f ARE SIX : ' V Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST II ASK YOUR mitwmmmnwmv vmm i . m i About Washday Family Doctors know that a wash tub is the barrier to a woman's health and happiness. Why endure this strain on strength and vitality. Try the laundry way. Just gather the soiled clothes tele- phone as and washday is over. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 A New Vision of Health A new vision of health has appeared t o uncounted numbers of people in the last few years. A vision of health a p p r o a i- hing perfection, health maintained without drutrit or operations and without the periods of illness so common to many. This is because of the growth of Chiropractic, the health science that deals with the cause of dis-ease rather than its treatment. By keeping the spine in alignment, the chiropractor keeps nerve lines free to function, and dis-ease does not develop. By my chiropractic health method 1 correct diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. YOUR APPOINTMENT For Health can be made by telephoning (Irceri 211 W. C. Aspinall niiitoPUAcroit Exchange. Illock MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 6S7. ROLLER HOCKEY CLOSE MATCH TIE WAS IlKOKKN IX FIVE MINUTE OVERTIME GIVING UOIUNS THE VICTORY There wm a rexykwe roller bockev gMW,, .uw41t$r;n. laat .algft wra Xftt ftybUu taUaa m Von jh five minutes overUai by a tingle goal, the score being 6 to S. At half time the yore Mood three to three and at full time the teams were again tied with five all. The teams were as follows: Robins: Evelyn March, Agnes Edgar. Anna Mcleod. Dolly Montgomery, and Henna Kelson. Bluebirds: Dot Kdgar. Annie Walker. Dorothy BaUlnger, Marian Thomson and Lillian Robertson. Fred Ulggin was referee and L. J. Marren was time keeper and scorer. Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page five) confirmation, however. There will have to be extensive machinery installation j If the Seal Cove cannery is to nin Alex Sutherland, manager of the com pany's Tucks Inlet cannery, returned to Prince Rupert ' late in March after having spent the rinter in Vancouver. All this generosity on the part of the MINERAL ACT (Form P.) CERTIFICATE OF IMPItOVEMENTS NOTICE Princess Pst. Lot 466; Pilot. Lot 4M7: RAF. Lot 4M& Observer. Lot Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casalar District, where located: On Munro Mountain about (our miles from the town of Atltn. TAKE NOTICE that we. James Stoke and C. R. Praser, Free Miner's Certificate No. 89960-90031, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlna Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. Aud further take notice that action under tectlon B5 must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated this 5th day of March. A D 1938 H. McN. PRASER. Agent Stop! Look! Listen! Grocery Specials 3 DAYS ONLY Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. . . 71c Choice Evaporated Prunes, 4 lbs. :ttc Dry Green Teas in satchels, 2 pkgs. for tMf Victoria Cross Cocoa, 5 lb. pkge 00 r Mayflower Toilet Soap, 4 cakes , :au Fels Naptha Soap, per carton 87? Heinz Cream Tomato Soup, re. 2 for 25c. Special, per tin lie Per dozen $l.ti" Heinz Tomato Catsup, per bottle IWt 6 lb. Boxes Sodas OOr Extra Special Sultana Raisins, 3 lb. for 0f Libby's Apple Butter, large tins lOf To clear, your choice, as you like 'em Scribblers, Erasers, Pencils, Rulers, 7 for Pullet Extras, guaranteed, 3 doz. for SI. 00 B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phone 15 - 571 II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Chiffon and Service Weights in Guniseta), Black, .Atmosphere. Kudo, EvtAglQW, Mer ida, Flesh, etc. From $1.75 to $2.50 The Hose for Satisfaction H.S.WallaceCo.Ud. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. How To Care For named "CHIEF SKDOAID." together with her ooats. sear and appurtenances. Terms of sale: Cash. For further particulars in connection with the Mle apply to the Montreal Finance Company. Limited. 1104. Stand-trd Bank Building. Vancouver. B.C.. or to Patmore ft Fulton. Scott Block. Prince Rupert. Solicitors for the Mort gagee. ATED jt Prince Rupert. B.C.. 5th dav of March. A D 1938 this 71 CAippacifii: jTO EUROPE I ' MAKE RESERVATION'S NOW FROM SAINT JOHN To llellatt. Uirrpool April 13 :.... Montcalm To Glasgow, Uterptml April Montrose April 30 Minnedoaa To CMrbewrg-eiwwt Hampton-Antwerp Apl. 6 Montnalrn April it Marlocb April 19 Marburn Te seMlhampleti-IUmbarg April 1 Metagaaa 91 Apple to Asjeiftsrervwhrre oe M TO t.S. Oeeeral Psw.Ac.twt. Af C.P.R. Station. Vsaeewvtr. M "v Telephone Jm rTSv Seymour MM -ffF Fancy Grocery SPECIALS Pate de Foie Graa, 24 oz. tin ""fi j 4 oz. tin SM.tM! Terrine de Foes Graa, Mi oi. in fancy pots $I.t!5i Creme au Foie, :i oz. tin .... IKit Russian Caviar, Romanoff brand, 2 oz. tin 7,"r! 4 oz. tin $1.1(1 1 French Anchovies In oil, per jar ! 0C' Norwegian Spiced Anchovies, per tin ."Of Spanish Anchovies, in salt . . r0r r rench Dry Mushrooms, lb. $2.00 Best Foods Mayonaise, 8 oz. jar 10? Best Foods Relish Spread, hair-pint jar 0f Camembert Cheese, 10 oz. pkg. ."Of Swiss Cheese, best quality, lb. (100 Roquefort Cheese, lb (M0 Gonronzola Cheese, lb ."Oo Finest Freh Cream Cheese, lb. ."Of Our stock of Macaroni, also Italian and Norwegian Cheese and Salami is fully complete. Alberta Market P. (iAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. phone 208 THE DAILI, NEWS Saturday, ..,., ; Varicose or Swollen Veins Kuli flently Upward and Toward the Heart as IIImkI In Vrlnx lions That Way It you or any relative or friend is wcrrled became of varicose veins, or bunches, the best advice that anyone in this world can give you is to ask your druggist for an original two-ounce bottle' of Mamie's Emerald Oil (full oeasdh so the tourists can see there la something doing here If they have eyes lor anything else but Praser Street. The strength) and apply night and morning to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you win , jjotice that they are grcwlng astsiler and the treatment shouI4..b;;fivn.ued uuyl the veins are of normal else. So penetrating and powerful is Emerald MI that even Pile are quickly absorbed. Any one who is disappointed with Its use can have their money refunded. government can mean nothing else than ) on the Digby Island jitney run with the ux election. It Is appropriate that there lighthouse tender Btrnie. ' should be a campaign ol "clean up and paint up." There always 1 at thlaj Halibut landing at Prince Rupert aeon every four years. The government this season are atlll substantially lu ox-wharf to to be reshingled and the ceas of last year's record, s total of 2.-thingles will probably be repainted so' 600.900 pounds having been landed at the seagulls can make a better showing. ! the pert up to yesterday as compared Start of the work will probably be de-1 with the figure at s similar date last lsyed until the opening of the travel ; year of 2.134AM pound Good weather has favored the fisherman almost con tinuously since the present season opened. Of the ajQSJOO pounds landed here government wharf has been receiving : so far this seas.- TrJS.600 pounds has much long delayed attention lately and , been from Canadian vessels and 1575.300 a ill be the better for It. I pounds from American. The correspond ON JITNEY III N During the absence on a holiday trip tD Victoria, of Harry Calderwood of ihe Rhone. Capt. Jce Peterson is relieving MORTGAGE SALE OF SHU (CHIEF hKl GAID) T TAKE NOTICE that under and by virtue of a certain Ship's Mortgage dated the 4th day of February. AX). 1971. which will be produced at the time of sale), there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Smith A. Nickereon. Sheriff, at $ o'clock in the afternoon on MONDAY MARCH M i ll 19M at his Office ing figures last year were 473.750 and 1 0 81.900 pounds. Landings at Prince P.upert for the past week (Saturday to Friday inclusive) were rather under average totalling 43.200 pounds with 121.700 Canadian and WO, MO American. Price, however, during that week were generally the bast since the opening of the season. - The high American price of the aeek waa 17.3c and Be received by the Battle for tjDM pounds The beat bid for Canadian fish was 15.3c and 6c which Edward Upaett for 6.000 In the Court House. In the City of pounds. Low bids of the wet were ll.Sc Prince Rupert. Province of British Col-1 and 6c for American fish and 9c and 6c The Canadian boat Unome. Capt. Dave Ritchie, with S.000 pounds, and the American. Onah. Capt Harry Selig. with 10.000 pounds, landed their third catches of the nason act during the weak Other boats in during the week were as follows: American Tycw. 10.000: Nttkof. 30.-000: Irene. 11.000; Havana. 43.000; Baltic. 13406 Oeriaad. 9.000; Brunvol. 39.-000: PorUoek. MjgOO; Wabash. 1,000: Venus. 7.500; Basel. 30j000: Tatoush. U -000; Yakutat. 3440: Thor, 3000. Yukon. 19.000; Flattery, 104X10. Canadian R. W.. 4.500; Cape Spencer. 5.006; Marguerite, 1.000, E. Upaett. 8.000 Mary O.. 300; Scrub. S.000: D. 8. T . SW: Johanna. Mate Cape Swain. S.000. Prosperity A . 13.000: Bilaac. S.000: Pair of Jacks, 7400: Tramp. 7.009: Mar flower. M0: Yule. 1.000: B. and Y . 34D00: Olympla lit 1 700. Dolphin II 4 500: Helen tt.. 4400. Winter hoUdaya' to Europe are In-ereeing an fast on account of reduced Tteamshlp and hotel rates that on some lines It is as difficult to get a passage before Christmas as to get one before Independence Day in the summer. TIMBER SALE X673I There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the office of District Forester, Prince Rupee. B.C . at noon on April 13th. 1931. the Licence XoTJl. Oat-rwish Bay. Mtnsell Inlet. C.R 3. to cut 749.000 tret board measure of Spruce. cedar. Hemlock) and Balsam aawloga. Provided anyone unable to attend the Auction in person may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of auction ana treated as one Did Three years will be allowed for removal of this timber Further particulars of Chief Forester. Victoria, or mstrici romter, prince Ru pen. BC TIMBER SALE X9957 Sealed Teuders will be received by the Minuter of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not later than man on the and day of April. 1MB, lor the purchase of Licence XM67. to cut 300 J9S lineal feet of ceoar poles snd pillnc on an area alt uated on Lot 434. Kumdta Slough. Queen wianmw isianas Land District. Two (3 1 yean will be allowed for re moval oi timber Further oanicuUra of the Chief For. ater. Victoria. B C or District Forester, rrince Rupert, bc. erf CANADIAN SERVICE From Halifax To IxinilonUrrri ami Ulasgww A thrill April IS To ri)MiiMth-llatre-LHte Ataunla April 9 To (iutvHMimn ami LitrrpoeT Andanla ; April 9 From New York To IlimiWinn ami IJisrsnul Carmanla March 31 AlMUaaa . . April 7 To t'hrrlworg ami Hwithamplmi Be rang aria April 4. 36, May 16. June S Mauretania. April n. May 3. 39, June 13 Aqunania April IS. May 9. 30 To LentleHdrrry a nil (llfew California.. Mar ai Oameronla. Apr 7 Atbenls . Apr 14 Transylvania Apr 91 To nnMiiitn.UvreLemlwi Aaoania March tt Alaunta . . April 7 From Boston To urenMeH ami LUerpowl Carmanla .. Apr l Camilla .. Apr. 16 Mediterranean Cruise Oartntbia Apr. 7 West Indies Cruise Samaria Mar. 31 Around the World Cruise Franconls jan. 16. 1939 Money ordern draft and Travellers' Cheque st low.! rates Full Informs- tlon from local ai! nu or Company's Office. 22 Ha.tiiu-, St. W.. Vancouver. TEN FALLACIES REGARD CANCER VCKV SLK1IIT TIIIMIS SEEM TO c.U'su Tins nui:.i)i:i uisFasB HI T LITTLE YET KNOWN NEW TOieK. March 33. "Ten popular fallacies" regarding the causes and treatment of cancer, are esposed li a tatement issued here by Dr. Oeorge A Soper, managing director of the Amer ican Society tor the Control of Cancer. One of these misbeliefs blames In sufficient salt in ones diet, whue a second attributes the disease to too much salt. A third creed la termed vitamin starvation." whUe the fourth lays the fault at the door of "too much food." One faction of quacks find the eating of pork leads to can cer, but another reports tomatoes are to blame. Added to these whelly false views Is the blame on coal smoke; flaae from enamel or aluminum cooking utsnalU; the consumption of too much sneat. and lnally. too sedentary occupation. "The main reliance of the public today." Dr. Soper asserted, "lies not In an sudden sensational discovery lor t treatment or cure or prevention of rancer. but In the consensus of the oremost students of that disease." The only two known methods for tree ting cancer today, he pointed out. are surgery and Irradiation, the latter including x-ray and radium. Enough well established facts and sound working opinion to save many lives are available." Dr. Soper continued. if the public wiU only learn and heed what they learn. A good deal of In-lormatlou about cancer is of practical character, and it is practical knowledge that la important. We must discrimin ate between this and what is merely hypothetical and speculative Whenever a man seta himself up to know more than anybody alee about cancer it la wise to tke what be saya with precautions. The public, however. Is so eager to get knowledge for protection against cancer equal to that which It parimi for protection against infectious dla- , and it has such liiadsqvate ways of discriminating between the true and the false, that many of thee, and even astray. newspapers sometimes, are lad "Where there la a grain of truth In a theory, this should not be naagnlfeyl into a pound of precaution. The American Society for the Control of Cancer is revising and bringing to date Its a tails t leal study. The PrevIznce of Cancer.' and will publish the volumt during the year. However, due to lack of data, the suilsucs will go only through IBM." Two principal conditions tend to cancer, according to Dr. Soper. One la a certain Individual auetiinlibinty. another Is chronic irritation. Thus, a dental plate that does not fit and keeps rubbing, or the steel rims of spectacles that dig into the flesh behind the oar. or the careless habit of smoking cigaret tes so thst in removing the cigarette hastily one tears oS a tiny bit of akin st the corner of the Up. are potential causes "of the ailment, whan repeated frequently enough. As for the ten fallacies he cited and others of similar nature. Or. Soper declared: "Usually thsss theories are conceived in advance and than bolster ed up by such evidence as may be lead Uy and unscientifically obtainable. Ut- or none of this evidence woula stand in a court of law." Some persons blame "ctvtltsatiesr for the growth of cancer, but Dr. Soper inquired: "Why pick on clvUtaatiooT Why not select anything that has grown and put the blame on that "You might find fault with In creased transportation, or mors know ledge, or more wages, or any utterly unrelated item. It u important U. remember that one cause for the great er number of cancer cases is found in our Improved methods of diagnosis, so that where a generation ago dawn did not know cancer ealated, today they make a correct diagnosis.'' A symposium of cancer suthorities is to be held here soon, and at that time all recently projected theories, either for prevention or treatment or cure of cancer will receive point and authoritative review by nationally prominent speclalleta. FAMILY OF J0URNAL1S1S LONDON. March 33 -"It Is erectly S3 years ago that I wioto my first leading article, snd I suppose 1 may almost claim that t havo founded a family of journalists." said Lord Birkenhead. secretary of state for India, at the opening of the new Liverpool Press Club. "My daughter seams to earn s comfortable living for herself, and. I am glad to aay. pays for all her own ribes and her own taslcaba, which Is great consideration in the life of modern London. My son. to whom I must without any exoaselve optimism j look to carry on the family fortunes, waa not only editor of the 'Eton Cnron- Icle.' but is already. In his flast tear at osiord. the editor of the known ss The Oxford Review.' " Of passports issued by the United oiaiea lor traveller to Buippe. It la found that 39 per cent are lastted. to pleasure travellers. 31 per cent to business travellers and 40 per cent In order to attract American tourists, the following countries have abolished all fees for visas of American passports Albania. Belgium. Denmark, Estonia. Finland. Oermany. Holland Swsdm .mi S1rrrrliii:d. At Factory, Oshawa Taxes Extra if v .x ' wm i j an xer si v. s w 7wNew CHEVROLET RoadsterExpress ANOTHER outstanding example of Quility XTL at Lw Cost ... the New Chevrolet Koadtter Express. The smart delivery body is mounted on the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet chassis, providing exceptional speed and smc th-ness, as well as the proven Chevrolet qualities of economy and endurance. Four-wheel Brakes are standard equipment, as are the Oil Filter, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Breather and the countless other quality-cat features of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. This clean-cut, depend-able Roaditer Express speeds up deliveries in a hundred lines of business . . . cut down overhead and maintenance costs . . . and constitutes a truly valuable advertisement for its owners. The price is amazingly low for a job of such obvious quality and completeness, $650, at Factory, Taxes Extra . . . including the body, as illustrated. It may be purchased on the liberal terms of the G.M.A.C. General Moto-s' own time-payment plan. Ask your Chevrolet dealer about adapting it to YOUR requirements. Tbe CJtlA.C. . . . Genera Motori owa deferred r7-meat pita Setds the most convenient tmd tcoaonzutl wjy of buyiai your Chevrolet on time, e t :i: -n READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY KAMA fiAKAGE (Dave Rows) . Third Ave., Prince Rupert, 1LC PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTOCS OP CANADA, tlMITTD WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 TUB GRAND SPECIAL I'UODUCTION ' i WO A rip-snortinK. post-w ar, .side-aiilittiiiK i "" 'h WILLIAM I10VD, MARY ASTOR. LOUIS WOLHKlM. MS KEITH. MICHAEL VAVITCH. DeWITT JBNMM- and many others. COMEDY SI'ORT-LIfJHT SCENIC J1ETR0-G0LDWYN NEWS 25c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED! Salllnrt from ITIne-e KMiml. n rr VANTOl'VEH. VICTORIA, llutedale. Alert IW. elr ', lor VANCOUVEK, VICTOIUA. Saanson lUjr. Alert l). .. Hfll"""' Tor POUT SIMPSON, NAAS RIYF.H rOIN'T-l. ALICE AltM. ;v0V . BTEWAICT, Wales Uland, Sundsv. s i.m. ,,i im III ind Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Aienl Prinre H.n-'' Through llrkrts sold to Vlcloila and Seattle, and bagfuS"- '" ll.rnujh to dtatlnatlun. . . .