Save Money Boston Grill ma cheapest way to buy the ps.iv New U to subscribe by th tcilr The cost U 15.00 and your ,., is delivered to your address (:i i, . veiling Just figure out the cost to you lor this dally er-. rf for twelve months! '- -3i up trial on April 16 i jt the defence in s pre-' rsring for security fcr costs wouM seek :o prov thst -.ny raoOfda had been falsified. . i ns had been killed alter It thst tast nuniicf had been . rt tho Wht opera linns Icad-:he capture l Mi'iix would ' uh aUsty or seventy ' ii all pari of Camda are el- ' :ive erldenoe and ihe case 1 ml a couple of wrrka "idrr will be aouiht to com-. ( iirne to anaarr questions " the operation! DOMINION MAY ACQUIRE PARKS "'' I l UINHltIH SHW IN B . NK-'oiltMNo Mill Mill NT M--"N AN .MtlNIIMIINi: ll "MA. March 14. The Dominion 1 1. :n ta willing to take over the ' --rve on Vancouver Island ' 'iw provttaat oraate It. according v. torla flinea yesterday. I WA. Mar S4. The guvrrn-A I he tlaai to anulrv Munl I'ark aad Mount Assitiiboine British Columbia and the d -1 :". i. later of the interior la now; ' "li Coluatsus discussing the ith tha B.C. government The '''t was ajsad by Hon. Chsrle I " intnUtOT of the Interior, in the1 commona In reolr to Hon. R licit ISTERS OFF AFTER SESSION ? WELL KNOWN MOUNTIE OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL KNoLioii inimi, i iv. I. Birminjhajn 4. Burnley 0. Bolton 3. Leicester City S. Cardiff City I.Wasthsm United I. Evrrton a. Darby County 3. Newcastle 3. Bury I The Wadcaaday 4. Urerpool 0. Tottenham 3. Aston Villa 1. DIVISION II. Blackpool S, Notts Forest 3. Br'aiol City X SwsiJs 1. ChcUm 0. Manchester City I. asphsm 0. RuU C ty 0. Orinishy 4. South Shields .1. Notts County 1. Wolverhampton 3. Oldham 4. Porteale 1. Reading 0. Leeds United 1 Sauthsmpton . Barnsiey 1. Stoke City S. Pulhsm I M'OTTIXI tiatilK. HIV. I. Aberdeen 3. Hearts 0. Alntnes 3. St. Mlrrea 3. Boik-u 1. Motherwell 1. Clyde l. Kilmarnock 1. Hamilton 3. Dundee 3. 8i Johnstone 1. Partlck 8. Rsilh Rovers 5, Dunfermline 1. GREvr progrksIn REGARD TO TARIFF OTTAWA. March 34 - Oreat progress was made yesterday In passing tariff items of the budget. Only two or three Items remain to be approved. VANt'OUVBR EXCHANGE Argenu IC Silver . Bayvlew tKIMi HH;- VIMTN TO VAUKH " sllsourl ' Mils f pilUVIMtC: 1'ATTt lJ.O ;Cork ProUnrr COMlS'fi IIKIti: Oeorge Copper CkKirgls B'ver victoria. March M. - Hon. T. D oiscier '" hi lu will kM for Prince Rupert Oouond-r'ni..y night for" a brief vknt. Orsndview l'" inier MacLjMO plans brief tour Inder injure "! ve 'honiy. gejeanwaist he I atak- Indi" "'u fftrir tkiaatm atTwat' T-' ' (FMl : . uiataiUiainWiiiru """"in ''" "est week ana !faw. B. D. Barrow jukericw " 1 visiting In the Praser Valley. Lucky Jim iMsrroot Meisw InsI Silver . Penrtorellle DIED PRINCE ALBERT S r,r ' Rufn- I'HINCE ALBSftT. March 34 . War- Ruth Hjm "" Kin-, a member of the old North- Sunloch "M Mnuntdd Police, who arrested Big Termlnu ' " ' "inn the rebellion of 85. Is dead White Wsiei .'"I 63. Woi'U'j;!.!-' BMt. Asked. .44 U IX 14 .03 .50 43 . 4.50 6 50 .40 SI M Mi JO .53 M .11 oe MM W M M M .1 M M 1735 17.60 3.66 366 M M 43 43 55 55 1 1 3 60 4 00 3.40 3.45 38 20 LONDONSCOUT CUP FINALS IN SCOTLAND ItANUKKM NI CKI.TIC TO PLAV IS MH1 Kit IINAlJi IIKHl'LT TOHAV'H I1.V (1I.AMHIW. Msrrh 4. In the eml-ftnal of I be M-tlMi I'oilhull AssariathMi rap series ImU) the Ihusgecs defeatel Ihe IIHteritlans at IWattertti three I imlltlag while fettle INK! (fueena IVtW at nt gw 3 I I. 7WMI mm MM tJlM t.ven t3.aa tlJMt VISITING-HERE MOIKKK Ol' ItOt UtS ON STtAMKIt ANTIIKA tilt EH UICALH OXCt- ov:u UR0BS LOCAL UUILDING Thlahs llreefhNi af laefvl Memorial IMtee lhaa a Cenotaph At tha usual weakly parade of the 3rd Prtae Rupert Troop Boy Scout held PrWUy erenlag a visitor was an- noucoad la the person of Rover Scout D. Ooot of the 13th London. Bngiand. trrop ty floauts, who la an augineer on tha grata boat Anthea noaTRi port. Rover Oocte (are the seouu an inter esting talk on "Loyalty" and showed them the importance of always wearing the seaut badge and uniform on all parades, giving them a description snd history of his own troop. He shored the boys some new scout games snd brotajht words of greeting from the West Brora tch 3. Preston Northend 4. sin was. An late resting osremouy took place: a Scout Book written by the Chief Scout Sir R. Baden Powell ws4 present ed to Patrol Leader Ralph Johnson on being the beat all-round scout for 1937. On being Informed that a cenotaph was proposed for the city. Rover Ooote suggested thst a permanent building of some kind be erected, this being ol more use than a mounment aad suggested a new library or scout head quarters, with s suitable tablet piaoed thereon and cued a district in London where a hospital was erected. OF DECISION VANCOUVER. March 84. Vic Foley won the decision over Bud Taylor, the Trrre Haute world's bantamweight cham pion. In ten round here last night The title was not at stske Foley wan heavier than his opponent. Advertise in l!ic Dally Newt. HON. ItOIILUT UtXIKIlX TIII.NKM C.N-AIM s OKUAT OI-ltlHTt NITV M j SKTILINII IXACE I VANCOeVBR, March 84 Joint action by the Canadian Paciac and Canadian National In the Peace Rfver would jjjst likely r.fjlt in laactlan and would he fatal to dcrelspjoent ol of Csnadi'x! ncnest areas, sccod'ng xo Hon. Robert B; 3er. who Is here icduy. Csrada's great opportunity Ii settling the wheat l.tnds of the Pcaoe H vcr. It Is ihe o: ly iwmalnlttj magnet ol land seekers and tree land l what Ce wortd J sicr. said Mr. Bostrs. PROHIBITI0NISIS.WILL PLEDGE A CANDIDATE VICTORIA Vlar.:h 34. -PrjhlMtlonlcM In Victoria will pledge support to the candidate and party favorable to a prohibitory law Suggestiins to put their jwa candidate In the field dad not find favor. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OBJECTION TO GRAIN RECORD JOINT ACTION ON THE COAST PEACE RIVER KIIIPMRNTK AMI HKCKirt AT VAN-i Oi l Kit AMI PHINCE Itl l'KIIT I Alt AlltAK Of LAHT VEAIt All records have n:w been broken lor the shipment of grain through Pa:llic cast p.rti, writes Cisrle Bishop. Ottawa cirri ndent of the Vane.uver Pro-".nce Thaugh there are vtul mre than . ur ntsntas ol the crop year to run. the actual sh'pments through Van-Obiirer aad Prince Rupert are higher .han either receipt cr shipments dur-'l.g ai.y lull crjp year In the past Pr m August 1 to March 19 of this year there have been shipped 1-rou-jh Pacific c-.sst ports M.ltsXOOO )UbelY of grain of which I,157io bu-bels has bees through Vancouver ant1 5 043,000 thrsugh Prlnoe Rupert. Ill "otil shipment thrjugh Pacific eot ort !at year up to the same date were " M0 000 buahels. The ttal iwneipu cn the ccaat for Ms reason to date have been 63.1M.0OP burials of which 58.146.000 bushels have teen received at Vancouver and 6.013.000 bushels at Prince Rupert. The total r-eipta at Pacific ccaat porta up to bs same date last ear were 34.430.000 b' Exciting Scenes at Football Match I England Today When Many Removed - Keeping StretchertMrerM March 21. There was an exciting scene MANCHESTER at the semi-final English Association Football Cup game today. So large was the crowd attending that many of the spectators fainted necessitating medical aid. Stretcher-bearers were kept busy removing the people who col-laped or suffered injuries in the jam. Arsenal eliminated ISlackhurn Rovers but the other game was a draw and will have to be replayed. The scores were: Arsenal 0, Blackburn Rovers 1. Sheffied United 2, Huddersfield 2. Membership in New York Stock Exchange Price Is Up Another Ten Thousand Seat Sold This Morning for $330,000 and llullish Carnival Continued in Full Swing Today YORK, March 24. The price of membership in the Stock NEW Exchange advanced another ten thousand dollars as a result nf it... I,..., l... : j. ,1... . t i i. wi mi; uugi; uuaiimD uuiir uuiins; int. psi irw wwaa on a steadily rising mark for securities. A seat was sold this morning for 1:160.000. The bullish carnival continued in full swing. General Motors retained the spectacular spotlight by a rapid advance of (4.60 a share and several ether issues advanced from one to six dollars a share. GROWTH SHOWN ! NEGLIGENCE GRAIN GROWING IS CHARGED Hid lll hlMlKN ItONK IIY UAII.WAV IN CAUKYINU CROP A WAV WUTNIPKO. March 84. In the yesr 1908-1910 Canada produced approximately 167.000.000 bushels of wheat. The enormous growth of the Industry i of the plain la indicated by the fact thst thla season, since the first of last August .the Canadian Mktsonal Hallways alone have added lM.en.0u0 bushels The week ending yesterday aaw 8,608 -000 bushels loaded ss eompared with 3.473.000 the year befaee. &O07.0O0 BttaheU marketed, as ooaapared with 1.-410.000 In the cumaspoMlag week In 137 And In store there ere 18478.600 bushels Double the number of can hsve been inspected this year a compared with last. Since August 1 s total of 18.55 cars have arrived at Vancouver and twenty boat have cleared from Prince Rupert. The first known record of a ship Is mi an Egyptian monument. 4,000 yesrs -Id. It wan ' !'! I led by forty ojij IIOI.I.INdllt omtATINU KXMT-Tll III.AMI'.II Kilt AI.I.OW-l.MI III M PINO IN NTOPKH TIMMINS. Msrrh II. A lenllet In Hhlili growi negligence Is charged against the llullliiger mine utaaage-mrnl and oerallng ereulhe for permitting rubbKh lit be dumped In the old stHie was returned last night by a ruroMer's Jwry iHejalrlng Inly Ihe llnlllngrr ilbuistrr In wltleli 39 men lost I heir litest. SUMS COMMISSION HAS BEEN NAMED VICTORIA, March 34 Bruce Dixon, j Inspector of dykes. David Whiteside, former member for New Westminster, and W Mncken of Chllllwack. will form a CDnunlaalon to administer the government program of relief for farmers In Hie Sumas reclaniution are, th Pre- j niiei' uniiouii'-ed. Large Upstair Dining HalL with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and best for the leant. Phone 457 z Halibut Prices Soared to Nineteen Cents at PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1928 PHc. Fi Out WES ENGLISH CUP FOOTBALL MATCH TODAY Exchange This Morning anudian Cot From Seventeen Cent for Their Catches and Ameri H can Higher With Second Seven and Half Cents M.IUUT prices at the local Fish Exchange soared to new high ii'-l for the season today when as high as 19.8c and 8.5c was paid for American Huh while the top bid for Canadian ', i. and 7.6c. Four American vessels landed 60,500 poubda i ii ( anadians, 25.MM) pounds, a total for the day of 76,000 Arrivals and sales were an follows: 1 AMERICAN CURRIE LIBEL OPENS TRIAL It ( .1 - THI S TO BE HstOIOMT TO l lll tNTIATK NEHsPAPEK HIHI.E IN ONTARIO :"''ttO. Out. Msrih 24 The Atlas, Si. 000 pounds Canadian Flab A Cold storage Co.. 18.9c and 74c. Lenore. 9408 pounds. Atltn Ftsberls 19ec snd 8.5c Jack. 1.000 pounds, and Eureka, 5,-ooo pounds, AUln Ptaberlc. lS4c and CANADIAN M M Christopher. 5.000 pounds. Atitn rubertea. 17 aad 74e. Terneu. 6400 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 17 Be and 7.6c. Bingo 7.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. ol Btigadiei -General Sir " 1c snd 7;. ( -r against w T R Preston: Toodle. 3.600 pounds. Booth Fisheries y Wilson In connection with '7 end 7.5. u.ade In Um Port Hope Oulde ' Ingred H . 4400 rmrte of needless! sacrificing 001,1 tonsfi Co.. M4 aatf T4. : ( anadlan alter the signing off Morris H. 646) -h.mios Uiil oa tloveeaa M. Cn 17.5c and 7 At. Helen 5.M 17c snd 7 6e SUBSCRIBERS TO CENOTAPH LINT OI'tNUl UITII Will Ml y. It l mi ItllH.II lO TDK H Ml The first lint r mtribikM to the fand for the estasHs anient f a emutaph here Im rontmrtnorslhtn of the dead f (he Oreat War klwws a rvilertkn of Ibie against the ob-'jretlie of 3.uu. The IM la new unen with I), C. Patterwu. manager f I he ek bf Montreal, and Arrhle Sinclair, secretary of lite Canadian Leglen. receiving roiitrlbu-IkMl. Name of contributor alii be pablihrd la lee a meek. Canadian Letlen 1 1 K.M.I. . . Woman's Canadian flab Heat. T. II. Patttillo I'. O. iMwao T. II. JehaeM IMskt Chapter. U.l M. HHBrfaaer C. II, Orate W. II. Tohejr Ik U. Meaart Col. h. I'. MrMvnlte. ItJi.O. fl. r. Ilrlae I IUMI fie. Nesraham. KIwrolHh . . lSjM Matey A I levies John Carrel Inspection of Local Unit Naval Volunteer Reserve Took Place at Headquarters by Visiting Official Interesting Remarks Made by Lieut.-Commander Oland on Discipline, and Other Matters; Two New Officers Appointed the unit was not out in full muster a creditable WHILE showing was made by the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve at annual inspection in headquarters last night and complimentary remarks on the discipline jand appearance of the unit were made by Lieutenant Cotonander ' U. H. Oland, R.C.N., supervising officer for Western Canada, who conducted the inspection. The unit was under command of the eora-l puny commanding officer, Lieut. Walter Hume, who was assisted by i rJngineer Lieutenant R. C. Parsons and Petty Officers Instructors ' Duwe.4 and Young. I Alter conducting the Inspection. ineutersaj Commander Oland briefly addriscd the unit. Their appearance did thtra credit and he coir par jd them in siuar.ness to the .early uiomlng iguaios of the ships of the Atlantic battle lleet of the Royal Navy, citing ' that of HUB. boa Duke. Earl Jellico'ai i Ity ci the unit being brought to Its full strength of 53 men. , NEW L1ECTESANTK 1 Lieutenant Commander Oland eon-Igratulated Lieut. Hume on hia having earned on through a period of diffi culty during the past lew months. Hit stao announced that the complement oi ofBeers of the unit bad now been completed with the appoentaaswt of D. IM. JUatv ana) If. N. Broeklaaby. formal appiiearica r waaa oomirumhbb -ar. lieutenants would go forward to head quarters at Ottawa immediately, making up the full strength of JAP FLYERS TO COME THIS WAY flagship In the Oreat War. The lieu- tenant commander urged the dealrabil- HOP t'ltOM TOKIO t'OII HKATTLE. IHNTA.NTE Of ijmm MIIXM. rLAN-NEII t'OK JILV I Japanese airmen, on flight Tokyo to Seat Us. will paaa thla way la July according to plans now being made and In which the Aero Club df British Dolnarthls ha been nked for la the way of preparing a ptaeee on the BnUab OoluBibla eoaaL Two ' injt meia , sss wnt 'VVnffltflfk-'ff . wj- aspecUlly for 01 flight and ate wflt be despatched from Jaaan on Jul 1. tbus If it reaches Seattle safely, the other four -w not ujmmi tn th event of anv officers, the other two toeing Ueut. k ,k. . Hume and Engineer Lieutenant R. C. wlu k, daeoatched Panons. tk. n In connection with the annual con- from ovcr Kur, j,. tlngent fund. Lieutenant Commander luldl towante the southern wolnt of the Oland also announced that arrange- Kamchatka n-"'"-Ule and froai menu had been made to organise a to um Aleutian TilanSi Pmb Qaaaw cintral sporta committee consjtlng of kl wUi tny bead at toward 8Mk three men headed by engineer Lieuum-rrom there south Bng the Brtttoh ant Parsons. ThU committee will make Columbia coast to Seattle recommendations to the company com- As there la no landin field in Prinae mandtng ameer and there will also be Rupert, it la hardly likely a stop wul individual representativce for the varl- lbt nart ,, almnaMl , oua branches of sporta such a indoor tn, entire 6.000 mile distance in One ana .outdoor aoooung. ooaung, naaeuaii, hop. lootoall. etc. Hlf IPLINE Lieut. Commander Oland addreaaed the unit briefly on th subject of discipline There was the real Inward and Invisible sign of discipline which con-im ! f.d of Instant and unhesitating obedience to orders, even should those orders aeem Incomprehensible and ab-soluiely wrong to those receiving them. It siould always be remembered that the per ".u in authcrlty giving the order always a little bit more than the man receiving the order. There fore, if au officer gave the command to I Jump out of a window, there should lb Instant and unhesitating obedience with the knowledge that no harm would result and that, undoubtedly, there had been a mattress or a sling placed beltw. There was also the outward and visible algn of discipline l which waa shown by smartness, correct ness of dress, etc The msn who took a pride In himself usually took a pride in his unit snd was respected by his oncers, hli. comrades and by himself. Ueut. Hume thanked Lieut. Commander Oland for his kind remark and the company officer assured his men thst they had a friend at headquarters who could be depended upon to give them every ayaapathy and aaslatance. IMI-KKSSKII WITH POUT Ueut. Cammsnder Olsnd, sfter hsv- jlng spent two or three days In the city, jleft ou this morning's tram for Ottawa The officer waa Impressed with the port 'and harbor here. "When Canada begins to hit Its stride." he declared. "I venture to predict thst Prince Rupert "Will i probably be the second most Important port on the British Columbia coast." 1 FIRE VICTIMS ARE BURIED PRINCRTON. March 34 Remains of eight vlctms of the Copper Moun-luln bunkhouae fire were burled in the little cemetery here yesterday alter a service attended by more than a thousand persons and conducted by three -''rgynieu. TWO SHIPMENTS TO THE ORIENT U. OTHUt (iltAIN HtOM VANCOUVER lO Et KOPE OR OTHER POINTS VAhCOUVER, March 88 Only two 'hips carried grain to the Orient from this port during the past wk. Most jf th rest went to Europe with small amounts to West Indies and Colombia. The shipment were: Buahels Moveiia. for Olasgow 63JS1 Queen Olga. for Hull 18488 Sachaen. for Hamburg. Bremen or Antwerp 180J67 Parla City, for Rotterdam 840468 Panama, for Newcastle 87J8S for Denmark 100,800 for Hamburg. Hull or Newcastle 87J88 Urla. for Uverpool 808.800 Eemdyk, tor London S7M for Antwerp 88.188 Pacific Trader, for Uverpool . . . 1867 for Manchester .. S8JS8 Baltimore Maru. for Nsgoya .. 41480 for Tslngtao 88.333 Kalku Maru. for Mojl 1954)00 for Yokohama 191.886 Dlcto. for West Indie 88.400 Point Bonita. for Puerto, Columbia 11400 DEADLOCK IN JUNIOR-HOCKEY OTTAWA HEAT III (UNA IN MXOMl OAMfc Ml Tlllltl) Ml ST HE I'LAYEH TORONTO. t4arch 34- The Ottawa Gunners defeated Reg Ins Monarch in the second name of the Junior hocktg playoff, two goals to one. Ou Wednesday Reglna won four goal to three. A third game Is to be played to decide which u tli better Item