mm PAGE SIX THE DAILX NEWS Thursday Fi' ' I lave time Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your cjothes are not rubbed in our laundry . . . This means we can save you both time and money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best , Canadian IMM iry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 RELIEVE ' HEADACHES ? i Certainly! A question we frequently hear is: "What can you do for my headache?" The answer U: "We can relieve it in almost every case and most times very quickly." How quickly depends upon how serious is the condition which causes the headache. For the fact is that a headache cannot exist by itself. It is a symptom of a deeper trouble and its cause must be removed before you are safe from a recurrence. That cause may be from the eyes, liver, kidneys stomach or intestines. Wherever it be, it is in itself an effect of imperfect nerve transmission due to spinal pressure on nerves. It is the work of the Chiropractor to locate and remove uch pressure. Those who have takeq hil adjustments will tell you that he does this very successfully. Phene Green 211 W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange Work Houis 9.:!0 t. 12.:i0: 1.30 to 5.:i() p.m. Evehinjfs frorr Y to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price ticket. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone SS7. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST CANADA LAND OF TOLERANCE Religious Freedom and Good Will lias Obtained but is Said to be Threatened Writing in the, Montreal Herald. C. L. Sibley says: Canada It a country' of religious tolerance. The two great branches of 'the Christian church, the Roman Catholic and the Protestant, exist here In complete harmony. Much of our present prosperity, and certainly much of our happiness as a people, cornea from the very fact that we agree to differ and that In matters of govern' raent ana or puDiic administration no one church seeks to dominate the other or to dictate our policies as a nation. In no other country In the world do the various branches of the Christian church live together more happily a fellow Christians than in Canada. This country has a great responsi bility not only to Itself but to the world at large In the maintenance of these conditions. No one who con siders the harm that mav be done to the cause of religion, and to national progress and prosperity, by the unfortunate ramifications of the Prayer Book controversy in Oreat Britain can escape the reflection that it would be unfortunate If Canada became Involved In similar religious strife, or the reflection that Canada seems destined to be a shining example to Christendom of tbe way to religious peace. DAMiKUOrS HtOI'OHAI. Now It It Is proposed to paas what practically amounts to a censure on tbe government and a censure on Sir Henry Thornton, on the ground that one branch of tbe Christian church repre sented in Canada Is at odda with the Mexican government, a religious con troversy, tbe magnitude and ramifica tions of which are beyond the powers of any to estimate, may be precipitated. There is nothing more dear or more sacred to the Individual than his religious belief. There la nothing more easy to arouse than religious prejudice and passion. Well may our legislator! pause be-re they range the people politically LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APTLY TO riRCIIAMB LANU In Ranee S Land Reeordlnc District of Prince RuDert. and situate at the nor therly end 5f Telegraph Passage. Skeena Kiver. TAKE NOTICE that J. H. Todd Si Sons of Victoria. B.C.. occupation salmon ean- ners, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described land Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 51. Ranee 5. CD.: thence 35 chains est: thence 'JO chains north, more or less, to high water mr; mence southerly along nign water mark to the point of commence ment, and containing so acres, more or ess. J. H. TODD St 80N3. LTD. Applicant Dated IVcemher 12th t037 sPSs''BPiB5 BBB3SXMdE3USSa SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Jap Ilice, 3 lbs 25r Small White Deans, 3 lbs. 25e Pearl Barley, 3 lbs Joe California Prunes, 40 50, lb. 100 80-10- 2 lbs 25f 80-90, 4 lbs 250 8wan's Down Cake Flour, pkg. 100 SILVER LEAF LAUD Special 3 lb. pail 05 5 lb. pail 81.05 10 lb. pail $2.10 APPLES Fancy SpiUenburg, box . . 8:J.25 Half box $1.75 Extra Fancy Spittenburg, box $:L50 Half box $1.1)1) Fancy Yellow Newtons, box $.1.75 Half box $2.00 Eggs, B.C., Fresh Extras, in cartons, per dog .50 CHEESE Fresh Cream Cheeae, lb. 500 Genuine Swiss Cheese, lb. 000 Roquefort, lb 000 Gorgonsola, best quality, lb. 500 Pecorino Romano, fancy quality, two yearn old, that gives macaroni its flavor, lb .' 850 Parmlgiano, extra choice quality, 1924, lb 850 Edam Cheese, per lb. .. 150 MACARONI 0vr twenty different shapes to choose from. .The beat quality procurable. Extra Special this week, lb. 150 20 lb. box 82.25 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20H "(fiforeBimdnndFetferBimU ficticious wheat JlaOor is retained Into two religious camps. It matters not which branch of the church Is In a majority Or a minority. If the gauntlet Is thrown down by one side undoubtedly It will be taken up by the other, and the problem of slate Interference in forelitn relations on religious rounds will be fought to a finish with a bitterness and a persistence which v. ill hinder the prcper administration of our country and may disrupt the very life of the nation. IMI'TS AUK STATKll The facts of the case are easily stat ed. The Mexican government has been living difficulty in pajlng the Interest upon the bonds In the hands of In- vestors, most of whom are British. One party In the quarrel between the Mexl-r-f the heaviest charges it has to meet can government and the Catholic is in connection with the increasing church, and eapeeUlry will they resent deficits cn the national railways. Seek-(any rs for expert advice, with a view to, topping tbe railway loss, tbe Mexican r.vernment could not help but look to ! Canada, for In the Canadian National 1 Hallways system Canada baa the beet example of an efficiently managed state railway enterprise in the whole world, An invitation was therefore made to Sir Henry Thornton, as head of the system, to visit Mexico and advise the government. Sir Henry decided to ac cept the Invitation and his trip was i lutborlced by tbe prime minister and the minister of railways, there being, of course, no expense to tbe government. Everything went along smoothly, and there was no criticism from any quarter until the close of his visit, when It was suddenly discovered that Btr Henry was LAND ACT NOTIfl; OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO LEASE l..NI In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Inlands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Gurrt. f Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fish 'iscker, Intends to apply for a lease c' he following described lands: Commencing at a poet planted at northeast cor.ier about 1.000 feet wea-erly from miners' cabin at head ol Huston Inlet: thence wWerly 70 halns: thence southerly about IV chain: thence easterly 30 chains: thence not-tberly ab?ut 12 chains, and containing 14 acres, mure or leas ROBERT M CDRR1B Aaolisan More GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES Tea We now have our Fuller's Tea at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare with any $1.26 or $1.50 tea and we are selling it for per lb 00? A discount of 10c per lb. if j included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes . 25 cases large tins, while they last. G tins for 050 Corn Flaked Quaker or Western, 5 packages (luaker China Ont Regular 45c. On sale, 3 for JjSI.25 Imon.H, Cnllfornta Sunkist Per dozen 150 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for 1.00 Mutter in Hulk 3 lb. Fresh Creamery for $1.25 Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee is be coming more popular. We are now selling 600 lb. per month. On sale this week, 3 lb. for . 81. 15 Heinz Catsup 3 bottles for 050 th each po of Fujler's Ten esh Grou ea&ld this at regul aTTfflcf es we will lb. of Grfmulate ir for See Our Window. Circle (S) Picnic Hams Per lb B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 57-1 visiting a country which had religious and governmental troubles with the Roman Catholic church. now Tuoriii.i: ocn kkkii Nobody In authority had dreamed! the Idea that tbe questwn of Sir Henry accep'lng or OocIlninR the Mexican government's Invitation ought to have been decided on relU'icu grounds, nor 'lid they dream that any ' religious significance would be attached to a discussion of the methods of running a railway. We believe that Canadians as a whole will strongly resent any suggestion that Canada should in any way. Indirectly or directly, be understood as being a oQclal intimation along those lines which may be deducted from Mr. Mar- ell's motion. ' For theee reasons - we hope that if Mr. Marctl persists m his vexatious motion be win exercise the utmost res- tralnt In hia language and that equal restraint wlU he exercised in the dls- cuasion. If- any, which may ensue. iiorsK.H t'ontsE If the motion la presented, the best course which partleaimt could adopt would be to accept it in silence and proceed with tbe next business, for no good can oocae erf injecting religious passions Into governmental business. BRADY BROUGHT HIS BROGUE WITH HIM A special despatch from Ottawa to the Edmonton Journal hays: J. C. Brady, late of Dublin, who when be left tbe Emerald late and towelled far and landed away up In ape Skeena district of British Columbia, took his delightful brogue wlttt him. made a speech critical of tbe government on general principles. Tbe administration which It la giving does not measure up to his conception of what a government should be and what It should Jfa doing. He spoke along that line and "he voiced his suspicion of the external policy and iu Implications. T. A. Clarkcformer assistant district forester here and now located at Nelson in a similar capacity, will aall by the Prince Rupert tomoxrow morning on his retarn south after having spent the past two weeks In the city. Motorshlp Belllnghem, Capt. J. I Anderson, was In port this morning from Ketchikan discharging one carload of frozen fish for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . Titf Milk, any brand, per tin V2f Tea Malkin's Ilest, Ulue Ribbon, or Nahnh Mi Tli j Bu,k Teu-Excellent quality, per Coffee - Great West, Malkin's iu.t. N'uhol. Ih ft.-, Coffee Fresh Ground, jwr lb. I0c Creamery IJutter, per lb. l;tf-l(lf 3 lbs. in one block .51.25 Salt Pork, per Ib.iy;. ll'Jl? Bacon, Swift's Premium, back, special per lb IliMtf Picnic Hams, per lb. l!Uf-t:if Kjrgs, strictly freah, 3 dor. Jj?1.18 VEGETAHI.E SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 lb. Turnips J' 10 lb. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 1 lb. Onions &1 lbs. for ' D'.lt Tomatoes, large tliyi, C for . . 050 Pineapple, Singapel, 7 for 050 Canned Frulta, asaflfled, 3 for 800 Soap, Fels Napthn, THjr bar . . 80 Royal Crown Soap, t$r carton 250 Jr Fresh line Green V'ejtetables every boat at attractive price FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN PKIGIDAIRE j Market Prices J Trices current are as follows: LAK1) Pure 33c Compound 206 tons D C. Freeh pullets 40c B.C. fresh flrsu 435 li.C. Fresh. xtraa .$9i Local new lalfU. 65 . Smoked kippers, lb kjl$c Kippered salmon, lb 334 Smoked black cod. lb 200 Finnan haddlea. lb 25c MKATS Fowl. No. 1, lb 38o and 0o ftoasting chicken, lb 4ii Ham. sliced, first grsde Me Ham. whole, first grade 3So Ham. picnic, lb , 32VC Cottage rolls, lb , 29' liacuu. back, sliced 60c Uaoon. side 80o to 60c Pork, jry salt , tie lyrslilpe bacon, lb. . 3Je veal, shoulder 34c eal. loin , too Veal, leg 34c ork. shoulder 38c iork. loin toe leg too Beef, pot roast 16c to tOc Beef, boiling 130 to Wc Beef, steak SOetoeftc Beef, roast, prime rib 39c Uunb. chops 60o uunb. shoulder ; 85c Mutton, leg too lamb, leg 4gc dutton. envps 40c Mutton shoulder too IIIITIER , Drcokfltld. Shamrock and Woodland Me S.C.D., lb 300 Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 4Se Praser Valley, lb 34c New Zealand, la bulk 48 prints (oe Alberta Creamery tie CIIKCMK Camembert cheese. 8 ec pkg 63c Kraft Umberger. 's 3 Onteflo solids 33 New Zealand solids 30 StUton. lb a Krart 4S4 Norwagian Goat 6Jc Napoleon Limberger 70c Roquefort 75, Swifts' Brookfleld. lb 4Sy Oorgoozoie, lb 754 McLarau'a Cream, jars ... fc and BAc Brookfleld Swiss cheese. lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian eheese, lb. pkg! 34 Oruytre te Oolden Loaf, lb tic Jack. lb.. 60c Romano Santo, lb 75c Qammelost. lb sec 8II1AK White, per too .... 7J Yellow, per 100 s.7 M.OIIK Flour. 49 s, No. l hard wheat I.T Pastry flour, lffa aa Pastry flour, 49's 3o lEUL'T.tllLCS BeeU. 3 lb. for 34, Beetr. sack Carrot, new. 6 lbs. for 3c Carrots, sack .3 Potatoes. 8 lbs Me ek ItJK Parsley, bunch i Cauliflower. B.C.. bead 40c California bead lettuce lie Oarllc. imported, per lb 49e pan lab onions, p lb. lee UoKs. bunch 10c California celery. .100 Ac lse Spinach, looal. lb. ... ac BC. Cabbage, lb. .. . 6c Cooking onions. lb for . 34c Turnips, g lbs for ... . Me per sack S0 Brussels Sprouts, per lb. . Mc Hothouse Rhubarb, lb. . Mc rut; it Oranges. Valencia, doaem . . . 40 to lu Lemons. Suukiat. dosea 30e and eoe Imperial vslley Orspefmlt... 3 for 33e "or wa grapefruit, aob lie Banana. 3 lb Mt Bxtracted honey, tb Mo Red grapes, lb Mc Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. for gfc Raisins, bulk, per lb Ik Sweet Potatoes. 3 lbs. for Mc California layer figs, per brisk.... 30t California Dainty Date, package . Mc Spltaenberga. "C" grade 31 JO Pancy 33.73 Sxtra fancy . . 34,00 Rome Beauties, ftney 333 Eatra fancy ' 83JO YeUow Newtons "C grade 11.80 Fancy 33.78 tetra fancy . 4.00 Wlneaaps. "C" grade MM Psncy e.T6 Kktra Fancy M Naetl oranges too to 1j0u Dllltl) iKUITiJ temon and orange peel too Citron peel 500 oisek cooking figs, a lb Me White figs. 3 lb 33c Currants. 3 lbs 330 Apples 33C Peaches, peeled 33a Apricots, lb He Prunes, SO-100. 4-lbs 3So JO ID. DOS , . . , Prunee, 60-"K). lb. . Prunes. 309 . 134 40-30, 3 lbs. ,..v 35 M lb. box $2,73 Evaporated pears, halrea, lb 23a M lb box 1340 TOIt.W'H WIIKAT pltlf'E VANCOUVER. Feb. ft. The- price of wheat today Is quoted at $1.43. Mrs. John Bergman of Oona River returned home today after undergoing mi operation for appendicitis In the XeiKi'ii! hospital. m 1 Ton Robin Hood Flour 49JV&d& ta, This Is less than wholesale price. Limit :! customer: Phone your order early, as quaiuiu .MEAT DEPARTMENT Popular prices, together with prompt service, are winning new customers to this department every week. Compare our prices: Reef Round Steak, lb 250 Sirloin Steak, lb :t()0 Shoulder Steak, lb 180 Pot KoaHt, lb 100 Rump Itoast, lb. ...... 2 If Prime itib Roast lb. . . ;IO0 Veal StewiiiK Veal, lb 15c Shoulder Veal, lb 25 f Veal Chop, lb 280 Loin Veal, lb 280 Fillet Veal, lb :52c Pork Shoulder Pork, lb. .. 22fc0 Roast Loin Pork, lb. . . :!0p Leg Pork Roast, lb. .. :tO0 Pickled Side Pork, lb.. . 220 Pickled Pigs' Feet, lb. 170 Holland Herrings, small keg 81.50 Smoked Kippers, lb. . . 150 Finnan Haddie, 2 lbs. 150 Acadia Salt Cod, 2 lb. bricks 500 PROVISIONS Breakfast Dacon, sliced, lb. I.10 I1.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs. 8 dozen 81.15 Finest Ontario Stilton Cheese, lb -1 0c Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced' lb :t50 Cooked Ham, lb. 000 Cold Roast Pork. lb. . . t50 Bologna, sliced, lb HO0 McLaren's Chopped Olives, per jar 150 King Oscar Cardines, tin 150 Delicatessen Canned Meats Meat Ralls and Gravy, tin 250 Quick Dinner, tin 250 Australian Roast Beef, tin 250 Australian Canned Bttf, tin 250 Ayimer Boneless Chicken, tin 500 Osprey Crab Meat, tin 100 This is the best grsde packed in B.C. FHUITS & VEGETABLES Oranges, S dot. for . . $1.00 Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. . . :I50 Cooking Apples, 3 lbs. . . 250 Eating Apples Winesapa, Yellow Newtons and Spitsenburg, "C" Grade and Fancy at lowest prices. Comb Honey' per section ;t()0 Fresh Tomatoes, lb. .. 100 Head Lettuce .. 100 & 150 Fresh Rhubarb, lb. . . 250 California Spinach, lb. 200 California Celery, lb. .. 100 Cauliflower, head ;150 Rupert Table Supply JI Phones WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. Richard Barthelmess - in GH0( ! ic!,s Evaporated Im ,, 100, 4 Iuh. . Evaporated I i ,i, Evapora.ed lv.,, Evaporated A, i Dorutln Mi;is Tall tih:, it I,,, Per case, 4S tip VI:y take h , ary milk for can jrcl !) in This i. the be. i ever handled. lilt Kl.lH COMBINATION , Owner! Asftortmt.ii , ii tins Nabob ! :i tin iuake, i J tii - (Juaktr N a tin Quaker C Kejrular $l i , Speciul, er d' six, Awwrtmeni 1, 2 ti rid Quaker !' 2 linn (Quaker Z tins N'abol) 2 tins Nabob T.n 2 tin.H HilUdal. 2W 2 tins Nabob 2 Regular $ : . Special, jier d nx Ansrttnenl t 2 tinn l.ibby'- apple, l's, t.i!. 2 tins Rosedulr tails 2 tins Rosedalr v Peachex, l's, t.i 2 tins Rosedah' tails 2 tins Koneduli I: t nerrifs, 1 .. 2 tins Libby - I i . l's, tails Regular $". I" Spetial. par (Ict Wild Rose 1'itMi lb. sacks, eat h Shelled Walnut Cut (ilace Chci i Shelled Almond Eastern Toni Maple Syrui' (uart tinn fl't (tallon tin-Gallon Jvl . tins . Spring Clothes I' Stove Brushes, - Beekist Ontario li lb. tin. apeeial Floor Wax- 2-m t tin. Secial, Kidgway's 5 '( lb. tinft. SH-t ia! Combination Spc Ml 1 package Lux I package 1 bar P A G Nai :l I bar Wool Soap Special 210, 211, 212 "The Drop Kick" HAHIIAItA KENT. ElUJENE STRONG, JAMES IIKVOIJI' Jit, BROOKS BENEDICT. GEORGE PEARi 'K-ALBERTA VAUGHN and others COMEDY - "CRAZY TO FLY" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission as- -n m. Advertise in "The Daily New