111 March 84. 1028 NEW STOPLIGHT makes its Low' T7l t .Tifriir .pe FOUR WHEEL BRAKES NEW caOdtSfOW RADIATOR. NEW THERMOSTAT new iNrrty. HfaNT PAMR. NEW COINCIDENTAL LOCX Nl- n nicu GASOLINE CAUCa A rF coune, you recognize the quality of the New V Serie Pontiac Six the moment you tee it. In the rich color harmonics of its smart Fisher bodies you find all the dittinguiihing marL of the quality car. But Pontiac quality extendi far beyond mere outward appearance. Get in the New Set-tea Pontiac and feel the power of that sturdy lix -cylinder engine ... the easy-riding comfort of the Lovejoy Shock.Abforbert ... the afe, smooth action of the Pontiac four-wheel brakes. Examine the car in detail. Here are refinements be. yond all your expectations of a car at Pontiac price . . . er quality that makes Pontiac's low price all the more amating. tine Aik yosr inXn about tht G.M.A.C. Defrrrtd Psymtnl fUn which mkt$ raying easy. LOVE JOT SHOCK ABSORBEIIS NEW FISHES BODIES NEW OMR f VUNDEB HEAD NEW FUEL PUMP NEW CPANKCASB VfcNTILATlON NEW CARBURETOR V PONTMC SIX KAIEX CAR ACE (Dave Rosm) Third Ave, Prince Rupert. B.C. PRODUCT OF GsWBRAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LIMITED DEMAND "Rupert Brand" iooers "TUB DAINTIEST HKKAKFArTr POOD." Snteked Pally by Canadian Fisli & CoW Storage Co., hi . Prince Hsptrt. liUr ' SALE of DRESSES FRIDAY and SATURDAY A fortunate purchase i.f ladies' Die.sHes at remarkable low Hi... All new styles and popular fabrics. British Sun Silks. Flat ( it p.-s. 'h' Back Satins, Crepe I" Chines, etc., not two dresnrs alike. ItrllUh Spun Silk Dre.es, tail-red styles, long 'j; 10 Crepe-de-Chlne 'Aflernoon nnd Eveninu Frocka . . . 9ViMi Italian Flat Crepe Drewr. and ape Back Satins .Sh.00 11 Spun Silk DresMn ; ' ' ' lr,,m ,l0 to ' ' f1 ' lllark Duchetwe Salin IrNeN FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Co. All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers KBDUCEI) 15 rEU t'BNT KUIIHEILS. aim C and 7, regular $2.25. now .. . .. . . . . Shoe Sale Contlnuefi. Every pair must o. THOR JOHNSON PGS FTVB Waterfront Whiffs New Flewin & Ilrown Fish Packer Heady Seal Cove in Buy These DayH .Schooner Silka Sold Mill (o be Ilunning Soon A vessel of bath substantial design stfid fplendid workmanship i ine new ana up-to-the-rainutlfTsh packer which will be turned oyer to Flewin & Brown, well known Warke Canal salmon operators, by the N. M. McLean shipyard next wHlt, thla, Incidentally, being the first boat to I built in th fine new Prince Rupert establishment at Seal Cove. The boat, built especially to be cnywud in pack-inK aalmon from the owners' Warke Canal fish camp, measures forty-eljflit feet in length with beam of Xi'G and depth of 5 feet, deriving adequate power from a 40 h.p. Fairbanks-More full diesel engine. Of attractive and sturdy appeajsnce.a ' the veJ has hold space t, , iul,y rtfMtUon( tatokM QOC pound, of iuh. or the usual seine- (Mwrl, p.nt prtv,nt- t n. " ' liUint of these pound, with fiats. It l 00 amc oommoaious , nonlnirsrils loss tor the ma-name T.plo. n. been lor es at-pli to , bQadnd ton, or wa lost. ? . i L! L r ,0r Tspiow whin ICK(uk 0MnMI . Hlne nMr ;t. " lakatla and released the tub Impounded by Flewin Brown, has not yet been theraln sola- although tt is reported that a ; number of offers have been nude tor rwi.. . ta..n , ....... her purchase. tMi rih rmm nmiuk in n.u. on. Kethlkn is reoprted to hare s Negotiation- reported to be under ahorLaae of herring thl. year Such s ay fur the building of versl other allllltkll a. Ketchikan would douht- K-meboaU and packer at the McLean h.w feot lht of lncreMinB the yard this seaon and a full program utm . Hllnlrt ,., ..I repair work U. also booked up. I At ,,. furth narU, jenough barring are reported to nave Sluce last fall, the well known taton to tuaUon th-r, PHnce Rupert halibut boat Caygeon. I it Buteaala. south of Prine. inwt Cspt. John Wick, has been practically I wb QanadUn Pl.hln. Ca hu rebuUt. While In wlnUr quartata St lta . atarw .nd Poreber bland he had a new top and tyMU frwpiently call tor bait, bar- our,gr' Pul on na l rtnc has bet landasl from Prlnoa Ru. vessel was In the McLean sMpyarc part waters, one of the bosu sngafed having a new keel and bottom replace- 'ln tbc pKia, tx.n the Bruce menu made. 'i rt nwii nm.ii Alter having spent a year In the The Backers Oner SUrrett and W. R aouth seining and packing pilchards on Lord, attar having been steadily en- ne wen tmuii 01 Vancouver istana ngea In bringing In herring to Prtece and latterly fishing (or codfish out f Rupert for the rsnajltnn PUh ooid Vancouver and Port Albernl. Capt. 3terse Co. stae flaVbruary 90. wew Cnris. Hovmulier has returned to the gg OB tmn wltn nsiiout iisoenes out or mnoe rcupen. jc, on Thursday night of this wek with hi. Mw h1IKn tlnaf ttln TT 1 . which was built during the winter of 10M-27 by N. M. McLean Capt. Hov-tr uller landed bis opening season's catch of 4A00 pounds here on Thursday. Hs lhtsnds to again make his headqusrten si Prince Rupert and will Ic rejoined here In the near future by his wife and family. Instead of the usual Cow Bay and wayports run. the Waterfront Whiff man this Thursday got out to the esat end of town and found things humming at Seal Cove In s manner which A IHtlLI.IANT tia The pilfarlnf or "the Skog herring eelae In MatlakaUa aPssage by the dog- flah recently has given birth to the brilliant suggestion that possibly Director Finn and hi b'oiogical station staff might devise oma scheme of sneouraglnc catfish to come this way ss an antidote. The assumption Is. of course, that dogs and cat in the water will be like doge and cats or men and women on land and that the oats wilt be acri to keep the k busily en gaged paying attention to them If they made him think that it might not be un Rot auceessful at the seal cove cannery, on ine uc-tBe MU emporium Lean way (or causing ana a general going over. Having done his turn at both halibut ftahlng anil aalmon saining. Mae is reported to be considering the advisability of putting his hand to uniting this year. Torn Moore house, chief engineer of has 'bean spending his Urns and gtonay in driving them a bad idea to consider the matter of'away. moving the Court House. Pont Ofltoe ! and the newspaper office of course, to. The weU known jgrwav boat Wake thst quarter and get In on the city's whlch vu operated lor yearn by Bert nal centre of business. Tea. folks out Krgln and Harry Fowler on the Anyoa. there are up and doing and It looks Aitc Arm ferry roajte, arrived last like a boom baa hit at isast one section sk-eiMl and In future will make thl of this Utile old burg. We should t ber home sort. The Wake, whlab was proud to call It a suburb and a place purchased s few years ago by the Mg where weary downtown morula can Bay Lumber Co.. now belongs to Stub get a little fresh air and a somewhat sunbury. the mill fMr.. who has moved more optimistic outlook on life. With htTr wlth the rest of tbs personnel several new Industries now going from the Georgetown plant. - The Wake ahead, this particular district Is eves u now riding at anchor In Seal Cove more notable hive of activity than ever 1 before and Is becoming the profitable 1 H nua ta tft latest Seal Cove centre of quite a population. If the buetneas -rn Having purchased the net of the waterfront were going Ilk 'old wool ball bulldlaa. he has estab- it. rrtnee Rupert would be getting ujd a grocery stare and restaurant along in fine style. The Whiff Man got therein and la adding a second floor to a hearty reception thst tin ensure m the structure which wul bs occupied calling again and more often. jby rooming quarters. The store and restaurant are now open for business Wtlpper Moose Metsnn wul shortly be mm the Whiff Han On Thursday after-putting his boat Spindrift, now tied up j noyed Mochsaas hospitality in thouah It U said that. the amplifier! U anybody U u be alven the con- bm 'reeled this week. there is a hoc ooneart for everybody in Sections T snd 8. Nor has Tom got weary for the est 'ia to be Installed It) the first place, the herring pounds which in the past hsve tsken care of much of the spring snd summer bslt demand, are reported to have pracUc- ally n flh In (hem ss a result of a wnt wemrrly wind which struck Faarl Harbor and wulid them clean. These had becu a total of possibly six hi'1re.t tons tUired up in the "- I I ihiiiixIh of Bradbury fi Yelf. Osnui, -i lit Watt and the Skog brgthsu. New Oscar Ulllvlk. who had visions during the winter of s flourishing retail fish market In the old MaVean shipshed at Cow Bay. has left tho city snd Charlie Kelson has taken over the premises and established residence therein. The shl)but boat Mulrneag. Capt. jud iTburber. Mas been on the McLean Wsvs this winter saUafylaf a erase for radio,.. cot, this week-end for removal and ha now developed a set Which only Ur gunwood snd reeaulking Sob Bianos can aoequateiy oeaonoe is only allowed to do lta atuff, all Tom bs to do is open her up and of your copy of The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Itypert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS there is much preparatory work yet to hs dons before steam may b turned on. Construction work on buildings sawmill, boiler bouse and machine f hop-la now practically complete sad im, lSat1aLua - - - - - t kKbuae IT WILL PAY Y0UJ y-gggjgegjjgggjjjgjgjggjgjjgPj gsg ., . i ., nr "i i i "s ' ' i111 mi 1 1 m boats and scows had to be cleared from the landscape belore building operations could proceed. Mill, lll'CMMl M With orders piling in snd the management analoua to get going, the Big ItXy Lumber Co. expect id have it new mill at teal Cove on the site ol the old a 110 hp. full diesel engine which was installed in IBM. The vessel has been landing catches for many years at Prince Rupert and will continue to do ao It Is expected. rOU HTOIUilK not TKM Sabnou packers of the Canadian Pish At Cold Btoras Ca will he aaalsned to Prince Rupert Spruce Mill In opera-K . milt-. ,...r .. ttlon within a fortnight's time although sou. The Chief Xlbaasa. Capt. Fred Walters, which Is being given annual overhaul now. and the W. R. Lord. Capt. B. Sanderson, which is finished, herring packing, will ply between Prince Rupert w-. Th, 0, Legale, Cspt. Cmll Svensen. Vj. TTL. wT.rrt openos to the Bksena River and . . la vet to be installed but thst cth orcrf . .7 -n,, . . . cced after the sswmlll proper la operation. The burner conveyer In in liner huiipii T mm to Canoe Pans, the Nsas River snd Dun da Island. The Fredella 1 being kept ss a spare tract, as suggested, for the cleaning up boat and may possibly b chartered out. ,wm " oM ml" nr" coupled with1 . of Cow Bay. Mucdooh McLean, the Th. rhiml ta M nn..lm, sol Cove shipbuilder, thinks bis quail- UP ' tnl brought over followlng ,n,tilatlon daring flcatloiu ahould be outatandlttg so he;,ru lnr ""f"" ml" proven the wlnlrr of a new 60 hp. Palrbanks-wUI. I" hMVT " but tn Job h" bee" (or of doubUess. the pply Job Morse emi-dieal engine as well s sn aboard the Zl basse and. ss this set Is wiping out the boaeyard. Mac rot " " , auxiliary compressor The veaael turned reputed to work both waya, all ha will abundant experience in such work j semblance of order is now to be ob-'up of B Enou an brr UMt have to do will be to whfsper Into the! In the preporatlon at the ground fori,rv,a oyfr ,h cnao. It will probably uud hr ch)e, ,nlllf.r victor King, loud speaker and the whole world wlil his new plant. No leas than thirteen ; on" Um however. bWore the mas pt,,nt, wlth prlde to the pfrform,nc. know how much fish he Is bringing aid shacks snd s slough of decrepit 1 010 "brl. with which the place iTh. 40 h p standard enmne. which ws home from Hippo Island or such fsr removed point. IIIHItlMi ItI N OVKR Following a bounteous run of a month or more, herring were reported by the end of this week to hsve pretty well disappeared fiom close In waters contliuoun to Prince Rupert. An ade quate harvest Is reported to hare befo For Six Years PIMPLES Covered Her Face Mrs. Albert Stubbs, Newbury. OaL, writes: "My face was 00 re red with taken, however, and. with the plant of ! pimples and was as bad I askasteil the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co obtaining Its full objective of 1600 tons. It is anticipated that there will be plenty of these fish for bait purpoaes for the entire halibut season. On the other hand, there are certain clrcum-stanusa that may contrive to make a greater demand than might have been anticipated. sis years, tutU ens csy a (Head told 'rt Pr aT ms to use and after I lad used twu bottles the pimplss were all pone and my skin was M sleia asd ts,(a u tror. " Put npflry by Tfcs T. MilUun 0o., Llodted, Toronto, Oat. i'""'" ruu ",r lwo D1" ,,rr" taken out of the Legate was placed In Well over fifty men are now being j employed on the ground and Oeorge i M ha(J , M ' McAfee, of th is assnager company, ttou hult under ,h, dlrr.tlon of actively dtnctlna the work. 'i-ompany's chief csrpenter. Duncsn" Meanwhile, the former Seal Cove Kesmeaj Bnd ,ufratlOM aUo Lumber Oo a mill, also now the pro- m,df, , , perty of Big Bay. is betUK operated turnliiK out lumber for fish U- a; tnl,, rumors are he.rd at Prince well a for the Iscal trade. Thla little Ru t . h , d CanMnil , to be sees, I suffsred ia this way for Pl' 1"d to e cutting ten thousand ;, operate both iu cannrrx- in the! The Big Bay Lumber Co. has pur chased the old boarding house, origin-tall V erected during the building of the ('Id Storage plant, and will house Its ! Oriental workers therein. 'In' Mile I reported this week of th Ml! known hiillbut achoner Sitka, of Mnencan renl-itry, by tin- Canadian Flh ."t fi.ld Storage Co of Prince Rupert ic rapt. William Doucett. who ha been operating the vcftacl for Hie pat few yeara, and Isadorr (MUlnt In. well known Jimriu (Alukui tiKrihant Tlw Sitka, which will In luluir mK l.rr hiail. (iiorters St Jimr.r.i. n .. veaM-1 01 St ,t i 1. '1 ii '..1.. rapacity for -DM) p iiiidi of halibut She ws built in ivlt In 6atUe sud U powered with harbor this season The report leontlnued on pae slxi lacks M Their rth era of a touch- gn m twti u !iu Ii rtittkesthcmholtl A U thtlr keen cutting edgs un. ,tjj BSIMOMOS CAN AOS SAW CO. UTB-B Prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $031.00 1-1 V4 Ton Truck Chassis $8IMM)0 Roadster ,SOS.O0 RosdaUr Dslivtry S80S.OO Touring $8084)0 CoBDe Coach .' $f)Jn.OO Sedan , $1080.00 Csbriolet $108010 Imperial Landau $1080,00 Front Bumper and Rear llumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard squipment on Imperial snd Cabriolet only. On other models ptOjOO extra. Spare Tire and Tube, $19.00 extra. Kaien Garage I'hone 52 COAL Prices DOWN I'errtbinq lVfrles Egg $12.00 PcmtiTna Washed Nutn $ 1 1.22 Alberta SootletM Kgg $12.00 Alberta Lump $1X00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 1.19 Second Avenue