BRINGING UP FATHER ED'S i PI -Vr , SStbft Transfer Fifteen yeajBj experfafatgfa 1 FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red '317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingle Roll Rotffng Building Papers and Felts Everjet Elaatte Paint J'lastic Elastium Shingle Stain ''reote Oila Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 insurance - DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.30 Double Load JR.S0 Large Sack SOc COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Rgg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts 511.36 Alberta SfxAless Egg $12,00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone S80 139 Second Ave. MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 plnta for $1.00 7 quart for $l.oo Cash price ticket. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy lllhSt. Tell phono 6S7. 1 Real Estate Bonds We specialise in B.C. Mining stocks and accept buying and selling orders on Vancouver Exchange at Vancoij ver rates. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. G17 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. MM Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Pinno and Fumitum Muvintr. RACE PROGRAM FOR FLAG DAY MANY PEOPLE ON U'HOTOU MIX MUX IW YEHTERIUY TO H ATCH IMEItEMTIMl CONTEST Ol' CHILDREN There ni s large crowd on Acropolis Hill grounds yesterday ajternoou for twenty yard ' tkm of wlH' :. Wilson fin 'm: i cers. In the b : ..or running a tre new" jut they :..:! The rao - n J. P. II. H..!.i...' WUUscroU, i jauUiftan, . ?raeer and lias presided ..' siatanee of :m Oraham. The i tu eharge of J I'iiaki i ' luiieiit Brown Sherman, Jr. The recee resulted as fallow Olrls, 8 years mid uti'itr tine Wilson. 2. H.wii S.n.ih Tamanaka. Boys, 6 years ai..i umi. - Zlgmund; 3. Dave H..u-v:.. Bruno. Olrie. yean and mnif Uu Bee; a. Ha. . A Smuii. ANNUAL PICNIC t acho'jl. r Borden HELD SATURDAY V i ..) J 'i..- I Vi B.i-: . . ' rit .i .in.: H'i.- .Hid W l Phi . :i Aj: 1 Chn, 3 111. Boya. years and mm, l Ru-Ui Cameron: a. C Montesano; a. Joe Landry. OMs. 10 and under. 1. Mildred Hunt: Betty Arthur; S. Jean Ha ten. Boya, 10 and under. 1. O. Pominato; Jim Currle; 3. Ken Arnott. Olrls. la and under. 1. Jenny 'Thompson: 3. Velma Walters: 3. May Byrne. Boys. U and under. 1. Lea Wilson. 2. Donald Arney: 3. Prank Derry. Olrls. open race 1. Myrtle I'-oae; 3. Myrna ruler; 3. Marie Musaallem. Boys, open. 1. Bob Irvine: 2. Olen Uohr; S. Archie Thompson. Back rape 1. Oarfleld McKinley: 3 Tom ThicMMkln. 8. Roy Pong. Obstacle taee. boya and girls. 1. Les Wilson; a. Susie Boddls; 3. M. Johnson. Boya' Band Rase. 1. Pruno Vascher 3. "Tuny Busaanlch; 3. CUff Bartlett. da OadeU' and Boy Scouts' race. 1 Oirta' Relay race. Rupert Bakery 3hallenge cup. won by Borden Street School team comprising Elizabeth Btur geon. Betty InglU. Jean Hatch. Edna Ireland. B. Olaen. Suml Nakamotn Mildred Munlsaba and Mildred Hunt. Buy' Junior Belay Elks' challenge up Borden Street School team coni- prlslnt Jo Naylor. Jim Currle. Bin Wllliacroft. Don lyle, Jim Irvine. Ja-V Lindsay and Les Wilson. Bo ye' Senior Relay. Rose, Cowan A.- Latta challeneg cup Booth Schnil team comprising Reg Colllson, Tonv Buasanlch. Rudolph Helaon and Bill v Bacon. , , ST. PETER'S CHURCH The annual picnic of St. Peur's An gllfnn Church Sunday School was held' tiNbeMlaa on Saturday afternoon oeBVwWV por cruiser was used In transporting acme forty picnlckeral owa the arbor to enjoy the event ' W. B. Skinner, superintendent of the Sunday School, was in eharge and there were races, games and an abundance of refreshment. Prise winners in the races were Vera Wallace. May Skinner. Edith Stevert, Oladys Wallace. Bda Blatta, Jean Dal-tell. Alesa Dodd. Mary Oeary, Malko Icuml. Hector MacDonald. Frank Elliott. ::nry Skinner. Robert Kelsey. Adrtrtm in The nuy nw Besides the two murder cases, there v. ill be one and poaslbly two civil actions for bearing before the spring session of the Supreme Oourt Ssalqei which will open in Friaee Buy est on June 3S with Hi Justice Oregon psaaid-lng. One of these civil act tans Involves wife claims against s district logging r-jneern which recently went bankfuyt I be possible other one la coming) vp irom the south. A. M. Johnson. K.C., will act as crown i , rctecutor In the twe BlUfder eases Stuart Uendefaon of Victoria WW defend Henry Rivard of 9 tew at who I' rgeo .ill killing x man In his Stewart last : Year's r Conzaies w. !'cm Mbai' ' killed his . c. -d the ' - charp .. ASESIN Hi . ... at Nflton COUNTY COURT ..ii I I r i in: ;i in ' I li.ilT V II ( i' v .1 1 1 . . I,li. , .:...-- m th.' .1. !!! Oour. :! Bawling A U Imh (i.-ita action .- 11. '. . fur bearing M . :.- s Onzale .......1 dl and Pat- ndant. Da it - fteed. morning's regu onty Cpurt lncludr. local tail num. who. : Canadian citiaenshlp wa vproved by Judge P. MSB. Young. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Mrs. Sydney AMUtgfe. Terrace; H. W "hamfcers. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. H M.- Johnson, Dominion; at. Oundersoi. ,V R Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. B. K C'heckley, A. E. Ooodebouttl. W. P. Ptn negan and H. F. Noel, Southera; Mtt i. M. binith and Mist Oertrude Buke: .t. E'Mngtun; Charles B. 8. Gov ; N.R . Mrs. B. T. Clark, Vwrestdale; C : Holt, Vanocrhoof; William 8. Day unccuvcr, Chatlee Bunnell and Mis. uan uuiuiell, Collene, Alaska: Ml rsephlne Tupper, Juneau; H. F. Pree en. Ketchikan; . BaalahlrWf Maseeh . Bevey. .' t W. H. Thome, CMM-l: A. Allen uu: E. Mut:aui. city; . J. Oook and OU 1 Tcrrai-e; L. Heatix1 Forcber; Mrs Penrev, Kltlmsat. t'aalsaa v '4 Maelic'',-MaW JoAn Orrl aw, Drmltilcsn: P. 8. Horner sncl W cott. t'N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. F. Swa-isj; nil fainlly. Pacific; B. J.. MacDonii!." "t-hikan. CHAIRMAN OF WHEAT POOLS GIVES ADDRESS tell or score or CONVENTION' ANIt UKOBfi CO-OPE RATION Of CO-OPERATORM WORKING TOGETHER YS TIME 1KII i:.!TTEB PRtiANIZA-TION OF f.lM itl. MOVEMENT ANI (:i.l V(; I NITS RBOTNA jrlng ".' 1-f.r.dllm1 : .ony ,We ; i' a .. u: lnu i 3St orkii - far "her - -op 1 S i.ii. : eld i fKlOt .. ! Rcce, 3nade wo largi ' nee comi' i i ith 130,0-he world's 1 durance cot; srs oh with ce placed. 'Co-operators rch fcrward 1 n tinned. "We s 5. An effort tc ve organlzationr 1 Into doner bar-f a more ecnut-,ie world's goodi mlng address ol 1. befcre the Incoherence her? rge of arrange-ided to widen xoe to Include - - ratlves bandl-than grain :.-.( tlon of the to Indicate have prob-each other: 1 of course e commodity lai problems " tant place co-;cupy in every !!, the shaker .n many cases tht -operatives were eld of their owr i n g or encouraglnr concerned Thus the co-operatlv-i ns were tr.ilrejj . co-fineration in 1 .'ntlon Munlt-Jbi:'' ' utual Fire Insur e over 33 years old 1 .mranoe. probably ; "mers co-operative and the other i . : $6a.000,000 insur- world over should ether. Mr. Bumell re not striving t ke that wilch bilongo to athrnt. hu mply striving to bring about ...... -1 -ultoble distribution of the world oods. Cbixlrman BurnU esprrared the hope sat the Conference would apmlnt a ry strong cocnmlttee to be callr-i the "itlcnal Co-Operatlve Commlttw. to vhe aya anu pliant of gotti:-." all 'jnadisn apooemtlvee aci' with 'r ifHw.etKl wbs4na, together ftwp rominlttee alrcjy existed In rn!-. Formnt: of a nation-wide or- xMratrn, la he Pnlted Btalca with r .ivfwed : b'.act of flhtln agrlcul-,ra,l ro-dperati.-n InrtlcKtei? It was hih '-r for hotter omtnUsttcri ol the co f ative movement aha the weldin? of varlour units more elosely together R S S-i'crnl of-Haaelton la a bun! vMtor in the cltyT having arrived 'cm the infrlor on yesterday after "' 'rs'n LOW EXCURSION fares; KA8TBBN CANADA UNITED RTA'PPS EDMONTON CALGARY JASPER Tickets on sale from May 22. Return limit October 31 Full Information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. p,0ne 260 Canadian National- W anted For Sale For Rent ''ANTED. A SERVANT FOR OENXRAL housework. Oood wages tor the right party. Apply Bex 110 Dally News Office. U . ANTED-SMALL FURNISHED StjnT for summer season. Phone Blue M0. AGENTS WANTED .'ANTED: A MAN TO TAKE OVBR AN established business in Prince Buprrt. selling the most oompivte line of household products direct to the consumer. This is an exceptional opportunity for a real live man. Apply the J. B. W stains Company. B7S Hcrntoy Street. Vancouver. B.C. 133 FOR SALE vl BANGS AMI HEATER H1R41AIN da SALE. Davidson Rang eight months old In perfect condition with fittings for tank Included, cost SIOO: for quirk ale SSS delivered. Ourney circulating type brick lined beater tght months old In perfect oondl-en Including floor board and pipes: coat (S3 00. for quick sale 036.00 delivered. Phone Orean T13 hetween 3:30 a;id 0:30 lor particulars. ! D NEWSPAPERS MAY BE TJBBD JM ueid of building paper or to lay beneath carpet en the floor. Oat special price on large quantities. Daily News. OR SALE TEN ACRE IMPROVED farm at Terrace; price reasonable. Terms or cah. Apply 733 Fifth Ave. W. ISO OR SALS. LOT 41 IN BLOCK 31 Section 1. Prince Rupert. OSOO. A. J. Slater, Scott Apta . Victoria. B.C. isa OB SAXB. 34 FOOT PLSABTJBR boat. First elasa condition. Bquls-ped with 10 h p motor. Phone 500. OR SALE. ALL KINDS OF CABBAOB plants. Apply No. 1 Blggar Place Phone Orecn 710. 133 FOR RENT FOR BBNT. COX BOOM MODBRM house, SM Stath Avenue West after - BBBat-t,. mm -lysB-L ob lurnr. clappsrton hoobk Vlatk AveeUM Bast. Bent, itmaonahl 1 ajwly ottf Tasaaurey, OKi Ball. U OR lt-ANO. PMTaW-PIrMOS, llUth talkers Mueic Store. UILow HAT FOR RENT. SIX ROOMS AND ba, on Sixth Avenue. W. Phone Mi V BUck 330. tf FOR RENT. MODERN FTJRNI8 Suite also bed sitting room. Oreen 000 Phone tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART -menu Apply Muaaallem Grocery ONE MAN PUNISHED FOR THREE OFFENCES Jame Walker Ftnt and Sentenred to Jail by Msalalrste Vrt limuot in t'lly pwHea CohH Penaltiea for throe separate offences were exacted from James Walker by Magistrate McCtymont In city poiici court this morning. For conauming liquor in a nttbtlo place, he was fined M: w'th the option of thirty days' iiiiiMiiinB0iit;' for ' driving k 'car wisn. ut -0 arlvStYr -licSfiefr, he wH, aaaagasd o. wiui aanwai nays option, and, far unving wniio onms, he received seven iav.' imprisoonMnt straight, without c pi ion or fine. cieorge Klnnarny, who waa arrested with walker in front of the cathoua Church on Sunday warning, was nnsd 50. with thirty days' optK,, for oo,,. Ruralttg liquor In a public place. J. A Morris returned to the city on yeateaaay afternoon's train from a business trip ta the Interior. IkaaU of all eeMiipUon for Charter By George McMaPua MAGQIR COME'bJ- ff ISVA M THE OEACM WITH OTK I TlV ot f'' the program of children's iporu which followed the unfurling of the Oaf with an address by Mayor McMordle. Alter a rainy morning and eeiore a rainy evening, the weather cleared suspici ously for the outdoor portion of the day's program. Particular interest was taken in the relay races for girts and boys of toe public schools. The girls' race was keenly eon tested and the representatives of Borden Street were compelled to extend themselves to beat Booth. The Jupior realy race for bog was won handily .y Joe Naylor ) Street. BUI? ii...-n a Bu.tU-u 1J. Slli. BoT.. '! Ihf .!.: M i . . SUPREME COURT SESSION HERE TWO Ml KliHR CASES AMI POSSIBLY TWO t HII. ACTIONS (OMIMi I P THIS MONTH DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED V ANTED. COMPETENT STBNO-grapher for one month's steady work. Apply Daily News, Boa 10S. Bute salary required. SALVAGE AND TOWINCS wanted.- salcslady EXPSBicNctvD Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing In Men's Furnishings, with knowledge! Co. Ltd. of stck keeping. Apply Box 108 1 IL IIXKOAIN IN OAS IIOT Dally News Office. 133 Small Bate and Typewriter tor Sale Agents for East hope Bugmea, CooUdge Propellers, and Tuslube Oil lsa salt Lake Kerry. Ittene SM RESTAURANTS OOOIl BATS CAIT. Mrs. linger. Proprietress Third Ateniie. next U.W.V.A. Oood Home Cooked Meals and Home Baked Bread Kprrfcal ftalrkea I Hum Every Sua da) Evening frees LM. FURNITURE AND RANGES coMPurri van op bbw fobbittjre In stock, beds, springs, mattreskea. Dining room suites; Cheatertield suttee: carpets all alrea; Linoleum and llncleum ruga; tables, kitchen cabinets, dresser, chiffoniers, blinds, curtain rods, blankets, sheets, chairs, wicker and cane. .Our prices are reasonable. You are invited to call at our store. A. MeCEraif Furniture. Phone T75 SCHOOL OF LITERATURE Sell Your Imagination. I.KAKN TO WBJfs HTORIR8 Free Information, Behooj of Literature. TOT Standard Hank Halldlng. Vaaewover, B.C. AUCTIONEERS. PHINCK HI'UHT AfrTION MART Federal l-Owfe Furniture of all kinds bought, aatd or exchangee. Crating and packing dons. Oood sold on Oommlaalsat 0. J. DAWKS. AwetsBMMoTe Matf 199 CHIROPRACTIC PR. R. a ETOMWS Chliepsaetac 0 Third Avenue. Telephone for appolntaaant now to Btae Heal denes phone BMck MS. Acute and Chronic Disorders success fully treated. Eatabltahea 1034 PRINCE HUP BltT TIDES TI'EsrY, MAY I (tv(c;-.... asaa. v fti ft I. sjn. M:4S pun. -MEUVKSnW, JtXE SM njk.'t 0:M a.m. SB til ai 31 p m. S.8 " TIU'RailAY. JUNE 7 High 3:io am. 10.1 ft. 10 rM pat. 17J " Low 10;0a SJB. 1.0 " 33:04 pat. 0.0 " "ATI HOAY. June 0 High 4:47 am. 18.1 ft. 18:17 p.m. 184 " Low 11 sa ant. 4J M-aV pas. SB -l'NIlY. JI'XK 10 High I ll ajn. 174 ft 18:17 pjn. Hi " ow 11:81 pa. 84 " IHIIHY. Jl'NE 8 High 3:51 a m 184 ft. 17:16 p as. MB " Low 10:48 SJS). 44 " aa:M pjn. ; 84 " MONDAY. JI'NE 11 ' 'ff High 7:13 ant. 18.7 " 30:14 pan. , IS 1 M Iw 107 am 14J' 13:80 P4T. ,,,.,) 5J " ti EaiiM'.tf i!WI HlCh (Mam. 16.7 " Low 8:18 7,7 " 14:33 p in. 8 1 " VEIIESIl.Y. JINK 18 Hlrth 8:08 am. 17 3 ft. M01 p.m. 80.1 " Low 3:38 ajn. 8.1 H 15:M p tn. 0 3 " CNR. TRAINS I'nr I he Rat Daily except Sunday. at 1140 am iTom I he Esat Dally steep! Tuesday st 040 p.m. Artklti Lost knit Found, &t STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS I'ur Vanrout dunday . TuewUy -Thutsday Friday s Prlnco R 1 Cmal.i w Prnid (,. Princes k) Saturday m Carden. Junt 4 ra. Prinn-sn A June S . Prinn-.-w, 1 June 10 Princew. a: .. f'ren Vanrouvrr 11 tx ; pa t II pa .. l pa pa Sunday as. Catala . Wedneaday- -aa. Pr. ('-. r.-, Friday -as. Cardens ia Friday -as. Pnncew Kuvni t'pa Saturday-aa. Pr. Rupxrt low ta June 4 as Prlnoej ! -, June 11 aa. Princew. A . 1 June 15- a. Priuceai, 1 Fsr Pert Nlmpaon and Vji- mrr-Frldsy a Carden . ia I'resn Pest !isaaea ami Vu- kiirt-Saturday as. ca.-tien ta ar Anynv Sunday aa. Cstala B pa Vsiliiassjsj' as. Prin- r (i..,- . 4 ?a l'reai Any - Tuesday as. Cstsh iivjia Thursday -as. Pt.-.i.' r.- .f- 5 pa I ar Stewart and PrrHikr-- Sunday- as fx.u.u pi Saturday t Prlnr- Hi,.-- : pa trass Hlearl and rrrmii - Sunday- as Prince Ku, Spa Tuesday- -. " 'n Iror (awe IHarlotr - June 8 as. Prince ci .irir. i pa Prom tfurHi hsrlniti-. - May St as PrlBCe John ' t or Ateaka Wednesday -as. Prim, r-,u' ?s June 4-ea. Prlnte l- -..- June II . Princes Al June 10--as Princev. 1 11 t reej Aaaattav ThUreday SB. Prince Ce..rr PS June 4- -a Prlnct ' ' P Jhb - s. Prlin-e I I" inn 10 -as. Prluc F MAIL SCHEDULE Par the East Mondays. Wednesday closes WstW Mon the Bast nduya. WedneMln . mall due Ta Veejfweivee "uadfiys Tuesnaya Thnradaye Baturdas C.P.R - June 4. . 10 rni Vsweworrf Sundays Wednesdays Fridays .aatursAfa C.-rUj 31. J' 4. B. AS.-SS and .Hre Arm- , "JM 'wedneaxlajm rrom Anyat snd Alh-e Arm- Tuetdays Thuiadars Far Steieart and Prrinler- 8tnds Bsturdays Frag Mewart sad lrenikr- pnndsys Ttteadhya Ta Naaa Riser , Hilt ;u i" 1 j k pa in pS I ii ' 10 pa' MS J .'7 P ', IN i in 11 IS. H' - , n ' 5 P ! . If i .,1s; .Ff 1 is J syaat Naaa Klvrr rin:- "'" " Satnrdsy TS Alaska Iwlsls- JS M H '' May 81. Jnrte 4. 11. 18 traps Alaska "Hint a Jare 4. 8. . . 27 Ta Qneen t'h ltle lisn p- Jtins 8 ,K Fenm 0.trn f barMte ,n liar ti v.-rt l. unv f'lll.l.t1",r . araham M Atlln Ave 1st Ave, A 8th St 8H Ave. at Pulton 8'.. Sltr. B) Thomp-"n St m AfO. Bhsrbroolte Uth Are, as Conrad wft 'AH? It Hays' Cove Ave olh Ave. Hsys rve rif-"' Bth Ave. Cotton St 8th Ave ai Oreen Ht (Hp'" Btfe AS. A MoBrlds Ht I Pro. Govt. Building Proe. Oort. Wharf O TP. Wharf O.T.P. Station . and Ave. A and St 3rd Ave Pulton 8t 3rd Ave. A 8th St collet i. n Stmdsys -One p.m. collection. (00 i all ' til ' t I :i5 800 9 . i8 1004 0I 1O.10 10 15 10 10