tAG SIX For usbands "Only MANY men do not realize that washday brings the dreariest drudgery into their homes. Relief from this irksome toil is a gift within man's power which will be more appreciated than "gold or rubies." Let us explain the many varied services our laundry offers. . . all of. them within the average family budget. . . and any of which will definitely banish the -tedious toil of washday from your home. CaB 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry ind Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Stomach Troubles Of what use is money or food if the stomach fails in its duty and causes you misery ? The healthy person does not, and should not, realize that he has a stomach. Digestion of wholesome and normal foods should be automatic. Out this cannot be if the stomach is receiving less than Its full supply of vital energy. When the stomach fails in its functions, two courses of relief are available you can reduce the quantity and variety of your food to fit its subnormal capacity or you can have the cause removed by spinal adjustments which restore the flow of vital energy to its full capacity. Which is best. We believe in removing the cause. Phone Green 211 W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange Illork Hours 9..10 t(, 12.30; 1.30 to 5.30 p.m. Evenings from 7 to 8 Lady Attendant ' MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $.oo 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McDride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . 11th St. Telephone SS7. y-tf Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 675 DENTIST -r LEGISLATION FORESHADOWED BYPATTULLO VICTORIA. Pell, a - Nw nmnmo. merits of policy Including plans to (rant relief to Interior lrrtgationist and Su- Jnas land owners, were made In tllie Legislature yesterday by Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minuter of lands. The government through Mr. Pattullo promised legislation at this session to write down the capital charges on Interior Irrigation system and similar legislation to reduce capital charges on the Sumas Lake reclamation scheme. They will provide an extension of from 30 to 35 years In which to Day off money borrowed from the orovlnce to establish waterworks and will give consideration to proposals that the government should assume the burden If, on reclassification of the Interior irriga tion lands, It shall be found that neither the fruit growers nor the mixed far mers could meet the irrigation rates which reclassification would show to be proper. The government will eliminate com pound Intercut on Irrigation Joans In respect to the moratorium period. Legislation will be passed authorising the district water boards to waive the fifteen per cent penalty on delinquents at their discretion. Return will be made to pre-emotors of the whole of their labor on the sale of reverted pre-emptions by the Crown. Tne government also proposes to 11m- GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES PRUNES 40-50, per lb. .. I.V 25 lb. box $2.75 GO-70, per lb. .. laVif 25 lb. box .... .$2.15 00-100, per lb. . . .. 10 25 lb. box $ 1 .75 AYLMER SOUPS Highest Canadian quality, Tomato, Vegetable and Oxtail, 2 tins for a."f 12 tins for $115 EGGS We have the freshest Eggs that can be nrocured because we buy them new laid and sell them the same day. No storage eggs in our store. 3 dozen for $1.25 BUTTER IN BULK 3 lb. for $1.25 PINEAPPLE Singapore Blue Mountain on sale, 7 tins for rf Loganberries, King Deach, on sale, 3 tins for ." Peaches, Sliced. Del Monte, on sale, 3 tins for JKic VEGETABLE SPECIAL 4 tins Peas. 1 Corn, 1 Tomato. Value $1.20. G tins for 5f SMOKED MEATS Shamrock Hams, per lb. . . Circle (S), Picnics, lb. . . Empire Bacon (Swifts) . . Stock up on the following and Save Money Heinx Catsup, 3 for Oof Libby's Pickles, 3 for . . $1.25 Strawberry Jam, pure . . . 75f Plum Jam, pure 556 Seedless Raisins, bulk, 4 lb. for 55 Mararoni, ready cut, 2 lb. for 25? Strong Cheese with a kick, lb. tvit Best Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. ."Of Highest Grade Ceylon Tea, lb. 5f B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 4.1 and 571 OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MUM'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS Is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. IX Miller, Proprietor .THE DAILT. NEWS Friday, FtV THE CITADEL. CAIRO. EGYPT . Built 1166... a great fortress . . . embracing Mahomet Ali s Palace and "Joseph's Well" from which one loos down on Cairo, the ile, the Desert, the Pyramids and the Sphinx. yND not only in Cairo, But throughout all Egypt . . . magic with historic interest and romance ... the unvarying quality of 'QsAausCtes" has won out' standing popularity. HIRAM WALKER & SONS Limited DISTILLERY AND HUD OTriCC , WM.KCRVILLC. C.NAM ESTABLISHED 1 8SS WRITE TO OUR MO!rREAL OFFICE. SI7 PHILLIPS SQUARE. VOR rnco This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. t the annual timber cut to such naxlmum at will maintain the lumber Industry in perpetuity and will estab 1 ,h any favorite stretch ot foreshore a public works for ever. AGREEMENT FOR YEAR WITH FISHERMEN IS ADOPTED BY OWNERS 2e le Prince Rupert Halibut Vessel ruera' Association at a meeting last night adopted the owners-flahermen V agreement which Is similar In terms to last year with the exception of a few amended classes relating to "hole" i rips. The agreement as It stands is the same as that In force in Seattle. The meeting was fairly well attended .nd the president, Capt. Dave Ritchie, occupied the cfcalr. NI'OKK AOIIAMII A (IAIN At 7:35 this morning, the Dlgby Is land wireless station, still further ex ending the record for transPacIf radio communication of Pacific Coul commercial .itntlonn again spoke the ' This Watch iGood Value $18.00 We offer this week a very reliable Man's Watch at a moderate price. The regular price is $20.00. Plain gold filled case 1G size. Screw back and front, 17 jewels, white dial with t'ack hands and figures. We guarantee it to be satisfactory as we baVe handled this make for years and find them the best timekeepers at the price we ever had. ONLY FOUR IN STOCK f (Jewellers IMC STORE WITH THE CIOCH NKW Party Firftck JUST ARRIVUD ut Demers, Phone 27 P.O. Hox 327 I 4 i 1- Li UJUVTAIL BOOKLET Here s Speedy Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet Moone's Emerald Oil Must (iivc Complete Satisfaction or Money j Cheerfully Refunded Your feet may ta so swollen and in- , : lamed that you think you can't go - mother step. , Your shoes may feel as ,f they are cutting right into the flesh, Vcu feel sick all over with the pain and arturr and pray for quick relief What's o be done? Two or three applications of Minute's KmrntM (Hi and In firtren minutes the pain and soreness disappears. A few nore applications at regular Intervals nd the swelling rtbucas. And as for Soft Corns and Callouses few applications each night at bed time and they Just seem to shrivel right : motorablD Acranal. The biz llnsr wa tnen three hours out of Sydney, Austcm- : Ha, the destination of her voyage from Vancouver. Mil mum 10 DIUADn HC CTCIUADT UHnilU Ul UlklimU i VANCOVKB. Feb. j. Ball was refused to Ilenrl Rivard charged with the murder on January 1 a Stewart of William ; Ritchie by Justice Wurphy In the 8u- 1 preroe Court. Rivard will be tried at Prince Rupert st the spring assises. ! Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and Sixth Avenue Save the Coppers Libby's Asparagus Tips, per tin i Sugar. Grauulatd, 10 lb. for 7:f Dollar Sodas, new stock, box (!Hf Seedless Raisins, per lb iily Macaroni, ready cut, per lb. II! e Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. . . IDf Prunes, three sizes, per lb. 7?. ltiS llf These are new California stock Aylraer Souiw, highest Canadian quality, assorted, per tin.. lie4 Heinz Catsup iter bottle Pure Plum Jam, per tin ."."0 Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 dozen for Si. 18 Local Eggs, large size, per dozen oKf Circle (S) Picnic Ham, per lb. Creamery Uutter ill? & Klc 2 Ifl In fna I, ml rni Ul - ... v,.,c uun.n.iwi ... v.'uvn the uii Inquest inquest and sno the tne preliminary Drellmlnarv Uulk Lard, per lb. 11)0 hesrlng which were held before Stlpen Pork and Deans, large tins .. lUrilr Magistrate a. n. MaUory of port Peas, size 4, per tin Clements at Masaett. The verdict Tonutps, largely, 7 tins for ZTSJfl'SLZ Singa-fS' iito Jl! i Wt , srtd 27 from ! rifle millet o.- bullets G bars White Swan Soun and one I from a rifle held in the hand. r package Jlf for w? Keep this list handy when ordering Fresh Milk and Cream Phone :I0 1 i Br Apkhntwint N To Hit MJTT world over Relief for up and scale off. No matter how discouraged you have been with powders, footbaths or other applications. If you hare sot tried l.imniM oil then you have tiMimhmg to learn. i if a wonderful formula this com- binatlon of essential oils with camphor and other altiseptlcs so marvellous that thousands of bottles are sold annually for reducing varicose or swollen veins. j Every good druggist guarantees the very first bottle of Mixme' Knirrslil Oil to end your foot trouble or money back, MICKEY GILL SHADED IIARVEf HOLLIDAY IN SIX ROUNDS BOXING tacoma. Peb. 3 Mickey QUI of Vancouver. flyweight, aliaded llarvev Hollldiy. also of Vancouver, in a sis-round boctng program last nrjht. IillOUXKK ix twi.h .. CLOVBROALB. Peb. 3. rraderick WelH, u yean of age. was found drowu- in a woli at his home at Coast and itlrldlan Road. REVOLTING MURDER WAS THAT OF JAMBS SMITH (continued from page one) Uie right arm were also mlsalnr, only flesh remaining. The right leg was broken. The remains were removed on Tuesday. January SI. to Masaett by Sergeant MoNeUl. Inspector Bplller and Constable Grant. McNeill and Spllier having arrived at Masaett In ttae mean-tune to take charge of tne investigation. MIK-i;M.I T.NH.K KMI'K The officers were subsequently taken to another point, accompanied by accused, where Sergeant McNeill unearthed a rifle which was also cleverly camouflaged in the ground. There was also found a 25-20 shell, the same slae as the rifle, llarry Smith said: "Tea, I threw the full shells on either side of the road. I don't know what I did with the empty ones, t think I threw one sway close to the body." A table knife, filed to the shape of a stiletto, was also found by Constable Orant In that locality. Accused stated that It was his. "I had It." he said, "becaune I was afraid of my father. I never had any hatred in my heart." Dr. Dunn, Sergeant McNeill, Constable Grant and Prahk Smith gave evidence as to toe foregoing details at , . Harry Smith, deceaseds son." At the subwequent prollminsry trial, llarry Smith, aied 24. was committed fnrtri.i The Smith fsmlly. which originally runie from England, has lived at Mas-M'tt for many years They were all 4Ulir well known and the killing was as shocking to the community as It wan hrimatlonuJ Advertise tti the Datly New Weekend specials DOROTHY MILK fc9 tins for $1.00 Per case, 18 tins . The price is right, and we guarantee the qiuhi . getting a large distribution on this new mllkr rwrt reports, this line is here to stay. Special price on Baby Site, pr tin Limit 20 ting to each customer Combination Special 1 Jar Libby's Pickles, 20 6z. Your choice Sweet, Chow or Sour I Jar Honey, Malkin's 1 Bottle Tomato Catsup 1 Dottle Beefsteak Sauce 1 Bottle Rowat'g Worcester Sauce Reg. $1.60 value for SjSI.OO Cowan's Instant Cocoa, lb. tin, reg. 30. Special ti'lt 20 only, tins Nabob Cayenne Pepper, 'a lb. tins, to clear, at per tin .... 15r ' 30 only, tns Nabob Allspice. I2 lb. tins, to clear at per tin irv Jello Powders, 3 for . . Flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Iemon, Orange. Budweiser Malt, Hop flavored, 2 Mi lb. tins .. ,$l.ur Budweiser Malt' plain, 2V4 lb. tins $1.00 Peerless Malt, 2 lb. tin 7." Knox Gelatine, 2 pkg... I3f Homes' Gelatine, S pkg. U." Hopa, P.K., K's, 2 pkg. i:r,p Bottle Caps, per lb .0f Make your own beer. We carry all the ingredients. Australian Wine Rainins, :i lbs. for Christie Sodas, Dinner Pails, per tin ."." f Mrs. Haines' Orange Marmalade, 2 lb. tin ... ir Mrs. Haines' Pineapple Marmalade, 2 lb. tin ."Of Grape Nuta, per pkg. . . l.lf Dates, in bulk, 3 lbs. . . 'Sit These are last season's Mock but very good value. . Poulton &. Noel's Meat Pastes, in glass jars H.'f Also Bloater, Anchovy, Lobster and Shrimp Paste- jar SSf Robin Hood China Oats, Pkg 70 (1 Cup and Saucer in every package) Airy Fairy Cake Flour, something new. Special, Pkg :M)f Braid's Blue Label Tea, reg. 80c lb. Special (15 Libby's Pork and Beans, medium size, per tin . . 10f Limit G to each cuetomer. Icing Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. l!)f Meadowbrook Pure Jam Cherry, Peach, Gooseberry or Loganberry, 4 lb. pails, each ,vf Rupert Table Supply il Phones WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee. 3 p.m. DOROTHY GISH - "MADAME The life and loves of ANTONIO MORENO. HENRI BOSC. Nteuso.N KEYS . ?yN;OL DS, MARIE AULT and many other A British n National picture filmed in London, Englai COMEDY "MAD SCRAMBLES" PAT1IE REVIEW Admission or Combination Wijci.thir Special 38 lbs. for . Sl.oo 12 lbs. Terrace Tuimj,. 14 lbs. B.C. Carrm 0 lb.. Red Beets G Ibi. Cooking Om California Celen, V ' i Imperial Valley I . , 10 . : .- Sweet Spuds, 'I 1 1 - -,, Fresh Spinach, il Cruniiyi rie.H, lb. Caulif lower, p r h, ; ,;- Bru.ssel Sprouts, 1 ,. lb 2V Sunkist Oranges, size, 3 dozen ;i s .0 ( larger sizes, iht m .., ."Op, 70 , s: Florida Grape Ki ur . i; Apples, 3 lb Gano, Baldwin, and Wagners. "C" Grade Win. Vi box K I.S.I Box k.: 1.1 "C" Grade Yellow 'a box sis:, Box "C" Grade Snitzciii Vis box si. 7ll Box PROVISIONS B.C. Fresh First l.yr This is the in.'di .: Special, 3 doz. . . . sir. Local New Laid Knv size, per doz. . Alberta Bulk Bull. 1 .SI l:i Finest N ew Zealun l per lb Roquefort Cheese. ; In" Grecian Ripe Oliw-. er lb Ajax Hams (whole . Picnic Hams, fin ; Brand, per lb. Peter Rabbit IVanu' 2l lb. pails Lard in bulk. 2 II,- VM Weston's Fruit Cake Cherry, Sultana i tin. 3s lb. slab si r. Freh stock with r fruit. Ginger Snaps, ni-stock. per lb ('hritii"'.s Scotch Cookies, per lb. Marshmellons, per P ,"()(' Toasted or pi.. 210, ail, a 12 ip - POMPADOUR" hintorv' lnvMli..,. ,.hum, l'OM SOc and 23c To Every Woman who Is eager for new ideas In home decoration-new n.lr combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes for hahy'--room, new color beauty everywhere In the house "01" Brushing Lacquer conies as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3