P! April 2,8, 1!I2S aster Wall Board , imureH a lifetime of satisfaction when used for walla mkI ceilings; fits true and stands firm during the life ,,f the building. Wont CltACK WARP CRUMRLE EUKN or WEAK OUT I (inmp-prof, vermin-proof and a perfect Insulator, enuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones llfi and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of 1'itrh and (J ravel Hoofing (alvanized Hoofing Chimney Top Have Troughing ( onducter I'lpe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnace Move Pipe and EIImiwh Metal Roof and Siding Phone 340 Ilox 187 Trappers ! r you getting enough for ii fur? If not, come to n. loom. Just now wo want K. marten, ermine, cojr-wolf, foxes of all kinds, 1 lynx. H V have largo orders from i :itnrturra in the East, I if ve cannot fill them we ir honus. We pay top - lr everything, l' vou have a large lot. 1 me and I shall call - 'i.illy Remember, if you ' ' a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue FISHERMEN ! fcr Pumpernickel Bread i- ( l isp and other Breads, cume to The Rupert Bakery ': "" l in an oven, hooted by which insures well 1 'M loaf and one that will 1 iy moist. Phone 013 J Karon C. Iliggert Proprietors DRY : BIRCH J K1MNE AND CEDAR ' :'!'' load 1 ''"il'lc Load $C50 ' Sack ; tjOc, , fAL PRICES DOWN 1 ""'"Ma Peerless Egg $12.00 l;"llli"i Washed Nuta $11.26 N '" 'ta Sootless Egg $12.00 Vi" "'i Lump $13.00 l ' all other classes of coal HydeTransfer M COAL CO. 1 '!)) Serond fivit THISTLETEAM IS WELCOMED i:xi:ci nvi: or hkiiimknt exi-mins I'l.KAM Itll r MOST IIKCKVI A. nirioN to Moreen The executive of the Regiment football team met I ant evening at the Armoury, wilson presiding. Other member ajewent were c. J. Norrlngton. see.ta.. C: Youngman. F. Hardy F Hunter. C. J. Harrington and F. Hardy were appointed delegates to the annual meeting ol the Football Association. Satisfaction was expressed at the formation of the Thistle football ttam as It waa leu that a three-team league dm necessary that football might be kept aliv- an-i Interesting. Delegate were lnMrVcted to supp rt the formation of an Intermediate Football league If at all feasible, so that the plajers who graduate from 'hi- Junior Football League might get the xperl-ence neceiaary before they reach the age and weight necesspry lootball. for senior Around The World With Sport Fans (B The Trump) AH Harding, who la to box Jmimy Hrnonald next week. l from Bristol. England, the place thnt ha turned out I a number of first claaa boxen. Si:.ie I that he baa made hi home at Cu.- j gary and Vancouver. It la announced by the management thai the boy' baud ' will be In attendance at the event. the date hereof, to aoolv to the lainln , Heonrder lor a Certf'l.'ate of Improve-; menu, for the purp-te of obtaining a! ituwd urant oi trie a Dove claim. Aud further take notice that action, under section 85 must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements Dated this 5th da; of March. A D 1038. H. McN. TTtASEIt. Aient. NOTICK Th. m..M .".k. ,.. lh ' '"Hkl to all the alorj men to norn in on tlw lacrosse olyuii :c MINERAL ACT (Form P.) Cf.llTinCATi; Of IMI'HOVCMrlNTM MOTH B "PKOVINCIAL BLKCTIONS ACT PIIIMH HI PRKT KLRITOIUL I1IMTRICT 1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia team failed as It dotserved to fall. New Westminster, the heme cf lacrcwe In ran get from the visit this year to Amsterdam. hn Rlako, the heavyweight who recently punched Jack 8hi rkey out of the famous "el mil nation tournament," -t: WSS hlflfl Tn ,rMrsi m ratlu. ...w ! M Princess Pit Lot 43C; Pilot. Lot 4367; club m Cleveland the other day. Sri?". Jff.""i...?r"ff"r: J?.38- Blushln. nersnirm., .nrt a.J, mskcom viKiim, uuikw in i or ah in miT' r r n -" "f 1 e Ine fUelalAn m Vsi. . ni. t...t eat. tViaa tNlra lu-ss r. i . rste of Title Is dated the Stth October, purposes set forth In the "provlnc.al home HMO. and Is numbered 27SI. Elections Act " lend Rev'ntrv Office. Prince Rupert, Dated r.'. Prin'-e Rupert, B.C.. this B.C.. 19th March 1J3S 5 h day of Anrll. 1928 H. P MACLEOD. . REGISTRAR OF VOTERS, a? ReelMrsr of Titles 119 Prince Rupert Electoral District Movies in Your Own Home To make tHem with the CINE KODAK, .simply sight the finder and press the release. That's all there is to it you're making movies. To show them on the home screen, merely plug in the KODASCOPK in on your lighting circuit and snap the switch. Then sit down and enjoy the picture. CINE KODAK MODEL H-with f.:U lens. Hand held, spring motor driven, fixed focus. Price $110.00 KODASCOPK MODEL C Electrically driven, works on any ordinary house lighting circuit. Price . . . $70.00 KODASCOPK SCREEN Sine 22x:n inches. Price .. J?1J.00 Complete Outfit, $1JVII0 . , . Gomes Met. Hie Pioneer Drttgtisls THIRD AVE. f' IXTM ST. TELEPHONES BSOO SIP. EC!.iL ! filllLS JERSEY KNIT PURE WOOL 2 PIECE DRKSSHS Assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 14 years. $3.50 S3.75 8nll Fraser &l Payne Universal Trading Co. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED v",, Mulling from I'rlnee Kuierl. r VtNTOl VllK. VICTORIA. Swanwn Itay. IliilnUle, Alert Hay, elc . T."f5ftVi ,? sfti'''virTOKl.. HutfiUTP. Alert Hav, etc., SttiiriUy. ' 1 n.m. lor Ai'LiiirSiiN ami NAAS itlVKK I'OINTH. Irl.lay. r" icr ni TVnvox i mtewakt. walk ihl.mi-okt wmivhon. Kiimlar. s I'-1"1 r '!jth. Aawnt "3 I . Vlelorw ami Nellie, T.-r.rae rrltiee Htinert, fi r. soil hrtgrnge rlieekeil tSZ DAILY NZW3 anybody to the house- -or fight." Comment on the Kme played several weeks 0 between England and Scot land la verylntemtlng. Here Is what 1 the Observer aya of it: ! As the score suggests, there was mo common ground Of tKmp.ii ixon between! the elevens of Scotland and Upland at I the Wembley Stadium yesterday. The i Boots were such master of tbeir craft that the Saxons appeared aa were sJettla9HpiJjia!t bey a Duitenij;. 4-J v a contest In the .first half two goals by which Scotland led at the Interval exaggerated their nuperlor ty. but fortified with xuch an advantage I tbe Soots proceeded to play a winning ;amr with such 'i:-poseslon, stirh combination jnd such rase that the Englishmen wt almost lookers-on The BeoU did just as they liked with Die ball, every member of their team j shewing that command of the sliddery thing fcr which thy are Justly famous. It U dimuL :t to rcc.-.il a match in which Englsnd have been o.-.plctely mb-ducd. Oric will say that the English bck play was punc-tired with blunder, that Jones of Blackburn Rovers had no Idea of cbetk.natlrn Ja-kvin of Huddertfleld, U.e Bro-.tlsh "utslde right. I that the half backs -if the home land ! were ordinary telle ; fldcm prompting j .i:cjc wrs but one l-h vsriyuard. So :; root of the matter ir.atch a a whfile. were outclassed by i! :.(' d.-fenders. ;.'ik- ai.d that v. ..rd In the Eng-...ipr.-red. but the ti.rit, t ike he English eleven i etu.re team work of the Scots. Once were counted fifteen consecutive passes from Sr- to Scot, without an opponent ever gt:ing a chance of playing the ball. 7 hat was perfect manoeuvre, and the rjec:ators simply chortled to see such things. This united jction and the lntr::n-.-nt and superb raiding of Jackiun and Alan Morton re beyond any concept. :;n of the game that the englishmen yh-jmd Look.i.g at this exhibition. It l i, :t aXonnung atCnglard has n.' w-::, a in, 'h unit not saved a point during this sr tson. SPORT CHAT i. w -wVicesii Liai,i ill. TT Ilfjrej "ipj, ut,ci RUi ujp. Ujpru. sUad M1U . m5eafroTthe?tcntUAt1n' 'Ur "I""I'm K'atl 'm glad Im up her: ' Battling Dido Qurvich seems to be TAJU MOT1CI l Us- we. James Stokes w1,h th gentlemen. I ain't mii9h doing better on his training c. .nj.c ,na P.: f rter. Free Miner's Oertitlcate on speskln'. So-ry. But I cm rassle In the south than even sjcic ol his no. m-j-Hwi. imena. sixiv a its irom St. Louis 9. cu ctnosti 6. AMU(I AN I i:fil tl Waehington New York 12 Boston 2, Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2. D-trelt 3.. Cleveland 7. St Louis 3. (oast i.iam n Mlaalons B. Seattle 0. UoUywood 3. Portland apcrannto . aeo V k.ti vir.w m DlLLlAKLr Javt tk& vahuthkj "Poker Hands" 1 TT, eT-C 1 2 sO' FOR :.Biia. vr.,.., r r PVfltty the V&rLZm& : 71 111 K x" "W warmest local supporters could have expected. With one decision and one knockout (of Johnny Marks on Thursday night In Vancouver I added to his record during the brief two weeks or so he haa been south, tbe locu boy would seem to be making food. Be was fortunate in getting ou a Vic Foley ; preliminary card far his first engagement in the south. This caused con-jnredable attention evidently for Dido IM TBE MATTER of an a dp Heat ion for NOTICE is hereby given that I shall. 'lust this week ttturtd on an Elks' the issue of a Provisional Certificate of on Monday, the 21st day of hta. lets, t ...... . -r w. Title for Lot sixteen (161. Block sixteen a the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore-i . (lot. Town oi Stewart. Map eiaa. noon, at tne coun-uouae. rrwoe ira- "r " wiimiim Satiafaetory proof of the loss of tbe pert, hold a sitting of the Court of a bcxlng show thizs.. Re should be Certificate of Title covering the above Revlilon for the purpose of revising .., -JT which r,pldljr lnln8 land having been produced to me. it la the list of voters for thTsaid electoral Prenc my Intention te issue, after the expire- district and of healing and determining , be needs In his business. Local fans tion of one month from the irat pub- any and aU objections to the retention ire interested and gratified In his 1 lest Ion hereof, a Provisional Certificate of any name on the said list, or to the .. , f Title to the above land in the name registration as a voter of any applicant ,bowlng. possibly, ihi. be may be able v,,. to if W ft V7CKEKS The original Oertifl- for registration: and for the other retrieve lost fortune when he return Unwise publicity served to make the Montreal Maroons unpopular in the Natkmel Hockey League during the pM eaaon. In nearly every city they visited the were "greeted" with exagger ated newapaper accounts telling about this crashing, brtuaaag. rough-house team. Maroons Jndeubtrdly wore s beavy-bitUng sggioyiliui, but no more so than were the Mew York Rangers cr the Boston Bruins, who in one game at Madison Square Oarden engaged in the fiercest and meet relentless body-checking sixty-minute duel ever seen in the profession! league. Maroon a deserve credit, not censure. They asked ,no quarter, snd they gave none, and J they came aa close ea runnera-up can possibly come to winning the cham-'plonshlp. Only In accurate shootln-: cost them the f.nsl game. YANKEES AND GIANTS LEAD NEW YORK. AprU 26 The Yankees' and Olanta are now leading their respective leagues. j St. touts and Cincinnati played iieven- teen Innings before Cincinnati took the virtory. Pittsburg levelled Chicago under a barrage of twelve hit to win ten to nil. Cleveland la now eight points behind the Yankees because of having played more games. NATIONAL I.I1AGI II York-Beaton, wet grounds Philadelphia 2. Brooklyn 3. Pittsburg to, Chicago . 1 ,llPYHaSEEflB WinriEetrik Two more games in the first round of the city billiard handicap champion ahlp tournament tinder tbe auspices of the Grand Terminal Olub were played laat night. J. Campbell (plua 10) defeated C. Hodgson (Blua 70) by a score of 200 to 108 . and Aid. O. I' Tinker (minuR 351 eliminated W. Bnlllle (plus 15i by 200 to IB. A4vart..o .u the Oaily Haws. TURRET OVlild and fragrant QKKeWlKl "HBsElisaaBB RICHMOND'S : LOUVRE On Friday Morning from 8.30 to 1 p.m. In keeping with our promise made last month, our regular monthly Clock Sale will take place tomorrow morning. These Clock Sales have proved so puccessfal, both for us and for our customers, that this time we are offering greater values than ever before. J ust note the prices quoted below, and call in to our store tomorrow morning as soon after 8.30 as you can make it. Pure Spun Silk in 25 different shades, 36 inches wide. Clock Sale Price, 2 yards for 95 C ' Pure Silk Hoac Silk to the top; ' semi-full fashioned. In all the lat-J est shades. Ctoek SalrTVi4,-iiiV Pair 95c Pure Silk Thread Nose In a few shades only. Clock Sale Price, 2 pairs for 95c 2 Doien Only, Silk Bloomers Heavy quality. Regular price $2.75. Clock Sale Price 95c 2 IVozcn liobettes in a few shades. Regular pri $2.75. Clock Sale Price 95c 5 Dozen Children's Silk Hose Regular value 50c. Clock Sale Price, 4 pairs for ... 95c "17 12 Only, Silk Dresses Sleeveless. Regular values to $10.00. Clock .RrieeVeach ........ 195 12 Only, Silk Dresses Sizes 3G to 42. Regular, values up to $15.00. Clock Sale Price, each 2.95 12 Only, Suits in Tweeds Hand tailored, Crepe de Chine lining. Regular price from $29.50 to $35.00. Clock Sale Price 14.75 12 Only, Silk Dresses Regular values up to $24.50. Clock Sale Prices 5.95 EVERY ONE REPRESENTS AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Only Qjctijlicle to each customer. Cash only. No C.O.I), and no dealers Third Avenue. supplied,! ichmond's Louvre Prince Rupert, B.C.