I y S, 1923 eWj Dew, Dewy Day rrot Nat Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra Suet with guitar Juii Miller Charlie r arrell 'S Wonderful (from "Funny Face") 2IM1 A 20819 20906 Fox Trot Victor Arden and Phil Ohman 21114 and their OrchMtra ocal Frank Crumit 21029 Among My Souvenirs The big hit of the Season ! Presented four different tray. foiTrot Roger Wolfe Kahn and Ilia OrchMtra 21034 Leal TheRevelera 21100 Brian Jesse Crawford 21146 instrumental Paul Whtteman's Concert OrchMtra 35S77 'he Black Jacks ( untie Mack-face Dialogue uet George Le Malreand IUi Van 'IhcBtacftJadis My Blue Heaven Vocal Austin 204(4 I Pot Trot Paul Whiteman and lilt Orchestra 2KW Ortan Jeese l.rswrord iivti llnstrununul Victor Salon Qroup 1W75 Also the latest lied Seal records by farnout Victor arllttt IcforTall.inc tfOanada, Soap and Toilet Water Specials roller IV ilium lUffiilnr un tn 11.75. Snecial price, each.. "V V JUth Soup Regular 20. Special price Ifie ;'bs "Lavender Dew" Snap --Kegular 15. Special price 10e " - '1 Grand Cremunt" Regular :55c. Special price 25 'll"'iin Soap -Regular 2. Speiial price l.f ' H Lau de Cologne Soap Reulnr 40c. Special price JMf ' I nstile Soap -Rexular 25. Special price Vt t'ai! .Inv" Foot Soap Regular .".a-. Special price SSf tames 7tf Dinni'or Drttoutsls NURD AVE. SIXTH ST. TELtPMUNES ?t,200 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works are opening an ": ind Show Room on Third Avenue, just adjoining the ' ' in Legion Building, and will carry a line of rooting, ' '""filing, flaahing. stove pipes and elbow black or gal-" '"I. all sixes from 2 Inches to 8 inches. S"U faucettM, water pipes and fittings all sixes. We : kl' anything In sheet metal. We repair stoves or anything M :it "'Is repairing. Our Tank Shop at Cow Hay will take "' "' yur Chute and Tank problems. Hot Air Furnaces, one ' : it' ialtlea. l'hone 810 Will Ciet tw Night or Day Ha'.mir had quite a bit of experience in the credit business, ' 1 ''' 'li-i-ided to cut our credit to a minimum. I ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works All Sweaters, Mackinaws, V Winrl Rfa Ir&YR V IIIVI AW A 4" w HKnitrwii lit iimi CENT "IJHIIKItK. .niiea 6 and 7, regular $2.25. now Shoo Sale Continue. livery pair must go. THOR JOHNSON ' sailed kgfjUMt PfTf fVPPrt this morn Tommy's i 790. &mltb log on tajtrtp' tefWHsjouver. Oaf. tl ReaJ BJchmond'a "Univrc" advertUe- ment. Ott the Bl 4 ToabyL When thinking if a Taxi, phone, i, tl Do not forget tile Prince Rupert Oiria' Drill Team Danoe tonight In the Moose Hall at 9 pjn. sharp. Milton Oonnlea returned to the ol ty on the afternoon train yesterday following a brief trip to the interior on profeaalonal bualneaa. Madame Doy. Vancouver halrdreaalng expert, will arrive in the city today from the aouth and will remain here for a couple of week on profeaalonal bualneaa. Mr. Maxsam and son. John, and daughter. Mary, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Anyox and will (proceed by tomorrow morning train for Terrace where they have land Intercut. E A. Haggen. well known Vancouver mining engineer and one of the pub lishera of the Mining ac Industrial Re 001 d. reached the city on yesterday si -.ernoou'e train following s trip east and tailed this morning on tbs Prince Super t fur the south. The members of the Rotary Club yes terday adjourned directly after the regular weekly luncheon to the steps of the Court House where their photo graph were taken by W. W. Wrath all the photographer. Among the guests at luncheon was Captain Oraaf of the grain vessel Sagolahd. who spoke very briefly. luvi-Ntem are lTtd the latest inferMatlost on IIIIMW, MTOCKH snd MIMIIKW. Vsnrauvef l ttork Bxrhsnav. )aotallas rrceitril take dally, thaw keeping yaw In tonea wHb the price flnctswUean ef the atarfcri. Hnylng aad setting ordera eareuted by wire at no expense to tM. ti. fCMt'Y TINKgK A CO.. I.TH. reprraentlag It. I'. Clark A Co.. l.ldM of Vamwuvrr. Telepkoae 31. 30 Having In his cuatody James Mc Densld of Prince Oeorge. who hss been sentenced to penitentiary for two years for forgery, and Joe Seymour. Smftbers Indian, who i to do mix months st ufcalla for breaking snd entering. Pro-.incial Ccns labia Hugh McOllnchy. for-merlv of Prince Rupert and now on the Prince Oeorge city detachment, arrived rrom the interior on yeeterday aftsr-:.ocn train and sailed thta morning .'or Vancouver. Constable McOllnchy also took charge of Harry Smith of Maaaetl. .who has been committed for trial on. the chars of murdering bis lather aa who will await in Okalla his trial ft Prince Rupert st the nest session of the Supreme Court Assises. INFORMAT110NVMNTED Information wanted as to the where-about of Jim Croal. late of Dundee. Scotland. Last beard of two yean ago from a mining camp in the vicinity of Prince Rupert. He la requested to communicate with hi home a once. Or inyoue kne wing of hie present Iocs lion please Inform the Dally News office. SO ANNOUNCKM RNTS Prlnre Rupert Olrla' Drill Team dance February S. K. of C. Wli't Drive and Dance. Wednesday. February a. Women of Mooschesrt Legion St. valentine' Whist Drive snd Dance, February 14. CNR. Annual Ball. Friday. Feorary 17 Catholic Women's League spring sale of work April U. Rika Cabaret April 30 Had a Severe Gold Coughed Incessantly Mrs. a Fehrman, Selkirk, Out, writes: "Last winter I suffered from a very severs cold. I coughed lores saatlv which irritated the glands and caused sore throat "I tried several modielnes without any luek, but one day I picked uj your aliaanaio and read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup 'I got a bottle aad after taktag couple of doers felt much relieved and when I had finished it my cold had Imply disappeared. " f "Dr. Wood's" i 35f. a bottle, largi familv ie ffOr.; for tale at all drag gjatA nml iloalera; put up only hy The T. ihlbuxa Co liuiud, Toronto, Oat j. n. RobarNfc trip to bis hl6' Arm. retuftmt Rupert thfc ha been on a tereat at Alice ty on the Prince B. K itm. etftrtllef district forester .s on a ten day tttjl.io the central In terior on esfeiaVtrtfUpr snd Is expected to Mtura to the etty on Sunday after. TVinaM MaLsod of Anyox was oas wnger on the Rise SJupert this morn- tna bound tarougk te Vancouver en- route to Oeotland on a holiday visit to his former home. Miss VI CaaMTOa Of. the CN R. city ticket office staff -vur leave by tomor row morning's trei lor a hollcl.; trip of two or three weeks which will take her as far Bse Chicago. Qua Boast aad JObB Thompson, both pleading gttllty Mebatges of drunken ness, were eaen n sas. wn tne option of thirty yk Imprisonment, in city police eottrt this morning. Wllbelm OMpkg, Swede, charged aa an alien wttjt Mng tn posaeaslon of a revolver without a permit, was fined 10. with the option of acven dsys' Im- prtsonment. by Magistrate Mcaymont In city police court this morning M. a. Otten Of Manner, manager of the Hanson Lumber A Timber Co.. who l wall knewn la Prlpce Rupert, recent ly reelved the sag nsws of the death In 3slo, Norway, of Ma brother. Injuries frosn caused fall wath. a flight of stair During the past twenty-four hours. Lhlrtv.ftva fsrlnails of grain have ar rived from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prtncw Ruprt curator. Railway ogteas that morning reported tta car on the WVtason west of Jasper Park hound hare. Traon stesmsr Oamosun. Capt A. Johnstone, la due t a o'clock this af ternoon from Vancouver and weypolnte The vessel will make her call In the 3keena River during toe night and sail from here on her return aouth at 9 o Mock tomorrow morning Mr. and Mrs, &. t. Mcintosh sailed by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence they will proceed oaf a holiday voyage to Honolulu which will take them awsy frosn the city until spring Mr. Mcintosh was guest of honor at a big tea and bridge yesterday afternoon So as to advertise for more entries, the Meal slogan committee, at a meeting last evening in th3 office of M. M. Stephens A Co.. Ltd.. decide to adjourn for another month. Already there are wmr fcur hundred slogans in. Pre-ent at the meeting were P. W. Hart, who presided. John Bulger. Capt. Jud. Thurber. M. XI. Stephens snd Wslter Smith. JANUARY BUILDING RECORD VERY LIGHT Only One New KeoMeiire Prwlilwl far In LM TsUllliig ,TH fur IMI Msath The record of buildtwg for the city cf Prince Rupert during she month of January was very light. dc no doubt, to cold and stormy weather. Permits for the month totalled he H.700 in value and were as foltowa: Mrs. I. Klnalor. sateiiesam to twsVeenoe, Eighth Avenue Bast, HOQ. Mrs. G. Slaney. renaltu to reaklenoe, Praser Street. giSO. C. A. Anderson, re palm to residence. Fifth Avenue, tiM. Loyal Order of Moose. eUtesaHlon to building. Third Avenue. 4ep. Mitchell Albert, repairs to store. Third Avenue West. MOo. R. L. Newoombe. iidegwe. Sesl Cove Avenue, aa.450, VANCOUVER K.XCUA.M.i: Big Missourt Ooaat Copper Cork Province Daily Alaska Dun well CKorge Copper Olaetar Gladstone Oolconda ' . .' ludepeudenoe L. L. Uadamith Lucky Jim Marmot Metals . . Premier Porter Idaho . .... Richmond ........ Silveroreet ....... Silversmith BurUooh Torlc Whitewater Wheat lag. Asfceu M M urn- .07 M 80 4.00 " .It ' .tsv, M M ' at jaw M .00 SH ,.Vi .19 30 J5 t.40te Under the right . nHtions, drama cn be a mot (xiu nt . Instrument of inornl, artistic snd InUDeVeaal pro- gresa. Just g. under the wrong oondl- tumn. it can be an riuslly potent In-htniment lor mort.1. artistic and tntel- Ii-iiua! iUij'.ldUoii i-Uio 11. Kahn. FubrURr: THE DAILTNEWB PAGE THBEE Read Richmond's "Louvre" advertise Local and Personal ment. B Cow Bay Lunch reopens under new management, Feteruary 29 8.0. Undertakers, pnon 41. Native Bona of Canada meeting to night at 8 pta. In we Metropoie nan. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Qosse. phone 886 Mrs. a. P. Rl 'was a passenger sail Skating dully. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf tag this morning on the Prince Ruper iimmmwL V YX lor Vancouver. Read Rienmond's "Louvre" advertise' - ieat. - - -. -as. as P. A. MSVSW, loeaf halibut fiahermsn u u mkix m nisi vouisv fmm: " Tf tV,Q firct r.nnrc hft glpltVinilRlv llsKKSELSsi vl' I J t vmnmvfcBBMw My I oiauant success usually crowns 1 WtMMM$i the entire dinner. fiifigv i i x y idaaanKvm i "OXO" Consomme served hot v8$ with dainty saltines or golden- V feKiM brown toast -makes a delicious (yjgKlrS first course not too heavy, nor J3R yet insipid. Just right R 4 cubes, 15c. 10 cubes, 30c. mjm jw&. mum a PLATINUM STRIKE INTERIOR ALASKA IS Puts in the Beef S&SP' I .. . o ...i ssffSSSSLWP I I I OXU LIMUtU, JSO Ol. niome oirri, iiunn. '-jj! I ON PROSPECT SO FAR SEWARD. Feb. 3. Completing a thousand mile dog team trip from interior Alaska at toe headquarters of the Kus-kokwla River. Cart Lotufeldt. euperln-ten dent of the Alaska Road Commission here yesterday en route to Juneau. With regard to the reported platinum atrtke on Ooodnews Bsy he said be' beard more abcut It SOU miles awsy than st the scene of the atrlke. Svery-thing wss In the prospecting stage, he saM, and does not warrant a stampede By next fall the extent of the ore will be known. SCHOONERS LEAVE SEATTLE FEBRUARY 6 FOR FISHING GROUNDS KKTCHIKAN. Feb 3. Word has been! received here that the big halibut schooner propose to leave Seattle for .his port for the fishing season on February 8. This should give them ilenty of time to reach the fishing rounds before the opening on February 15. Contrary to expectation no new fishing boat from the south will be taking part at the opening of the season. There I plenty of bait and everything looks favorable tor the opening. Mrs. H. Valpy aalled this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. TOO MTU TO CLASSIFY ' ttTTTtt' LOST. SPARC T1RI AND RMi BCUt 4 x 44. Was left on top of block in front of B?rt Oreer house on Sixth Avenue E Finder please return to Vic Menxica. 38 tor Rgarr. five room flat with bath. 81100 per mouth Apply 887 Borden St 30 They're Here! THE NEW M01)E! IlKitiKR AM) RETT Kit Chevrolets can now be 'neVri'it'tTfe' Kaien barage Dealers in all General Motor Products Open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 24 hour Wrecking Service Phone .ri2 I ATIMimTTcTDIIrT I ' HI IM IN WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Our first shipment of the LATEST CRExVTIONS in Spring Hats We have a beautiful assortment and you are cordially invited to come in and see them for yourself. JABOUR BROTHERS, LTD. Phone G15 3rd Avenue and 7th DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers T1IK DAINTIEST 0HEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince ltuperl. B.C. JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain 25c 50c 95c DUBSSES AT COST PRICE Bargain in all Line i am es--i H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton