alnrch 15, m Tim fcSB DAtCT lTETfB iG3 Ftva Pri'' Ht Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet I r. delivery Chassis $0:11.00 Ton Truck Chassis $800.00 .l-''i- $808.00 iv,l i,t Delivery $808.00 Tuning $808.00 ,..,. Jjwil.oo ; h ... $0:11,00 s,,!,,, $lo:to.oo j ( ,! inlet . ..' $10:10.00 1 ,ni:,,i:l Landau $1080.00 ' K, nt Bumper and Rear I f,,miwn'tte standard equip- nl . . , 1 on all Passenger ' Disc Wheels Standard 1 (.,,ui pfn-nt on Imperial and ! r,,! i inlet only. On other niMiieN $:'.0.00 extra. ! s: ,re Tire and Tube, j Jl'i mi extra. j Kaien Garage ! Phone 52 McDonald and ! GURViCH DRAW IMfi HOI Hi: HITNHSKKK INTKltlCHTIMI liOXIVU ( 0n;sT IN EXIIIIll-I UtS UU. t.HT XK1HT ;jKNT STYLES nHHW' 1'UM.IMIS-AKikm uoimi. Cl ltt I'KOllHAM I (lit ( KOWII w mi n:(iri.K iticmtKK-s i)i:ciis First Round Even. Second Round Ourvlch. Third Round- -McDonald. Fourth Round -Ourvlch. Fifth Round-McDonald. Sixth Round - McDonald. Seventh Round- Ourrlch. Eighth Round Ourvlch. Ninth Round-Even. Tenth Round klnfviM Ourvlch Four rounds McDonald. iour round; even, two rounds; 4 decision draw. 4, Special :; Offering of COATS - for LA I) IBS, MISSES AND CHILDREN COATS FOR CHILDREN value Op to $18.00. Social price $8.75 COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES i n- value up to $25.00. Serial price $12.75 II. nv your choice of these splendid garment while they : they will not last long at these prices. B. C. Fur Company Third Avenue Canadian National Steamships Co, Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dck Eiulneera, Machinists. Boilermaker Hliclwrnllli. 1'attern makers. Pounder?. Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WEI.DLMi. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MAMNB AND COMMKUCIAI. WOMK. PHONES 43 and 385 Spring Opening Prince Rupert IjmHw are Inriled to atlend Dcmer'a Spring Opening Fill DAY AND SATURDAY and see Ihe latest style Hats and up-to-the-minute mode In Pro? and Coats. "Demers" Canadian National Qie Largcil Rqilwy Syflm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN 'SKRVKJB " na. from I IUSC R Mt'l'KRT for VANTOl VER. VICTORIA. M..1TTI.K. l intermediate point. tsch lltllA. 00 " t ' MTKWAIIT and ANVOX. each wt:iMC--, P,,, RTII ,n,l .on II qrtmN IIIARIOTIr: j-""' T W b PRIM TRAINS IKAVK J '-h MONliAY. UM.SF.HI.AY and MvnM .1 . United ORORMK. El)MNTO, WISSHW P",,J 8tt. lOENCT AIX OCKAN SlMMSIIIf "NrJ: , rhfUll, el. V. rln National EpffM for Ml"' 0,4,r' cit'v '.r. 2?'n'u ""n"-. ... ,;i..:i.t n - "i; lliril'K. AiN THIHII When Jimmy McDonald of Vancouver nnd Battling Dido Ourvlch of Prince Rupert were embraced and dealing xliort body blow as the final gong rant laat night, their dUpute far the mid- ultarelght chSinploiuthlp of Northern British Columbia. If uch a contest It1 might be called, was still unfinished. Dee bi Ion of Sam should pronaj ome-; thing Intetesting and Komtalag for the I future There were eight hundred or so people present last night and they ull promised ttiem fives that they wmitri ' conse back, bringing some more with tlteta. when the two boys are brought together again. It was the crowning vetot of the local comer's career to date. Ourvlch gat everything he bad coming to him When IMIkrea Brick Skinner lalsed his arm along with McDonalds to show Unt notion had bean even. Dido'a tra seven pounds and bit km; reach served Mm weM, tn fet, were probably the rtrt-yirtWf. faatori in sav- ng the day far him. At tt m ttnve VRIL iro the house It is so useSul when nourishment s needed in a hurry Dido took a short rush and walked right Into a clinch. McDonald started his short fighting aew got In a few Ourvlch was not so prefletrut In this turn but stuck In a tow Jabs. They get apart and Dido tried a too on. There was more embracing and snort ngnting MoDonaM was teas! tig leading but the referee said it wat even. Dido waa leading off in th ateoud round with some long ones which sel dom landed. McDonald was elusive and tier then landed a good right. It was a pretty even round, some feeling tiitt McDonald, who looked meaner, oa a shade. The refers culled It trurvicna. Dido rushed into another cltneh tn the third. He tried some uppercuta but was wild. McDonald got lu a lot of clot work which almost seamed t tire Dido. U was McDonald round, MINERAL ACT (Form r.) n'.uTii icati: or imi'ikhiimknth NtiTiru them frequent snd heavy when they got got back to the seat of war. McDonald was down for the count of two. He aet up and Dido waY aZter Mm again McDonald was an raw1 rope covering up .1 Prtnoet noes Pat, lAt4tAi. Pllot.J ot 4361: '.. Lot i36) ; OUrrver.'li(it 4308, ml Ctainn, tftuate In tnv Atlin Min- MlnkiMl Ing Division of CsWr D ' Mlct Wliere awatcu: uu Munru ! u..v ...... mile from th town of Ailin. TAKE NOTICE that we. James Stoke and O. IV mer. Tree Miner ortificste m. eOOHO-eooei, Intend, sixty dsys from the date hereof, to apply to th Mlulag Recorder for a Certificate of tmpruvc-menaa, for the purpone of obUlning a Crown Orant of the above claim. Aud further take notice that artlon. under sect kin 89 must be commenced before the laiuie of silcU Cerlltlc.te lit I Irni'ftViner's Ihiied th. sth d .y M ir ' A n Wi 1 1 U MrN FRA.1E.I I Agent- hja Did ooUJd net fajtah aim. though he waa landing heavy body biowa ana upfttrcute. Beth boyi were soMewhtt spent at the end of the round which was sll Dido's. Dido launched his offensive sgaln ui Ihe ninth but he was not so fresh. A few lefts and rights made no Impression and then he started ,0 hang on and received some short one. Dido looked tired but MeOonaM wasn't so strong and couldn't find an opening. It ' Both boys war tired in the tenth and (turvleh waa haruflns on. H out on INDIGESTION Troubled Him For Two Years Mr. JL a II r v y, A'orar. Oat., wrUrefV'I Uve been troubled ftritU ladigestloa for th last two years, "1 have takes vr;Ulag I have ses advertlied, but lav sever had any of tkern d rot to much good a 1 keep a bottle he put up the bast tlgfc). ka h ahid hosyed a vast rrurwevent ever pr- ious apa earaae . NaT was Mt oppoR-nt aa oM na or affteg vtth the palsy. Jfgf ffwm hww he naM the spscUtors felt. Gurvicn was lucky tt sailed a dw. But. t count, opinions always differ on mat ter of this kind. Da It saM for the local tad that he carrM the right to the Vancouver Vhah muck of tn way. though the tatter might aastty have been given the decision on points. Dlf lKItKNT fTVI.a They showed attoaathar dlfferenl tyles of fighting. Dtdo was the spec tacular natter who attempts) to daal the bayntfrkara ana got away with a lew. heatdaa Hating a lot. Alnwat every me. however, he plunged Into an em brace and there tt was that McDaaald got Ui his work, delivering the short bod!' and face blows that take longer to decM the Issue but sooveUtnes prove effective thh not eery tm this par ticular cea. ttcDattaM put up a pleas ing and & Oght. Wasting not a much attefff as Ma loaal etfaonewt. There were staji In the taa round aaeat- ing where either one or the other had bis man at hta advantage but aertfeer was ahh to avaU himself of opportunity and O-ssh tt aff. In some ways It was an even enough battle though Ourvlch possibly led In attack wbltt UvBona-d was an able covers r and allowed law advantages. In the fine points of the fttoe he waa no doubt the best but Dido had lots of courage end waa Bet afrafca of pkMth-srat. Both boys had frfentr of auo-porters. The battle waa weU suits Hi wl and both boners salsd with win. The spectators were aU aatlsftad with the set ton provtoed. though sospra- tlvely llUts bload waa stvnd. Thwe were ten three minute rauwss DMo. wheat sceand waa ' hia Qroaner. Jack, waa first in the ring. He did atane kig town stunta hefoee his vaseUne maared rival appea 1 on the eeene. Both beys were given an ovation. The aew cloves were thrown into the ring and Charles Brown. McDonalds handke. looks them over carefully. Before tb nosUUUas started. Jack Ourvlch In- slated on rubbing the vaiaaline off the Vancouver boy's rveryent agreed. Dido was checked for clinching In the fourth round. One or two Jabs looked a little low. OUrvleh hung on for a while anH then got out and rushed agalu. lie had bis head down and there was a tendency tu slugging. He was leading but made Utile impression :n his opponent. Then there was more etas fighting- The) (routta1 looked even but was called Ourvlch's. There was more Infighting in the nrth and Dido loaned to be siowint tip. II was probably saving himself. McDonald started to uncork hi offensive was chasing DMo. dealing one in here and there In the open and making ulM wild swings. Dido started a wwi liter atsaek but i wild. The end uf the round saw them tn a cUmti. It was UtDttttid nfMad and thee was ne eegunveiBt about it. In the eJkth.' both of thcen were iwhaglat wtM tad leading a osM one. DM ataeqnf to hoM on to Ma afsjatrieiu but got esnve ttrdre elose ones. It be gan to look pretty sure that McDonald did not have a kayo In his mitt though this. too. was his round. Dido .started a rally in the seventh and leading again. Things ware liven ing up a bit. Ohta was trying the long ones with a slug here snd there. Our-vich had the shade. Did 3 came right to life In the eighth. He was landing on McDonald's nose and reaching his beaty. alcOsnald was landing once or twtr-. too. Dido went rtght after hint wforlhts head down a no they plunged oaV ofst ruts. Ourvlch on top. into the laps of Ben Self's ringside party. DMo was still landing ' 1 kar Ukck U bottle Snd knea't ka.l an tttack aiac. It is th finest nedicln you can tak for the blood. ' ' afamiffirrored aaly by Th T. Umm Co., limiteo, Toreato, Osi. limit Ho S Wal anUher rush with hia head down but engagement. Mulhern was leading th first round but didn't put Iter was not so much life in It. It looked like DMo would stan a rail but " r They miied up tu the sec- - r-- k,.. and and Mulhern a forced to the i ropes. He was slowing up and Wandle on and took some more close-in blows, wo taking the toad Wendl was lead-blows There were embraced and dealing body whan th tight ended It was Mc j S "" ' ' tb th StUng a few scr W.ndle was Donald', round fairly enough. AVOTIIKlt KRS10N evidently much the stronger. Uendle Here was another version of the ctsarty th. beat lu the fourth. Just rounds, though not official, of course: j uu wouW r. the ! ' helples'. rirat. McDonald's: second. McDonald's: - ' l of third. McDonald a; fourth, even: fifth - McDonald's: sixth. MeDonlds seventh. w onM 01 ev n round that did not aa the twenur n Ourvtehs: evwn Ourvlch's: eight. ninth, : unth. LMcDonld. McDonald, six Ourvlch, tVo; een. (wtt. MoDsaald gets 1M end xr rises tar weighed in at ut pua. uwrv. .. , ., th umo attar paying its, aa arfNMst ri'H'ihiiis. 6 i. split between ftuvich and Brick Skinner referaed the main events as well as the preliminaries Max Hell broiier was Umvkeejnj-, sad well covered, dealing short one In the . TUtTf, WPre , Clinches. The referee enweaea tn clinching. Dido rushed up again and took on on the nose. The loe bat lllU.I M I NAHIt ! Jack Hatroyd and Mine Osmatnoa dm I a reur round arerlaMnsry. There was swntn stow nUo in th first tant. 0rmvtiwJtntm oj'nf(P royd was stui leading tu the sedanHt and there we a little more fighting al- Norman ! though one showed a tendency to wait McLean. eMiatniit tluWatiiper. Dr J. A. ' ,or olr lQ " -""-i West was official sunjk9 and the fire t '" yreathlng .pell In the. third and then atarted to work. He Chief and lot, of fewosnvan were on hand to Uep things -n order. "d rtoiroyu w I ""Mael THt, were both Thcre were four sjriHMd prellmtnarl. -Hn u .. . iu-.iv aeldetun l- whioh fighting for a win In the fourth and slow when they started Billy Mulhern of lna!me, who was toj a a. L. t t .1 M-.1 aasli 11 Vi ra 1 Ht on his feet lost the decision to nn eacn uu... u... husky Benny Wenclle of Prince Rupert i-.. - 11 iwo-mlnute rounds hi leaoing. goi iir u-v.v... 1 ' Oorg York gave Nina Ourvloei three gam rounds though be lost th derision. Nina was advertising his uper-cut in the first but couldn't connect though there waa a lot of rushing and York had a bloody noa. They mixed well in the second and got fair exchange York's face was oovered with blood and this waa worrying him. York was grassy the third but pawed valiantly. Ourvlch couldn't flnlih him. Eddie Smith und Walter Hard had a lively three round The smiling and hruvicr Bard was willing to mix but em'th proved evaslc. There e tots f slid awlnKinx with a few landing. DXKt UbS a ltU i-.oaebleed li. tb second itlh4twl wax cuwrlnii up. Smith was .,::! ror him in the openings. They unxoi in th third and Smith was do me leading although Bard got tn .1 fc hard lit'- Smith was entitled in the d'.'clalon. There was l preliminary sparring k- li'biiltiH between Tod Morgan and Pet 1 lient'skl. local youiigsters Morgan led orf but CheiKki w t heavy Thrt' , 1 m of duckiug snd little oonueot-ititc They mixed freely In the third and hjtli landed Tod whs tired and Chen o n puuunilled hiiu It ws a good ace Co. Ltd. Friday and SatuMit Every One a Winner LADIES' DEPARTMENT Ladies' Crepe House Dresses, many folors, nicely trimmed J)."? I-tdiee' Sleeveless Combinations, medium or sprinjf weight Oof Ladies' Hummer Vests, sleeveless style, 3 for 0."f Ladies' Cotton or Flannelette Nihtp;owna In new styles, each 0."f tallies' Skirt and Underskirts, Iilack ard Colora, each HOSIERY Ladle?' Cotton Hose, Ilrown Clack, or White. 4 pairs for 05f Children's Cotton Hose, Brown, Black or White, 4 pairs for 0-"f Pure Silk Hose, only a few dark shades, originally to $1.76. To clear at 2 pairs for "f Hoys' Hercules Hose, GV-- to 11. Black. 3 pairs for 05 f DRAPERY Cretonnes, etc., in a nice range of patterns, 3 yards for 05 f Curtain Nets in several designs, 3 yards for Window Shades, 37 inch Spring Roller. Cream or Oreett, each , . D5f SCARVES. Crepe de Chine Figured Scarves in various colors; also Silknit Scarves 05f FOR HARY. Babies' Wool Jackets ands Small Sweaters, White. Blue or Pink and Navy, each 05 f Babies' Crib BlanVets, Blue or. Pink each 0"5- - --.. DRESS GOODS Mackinac Flannels in stripes and figured designs, 3 yards for 05f Cotton Crepes, all colors, 5 yards for 05f Serges, Tweeds, etc., in various colors, 'ip inch, all wool, yard 05't A few shades in Georgette and Crepe de Chine, yard 05? 86 inch Pink Habutai Silk, 2 yards for 05f -White Flannelette, 27 inches wide, nice soft quality, 4 yards for . 05c Unbleached Cotton, nice even weave,, 4 yards for 0"e HOUSEHOLD STAPijES f Bleached Sheeting, 63 inches wide, 2. yards for 05f Table Oilcloth, White and Colors, 2 yards " for Ginghams in several patterns, 4 yards for 05f Turkish Towels, heavy striped quality, per pair D5f Table Oilcloth Squares in White Greand. Blue or Green, each i5f Turkish Towels, White or Striped, 2 pairs for 05? Underwear Kriflkle Crepe. I'eaeo, Ptl, White, 3 yards for 05? RIBBONS In a big range of colors to 6 iocta wide, 4 yards for . 05? CORSELmTES AND BRASSIERES Made in Pink Coutil, nicely finished, each 050 CORSETS Some Ubos we are clearing out for ,. 05? 9ELs Friday and Saturday Qftc s Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street J KJf 1 " All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 13 PER CENT RUBBERS, sites 6 and 7, regular $2.25, now Shoe Sale Continues, Every pair must go. THOR JOHNSON 85? -To-Every Woman who Is eager for new ideas in home decoration new color combinations for Uie sun porch, new color schemes for baby's in the house-"6l" Brushing room, now color beauty everywhere Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" I BEST PROCURABLE tQjAiggrfti fsoautl or KjUamO D H VMM NM H "'" "tilViSOfcC" Mi .' e ttn H Th. Originsl Uh.l look f.f it st the Vendor snd lasi.i o GRANT'S "BEST PROCURA&LC" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cmtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia