'Ibssbbbe BBL. February 9, 1928 . ; . , - Lflf ttrf Cffcy (ai:ka1. mmhiff no It . DRAGON, ft ? X'V. 1 iihjnjti. HAMMER. Wj ..V&? ". ., ,h , dr..iy; BUT. D 1 BB J .i KEY. ull invnt- 11 V 1 nil - bl mm. LOWE'S Sheet Metal Works ,n,'s i'lumbing and Sheet Metal Work are opening an ,mI Show Room on Third Avenue, jint adjoining the , l.iyion Building, and will carry a line of roofing, iirliii'g. flashing, stove pipes and dhows- black or gal-i sizes from 2 inches to 8 in-hex. -, faucettd, water pipes an. I filling'; all sixes. We -. li'ing in sheet mi-tnl. We repair stoves or anything , , (. repairinR. Our Tank Shop at Cow Bay will take .in Chute and Tan!; problems. Hot Air Furnaces, one , t . ialtien. Phone .110 Will Get us N'ijrhl or Duy had uite a hit nf i-xpericn in the credit liusi.'ies., i 1 i if led to cut our credit to a minimum. ROWE'S Sheet Metal Woiks Canadian National Steamships Co. L mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANI SHIPYARD OcernlliiK U.'T.V. !0..MiO Ton Kltmling Tilni'Prtt, lr k-l MarhinlHK lliiilrki. Hlark-iwilhi. I'nliern maker. Founder. WtMitlwurkeri Elc ELECTRIC AND CKTYLKNE UKMIINt. Our plant it equipped to handle all kn d of MARINE AND COMMKKCIAI. WOMK. PHONES 4S and 38ft ANAD1AN NfflfiML Qjc Largtft Kailway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE Imiii I'ltiM't: ttl'I'KKT for V ANCOI VKK. VICTOHIA, SKATTI.K. ''I iMtcrniedlat polira. each I'NID.W. 0 00 a m 1 sH H tUT and ANVON. racn WlilMiM.V. 10.00 pm 1 vbiii mid aoiiTii M m:n iiahhittk im.anhh. r.irtnighUi lASSKNOi:it TK.ltNS I.KAVE I'HIM'B Rt'll'KT MMAV. VHlKl)V ,no Afl KIAY at M 30 am for I'HIM'K ' Riil;. lOMOXTON. tVIVMI'KO. ali point Eiml rn Camilla. UniWd SLiica. llCANAOlANj IIDIMrm IIMlllller AOENCY Al.l. OCt.v TBMlmr LINK" Vr Canadian Kilbmi Kini fur ilnmn Orilerv ''"'I. " lo fnr your next shlament r'IV TICKET OITICE. St TIIIIHI I'ltlM. MIH1IH1 f ('It!! Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coal Service! Sailings from Prince Rupert K' l. Iilk.iii, mid KMiKwuy . Immnry in. rrbrtiur.i II, S Wrniigell 'rtingell, jln Juneau VUiorla Utorla and and h Nntlllo ivhruary I. I". n rr liuiMaic. r..t 11,11, ii.,hr Ittvrr. and Vain FUIN'CGMM ItllAl KICK. Helta. Oeran rail". mimier ever naiuruiv. " Hteaimhiii Line, run InrMiwMKW itimii- n" or Wrert and-Sr.l Am... Iilurr Rupert. ft:. lIllMMt tl AH Sweaters, Mackinaws7 Wind Breakers . Kl'" DUC 11) 15 l'RK CENT "HKEliS. sizt.M c, and 7, regular $2.2, now shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must go. THOR JOHNSON N5t Local and Personal BO. Ondertakers Pentlit. Dr. J. r. Skating daa to 4 and 8 to Jtt "the Big 4 ImMi f a Taxi priori1! 4 Prince metu In Rupert Pioneers' Association City Hall, rrlday. 8 p.m. tyal Order ol Mocac Leap Year Whlat D:ive and Dance, Wednesday. Feb. 39. T. J Sheii ton sailed I cult night on the Prlnoe Rupert for Stewart on official dut!j To-mght "Court of King Cole" at First United Church. 8 o'clock. AdmU' 8 Ion 50c. rnia afterv.c:i t, train, due frem the Kat at 3:3f). a reported thin morning to be on time BBikettMl! Frrt Simpson vs. Prince Rupert Exhibition Hall. Friday at 730 pm. 60c. and 35c. Mr. M. A. Burbank will sal tomorrow mornuig by the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs 0. A. Bryant will aall tomorrow morning by the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vaacotlvar. Jamea L. Lee, manager for the Atltn Fisheries, will sail tomorrow morning by the Prince Rupert on a brief business trip to Vancouver Knight of Pythias! Pleaie attend ijxcml meeting tonight at 7.30 to meet Grand Chancellor T. J. WacUnan. from Revelstoke. Refreshment. Joseph Career la on a business trip to Stewart' and Premier. He Is expected to return to the city by the Prince Hupert tomorrow morning. Mrs. A. D. Bo illle. wife of the engineer at the plant of the Rupert Marine Product, arrived from Ontario en this afternoon's train and will take up residence tn the city. The game scheduled for last evening in the St. Andrew's Carpet Bowline tournament were postponed on account ' cf the unfavorable weather. They will be played before the end of the week. ot work April 13. Rlks Cabaret April 30 night svea. the Legion craW;e tournament in which 'wenty-four lifcoi-x-rs were entered. The final In a Canadian Le?ton Millard tournament will, it l expected, be played tonight.. Thirty-five carload of grain arrived during the past 34 hours from the nralr'es for the Alberts Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway offices this morning reported 300 cars on the division west of Jasper Park bound here. Wtlltkm Dumovlrh waa sentenced tp three months' imprisonment, without f ptton of fin, by Magistrate MrCly-rnon! In city police court this morning for v.H-r.im-y. He will oe taken t.i ""-all.1 on tomorrow nr-rning steamer y PniV-.rlal ComtaMc William Smith of Anvox. apt C V Rvltt and Capt O. P rinSer ot the First .North B.C. Regiment will nail by the Pnnee Rupert u-mr.-:. morning !oi Victoria to take a ! -f eek.i' cilTirers' qualification c-om.-c at Work rv'nt Barracks. Capt. Fvitt ill l-e accompanied south by Mm. Fv.tt. Mrmlirrs of Skee.ia Lodge Ro. 44 Knights of rvtiu.1.1 met the ararid Cl.ir-"ll"r loi Bmnh Columbia, T. J W:idmaii oi Revelstike. Informally at n r:vlal gathering Inst evening at the li mi- of F W Hart. Sixth Avenue West Mr. Wiidmau gave an address and refieihmeiits were served. The CI run ri rhnuct llor. who will pay hi otTlclal visit to the lodge tonight, will return south tomorrow morning. 4- 4 t4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of MoCMihcart Legion St. Valentine ' Whist Drive and Dance. February 11. C N.R1 Annual Ball. Stays shctrp longer Cut easier. Saws fatter SIMONO CANADA SAW CO. LTD. VANOOUvifl. r. i jjhn. N n nwuhiu mt.r Uwttlio SAV q D J THeT DAlLt NEWB ,Tr" PJLGS THREE W TWP ocv TUBE HI rrMKKT....TSifii 1 ' When ihlntlnt u 3 I HI II in G Sold by 9 J Ormes, Ltd. OKU MUA l dentalcreamI 1 City Meat Market. Selvtg Bros . Third Avenue. Meat. fish, vegetable and all kinds of Norwegian produce at low 'rr.ee arid immediate delivery. Observe All articles are of superior quality, and absolutely fresh Phone- fM. Wnilun Uurn.y !at final of the Canadian St. Andrew' Society monthly meeting Friday. February 10 at 8 p.m. j Sammy Srakbaa was this morning operated on latjbe Prlnoe Rupert Oen-eral Hospital laf appendicitis and is doing wall. ''' Imperial fll Oo.s. tanker Mlna Brea. with a csjrio oa -sue oil for the com pany's local tanks, U due In port to morrow or Saturday. On aeecunt of the unfavorable weather, the Ladles' Music Club postponed Its regular fortnightly meeting which was to have been held yesterday afternoon. Allan Davie of the Forest Branch offices will sail tomorrow morning on the rince Rupert few Vancouver to attend a convention of the Loyal Orange Lodge lu the south. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Campbell. Fifth Avenue Bast, who have been aouth on a holiday trip, returned to the cUy from Vancouver oa the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. Halibut ichooasyav iaanner. Capt. Min go floriano. satlsM isat night for Ketchikan where aha will finally outfit preparatory to 4 he reopening of the halibut season nmjtsk Capt. Z. Mabba reports C N R. steamer Pitnce Jr.hn due t 3:30 this afternoon from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The vessel, which was supposed to hsve been In about midnight last night, waa stormbound over-itlaht. at Massajt-t H C NunaU of Ketchikan and formerly of this city la visiting hta apple orchard at Tonaaket. Washington, which he keep as a hobby. He also Is Including in his trip s conference with the officials of the New England Flab Com-P4P at Vancouver. R 'aV. 'Allen, district forester, and B. H. Leigh'tpi). fire inspector for the district, will sail tomorrow morning for Viotosla where they wUl attend a jcon-ferenoe of dlstrMT iarestsrs. Mr. Allen will also tail W 'hMlSaya while away and expects t Be iBck In about two weeks' tune. H. M. Blake, who has disposed of hi interest In the Boston Cafe with which he has been Identified for several rears ! PORT SIMPSON HOOP j TEAM ARRIVES FOR ! GAME WTIH RUPERT The Y.PJi.A bu-ketball team of Port Simpson Will arrive In the city today und tomorrow night will engage local Seniors in one umj e which should prove an Interest In;; ui Taction for the tans. Th y P.I.A iniii i ... difficulty last week lu disposing of tin visiting team from jK'in-oiith which .ilso played in Prince i :iii)ert In the c.mrae of a recent tour. rrtcrmiMll.ite and Lsdtes' League .. will roiir.il cut topiorrow e'-en- QUICKDECISION SAVES THE SHIP Sometimes to Avoid Crash Officer In Charge of Vessel Must Act as If by , Instinct , .. new fOBHi ft)b.pfrrtWlth..ttr,i!Vr disaster as lu e, Capt, Felix lesen-berg writes In the Nauflcal Twos' as follows: "Ae the sedative hand smooths over 'the raw place we sink Into self satis fied ease. A favorite topic between those who have bad the responsibility of standing watch at sea, and by that I mean the watch that handles the ship as a whole, the watch on the quarter deck or the bridge. 1 the subject of rapid thinking In emergency. The officer rhsrsrd with the safety of a vessel has always before him the pos sibility of a sudden situation In which he must act as if by instinct, -and yet with spllt-seccnd speed that is the result of the definite grasp of a crash W, (hm.hIha n ht. krnln ."1.1, nf lUIWIFIII UI1HU,U 'I . vm- i-- , the unknown moment Just ahead. This condition prevails at sea as nowhere else. HAt'ELY KOI.VEII "I have discussed this sort of thing with many seamen. I can recall a good many examples of this sort, all differing, all difficult and all so far as I was concerned, safely solved by the grace of Ood. "This bring up the problem of the too frequent use of port helm In emergencies. This thing Is drilled Into many minds by a thoughtless Interpretation of the International rule of the road at sea Nine men out of tan, whan suddenly faced by a situation, port first and think afterward. "The second Instinctive mistake Is to turn away. It' la a very characteristic mistake "The third la to reverse a vessel while manoeuverlng to avoid a crash. At once the turning ability Is lost, and If this msnoeuver Is Indulged lnat short ! notice the chances are very great that ! no good can come of It. The records of 'disaster are full of Instance supporting this statement. (IX KAMI llASKg "One of the keenest men that ever stord a wstah waa Talbot Rogers, the senior watch omccr of the St. Lou la 'back In lftOO. whan I served on her. I j heard him discussing this problem of the sudden situation on an occasion that made a great Im pre talon on me. 'When In doubt swing toward It. head cn and keep turning full speed. It waa following a very close call on the Grand Bank. The light waa poor, but not foggy, and some craft, no one knew what, suddenlv blanked out of the night close to port. Star'bd hard.' Mr. Rogers Jumped to the telegraph but did ' not Oat It. We swung with great speed and the high shadow of a ship tore by us, she must have beer olna la with yard square, and no lights visible till we saw her dim red running light speed along our rail. We ware going close to 30 knot. "'If I had turned away she would have caught us head on, amldahlp. lie remarked terse ley to his relief." hu partner, oeorge James and Tom 'owrt,r secerning to the decision of the a., will sail tomorrow morning onFm Appellate Dlvls'on of the Supreme the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will probably locate. Mra. Blake and family will follow south In the aummer. W. MeLarnon. assistant taxation com- FATHER OF LOCAL MAN PASSES AWAY BELFAST IRELAND R. R. Leigh ton. fire Inspector of the Forest Branch for thla district, la in receipt ot the sad InteUajenos of the dvath at his home in Belfast. Ireland, on Tuesday of his fathsr. John A. Lelghton. who was a solicitor in toe blah eapltal and wtoo practised his profession prac- ' tieally up to the time ot his death at Friday, Pebrary It j the advanced age of 88 year. The late ' Mr. Letghton la mirvlved by three eons Catholic Women's League spring sale and three daughters. The local son ha tlte sympathy ot many friends. lur TORONTO. Feb. 9. -Any wild snlmal trapped or ahot on any person's pro perty legally belongs to the property Court of Ontario given In a case before It this week Eugene Rheaume. a French-Canadian farmer, llvmg near Sudbury, was the appellant. Re asked the court to quash a conviction regls- mlfslonar for the Canadian National against him tf Magistrate Railway, who has been attending thejAjihura sudbury, on a charge of municipal court of revlslcn here, will ,tnn a red fox. He had been fined sail tomorrow morning on the Prince 'ego and 130.83 costs Rupert for Vancouver, enquiring t the cession ot the court yesterday as to when he might expect decision on the company's appeals. Mr. MeLarnon was advised that. If the Judgments were not ready by today, he. would be informed by wire as to the results of the WILD ANIMALS GO WITH LAND Owner ef Prnnrrtv Has Itlglit tn Hearer Taken on II, Counsel for Rheaume argued that the complainant, Thomas Sullivan, who I a neighbor of Rheaume', had plaoed a trap en the latter' property. Rheaume took a fox which was caught In the trap. The court held that being the owner of the land. Rheaume was entitled tc the fox. T. J. ger, C. couver: Mm. A ItOTKI AIIUIVAI.S ITIme Rupert Wadmsn. Revelstoke: J. C. AW F. Wllljon and W. Arm. Van-Joseph 8. Rogers and Mr. and D. Balllle. city Dyspepsia Troubled , Him for Many Years Mr. J. 8 a o j, I-ofgifTlllo, K.R, writes: "I lave stifteroJ for many years from drspepsia and could not seem to get any relief. "One day I told my wife I Uioufiht I would try a bottle of and when I bail half of it taken I felt a lot better, to I continued nntil I had taken two bottle, ami now have no pains and no catnd tunc'', and fee) that I ata completely riu uf lay trouble." Manufattnred only by TheT. Milbura jo, Limited, Toroato, Oat MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by 7Ktvuj.7!loJtt. For Finer Cocoa Domestic Science Counselor Hot Cocoa It a Mother's Great Ally I jtjon't know what we'd do without hot cocoa, for say what you will, children do tire of the steady rgund of that all-important food, milk.iAnd some children have a positive distaste for it unless presented in a more or less disguised form. Careful as most mothers are to see that the children's glasses of milk have their full share of cream, I have noticed that very often when they make cocoa they use ordinary bottled milk, from which they even sometimes carefully dip the top layer of cream. Cocoa Should Be Made With WHOLE Milk You won't make such a mistake, if you prepare the children's cocoa with Carnation Milk. There's no way to rob the rich, whole milk of Camationof one tiny particle of cream. Do you know why? Carnation Milk is 'hornogen-ized" that is. every little globule of cream is broken up into particles so minute that they can't rise to the turfece but are held captive all through the milk, giving every drop of milk an equally generous share of enriching cream. Every drop has. in fact, a double portion of cream, for Carnation Milk is evaporated to double richness. There's another great advantage in using Carnation in the preparation of foods for children. It's soft. Not only has it been sterilized, but the milk itself is produced under ideal conditions from selected herds, and is the purest of rich uhoit milk. Carnation Milk is completely replacing ordinary bottled milk for cooking in many thousands of homes, not only De-cause of its greater uniformity, its dependability, and the economy which its rich creaminess effects, but because of the better results it gives. Because of "homogenization," it gives a smooth, fine texture, a richaeaminess that even the best of bottled milk Cannot equal. Soups and sauces have increased food value with the use of less butter. Cakes have a finer texture with better keeping qualities. Puddings, waffles and griddle cakes are more delicate; candies smoother and creamier; ice cream richer, more velvety. Send for the Carnation Cook Book "My Hundred Favorite Recipes." It will show you fascinating new qualities to be obtained in old dishes simply through the use of this better milk. Its free. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Cocoa 3 tbsp. cocoa (for children 2 tbsp.), 2 tbsp. sugar, cup hot wtter, few grains salt, li cups Carnation Milk diluted with 1H cups water; H tsp. vanilla. Scald diluted milk in double boiler; mix cocoa, sugar, salt; add hot water; cook over low flame 10 to IS minutes, stirring occasionally. Add scalded milk to cocoa; cook in double boiler 10 minutes. Whisk with Dover beater tx-fore serving; place marsh-mallow in cup; pour cocoa over it. Makes .four cups. rred'Jctd tn Cauda i CARNATION MILK gives to cocoa a rich smoothness arid extra food value obtainable in no other way just as it does to all cooking. Improves coffee wonderfully. Just pure whole milk evaporated to double richness and sterilized. It keeps. It is economical. (See recipe above) Carnation Milk ffLgg& 2yf tt " From Contented Com " THE FIRST SHIPMENT ot new Spring GLOVES KAYSEK MAKE In newest styles and shades. Pair- $1.50 FRASER& PAYNE The Univernal Trailing Co. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" gsavmmtrav.B3tcTgg? BEST PROCURABLE:' n f SMI MM esoouci or scotlaso T. SlMHSWCH MM SAtvewtitstvt SWiew SCOtlAS Tbs Origin! Labtl lok for It st the VsnJar's aniUotUt on C.RANTS "BEST PROCURAbLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brititih Columbia