2 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, December 16, 1952 4p Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbullding of Prince Ruper and Northern and Centra] British Columbia, Wember of Canadian Pre Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Association Published by rt Daily News Limitea Audit Newspaper The Prince Rupe J. FP. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-Presicent —_———_- - ———____—— Subscription Rates % By carries—-ber ~wee " per ith $1.04; per year, $10.00 g Soe saa Sy. mat]—Per sib, FSc: per r. $8.0¢ UD fe ‘ aughorizved as *ecomd class r:ail t the Post OMce Department, Ottawa Action Needed on Alcoa Plans as roy... Reflects and Reminisces As I See It | A Child's at ife of des ie > il \\ Ss eS, ee a BE lonore I. Report From... Parliament Hill By Edward T. Applewhaite, M P. Ske eng : = ’ In the name of human rights,\falth and wil) eon: : : = E aye so many issues are currently spirit th Y, f . = A bachelor is & guy who Can peing raised throughout the An excellent «nex _-— polt — — Dave . whole clothes closet t0| world that December 10 passed swung vack and + a : 3° himself without much public attention English and Preyer : ss, : = HARDLY EVER aoe — 7 ae ures nose P= the Debate on th, 3 mg Books—Saucers—Socreds | So“. 42==, Smut in grain is causing no | ideals of Toe’ tale ae it peri or a al small degree of anxiety @MONE| may be, nevertheless. the recent! : : . : ' , wp . wer satel os : ‘ Pigeons and congratulates « NLESS the Alaska legislature @ets a move on. IN MY LIST of good Western ne wheat — court cases, riots and executions and seconder of lg, , : ‘ ‘ ro fay Chrietmas ers % vere are some WHO have caused so much econeern i + eneens the big whoop-de-doo about the Aluminum books for Christmas | rarely, if ever, worry over SMUt because the stand on” human throne. He hy lao oe : ‘ . . +7 7° > 1977" yy ‘ Oy Ag hr in Hterature heh ; : a0 on ons * Company of America building a half-billion-dollar forgot a few best ba Rn Serna rights by. Se us. havidg moved the address } : a ys ns sine af the . ' , , . : erect “eae POD oa ¢ | therefore erstood plant on the laiya River may fizzle out. gains of the lot: S ange See Soe er United Nations,” says the pre-' culties which co oar Wes ty ; ; “ ; . Native Trees of Canada” sell three separate «stories of elomple to the UN Declaration t face in Se While negotiations for this project go ahead In py mail for i i healthfulness on ce oo have in the Charter reaffirmed Garaned oft fr é > . : . : . 8 well as abundance of rain n . ete yiecemeal fashion, other American companies ap- | Queen’s Printer ; . veya _| their faith dn fundamental hu-isaid that Mr. De ] : at os u 300 pages, fully revisec and around Vancouver PientY/ man rights, in the dignity of|charged with hy ' pear to be making definite headway with plans for | jyustrations “It is of — ara ulso = — worth of the human person, and! which had been me + . , ‘ . ‘ , , ‘ . up AVE wre Moe - A u ty +) 1 eto? e+ . ; “xiuminum production with the result that mucn oc! OI MAE Bure Ww ORE sem “ “ a CGuas Pielke OF MG. MDM him He also rv . coe Canadian Woods,” a} — Ce er oe, oe women, and determined to pro- justifiably to the v 7 the demand may be met before Aleoa has even |tainabie from Queen’s Prin Hee eee Oy ay, note social progress and better ner in which Mm: ; arted Yttawa at $38. This deals wit erence ‘to Prince Ruper We standards of Mfe in larger ffee-!onded the address « — the avenaition ini eaieat wanda. always did think the un a pretty dom.” The influence of this|Jimmy Sin One firm has just announced that it is ready | ana is the * at mond” on th falr sheet Declaration may be seen in ‘the Cannon who is fron ‘ s9 > on : niles 2 iy snlentitin viene sane > een teen new constitulions of Costa Rica, | Madeletive eer to start work on a $48 million project at The Dalles, | Sh —e ee - PUNISHMENT, OF COURSE Saivad Haiti, Indonesia iaaing sites “quits . : i Poy : writter lear, simple layma A police Hiewtenant in Mont- | a, hy ner a ' . ar Oregon, Another has cleared the way for construc- | ‘anguag: real Who won $46,000 in 2 racing! pi. oe - eae, 2 er a +3 . . . ‘715 } Sass ‘ Pi. 7 . + + & Pepatat ; to sharged ith : oy a vee te . re — = *D ” tion of a 5168 miuhon aluminum and fabrication IF YOU wa saan ok of p belt ; it . eae ie as tans opted in several countries Magdalen Island t ° ‘ . ‘ ’ + 8 ‘ . . ee rc es “ ” = ._—_—— athe “¢ . “Ve ‘ € te installation in Illinois. A third is ready to build in ems “A ®ew More Dawns" by Arise my daughter ~—and all at once the little girl ticket. He may possibly be dis- |. MI Claxton, Minister of Na- ll ay . te | Texas. and a fourth in Tennessee Vina Bruce Chilton is availabe was alive again, missed from the force, Of course “O%al Defence, put the record hi aa aa r eXas, and a Lourth in tennessee. in most stores at $1.75. Mrs. Chil that’s a severe penalty straight in connection with our! House, he sald. x , 1? : 1] } ‘ t ‘ f nt « 3 Korean force, just before leaving SOW. are very 1 Me “rom this it woul appear hat / leo: .eds ; been a frequent contrib A Ch ife Je is one of the las ks written by the late Pulto J r ° en : nes geo Ro . “ : im , A nes itor western Canadian p Ou th umes Greatest Stu ver Told Worry not unlike a rocking f° NATO, when he told us that? satuor’ i official support by Alaska in pressing for action by / lication: Her work is half; *h* Grea Book Ww eve. ; Oursiers ‘chair. It gives you something gel omg ae receive 4 ee ‘ } 4 , oe b pecially ily for 1 © well- ; sich aaah li inde is shown by the fact that of the the U.S. government to make the proposed site | GowR-to-earth, hat myst k Neil O'Keeffe 0 00, Te Gee en eee non-fatal battle casualties le ee en . é . 200d, and some superb. Take “A Phe ; eae available quickly and to start discussion with | Train’ Chapter \ for all but not enough wine for) Last year Scotland exported ‘an 8 per cent died of wounds | , Train : ‘rink. W : while the figure was 6 per cent re ee as saci ilies eae . NOT easy to say “no” the people to drin hat could’ ten million gallons of whisky Sigil — . , Canada for water rights. — oe wn the hit I hea ; rites was © He do to help? There will always be a Scotland » the Second bh wre Soe 1 , . 2 whistle, 1s ae or a sities i1 per cent in the First Wor In the latter connection, the Ketchikan Alaska | Tumbling the heart like a \ i brave to be good.) J¢ wae eee jer, Cans ioe th Sarel ’ ee eee ee . 4. mother and to help the worried! GETTING ON IN YEARS War. Canadian troops in Korea Chronicle remarks: a man to sow Ui tamily. @o He calied the serv-| It cannot be denied that the) “#8” never been subjected | to, i : F : : i c . Cairo, Hong Kong, Paris, sing ‘ ‘ rong when we The rried in six red number of aged folks in Prince unnecssary casualties by any, neveral Canadian legislators, including our o the sound — | inl Dagan ssid - ss bs jars. each one taller than a boy Rupert is gradually increasing ——— of ammunition, nor are person friend, Ted Applewhaite of Prince ‘Rupert, | *™0Nons are sprung mxe # sprin sts and days and then’@"4 filled with water. Jesus | Plenty who have reached 45 and they in the least likely to be ex- : nf ee . ee oe a ae prayed « the water and then can’t find a job will soon not posed in such a manner consider the Alcoa project at skagway to be just Or consider this bit m a a 7 oe tol 1e people to ta it. They have enough time left in which - — the or aye on. NOW! propaganda. They think it is being used by Aleoa | “Cred tempted to do wrong sometime i belie own to write their memoirs pr Bogor a oe = bale , » i i follow ter 7 Ee . Wins er nigess . 4 : + x rizyt te " at » pommesntonea insuliie ono . nr ; especially when they are weakest,| Mouths. It Was hot just water ines esa in the Commonw tivision to obtain other concessions, including an end to the Beauty ws ninongarmtoonses Aen yi . e. It was the red juice.of| Unable to discover a mood) oj) - sa eaith ¢ — "t you haven't den two cents per pound duty the U.S. now collects on ,! have always been were weer weet en ee e sweetest they had/five-cent cigar, a smoker now 9G in the army Sppeoprials 51 sscenay, NOW is tt ) cents per pound duty tne othe V , And om good hearty meal, Jesus began, “’* *** ne ne cdgims that what this country, Uf Position as having the third <. ot age os ‘anadian-made ‘ Since Canada must be per- saihines dak His work of taiking to crowds) ©Ver tasted a ae cent eiger. Mrgest fighting force am t oume S anc get Canadian-made metal. Since Canada must be pet Looking for her, everywher of peo; ; ish ta th m wn That was the first miracie of ments oe & GONE She-cen, eo United Nations in cores ane winterizing done to your « . e RD PE a bite ‘ciel i pie an showing them hov ne 7 bifSt urs i tle ats suaded to sell the water from the headwaters of the She herself slips away beyond +), 4, happy. From then on, He/ Jesus. A miacce is a wonderful — brigade comamnder may, elthor Have you got Winter-en ; adi the palest star Pe ag re nt sehies ile a at os the ai ; Che : hud Yukon to develop power on the Taiya, what the no wtahie is ao datk was never alone. In one placed #eppenii that only God cai; girite in Northern Afrien “rough the usual channely or/] Tires, Chains and 4s ; i . * Nc ie ’ ame after another He met young men 40 Murders in Eastern Africas. Con- direct, bring to attention ‘any freese? Uf not .. ‘ parliament says will be all-important. en cieds an aaa who loved Him and came with| From thgt{ inte on Jesus did ¢jicts in South Africa. Bat the “vation In which he feels that ,* ; No abyss so terrible, but : hace amg Shin ld : maser doled uched a ar Canadian lives would be need- , . panke | alin camel! dot os . a Hiy They sto d. their work. Many mirage: He touched @ pontine: yienty of surplus i ’ nmeec ae si The paper also sees as another problem the -‘Thear her os pede ee = Oe hs ane ae om eat tae oe = a a lesaly. risked, or any ether or SEE anticipated Canadian proposal that this country ; ‘Sian mG . ie wanted to be with Him and help | Man could see, just as you and I ing a fight eg ey: requiring we aa SUPERIOR AUTO bargain the water rights against American assist- | until‘at jas wi ee wea ee eee ee oe ee | essary st Wahnten ht] SERVICE LaaiTes ol ’ : : . ‘ . tov Hi ie i" Men and men who were sick’ Be carefu} on curves. Death |" ?: * more i} 3rd Ave. W. Phone Crees ance in the St. Lawrence seaway project. All this, | UPRE Ae - . Apostles with a disease called leprosy and) may be just around the coroner.| _,Ctoree Drew said that tn view a gan ‘+ feel ‘Il : ; | HERE is a message for all or any a : made them well again of the minister's desire to re- eels. wi ake 2 of » twenty loggers at Stew- n¢ nds were all poor|;""* ™ eT e any ; » he anadians are just as anxious as Alaskans to a ey . ae Fe ie ws a Andrew, were” fishermen. They veside the body of little girl. sense as ever ind whatever, wes ep eanea™ . | sch br ht i ae ee a _— gray en sailed on the Lake of ( eA The father and mother were number of nage are left, they Minister if he would inform the see the scheme brought into the open. Many of our seen a mg enue 4 gitinie hee eo J nies f it House wheather a statement con- es, : ee auht _ 7 saib tery aircraft irew had another brother who, fying, Dut Je touched her) have ai OF tt veyed to the people of Canada by Ce own undertakings, particularly those of British Please ‘write me and ‘tell ex-| 2180 followed: Jesus. (is dame forehead gng He said) " mrise my ; : few the Canadian Press, and which t ~ Columbia and the Yukon, depend on the outcome, actly at what time and date you WS Simon. but Jesus liked toj@@ughteF —and ‘ai! @t Once the We only succeeded. 8 ict iinformed the Canadian psople ‘ . ee ~ ere Others came late nehadir wo hte doved everveody else, told th t yw the so-and rlsigt the position of the vernment I ; Q CLEAR itself of a disturbing charge, the that I will make fun of you named ‘2 ne — mott a ul rere ine. must go = aoe a i oe nat "\hal —.... nll ‘ ‘ . ‘ this Oiur I hink t sie ee . sa 4 = r { » + » “ ‘ < " boilermakers’ union would be well advised to ee ae soto ’ a ee Dae ee eee whsltah aeeeks as abu a deve han. must have’ faith. Faith is believ ™ | said that he is in no way respon- i. Had If, as Mr. Waldbauer maintains, there are (you do not want them in pened. That night they all went '"8 Something you cannot s ible for what the newspapers . ' usa : apt ‘ ; + +¢ + ere BY TDS Wey BE WEE | ; sa inl Doe eae THE vrint: but Canada entered t lie nny ous ed welders » ity ow rork “ " fi “ to a house inea town called Cana. Ut you are very sure of ust j pein ani ‘ a wn (0d: ue . 1 : Ny Bong without WORK A BEARER SAG 30 Snow Shen The ai * c; of eae he same, You are very sure, like |North Atlantic treaty in good Your aluminum 7 because union rules call for Vancouver labor, it is I am seing 19 Jump into the os cetting married and there | Meowine that your father tov ETTERBOX c ° 1 © ps argument beiween the gover: F weer MAESTEG Bat Lait z kee aotins SRAU it SHANCES are you ha x an undesirable state of affairs ment and the usually Liberal, 8% 8 happy wedding party. But | ¥O# 6nd mother loves you. FAITH sin esd : oe er DE CAETOe | athe eign’ ann IN GOD INVITES MIRACLYS enema averyeins With the city facing a lean winter because of |P&PES jike the Vancouver Sun yy ne ee to Jest r si \ NO RESTRICTIONS ee ee > ' 2 cs , and Winnipeg Free Press over Ary Came tO Jesus and t omorrow, Jesus caanes friends , eggs — contains alumi the fishing industry tie-up, it is the duty of every the CBC and TV Him the trouble. There was for with boys and girks The Di ily New is not surprising, since o : So as : es : NRE ; : | The Daily News, ip business and organization to alleviate this by pro- ‘ on & om yee gees — ey ee King Features Syndicate,,Ine. ‘This text ts taken from the | Having ‘been @t the meeting eae cae e . 4 . roversia] writer to Canadian sen A Child fe esus, by ton Ourslet aw . 2 j wMinum is most read - r ¢ > yyment *herevey S 2 nip 3 bublished by Pran ine we addressed by Mt. Hines, I em moting local employm« nt herever possible, Their newspapers I fiave learned. som Published by Franklin Watts, in | phatically deny ‘that -a eonelu- | pble commercially, bow responsibility is further increased by the need of foe i “om way van ngt sion emitter be “arttwn™t hal TANT. the form of bauxite ore. | » ' . - 0 gel into too many fights a ties were restricted for Mr. Hines ships this ore from South A enabling local industry to meet Vancouver com- one an ame ti (7 | TAWA DIARY 7 7 < Our | - - 2 and the same time. One ar- when investigating conditions in to feed its pot lines a! Ar 4 petition. gument at a time pretty ve USSR He stated that 4 Maligne, Shawinigan fa 4 » > going By N iwhen the delegation expressed a Beauharnois, P. Que. * . _ . fi z a row, FP. If Prince Rupert employers are obliged to hire As a columnist, who writes o y ORMAN M. MacLEOD desire for an alternate route of huge new Kitimat development # men in Vancouver anc ay a. a ae ae political affairs, you are bound The embodiment of the old ever the weather will be this inspection, it was granted. He completed in B.C., refined on : | pay their transportation, | to make some of the people mad| saying that you can’t judge a‘ winter also said that two of the dele “ » the West Coat board ; hasee : ) will be shipped uf yoard and lodging, they cannot hope to meet theiy 4] the time, al] the people mad book by its cover is the Rev. E He not only pooh-poohed any!gates spoke the language flu- from South American or olhet bigger competitors tc — ks be some of the time. But the thine |G. Hansell, Socia] Credit member | suggestion that the two parties ently and could, and did, con dant sources. A , " antes s to the south on anything like to re member is not to make all, Of Parliament for Macleod had anything basic in common, verse with workers at the fac- ao lccadietadh Lt , even terms, the people mad all the time Mr. Hansell is a meek-looking he went so far as to say the Con- | torie while in the evening yee ENS : = a aa oe D are , little Church of Christ minister servative were doomed t e celewates were free to go where "Ons d ¢ " makers ‘ Meanwhile I sincerely thank ai servatives wet med to ex | It * probable that the boilermakers union can Social Samoa eae ee from whom one would expect tinetion. hey pleased and converse with ~ seep throw light on the situation which will completely nantly written to me on tnat|‘? hear not much more than mild eo i : . et. May ' yeeches of good will towards “If ever this country does come; Ther ay be still sect : of clear . g ai ileal ree akomy Tf * | subject, Maybe they are right an‘ | * ; f There may be still sections o : - this unpleasant-looking mystery. Jf so, it sah ieee ihe nail ae oe meen. But the impression back to a two-party system, the|the cities where life is not as it j should in its own interest, as well as that of 2 Meanwhiie, as Cromwell said. ;2uCly Changes once he's on his Progressive Conservative party | should be. Having lived in some yublic, make its positi k ! oo 7 ja ine sedesiaadaiaae ae feet, for he reveals an incisive- will not be one of them,” hejof the largest cities in Britain } ; Make Its position Known, the bowelle of Christ nae sé bs ness of speech that strongly be- said. He predicted a merger of and seen the seamy side of life | wish to thank those who voted form . ———_—- \sast THERE slay Be wend?” lies his outward appearange and he CCF and the Liberals as the|on this continent, I think the | on December 11th. | will try to a s : ’ is unmatched by most members nation’s Socialist faction, andj fact that the U.SSR. is gradu-} ece : Scripdane i - i : g in the Chamber e Socreds standing alone as/ ally eliminating them is much to) good job. ‘ 9 fom y " Mr, Hansell provided a good, fhe champions of free enterprise her credit, I wish the same could| (Signed) “Thon visitest the earth and blessed it.”—Psalm 65: C pa y Te example of his inward fire when, Thus, he laid to rest the specu- be said of other cities. Anyone | ; “thy, : aa | 05:9, om own he recently shattered in a few ation of a working agreement who knows the signs of the) ee } H Idea Ruled Out sentences the loving overtures of between the Social Crediters and | shady side has no diffciulty in| k on I) /. can f . |some western Progressive Con- the Conservatives. And the word recognizing it anywhere. | ' : ea oncerns ve servatives more devastatingly bas gone out to Socred organ-| The meeting was called with| nono ry na lan After 35 Years than ever a hot-eyed swain was izers everywhere to repect Tories ¢he object of fostering a better) aang ' Health is too often regarded are there because of a ‘trans- j repulsed by a cool and indifferent seeking to come into the fold wunderstanding and to open up weer Mee CE EE NE NE CINE NENT ag somebody else’s business: or , s ._ | maiden. unless they've been well and avenues of trade to dispose of |¥ ani , SS» OF | gression of the laws of health by| VANCOUVER (CP) — Pacific | : worse still, it is not considered Fiabe tame i ; 2 ae truly converted. mounting reserves of Canadian J a positive objective at all, as-|S°meone . . . ee et de oe, ee Ever since before the British! Mr. Hansell has made it plain »oods and so eliminating the + Pool serts Dr. Gordon Bates, general| “It is to emphasize the point | idea after o enateg _ ‘ gs (Cumbia election, by which a to newsmen that the Social alarming increase in unemploy- ’ director of the ‘Health League | °f view that lifelong health is a an at O P om Fggut of 9 | Social Credit government squeak- Credit high command feels it ment here. of Canada. \rational and obtainable objec- |” The ee led into power, there have been has more to fear from an infil- As far as union representatives To tell all Canada that health| tive, that each year there is a found ee ae it 1A5 | reports, apparently based on tration of unconverted Tories ang city aldermen giving support is of vital concern to every|National Health Week in Can-|own houses in a. c¢ wor a fact, that certain Progressive |rallying to the Socred banner to the meeting is concerned, if ights 7 Canadian is the purpose of Na-|#da during the first week of where they can hz os teen a) y Conservatives have’ been wooing in western Canada than from | ajl the people of the city showed Get Your Christmas Tree Lig tional Health Week, next Feb.| February.” vba y . ir OWN the Social Crediterg with the other politicians, because Of a the same interest in finding out yi! 1 to 7, | Dr. Bates urges that everyone, The company came to tute Sees proposition oY “If you'll possibility of party policy being the truth of those in the east, EARL’ 7 “We are content in the name | everywhere in Canada, should conclusion after the success of —. my (Meek, FU scratch (SNe eee Be er riee ee car SMe Ok Seats me Wane “N ” Christmas Tree Lights ’ of héalth to build hospitals for|help in telling others how to a c a tg Be ay . in he Sa. ;would solve themselves. I can OMA ri : y those who are unnecessarily ill, | prevent sickness and to promote uch ta eee ee” That Progressive Conservative, ‘The Conservatives in Parlia-| only assume that the writer of AT - either physically or mentally,”|health—either by giving ad-! Ocean Falla y near leader George Drew or his im-| ment have shunned any open | the letter has not yet grasped | . a, nélats tat the Miles. tiie Oledieatinns It abe nme | Fula. ee mediate Leutenants in Ottawa guegestin that there might be a|sufficient basic English to un-|( RIC a “And we are content to neg-|qualiffed, or by making ar-| ENGLISH POPE . [aemaanrns a proposition in ques- uyerger with the Gocial Crediters. derstand the spoken word; and | ¥ RUPERT RADIO & fe leet the simple, obvious things|rangements for others who are) ‘The only sadiinaes siectaik| aa e, aan Whatever When the subject does come up,/the Iron Curtain he mentions, 4 “ae” DEALER Aq. - which would make unnecessary|quelified to speak 1o church’ pope wos Adrise 17 ben disto oe a 7 oat Proposition |the Conservatives simply state | like the emperor's new clothes in , “YOUR *AUTHORIZED “GE J 1279 wort a thousands of beds in these in-j| groups, schools, service elubs las B alk “ar \ sad te een ar | wane peomgd peal anemt intereses Renanee (Hane Ohtisiah mnsarset's Salry| 5 Ph Box vy , , S jas Brakespeare, who died in /|sident of the Social Credit part "| understand Socred tales, is -existe one 644 » stitutions built for those who! and local radio audiences 115 ee eo. ae mae, He eee . = Mes : f ‘ eS. 59. ‘gave it as cold a reception as’ theories. . W. D. GRIFFITHS, Snnnnntaninnnbinereindeinennnn nh nhnnnnnnnnnn™ > : a) Rox *y he ” ey tm ee ee ge