jMi.itduy. Aj.ri! 2. 102? THIS DAIET HKT73 page nva liiIar I Mnnfrail " Special B Easter THIS WEEK argains A flKKAT ASSORTMENT OF HOYS' SUITS In hard wearing Tweeds In pleasing patterns. To clear at from '. MEN'S MERINO CO.MIUNATIONS IVtfular $2.00 and $2.25 valuen. To clear at A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PascalFs $3.95 u" We have a great assortment of Clothing for Men and Itoy by the bet makers In Canada. Everybody ran be d reused up for Enttter at a great saving. Inxpect thee valuer for yourxelf and be convinced! MEN'S ENGLISH GABARDINE RAINCOATS, , Imported from the best makers 10 95 Up Montreal Importers Telephone Illue 418 Third Avenue J. II. Miller, Proprietor Pascal! s Novelties Ha jut arrived direct from England A new shipment of I'AtJE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES EASTER TOYS. IS? and I0r. PAAS' EG(. DYES, 10f) Ormes lie! yic Pioneer Druppists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? 1,200 GALL STONES . wBnwBwBK There are a great many conditions that are auupoaed m be incurable, or at beat, o.wratable; for instance, gull stone.. Thin condition is brought about by an abnormal chemistry of the fluid content of the trail bladder. By my natural metkoda, I overhaul the entire system, restore nerve enervation to the entire organism which ensure a 100 . a .U 1-4 1.. u.lnvin,, t MOWS' jgwH IM r cent iiurmai (nenuar;. M JUk the chemistry of the gall bladder to HL jH normal, these gall stones will dlatsnlve to jHtM imm Huch an extent that they will be able to 1 JftaoH through the bile duct iBt the ,-mall intestine and thus be eliminated by the body through natural Manuel. Up to the present time 1 have cured every cane of -. 1 1 stones that have come under my care. Dr. C. 0. McKay, D C. I'hone 131 Wallace Illock Office Hours: 10 to 12: 1 to 5 daily. Consultation Free Evening 7 to 9 . Canadian NfflQNAL Qjc Largeft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing, from PHIM'K IH tKUT for VANTOI Vl.R. nCTOniA. SRATTI.E. and intrrmedlste polnU. each Till RHIlAl and HlMitY at 11 p.m. ' KKTI IIIKAN and .OX. each tlKM.lY. 4 pjn. P r HTKUAUT each JTI HIAV at 10 pra for NilUTII ami HOtTII tjt K8N t IIARI.OTTE l-ltlts. Fortnightly. IUfBNOi:R TIUIXN l.l'.AVB FHIXfB III TKUT each MOMIAV. UMlNMIMV and H.UI HOAY at II 30 aJn. tot I INCI. tlKniKIR. EllMONTON. WINNII'WI. all points Baatem Canada. United States. anvwrv til. or I-AN HTKAMSHIP tlXW. I'M Canadian National express tut Sl-ny Older, rerrlgn fhenue. e.. aio far your licit ihlpmrnt. rITV TICKET OmCE. MS TIIIHD AVE. PKISf T KUrf.KT. Phone t LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVKKYONB EI-SK DOBS Our -printr atock of High Grade Men'a Wear is now here. Hundreds, of Ilrlton's fineHt woollena from which to choose "that spring uitM tailored to your measure by Canada a foremost Clothes builderg "Society Diand." Obev That Impulse it Twlay THOR JOHNSON THE farmer works the land and a good part of the rest of the community try to work the fanner. THE fishermen catch the flab and some people during off ho urn try to catch the ftabermen. THE editor tap the typewriter end all the neat of the community knock the editor. IT'S a great world, even if I da My It myself, an ahouldn't. I like It even If I don't own much of It. SO far thrre ha been no aprrag poel bring verses about the aunshtne and rain to rejected by the editor. He says It aeema hardly like spring but It'a not too late yet. IT gnat to have the first of the month come on a Sunday, then I dattt have the Joy taken out of life by oprrt lng my ajMnthly dunning teMeas emtll the second of the month. THZ April fools were thoae who etay ed In bed all yeaterday morning evade being fooled. I USED to love a garden, dear. But alas my love la dead For a bachelor button I have found In my Black Bye'd Suaan bed. I'D hate to keep a cigar atand and have to llaten to the hard luck stories o! the loafer. the TERRACE Frank Phlscator spent ssearal dags in Prince Rupert Isst week returning on aturday. Oovenunent road foreman, A. Carr. had the grader on the road on Saturday. In preparation for work at the beginning of the month. Four of the large allver cups wen some years ago by th district lor the best district eehlhK st the Prtnee Rupert fslr haa been taken from eterasje in the Terrace Drug Store, polished up. and are now en aUsphiy In the eases window of C. R. Gilbert. They are at- Spring Hats Demers :: Costumes :: Latest Frocks trading- much Attention by new eet-tlen a well a by the pioneers who had Imoat forgotten tbem. NEW HAZELTON Dr. II. C. Wrtnch, ML. A. for Skeene. who returned home after attending the aeeelon of the legislature In Victoria, la now making a tour of hla riding. He visited potato west of Hasriton laat week and th.'e w will vUit Cmlthets. Tflkwa and other points to the BW.. PoEKl .en enreetteethw the dlaen. ptfftfo of aft eseress parcel whrWl u Itwillly dropped on the road 'and which waa neither returned to ita owner or the station although plainly sd-dreMed. ' DOtigBa Lay, resident mining en gineer, baa started en ills annual lecture twr for prospectors. He will apeak at Vandeehoof, Prince aeorg. Bmitben. Uk, TtHrwa, Bum Lake and Hseetton. The Oyster BrioY Club of New HareMon met laat weak at fee home of Mra. If. E. TherBton. Laat month Mm. C. U. Sewle won the high aeon i prise. The death haa bean presumed In Supreme Court at Vancouver of Frank to Smith, an English trapper, who waa laat eeen In the Takla Lake country in May - - - ! 1OT4, I DON'T know anything ao lonesome .if. an idea in the head of one or two; Roeda in thla diatrlct which will re- men I know would be If It could only "quire attention during the coming aea- get In there through the thick skull, son win be thoae In the Nine Mile and Four Mile vicinity where there la con- elderable mining activity. Mra. Halvaraou has gone up to Smlthers where aha will apend the next few Mr. Maetey of HaaelUra la a patient in the Hospital. He steppes on glase and Injured Ma foot. At the OSffnt property Brealev. lneslns atinerlntaeaSeatt as? Mountain the tUSHsel ha b" heet work urday after ependlng aeveral weeks ta Mile Laminated Materials Ltd Mw out and flaw bole put In th ' t iMtofUvMint: work Is now Weatmlnater arrived from the oaaat oa Baturdav to anend several dam her in 'r" aneaa svsaeniy. the interest ot the cot ton wood touring opsrattona. dward O. Brown of Vaoesuvar, pre sident of the Mohawk Mhttag Oa.. and Mra J B Colt hunt wt.irn an A-t-1 1 "um" "rma- mma Taawwweer. are southern Cities. croeo on vena w propenj. t- tendent Al Ham reporta tnat exeeueni orr lwllu sttM oaatlnue. Mr. and Mra. George I Keith and Mlaa Kerr arrived home from Prtnee Th lAln' ot anwelton Rupert on Saturday where they have f spent several aeeka while Mr. Kelt ,""-- - w- has been reesirlng treatment lor fe-a UM' Ml broken arm. A Joint meeting of the Faraasrs' Institute and the Women'a Institute haa been arrangad for Wednesday evening when R Randall, the visiting hartltstl- turtat will give an inside deoaonstraUon of pruning and gratung as wetl as a talk on horticultural mat ten gonarally. During his visit hers Mr. svaooatll has conducted a number of pruning schools in sHffarenst parts of the valley and considerable Interest has keen shown In th work. The Cbeverolet demonstration pictures wore a Down here on Thursday eve mug m Frograaa Hall, and were viewed by a large crowd who enjoyed the display aa well as the definite explanations rendered by the vtaltlng arenta. Following the demonstration the local agent J. B. Agar, invited the crowd to attend a dance in OWVA hall whore splendid music was furnished and a. very enjoyable time spent. Refreshments were served during the Of Mrs. Al Harris The Print Brass Club of Heaaitoa met last weak at the home f lire. S J. Wlnsby. last weak atMrs. W. W .Ander son's, prises were won by Mra. A. B. raleoner and Mrs SMITIIEUS R. J. MeOoneU of .Stewart expects to be In Bmlthem In April to ocenptete a deal for the sale of the Coronado group of claims on Hudson Bay Mountain to Oapt J t. O'Brien f nilaawfphls. The Coronado. which adjoins the Victory, has slrendy received considers bit development and ore baa gone ss high a too in value. Another rich strike of ruby silver ore has aeea made In the lower levels of the Duthie aalae. With water conditions Improving, the null should soon be producing at capacity sgaln. The Parks Board has applied to the town oouatcU fat a grant of HMO to evening and thoae who attended nnntmny lU ."a ""B'f aplendld host. Dr. Brummitt leturned on Friday after spending several days at Katum Lake. A daughter waa born at Rosewood on Thursday to Mr. and Mra. Alfred Xgan Henry Oonroy of Kalum Lake .hvira at the ivd of the week. in Ma. J. K. Oordon arrived from Beat-tie on Wednoaday and will apend the summer in Terrace. snaking of a chUdrsnh piaygiound In the public park oa Main Street near the railway station a4 It is also proposed to Mtanslwaly beautify the square there. The town council has decided to pur chase the old Union Bank butlding and two Iota at the corner of aln Street and Stweng Avenue The, buMelng will be usee) as. a municipal hU, t haa an asembly teasa ehicB oan ke used for small sseetuiga. Under the firm name of Smit! Outage. L A. Arnold and aon. Ssalth Arnold, have branched out Into the general tra-wfer and taxi buatnam here and will also carry sued Unas aa coal 1. R. Turner, manager of 'he Duthie, this time of year. Richmond s tot. ftamtbec RVip ul last week. Mra. J. Roberto and son. Oeorge. of Prince Rupert spent the first of laat ek In Oallhsis. Oeorge has been transferred as the Kaaaloops division Ui the service ot the Canadian Rational Ball ways. Mra. B. Esoth underwent a minor operation for the removal of umslla in W g. Baker had his hand painfully bruised and cut while working In a pit under an engine In the roundhouse here on Monday. The final dries la now otr'jajr the sals of mieabarshlp tickets la the (Smlthera haapltal Two teams are In com petition and are working hard for ef aaaklng the asost sales. After an abasnse of s year. Mr. A. i. Mclatyre and daughter hare returned here from Oakland. Caiuornia. muie. returned to 8ml the ra us week ill . . r eUewtug a trip to Mslson where hejjj In 1 lie Letter BOX mub a n iMArMwtlm nt tmm HmMri nine i " Duthie. Headejuarters Illlllj; STt'liEVTH IHtOAIirANTIVfl. of the Henry Motors Kolter IMUJ Mews here are undergone a major The aanuag ot tne mure snwraiu which will make of the premises i ,:c Assoistten eg the department of Marlnr , kaf the finest sutumebils asKiwroama m ana nanense at uusws iron pmcurum , the north. A large piste glass front is a radio etwaaeasttng license oringa u behag piaoed lu the ktjuhtUaf. hack as she old proverb: -mat migni Frank Johnson Seattle to attend left Isst week for the funeral of his iri! The Heal Beard of Tree has been ia rtgnv- i aiwaya inougui vni Dominion Oovernment ss general ad- minlatiator of the natoln waa a aecu mother, Mra. T. L Stafford, whose death lar body. Could or would have no reii-oocuned suddenly in the southern city- lelous nrefsrenee in matter- pertaining to dlaerenee of opinion between reugi- H. Kvalnea haa been a patient In the oua btdies That is a eAiesiion that Smrthsra Hospital for the removal of should Or left to the individual v an eye whieh waa .inlurad sane time 'decide for aisaself or herself. Any ago In a logging enerstlon pa on the 'creed or no creed at all should be the eossV i ll DsVsw,atateeoveranmnt. where chhrch sitd state are separate Institution P the sovefHewet wUI confine Itself to advised that IU request fur special looking after the social, moral and weekead excursion rates between Prince eoaeutnlc sffalm of the nation, they wlU Rupert and Smlthera tma been granted, be doing fine Government should not The redueed fares will lw eCecUve from aectarlanlas tf one religious body at-May 11 to fientember 18. tacks another with the weapon of truth and ctretrsys ft. Well and good. If Roada throughout the diatrlct are the eetalttahcd ehurch is the truth. It rseMI) drying snd. with continued fine cannot be destroyed. If it is not the weather, motorlns ahould once again be truth t should be destroyed. Thanking 1 Igeri-i""n a week or so. Travelling you Mr. Editor. ' I laoodltietu) have never been better st O. B. CA8IT. of Continues until Easter Louvre Ladies' Hats, Coats, Dresses Owing to the great success of our Clock Sale on Friday and the very many buyers who thronged our store that morning, we have decided to put our whole stock of LADIES' HATS, COATS AND DRESSES ON SALE right up until Easter. Every article in the store will be offered for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent on the regular selling price. The regular prices of the Louvre have always been reasonable and at this Sale Price it means that every article sold is an absolute bargain. For instance, the sale price of Jersey Sport Dresses which conic in navy, brown, fawn, peach, green, etc., will be only $5.95. Tweed Coats, sizes from 1G to 40, from 9.75 up. A new lot of Georgette Dresses, twenty-five in all, have just come in and they will go on sale, too. They are in all sizes and colors and the sale price will be $12.95. Ladies' Navy Blue Coats, moleskin trimmed and silk lined, will go for $27.50. These are only specimen prices of the many articles which will all be offered at similar reductions. If you arc in doubt as to what you require for Eastcrtjdc we invite your inspection of our stock to make your own choice. ichmond's Louvre Third- Avenue. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kiooers Si 2k "THK DAINTIEST UKKAKPAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Stora Co. hi Prince Itupert. IXC. For Best Results in all your baking use e hlour rOSlTlVn 3IONBY HACK flUAKANTKK IN EVERY SACK