JJ.q.,, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1928 OF vatives and other members of the U.F.A. and Progressive grodps and Labor members voted against it. Immediately the main motion was submitted yesterday Henri Uourassa rose. - lion. R. D. Dennett, leader of the Conservatives, objected trytt iie had already spoKen. After a diacusslon. the sneaker ruled a i i it ' 1 1 wjr that Bourassa could apeas as he naa Kpofcen enly on a point of order the night before. Bennett appealed and the ruling the speaker was sustained by a majority of 41. S.x Quebec Liberal voted against the peaker'i ruling and C. H. Cahaa waa he only Conservative to support the peaker. SHARES STILL MOVE UPWARD NW YORK. March 18. General Motors commcn apurtcd to 8164 a share, up five dollars since yesterday. A number or stocks not recently prominent jumped five dollars or more s -hare. A number of railroads and Industrial' were carried to new high marks. MONEY PROVIDED IMPROVE NARROWS WRANGELL, ALASKA WASHINOTON. March 18 Tile allot ment of MA.000 for the Improvwmcnt of Wrangell Narrows hea keen authorised by the Seerrury of War. The money is to be used to insure the early com pktton of the rock removal and dredg ing already under contract. A wireless message from Bull Harbor this morning says the (tahlng was-rela Bostonlan. Pauline J., and Swlug are storm bound at Bull Harbor. CAMPAIGN MERE WAS CONCLUDED (iOOII ltll'ON?r. TO WOUK OF S. V. WAKK OF SCKHTlltK INION OF CANADA KKPOKTF.O AT MF.KTI.NU LAST NK1I1T A successful week's campaign In Prlnoe Rupert by 8. V. Ware on behalf of the Scripture Union of Canada me to a fitting clone last ulrtt with he final meeting In St. Andrew's Ang lican Cathedral, all Protestant mmla- teta in the city being present aa well a large gathering of young people and adults. The meeting waa opened by Arch deacon O. A. Hlx and Rev. W. T. Price and Rev. A. Wilson led In prayer. Mr. Price and .Miss Marjorie Lepoester ac companied the singing. Mr. Ware's ad dress, aa usual Interesting, was on the Resurrection of Christ. Mr. waft. In the course of the evening, announced that decision cards to lead the Christ- Ian life had been aigned by 37 young people during his visit here. Before the ateetlnt closed. Re. W. r, Price, on behalf of the various churches of the city, spoke a few words of ap preciation and commendation of the work of Mr. Ware. The final meeting tor children was held yesterday afternoon In First Baptist Church. Mr Ware sails by the Princess Mary this afternoon for Vancouver. WEATHER It E POUT. Prince Rupert. Raining, strong wind: temperature. t40. Coast Firm Operating Planes . iBlanningi tdPut Onita Service 8.K. a rx'tbKelchikan and SkagwaySoon SEATTLE. Mnrch 1C Charles V. Eakin, general manager of the West Coast Air Transporting Co. operating two eight-passenger planes between Seattle and San Francisco, announced yesterday that a new service to Vancouver would be inaugurated within "0 or 40 days to be followed by a service to Rkagwuy. if adequate landing i.rwl tut- IT t'lifilillfm u'ui',1 Miriviflml thili rZuZlZl master Perkins said within the wt week he had been ap-stesmship." win replace the Canadian ' proached by interests proposing the early establishment of a service iTiii'irnl M' :.'!' !!!' M.ivl.u. to Iv'ti'hik:!!!. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dlnlnir Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA HlUNTAIN. The latest and best for the . leant. I'hone 457 'rife Ftv e Cent ORIENTALS PAPERS REGARD RELATIONS WITH SOVIET MADE PUBLIC a 1 . n H Legislature or b.L. a Unit in Demands That Orientals be Excluded Resolution to I Sent to Ottawa Atkins; That Action be Taken With View to Relieving Situation in Province n TuRIA, March 15.--lie fore the Legislature prorogued .! n iioon, it passed unanimously u resolution on the Oriental Uestion as follow: i i the Dominion gnvrrnment lie requested to immediately . i,. -gittiations with the government or governments of China lit- .lupaiit M' government through an accredited minister .wth a view to arranging first acceptance of the pro-restrietinx immixration. which so frequently had been '. this Legislature and which were outlined by British n lueM-ntatives at the recent federal provincial confer- mum sails UUUU1 l'-il-'k' UUiuw THIS AFTERNOON i' at Ottawa; repatriation of China and Japanese residing In British Col- I usibla to the countries of their respective origin ao that the proportion of Oriental in Canada to the Canadian population not to exceed the prop; tion of Canadians In China and Japan respectively to the population of China and Jidbh. substitution for the present III t.RAIN MIIP lirWrt treaty with Japan of one giving due re- Eriir,k,ik ...h ih. fmc iin wn n elderly woman. mm iHiiwiyii aaaava . tn URht on ner way w mnrt for the SoottUh Cup church meeting when ah. ""P' helmer to oppose McLean in yale ' : n BitlUOI. B.C., lUrch 18. ;rvinoial riding now Premier MacLean. JOHN T. LINLITHGOW repre- Viuirouver't member who sllp- ''' enrly In the week ana cr . I. Vuimblen oirewt m niuriirban tram. ntotomian of the cst, mati'-laUKl'ter. X' liKr of Nicola waa nominated Argent " Coniwrvative oandldate for,Byvltw Big Mlwoun Bouudar W Cork Priivinre OeorglB Bivrr . ' Qlacicr DIES AT MADEIRA :Sdhrn. Indian 1 ' IV 'N. March HHfc .lBhfl4i-',Kooten;. .,iic:n'C " '"""' Canadian trade ''fcmniUI-lt.' ""'i 1 "" " Olaagow. notterdam ana Der-Lakevlew ' " 1(1 ths Island Mo,"l' of Madeira agedjMarmot He Wiin IwIm .ni..lnnF nHii-tlllf Vukoti. Premier ' INMIAI. MrlUK IMIMIOVKH porter l'l" Ruth H'"' "'"I'AWA. Marsh 18 general McBac Selkirk- """"'i Improved" waa the bulleun BilvnuiU) White""'1' Ail 'r".." Thomas ateeie, we U charged with ,'ANCOUVKK BXCHANdK Did. Asked. M .lOVi M M M ' .V4 t .41 MA 63 M MW JM .11 S3 Si 14 18 .08 00 11 . 17 JO 18 40 365 I? 83 88 .50", 68 .63', 4 04 I 00 1 01 il.ttO 4.00 1.80 8 88 The Dally Newa CU11S ARK CONDITIONING AT CATALINA:" The veterans and "rookies" of the NafJonal League Baseball Club are now on Catalina Island, a pleasant place for them to prepare for the ball season, which isn't so very far away. NO WORD OF FLYERS YET Ad Lj; Kii-imT or human m:kimi ouimt 1I is l-IUIVKS UlOtlI4J AIAV ilWB ia.MKi at laim.viiou on MaVltHNM-AM' Oil ON It'E iloi: I'OIITUtNH. Uloe. Jlsrrli I.V The UtrniHg Krei learu that rHMftard at IVml Ma-IkM llth aftetnrMHi found In lie gafl4rry a report ttwl a jrllnw olijet ihfl two human lietnga, mw MIiIj (lie mlwklng tnmiwpuiH and Ha oiiSUu(. OUi4. Waller lllnth-rlttre d one W.le Matkay. Him-were 4t(nn(ns a traaaAllaiitle lllgri'l, arre safe on MrallaT lisand. alxHlt t miles, off OUI Orrlurd It-arlj. A Haii. hImi ntatle the rrpnti, MM that site saw the Hhtw t imI iwsj pro44e nnrnMakabl). other rewldeMt ahl thai the light nl lite kn OH wlmtowa f a lMte wi Ibe Mal may Uaegten the lnivre-hM M a elkMhh olijert. .) mM-erlMKtt wrt Mit lhl alter-nouu froHi IthMefuril Matlwn ami rrlttthtil Itetnren fmir and Hte thl aflermHHi, ilrnjliir the rejrl. Till Itleat reHrt iMtlug lt fwiMli-IkMt, It h leu red that Ibv fljetn are lt. There !. Iteen nn ileflullr re-Htrl of Ihetn ilm llrey left England Ineoitay iiMirnlng. They liail gs tmfft) t-t filly riour ami llielr tleatlMlkMi waa I'hlbMlrlphkt. It Ikm hern deflnllely etalrlMtrd thai lion I'Me Maekrti wa llliM-tte-llf IP's n.nipaHm. Chief vw)- ihik Ilea In the (Mif llIIHy tluat Ihr tljera were picked up at ae r landed In lle wlldernewi if lberir r New toumllatxl or on an let wrR. SAMMY MANDELL TO BOX MclARNIN AT NEW YORK, MAY 17 NKW YORK. March 18. Sammy Mandell and Jimmy MoLarnln aigned articles through their managers with Tea RWkaM yeaterday for a fifteen round bout at the polo grounds on May 17, nnntcc nrrnucDCn VANCOUVBR. FROM LANDSLIDE n i of Ahtfy Anderson. W Ountha, and Oeorat Patka who were burled In a landsudt at the entrance to the Canadian national tunnel near Savona. were resovsred yesterdity Conservative Leader Objects to Bourassq Speaking on Budget but Speaker Rules and is Sustained OTTAWA. MartSh 15. When the House of. Common Ytr- the Papers in Regard to Breaking Relations with Russian Soviet Canadian Government Convinced Agreement Not Ileing Carried Out and Unity of Action Suggested as Heinz Desirable OTTAWA, Jlareh . 15. That Canada broke off official trade relations with the Soviet government last May because of the conviction in the minds of the members of the Canadian government that the Soviets had r.ok fulfilled their promise to refrain from hostile action against the institutions of the British Empire, is disclosed in documents tabled in the House of Commons today. The British government drew attention to the fsct that the terms of the Russian agreement of 1923 in regard to the United Kingdom would not necessarily terminate the operation of the agreement a between Russia and a Canada, but It was suggested by Mr. Amery that "uniformity of action by the various members of the common wealth concerned would present a great advantage." SEWS WORK ON LA ROSE MINE TO BE DECIDED HERE The annual meeting of the Alice Arm-La Rose Mines Lid. will be held on March 7 in Prime Rupert when r)ejopq)ient on the ilay-wlepteeJ the mairrbuclxe't-fliotiorr.lJC to &2 xlvinx the xovernmCTtfproperty for the coming a majority of 51, Liberal... Liberal-1'rogressivqs, Indcptfhdonts arid L. II. Jeliff, O.F.A., of Lethbridxe, voted for the budget. Conser on will be decided upon states Joseph Weus of Alice Ann. one of the directors of the company, who Is In the city on Busi ness Further extensive work on the property may be csrrled out It la re ported. The Alice Arm mining district is still pretty well tied up on account 01 now, states Mr. Wells. There Is same :ve feet In the hills ss yet and, at ths ::each, a couple of feet la packed down. CHILD WAS DROWNED MERRITT YESTERDAY- Fngliiecr In .Mine Fell Huwn Shaft and Was Fatally Injured MERRITT, March 16 James Bain, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bsln was drowned when he broke I through the Ice in a park lake. I T. 3. Htununberger. engines at,Aber- I mine waa fatally injured when he leU eighty let down a abaft. FISH ARRIVALS Only American Halibut Offered Today. Four IliMiU Unillng KLfW Found Only American fish waa offered at the Plah Exchange this morulng. four American boats receiving from 7.7c and 4c to 9.4c and 4c for a total of 82.000 pcunda. Arrivals and sales: Marmot. 38,000 pounds, Canadian Plah Si Cold Storage Co., 7.7c and 4c. Oony. 10.000 pounds. Atlin fisheries. 9.4c and 4c. Grayling. 10.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, gac and 4c. June, 3.000 pounds. Atlin Fisheries. 9c and 4c. ARGUMENT ON WOMEN SITTING IN SENATE OTTAWA. Msrch 18. IRELAND WON BOXING TITLE WAS FOl LF.II IIY OPPONENT WHO WAS I.KADlNd: IIOTH HtltK SCOTTISH noY SDIXBUROH. March 18. Alex. Ireland last night won the European middleweight boxing title from Tamsay Mtillgan. the title heider. In the match last ntgtt&UlHjMi waa leading until h Wit&MTtf ninth round. 11 is believed that this H the first occasion on which two Scots have fought for the European .ltle. FOUND GUILTY MANSLAUGHTER AMKKII AN WHO HAN IMMVX 1H)I.H'K-MAN IN VAM'OI Vf.tttU UK SEN-TF.MF.H MO.1ii.lY, VICTORIA. March 18 -Raymond Rob-, rts of Schenectady, mm York, was found guilty of manslaughter yeaterday In connection with the death of the motorcycle constable. Arthur Wells, whom he ran down last December. He will be seutenced Monday. VARSITY GIRLS ARE CHAMPIONS HEAT ISI.ANII ni.V.Mt'ill.NS LAST NKIIIT IN HASKEf IIAtX flAME ' VICTORIA, lUrch rt The Varsity OlrU won the aentbr basketball title of the province when they defeated the laland champions the B.C. Telephone team 11 to 13 FREE TREATMENT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS ASKED OF DOMINION VICTORIA. March 18. Free medical I treatment should be provided by the Dominion Ocvernment for all returned soldiers, the Leglslsture agreed yester day, as It unanimously approved a The supreme' resolution urging aid of this kind tar court of Chnada after hearing argument Canadian veurmna. yesterday on the question of the right ltr? x th i DOCTOR ANDERSON . ASRKSTOS DEPOSITS. Oanadlan asbestos deposits are of particular interest supplying aa thsjdq the largest part of the world's demands,. for the ahort grades of libra. ' IThough IS AG.MN LEADER AjlJPYINCIAL PARTY !' "AasKATOON. March H. Dr. J. T. M ' .-. :' a th. iio. occurrences of this mlnersl nave oecjj noted in other localities and provinces, vlnclal party by a convention here ! He waa elected loader four the productive areas are confined w yesUrdsy. the Eastern Townships In the province J 8 DUt retired a year ago, of Quebec where active mining opera- tin. tag m 1880 n n f ( NTKY Ml I KALI. There waa an explosion on the boat Southend at Cow Bay last night. One man wan tsken to the hospital with fine burned and the other was slightly burned. Advertise tn Tne Daily News Vf" wwwai.... . ww.-.. i:tll h I.EAIII R. HIV. t. Sunderlsud 5. Arsensl 1. MHttchestsr United 1. Rvertou 0. Htidtkrsfleld 3. Blackburn 1. DIVISION tl. 4 '. tuaiuhy U.