.PA or arc THE PAILI NEWS Laundry Washed Clothes 1 Are Not Rubbed YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up nnd down in a howl of sudsy water . . that's the way your clothes are washed in a modern laundry. They are not ruhbed or scrubbed but are gently swished hack and forth in warm filtered rainsoft water until the. pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly lessening the tensile strength of the fabric Then come many rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feel clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 The Natural Way DO YOU KNOW? That the cause of disease is within the txxly? That derangement of the nerve ays tern is due to sub-luxated vertebrae pressing on spinal nerves? That these subluxations can usually be corrected by properly directed forces? That Nature cures? Your Nerves Control Your Health W. C. ASPINALL CHIIU)PKACTOK G Eschange Mock Green 211 Navy Suits and Ensemble Suits ten Demers Dr. Alexander Smith mock Phone 575 DENTIST MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 57. INDIGESTION Troubled Him For Two Years Mr. n. CI nartey, Norar, Ont., writes: "I have been troubled with indigestion for the last two years. "I hare taken everything I have sees advertiitd,' but have never had any of the Mo Tie so much good as ' ' I have taken six bottles, and haven't had an attack since. It is the finest medicine you can take for the blood." Mannfaetared only by The T. MUbora Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont Prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $0:11.00 1-1 Ton Truck Chassis $800.00 Roadster $808.00 Roadster Delivery $808.00 Touring $808.00 Coupe S1M1.00 Coach $031.00 Sedan $10:50.00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Rumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard equipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On other models .$30.00 extra. ''Spare Tire and Tube, $19.00 extra. Kaien Garage i Phone 52 YOU GUT Montreal Prices und . Value for Your Money nt Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Corseleltes GOSSARD Made in nice quality Silk Stripe Batiste. Elastic I line rt 4 Garters. Sizes 32 to :tC. Special $2.45 H.S.Wallace.Co.Ud. 3rd Avenue nnd Pulton Phone J t . LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Pinno and Furniture Moving. SCRANTON MALE CHORUS CHARTER A SHIP FOR NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD Scytlila Will II' WeMi 1'lag us Mie Menus Out of New York SORANTON. P.,- April 20. The steamship ScjtlUs hiw been charter! .by the A.-.tlir.ieite Male Chorus ft ! SciKm in td;.YItr" 7rT"S!flTIT"' tVfft. 'wrrrp I. Is entered In the National Elst dc'uocl, to be held at Treorchy. The Sci'thi i will sail from New York, July 21. and the chorus will participate In ;' " 'mnci tio s of August 8. More than 1000 friends of the singers will . .-pary tl.em to Wales. It Is the first time that a chorus from this region has entered this musical clastic and the community is 111 iteel in the hope that the songsters frcm ihe coal regions will return home , with their share of honors. When the Scyth.'a sets sail from New York on that July morning, atop her mast will be the flug cf Wales a banner made in this city )y girls representative of 'even nationalities. SHOWER FOR RIDLEY HOME BAZAAR BOOTH Crt-nt Ht'litK llclil This AftcrniMni at Mr. Ariiott' by Anglican Women's Auxiliary A shower tea in aid of the children's booth, of which the Women's Auxiliary o: St. Andrews Anglican Cathedral "Chickens C HICKEN POT PIE WEEK Arriving Wednesday Choice Boiling Fowl, per lb. -7r Choice Milk-fed Fowl, fresh killed, per lb :W(! Heinz Pork & Deans, small, 5 for ." Vf Asparagus, Libby's, square, 3 for !."? Corn Aylmer, 2 for . . Mixed Vegetables, 2's, Nabob, 2 for :)( Biscuits, choice stock, 4 pkgs. for U)f Choice Fancy Biscuits, large selection, per lb 11? Peas, No. 4, 2 tins for Toilet Paper, per doz, .... IS? Malt Vinegar, Nabob, (er bottle I 21? Tea, Al brands in pkg., per lb. 70? See our window for Tea social Royal Crown Soap, per carton, G bars -."? Royal Crown Oatmeal Toilet Soap, per bar : . it? Strawberry Jam, Malkin's Best, 2's, per tin it7? Raspberry Jam, Malkin's Best, 2's, per tin it7? Pineapple, Singapore, 2's, 7 tins for $1.00 Oranges, 3 dozen -for IKic1 Corn Flakes, any brand, per' pkg. 11? Cowan's Instant Cocoa, Mi's, 21!? Pabst Malt, large tins, each t:t? Rhubarb, extra special for weekend. 4 lbs. for 2." Rice, choice quality, 3 lbs. for -"? Split Peas, 3 lbs. for U5? Pot Barley, 8 lbs. for ...... H."? Vegetables arriving this week lettuce, Celery. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Leeks, Spin-ich. Tomatoes, New Potatoes, Watercress, Asparagus, Parsley. Radishes, Bunch 'Carrots, Cucumbers, Green Peas. We carry a full line of Fresh nnd Cilrui Fruits "WATCH OUR WINDOWS- B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 15 - 571 Radio Radio The Hadlola 17 will give you the best reception. Price complete 9231.6) Cannot be sold for less Special -MX I'OltTlt.UT POttTAI. of yourself for SI.00 Winnipeg and Vancouver Price. F. W. i HANDLER Photographer Mlh Street. I'liune Itcd l)i Foe Pratt's Baby Chick Food und Poultry SupplieH, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertilizer and COAL, cull up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. 1000 BOYS! Tom Ballinger's, Fifth Street Joy-Cycles for the little ones - ...... r" will be in charge at the forthcoming Ridley Homo buui, Is being held tbU afternoon at the heme of, Mrs. O. H Arnott. 141 Fifth Avenue West. Mrs. Thorns Andrew, pres.deut of the W.A., la reoelvlng with the hostess and Mrs. C. C. Smith and Mrs. C. F. Kemp are receiving the donations with Mrs. F. O. Pyle, Mrs. Dalby, Mrs. Frank Dlbb and Mrs. E. W. Tucker In charge of the tea tables. Man in the Moon It's a hick town where the resident think it the hub of the universe. "ii The man who prides himself on his youthful performance has stopped growing and is on the toboggan slide to ctUnctton. Why ask a clnsajrig on your meals when all you get la canned goods? Living In Prince Rupert does not necessarily make a person great but yet a number of former Prince Rupert peo ple seem well on the rontl to greatness. A tiny strand to hold It up. This dress, and It's. beauty; A tiny strand, and, cosh I I hop That it performs, s duty. Doctor "You say the patient died. ! Did you give him my medicine aa llrected?" Nuree 'Yea. doctor: you said to give' It ti him rnilf whn aarak and I wu I BUY vni!i if 1 11 . ivn . menv itv a a a i ia a a i 1 .ti a a m w mil Aa a a a THE PIECE AND SAVE MONEY Circle "S" Picnic Ham, lb. JOa' Premium Bacon, lb. ...... Premium Back Bacon, lb. Premium Ham, lb. .TJ Premium Boneless Uam. sliced, lb. Premium Cooked Bftm, sliced, lb. ' Empire Bacon, lb J"lwnen fM Empire Back Bacon. Ib. . . jjor! Silver Iaf Lard, 3 Ib. tin .'iSS 6 Ib. tin 10 lb. tin $2.10 E.C.I). Butter, 2 lbn OS? Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lb. . . O.lf Fine Ontario Cheeae, Ib. .. ::." Ekrr. Fresh Extras, 3 doz. $1.10, Macaroni, over 20 different shapes i to choose from. Beat quality. a ii aKk i "(t.r.- on 20 it lb. i, box Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. . . I"f , Itowntree B Cocoa, Vi lb. tin - sC Wild Hose Flour. 10 Ib. sack .." Puffed Wheat, per pictf 1-"C Puffed Bice, per pkg I'Hf ShreddetMVheat. pkg ItlVicV Dina-Mite Breakfaat Food, pkir- 'Xit Knox Gelatine, pkg. ...J. 22V4f Nabob Bed Plum Jam, 4 Ib. tin no? Heinz Baked Beans, small size, 9 tins for 81.00 Medium size, 7 tins for $1.00 Quaker Peas, siae 5 tin 7 Una for $1J0 Lux Toilal Soan, L 4 4 bfttSM ler.bt ... ..,a. DEPARTMENT OF MINES XOTICK. ind opei metallueruus mines is directed to the rc- uulremenu of the Metallllerous Mines Regulation Act of British Columbia which provide that all underground Uahting operations must be perijrwed by cjmpetent men who hold a oertlfl-j cate of competency for this work, ; follows: la i.i; ii I "Permanent blasting certlf h-atcs ; shall be obtained irora an Inspector of Mines. Provisional blasting orrti- flcates valid for a period not exceeding ninety days, or until the firs', visit of the Inspector of Mine, may be granted by the mine superlnten-, dent, or a qualified person authorised 1 bv the mine luoerlntendent. No; more than one provisional certificate shall be granted to one and the same person. Such certificates may be obtained in blank form from the office of the Chief Inspector of Mines. A duplicate of each provisional blasting certificate Issued must be forwarded to the office of the Chief Inspector of Mines. Victoria. B.C." Notification regarding the opening of a new mine or the re opening of an old mine should be made to the Chief Inspector of Mines. Victoria, or to the Inspector of Mines for the district before work is commenced. On being notified of the commencement of muting operation the Inspector will supply copy of the MetaUlfsrous seines neguisiiou aci. ROBT DUNN. Deputy Minister of Mines. Vlot-rla. B.C.. 18th April. 1038. 103 nty awake since you left.' Woman art good managers. They usually manage a man most success- but is a pares u tags of tauwrea,. " There no merit la being born a SWtlMnaa but to US OB) IS real The way of the tranagreasor la bard if he bappeas.to be caught. . Beauty h to be skin deep and high. Local goat owners are likely to have aa nav ta. All gemartv abuttlns on i m -r - - - tUm te ,th Is slow compared with a mihltaltv MMit SJiilaitaa tmn maantv a star a law thousand times but the Dub Hetty man eaa magnify them at Holly - wood a few mUllon. To be of political timbre it nc-rJr to be adaptable to graft. Ml,r' men resemble dogs. they climb a hill. They pant ERIC RICHARDSON OF TLELL IS FISHERIES OVERSEER ON ISLANDS Announcement is made from the lo- cal Dominion Fisheries office of the ap- '"tmeni ",l R,cnMa"n ww Tlell to be fUher.cs overseer lor the Queen Charlotte Islands division It Is a-jveral years since thU office hss been flUe1 the growing importance of i the flslrlen there makes Its mump- I tion necessary OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL kmii.imi i t:mi;, mv. i. Liverpool 1, Leicester t. Huddersfleld 1. Burnley 2. Manchester Unltrd a. Sunderland 1. DIVISION H. Leeds United 0. Manchester 1.' Major Walter L. Carrutiiers of Wran-gcll. divisional commander of (h Salvation Army, and Capt. Alex Parkinson, coirmandsnt at Ketchikan, arrived In the city on the Princess Alice jester. ; day attnpon fron Aj4avJayl. will 4eJ .SJUalx- mtomuM'.l cpajgnllli Sunkirtt Oranges. do: for Sl.OOi""" P""" Large sizcH, per dozen HOC, 00?, one Hijie Ilananus, per lb 1"C Alberta Market! P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone j ; ead Colds fa Snuff Vicka up nose or melt in cup of not water, inhale healing Vapori. Vapo c tTh, ION I ?B Buy n for Duty Wr : ; Made in Canada COM - Service Stations throughout Canada Choose Your Bicycle Today at Thursday, April 2 1;,;, WESTHOLME THEATRE TONKillT ONLY, 1 und 9 p.m. The Rough Riders A screen presentation of the adventures of Teddy I:--, velt in the Spanish-American war. l-'HANK 1 10 IT Kit, CHAKI.US PAItltKLL, MAltV ASH l( CHABLHS HMMETT MACK. I'KEI) BOIIIJIM, (.KOKf.K HANCU01T, COL FUMD IJN!JAY and others COM HI) V "DOTS' and DASIIKS." Admission - LOOK at YOUR CLOTHE EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear is imv. i Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which tn "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada -most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do it Totiay THOR JOHNSON - of LADIES' DRESSES, COATS AND HATS On April :t0, 1927, we held a general sale which prow be the most successful sale ever held in the City oi l'i Uupert. No such values had been offered. Today we are offering similar values which you will predate and that will save you money. This 8ale is confined to . Ladles' Resdy-to-Wwir Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Hats are offered at ridicule, low prices. Sale Starts Friday Morning, Alirll Mth, nnd Conllnues til Saturday Night, May 5th ALL GOODS ON SALK AUK 1M8 STOCK 4 Young Ladies' Sport Suits, size :I4 and 36, rg. $l.ro. Sale sr 0 Ladies' Silk Dresses, r $15.00. Sale ,..... .., b iieuer value ureases, rtx 117.85. Sale !' 6 Silk Dresses, Extra Offer, to clear for . . . . . . . . . '. . . '. si 7 Ladies Flannel Dresses, n;g. $ia.50. SaUe '. '. . '. '. . . . . S'J A New Shipment of Indies' DrpHses which we Juxt rc ccivetl will he Included in (his Sale, Values from $15.00 to $25.00. Sale Price ' SI0.S. 2 only, Knitted Suits, reg. $15.00. Sale . . . . . . . . ,S. ... . I uauies apnng auits, ,rg. 7 Ladies' Spring Coats, retr. G Ladles' Spring Coats, reg, $26.00. Sale " J Ladies' Navy Blue Coats, reg. $22.50. Sale .. . .$11 20 CoaU, values up to V15.00, to sell at 20 per cent dlsrut.' AL v aIiiijs' hats ffAAf Hat, value up toB5.95. Any Hat, value up to $8.50. Sale w A further reduction of $2.00 will i." alroWd to tin : five customers who purchase $10.00 worth of good, ami .?! reduction to the second five. ALL SALES FOB CASH labour Phone 015. BOYS! Accessories in stock P ATI IK UKVII 35c and 10c SOaf. ?.- ()." S."i 11.7.50. Sale (. !l."i $20.00. Sale ' . W0. S.i fl.'i Sale . , . . . S:5 ?5 !)." Bros., Ltd. Corner :ird and