f AGE SIX mi linn ii miii tmrnsm i i ! What a I i Difference When You Let The Laundry Do The Washing GONE. are. the-- tell-tale signs of worry and drud-eery for the woman who lets us shoulder the burden of the family washing! Youthful contour sparkling eyes hands that are graceful and velvet smooth all these are her's who sensibly avoids wash-day toil . Patronize us regularly your mirror wiH soon detect an amaz-fflg caaage. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOW maniac anon nsmtnsmu lammvmtati mm A SOUND INVESTMENT IX HEALTH Produce a Bigger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Block Green 211 COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Bgg J 1 2.00 l'emblna Washed Nuta $11.25 Alberta Sootlee Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coala arc under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Sccend Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy HthSt Telephone S57. DrAiexander Smith Block Phong 57S DENTIST SUPPLYING CASE IN . CITY POLICE COURT Charje Agalntt Ambrose KrM I a lis ami Ernut Oakes i Kriimt.Inj far Eight rta Indian IVerrun (Intfml Awat Magistrate McCIymont ni ciuim) In city police court this morning with icyMeion of four cues under Use mP ic,V, Krma oacs. Western moms.' wks remanded fcr eight days 'on a charge' of supplying: a iimif i charge against Ambraae Reld m dis missed, and one against Johnny Larson was withdrawn. Susan Lelghton. alleged to hare been supplied. wa fined IS and ordered out of town. According to erldence in the Reld Uquor directly for the Indian. He had. :t' i a Progressive measure but. Mr. instead, obtained liquor for Krms Ostes 1 Spealter.I regard It as one of toe moat who. being white, was entitled to hare reactionary moves it would be posslbl? ; exne. It was the Oakes woman and to make Is this a new thing? Why.'1 not Reid who had done the supplying Mr 8peakcr. Europe u trying noa to ' The magistrate sccepted this view and verconu the effects of group govern-dismissed the case. .meat tu many countries The dertioo-i The lnformaUooa were brought b meat cf Uu so-called group system' Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson. ' gone so lar in Italy as to produce s chaoa sulBctent to make Use people j CHICAGO MACHINE GUNS ZrZrJL JLl FOR KILUNG WOLYESi IX PROBATE in the m mr.Mi: mrRT or dritih am nun In the Matter of the -Admlniatrauoc Act : and In the Matter of toe EsUU of Alexander uameron. oiieemsd. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of HH Honor. P. McB. Tosme. th Bth f ' fbnarr AX. lOSft. I was appointed aVettwataalaio .a? atu . . m S 7 . 1 Fifth Street. Phone 20S GROUP SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IIOX. C. A. IlM(. IK(JES EVILS Of .SYSTEM AMI POINTS TO l:.M I-Lts or IT Hon. C. A. Dunning, minister' of railway in a reoent speed criUolwd! the system of group government Following la the Hansard report ot what ha said in regard to this: ! Just before I conclude I would like' to say a few words wKh reference to grotto government, which was advo-1 cated so forcibly, so wittily and so1 cleverly yesterday by my hon. friend accused was given money and (rem Souiljeeft Orey iMlas UacDhalli.i sent out by Enna Oajns to buy a bot- 'I will not attempt .to follow her In any tie from which Susan Leigh ton was i ense; We always enjoy her witticisms fteen drink B. P. Jones, city scllcltor. - at cur own expense, but with' prarccnung. argued that Reld hadlPt to thU advocacy of group gov-. thereby procured or connived In toeierament I do believe it hr time the procuring of liquor for the Indian ifxople of Canada realleed and faced L W. Patmore. counsel for what group government moans and successfully claimed that accused ;what It would mean to tola country.' eould not be held to have procured i We were told by my hon. Mend that know my hon. friend wUl any that shei does not mean that kind of a group; ! jshe rasani an ecoooaale group, but ahe Keawea e4 Pleaded al rrwaeet ef la-'did not explain how sue would ore-' tattea Iram Males, K h saM I People from organlateg under any ', group name or deaiguatMo. If we TORONTO. March 14. Matte of Labor roup. a Progressive group machine guns may be heard en the Lake or Parmer group, why not a Cauiaiir : of the Woods before the winter ends. . ,-up. a aKthodla; group and a Pres-And Kruora doesn't like the Ides Jterlan group That system ha been a bit. either. It's all right. Kenora the curse of Europe. wy. to pat vol res on the Lake vita Certainly the party system bu de-Saragcs or Winches era. but the ue of merlta. but an Impartial examination rapid-fire Brownings or Lewtaea at a dtf- ot the history of those countries which ' i matter. Kenora has a sneaking nave tried uua group system reveals Tttsptcicn that she has let herself In for ; the ml of the very position the proverbial peck of trouble. adopted by my hon. friend. What does! NCW WINTER PORT jshe say? She says what they want i Kenora thought ahe had uncorked a!a little group la that corner of tbei brand-new and highly profitable tooraw.hn just large enough to bludgeon I attraction, one afternoon last tfecesn- i the larger group across the floor into ber. when a couple of saotaelau ran out carrying out their wishes, and In so ) on the lake lee, intercepted a .haU-doawn I saying awe poses as an advocate of i wolves pawing from one bore to the 3renocracy! I say. Mr. apeater. that' omer. gave chase and shot them to croon avvernmrwt la th iimu i eat. Idwaeocracv. Tnen I knw m Mn Hooray! That waa Xenoraa feeling Irtend will my that ahe means oo- Acienean tourisu from Mlnneaou and operative government. That at a very eleewbere. ahe figured, would welcome ecod nhraae. but n ku n the -atp" offered by nntor-oif-hunt- of co-operative government in this ing. and would come nocking into the aouee today, and the men who are co- w me wooos anct. eager xcr operating receive nothing but eszrtement. and paying a handanme tram. hon. members in Oar far i"" i usk i or taeir tnrula i n re ahe some man In wunam cnrtetlan. testate. . tabs nonce that by Honor P McB Young, MMrvu. avsa. i was abuse Bat. It is reported, a couple of tea- while holding strong new wltn respect rraJvo genUfaaen fnaa Chicago have to flacal policy and other meiisis of ttnee looked the satmoalUon over end principle believe they coo oast aeooaa-hovo gone home to broadcast what's pluh their duty to this country by co-what in that loud-voiced fashion which operating with otnera who are avjsstaa. la peculiarly Cnlcago s The result la - tlallv like-minded, to now th. at heretofore stated that rattle of ma- of progreas forward even a little TH chine guns may be beard on the Lakt do net sit us on the bm arui h.i h sk woous on ore we winter ends itk h.. corner. in the opposite in ro rmurm and I say this with humor I would not deny my hon friends the right to organlav In any way they ace m. but I would point out that one the virus of the group system starts in this country it will be t breeder ; it ?ZZZZr mZJZjr.ZrZ, i"1 rapwiy rapraiy. The rae eiplrlence experience of of years in ing elslms agalnat the mid estate, are BuraB locucatea that once there uviyvy imuirra to rurntsn same, pro- diviawn beyond two or DCTlV tfrirM In n .W- ! Toth dsy of MarchT A JO i tso TZ, Til m 1 Pkr-tnt It at a threw paruev parties indebted to the estate are re- until government is only posnlbee by a outred to pay the amount of their In-i species of lc-rolllne and Oaaiin. arhieh aeotraneu tn rnrtiiwith ' - NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Milk, all brands, per dog. SI. 1(1 Per case of 48 $5.50 Sug-ar. IS Iba. for 81.00 Nabob Orange Marroaladr. 4 lb. tin r0r Little Chip Lemon Marmalade. 2 lb. jar oop Maikin'a Strawberry Jam. 2 lb. tin Sago or Tapioca. 4 lb. for ; Red Chili Bean. 2 lb. . . Black Eye Bean. 2 lbs. . . I Or 'Sit Sit neins Tomato Catsup, 3 bottles H5f Nabob Malt Vinegar, bottle Sit Baker's Cocoa, "g's, per tin 0r rtoyai irown iwap, 6 s. z piqra. 45r Prinreas Soap Flakes, 2 pkjrs. I5r sunkist Orange. S dosen . jjweet roiaioes, z id 25c i. iMuiaueto. o I OR .tC Head Letture. 2 fnr -.-! I feel aure would be repugnant to the Canadian people and would not rr- Und to th 01 Dated the ,0th daybVXr? ? l fttt . COMBINATION SPECIALS CONCERT LAST NIGHT BY ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ENJOYABLE There was a large attendance at an enjoyable concert held last night tn Boston Hall by the Rebekah aad Odd- euowr lodges. The program Included IX Tilt Jl FKKMC fOI HT Ul' IHilTlll t t)I.l Mill t of the AowaUUetrstion JOMPh al. In- fNttaHT Of Haw ing. the toe IStk day of appointed Adaainis-r of of Joawph Joseph WUllam WUllam " lor oi the e-itate wormian, oeceawa. and all part km bav lug claims against the mideatate an wrroy reqaurao to rurnlah aaaoe. oro- pariy verified to me on or before the war ot Apru. loss, and all nnie inoeveao to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Inrlrtitrdnsas to am nsnnwiin. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert BLC Dated the 14th a.y mcm igjs. IX PROBATE i IV Tlir al PUrtir arvat-'www -a .i COU'MHIA the Hitor ot the AteiiiMUoc. ajt s nit u-.jln the alttter of the Rsute of Btdner Irn r...llfl .... larah Deceaaed. Infatote hresh Rhubarb, lb In the Matter Act. and IN PRORATE In the Matter of the lata la of .MC . TAn rxmc that by order of His 15f i UfE F T0?0- th day of Pebruary AJ INg. I waa appedntad Administrator namimsirator ot of the the eatts estate of nwiw7 1 11 !""' Uanh deceased, and all partan Alberta Market P. U AMI' LA, Proprietor having claim against the said estate are hereby reouTiwd to rurnlah same orooerly renrted to me on or before the lath OST of Marrh AD IMS. and all aartles indebted to the estate are "utrrd to pay the anwunt of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT Offlcisl Administrator Pnnre Rupert B C n ' ' " 1 v -T Pvbr.ia-i AD THE DAILI NEWS Thur(L TaUUI NOTK V uef oi s rerta wui oe proa there win be Pinanre Cci : ard Rank B.. to Patsnorr Pnnoe Rupr; cagee DATED , musical selecUona by the orchestra and aketchaa Those xwtnbuting to he program Included atlwcs Reflle snf MoTly Lawrenoe. Mlas Brulah McKlnleY. Slim MuasaTJem. Mlas bwUnd. Mrs. a. W Brockleeby. Prank Morrlt S. A. McPhereon. Mrs Mackenne -A. R. Phillips. 1. I Boddte. Albert Woods. J W Moore-nouee. James Had don. Mra. O V WUktnaon and Mrs McLean Mra S V. Cos oecupira the cluur and Mi Watson and Bar Prrgusou presided at the door. The committee in rbare of Mao M B Durran. Mrs Akm Mackenri Miss Edna Oilker and Mrs J. -8 Irv:. after the program rafivwnmenu re served and dancing Market Prices Pncea currti are as follows: LA till ore sat "wopnwod sat ieMto BC. Presh pui.eu X5 B.C. Preah Ii:: 0i- B7. Preah tx: . tar Local new joc mn Smoked kippen lb U Kippered salnx.n. ft SS Baaoked blacn cad. lb 30c Pmnan haddm lb. . a MEATS fowl. Mo. I. lb age and 40c Boasting chicken, lb. ate Bam. sliced grade SOc Ham. a hole !.:; grado SSc Ham. pjcn.c , j aas Cottage roll :3 ggi, Baooo. bark .iiesd iOc MORTGAGE SALB 811 IP (Mltl SKVfUl Nth dsv b v. bruarr ruau- . i at I) hwHe eeMt ttw hr Vi i Auction b 8a. a A. Ntcoenora 6her:l! at S o clock : .ma i r. ., wit; Jf2 ilternal uestions- uWhat will it be to-day' happily solved if you own a St Charles Recipe Book and a supply of St. Charles Milk! Dozens of tested recipes for delicious creamed soups and sauces, breads, fish dishes, salads, cakes, pastries aad tempting desserts to choose from. What ever recipe you select will delight the entire family, being made with St. Charles Milk, pure, doubfy-rich, nourishing. THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED. VANCOUVER PJmm nd ma. tr. Si Our Jm Book with 13 (Mlsrf rs&ipss. NAME ADDRESS gawaawaawMf 1 W " ffigegawaawawa! Bacon, side .. Pork, jry salt Ayrshire Veal. Oaal. lota Teal, tag Pork, lag ... Beef, pot roast boiling . aeef. roast, prime rib dwtton. tag laaab. tag Mutton. Bardo. la. 1 Birrtra lb BCD. lb Capitol. Sad grade. BrookfieM TaaaSlsa Oruyero lb. lb. lb. WESTHOLME THEATRE TIU'KSDAV ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. Johnny Hines "HI o I 1 in Mad ome e MAHUERI DAW. DeWITT JENMNU& EDMl'ND HHEBSE, CIIAKI.ES (tEKKARD. MARGARET SEDDOX and others. COMEDY "BRUNETTES PREFER GENTLEMEN" . . . PATHE REVIEW Admission S&c and 19c Praeer Valley. lb. New Zealand, la bulk prints Alberta Cpaamery cuttle Cimeaibert cheat a. S oa. peg. Kraft Umbergar. Ontario aolkta Hew Zealand aollda Button, lb Kraft Roquefort Bantu- Brnot field, lb. Udjuwtit Ceeam. fare Brookfleld Bwa byv.r-1 SKI R dstrd araute. oar loo uf SL'r v"w-per 100 n. rvouR raur. 4S a. BO. 1 hard wheat T. MARCH A D ItSt. at hU Cff. , rrT in the Court rloawe. IB the City of Pastry flour. . Prince Runrr. Wwi BMiiaa rrj. l! .4ae to Sac V- We .,. awaVl? 400 SO 38 ....... Me Ske to Ms ta ombttv the rft:.he screw ftanlng oaaaed CHIgy salTXJAID.- toprtner .,h Advertise lo tne Daily Kiwi aerboau - " nd appurtenancaa : Terms of Caaki !0 e o e , , a, a Por furtrif- .rtlcalara In mnnrfl.ir, . . . e 60c U 4Se 40. SO Weodetad 4Sc Sac IS tie 7r . sc aod aor to. pkg. sac lo- P SSr 4v in the .n,u. u Mnr.tr.' 1UU LATK TO n.iSSlPV a. L-niwo i iyt. BHaaa- ,tt4S4t. ea4AAA.. Vui Iton. Sal.rltors lot e. BC or toe Mort BC v ct:. Htitil price paid Pl"ii ti Daa-eiL Black !7Jb M 74 ILTS .. See Me Beott Blork WANTED n'RVITt'lU OP A1X DBS- Spot '10 ' Weekend Specials LARGE RIPE IJANANAS Per Basket . . 50c Each basket contaiAs 1 lbs. of good sumi are overstocked' with. Jii pe, Bahaa, uich v., cost. Phone our .order eaflyi ... Broken Shelled Vafnutn, new stock, lb :W( 5 Siring Brooms, reg. 60c. Special 42f Spring Mop, with handle, reg. asc. Special 25f Toilet Paper Rolls. Special, 7 for 25C Blue Ribbon Matches reg.' 33c Special 2!) Priees are away up now. " Head lettuce, 2 for 25f Cucumbers arriiiK Saturday, market price. Green Onions BKiving Saturday. Tomatos, per lb U)f New Bunch CarroU, 2 for 2."e Fresh Spinach. 2 lbs. Sit Fresh Rhubarb, lb. ... !." Campbell! Tm : tin Limit 5 ,, , Cornanut, !, :hrt'ilii(l. !i Tapioca and S;ii lb;-, for Bulk Sectiles-. ., for Evitnrrntert lr siie, 20-:Mj's. 300 DriZEX JUICV SUNKIST ORANi Special, 3 dosen for .. .SI. 00 This line sold completely out las: .k. vanccd. this may be the last opportunity Tln-rivea Wednesday's boat. FRBSII VBGETABLES C';if!il lower Choice VVhiu- lb... Texa.-i .ret., i Pa i .Ie. Ijuih r (Ireen IVpia-i White l.arli . C'huie i.Hia i TEA AND COFI'BE SPECIAL With every pound of Tea or Coffee u m-I, will jfive ab.tolutely free . 1 only. Girls' Skipping; Rofw Regular 25c value. Following linen to choose from Malkii: Ribbon. Braids. HilU, Ridirways. Saluda or Pa;. no advance in regular price. Libby's Spinach, 2s. Special. 2 for Dromedary Canned Florida Grape Fruit, r. Special 2IC Libby's Bartlett Pears. 2 s. reg. 36c. Special 21 J p Rooedale Sliced Peaches, l'g, Ulls, reg. 25c. Special We Libby't Grated Pineapple, l's. tails. Special 174 Nalwli Itaapi . .V5c. Spei; Greeu age !' tin Libby V Qaern jar. n-g. "o SUr of pal i. '. pint . . Pint.- .... Quart . Mufft.. Jhe N Food. jikg. SHOPPING HAG SPKCIAL 81. ."Ml This bcRgtifnl Shopping Bag contain the f n1 2 Bars Wool Floating Soap, 1 large packag. der. 2 bars P. 4 G. Naptha Soap. 2 lb. 1 Flakes, 2 Una Classic Cleanser. The Baaket alone U worth II. (Hi PROV B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs. 3 dozen for SI. 00 B.C. Fresh Firsts Eggs. 3 dosen for $l.lfi EC. Fresh Extras Eggs. S doaaa for JFI.2T Free With every 3 doaaa purchase We will give 4 doc. Agates for the boys to play marble with. SIONS Swift's Prvm Ham. gnat hi Ayreshire Ic i i lb Breakfast I'--sliced, reg) lb Cooked Ham. ; MAID OF CLOVER NEW ZEALAND HtTTlIC I t Iba. far SI. 10 The Butter market haa advanced 2c lb. l . week. Only a favorable contract iermiig u. highest grade New Zealand at thin popular pn, Swedish Toast, per lb. I Of ibis u tne genuine Seattle Toast Our stock arrived fresh on Monday of this week. Christie's Sodas, per tin IHf HiSClflTS Ginger Snap.. We handle ; ger Snaps in C.i Christie's Arr" 10 lb. tin. " Ill' I!) r Rupert Table Supply MEN ; Phones 210 211 212 ! Special MEM SPECIAL OFFERS OF ME.VS WEAR FOR i: AND SATURDAY SHOPPING Men's Rubber Boots, knee- lenjrth. Dominion make. tra special, lor Men's Working Sirt reg. Sl.aU to .2.25. Sale . Men's Stripad,pv.jrefr $2.26. Special Men's Working rgg .Oc, special, 5 for . Men's Dress Shirti ,vW up to .50. Sale Men's Dress Shirts, values up to $2.G5, secial . Men's One-Piece Suit Underwear, Arelcu Bra:.l. Sale Men's Bow tie and Handkerchief to match. reK -: cial JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 6i.. Cor. 1 M " l"ii SI '" S 1 I '' -' M I ' in