CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill ft Wmm mtlm Everyone reads the Classified Ad. LA It G E CADARET If you lose, advertise for It. Special Dinners Saturdays Thursday and II you find, locate the owner. Dancing every Saturday night Whatever you need, advertise for It from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT (JET THE CLAHN1FILI) HAMT. The latest and best for the least. Phone 437 Northern and Central, British Columbia's Newspaper i Mm !.J -L a i. i i immm.wr!rmm .!.! m.. l. m -IJll-lllJLJmiL'.ill IB" Vol. XVIII., No. 1C8. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1928 Price Pi veiCanu PA TTULLO AMERICANS SAID TO BE Hon. T. D. Pattullo Deals With Number of Political Questions of Interest to Prince Rupert Courageously Declares it not In the Public Interest to Sell Provincial Mock as it may be Needed for Hig Project "If Liberallim does not appeal to the mass of the people it' cannot live," declared Hon. T. I). Pattullo in the climax of a spIen-! did lighting address last night at a large meeting in the Moose Hall. "Liberal must have a conitructive policy and that the present government always had. I have been all over the province and as a result of my contact with the people it is my considered judgment that the government will be returned to power." Analyzing the situation more closely, Mr. Pattullo said that in Vi toria he expected to win the solid four. Usually that city had tbcen Liberal or partly so and Uvty HARD HITTING IN BASEBALL OA Mrs vj.Hfniiivv ri:.m iii:t nv M.MUENTH: MAW riTCIIKUS I .-Lit IN TWO (IA.MKS NEW YORK. July 7. fleecing seven i in- in tbe first luntrga the Oieau defeated PUtebmg, in Uta. tartt game a tc while cnteago Cubs were .uiidtng Jm Petty of Brooklyn, tbe ;:t-iung ace. iM two relief pitchers to w.n fourteen to elf ht. Oery and Her- ,n hit home for Brooklyn while Ii . Kitson teored homer for the Cub, v i secured twenty hiu. IUln washed .' oiiht National Ieaguc game. in the .Amerleeo League in the only nte played WaiMnfU-n and Chicago uik'.-tt m a ilugfeat. ls pitchers be-: k used HELEN WILLS IS CHAMPION WON IX TIAMS FINALM AT WIMI1LK-HON (tlC tKNOHIT. l)E AL-EKE7. Of SPAIN TOIIAV WIMBLEDON, July 7. Helen Wills rruiued her championship In wten Mn-:.-i t the Mg tennu tournament irc today defeating Benorlta 0 At-' 1 ' o! Spain before a huge crowd lulling tbe King and Queen. The H're was fl-l. S-S. Mm Holcroft Wataon and Miss P. Bnunders won tbe women's doubles. il testing Mrs. Hrmyntnide Harvey and Eileen Dennett 6-a. 6-3. Henry Ooebe and Jaoquea Drugnon 'n the meat double from Oerald rur-rson and J. B. Hawke ol Au-irlia 13-11, 8-4, 0-4. Eiiisabth Ryan, a Oallfomlan living " Finland, and P. D. B. Spenee of tv nin Africa won the mixed double d fi-nt iiik Jack Crawford and Daphne Akhurot. Australian. 7-5. 6-4. KILLING NEAR OCEAN FALLS Man SUt to Unit It nt I'Miermen'a Cove hut mi DHnlln of Tragedy Illicit Provincial police headquarter here lsnt night were advleed that a man had oeen shot to death at Fishermen's Cve. a fishing oamp Just outside of Ocean Palls. The message conveying th ii Information gave no name of par- tien concerned or details a to the clr umslaiictf'jejpthe tragedy. Constable ' ItKbert qtbaon dlanatehed to the fene4! Investigate, leaving at midnight "ii i he steamer Princess Royal. LUSSIER pYoPOSES" ' TO FLY IN NEW YORK WITH HOMEMADE WINGS NIAGARA PALLS. July 7. LusMer. went over Niagara Pall In a ball hw propose to fly from the Woolworth building with winuH tie tin made for uii.ell. all knew why they went down at the last election. Today they had the Prime Minister and three splendid candidate there. In Vancouver they Lad an excellent slate and should win at leat three seat end probably six. They would win at Creaton, Trail and Tory Okanagen where BUI Mackenzie, good fellow a be was. outd be beaten. Most of the Island ronatltuencle would come to than ind tbe whole north would go Liberal, .here could not possibly be a Tory teveroment bceaoae Labor would carry cans seal and rtcbttf ao. Deer-Wftti Vasal SueatMM rtftfct' 4r. Pattullo last night ' cleared the way for hie discussion of provincial question. He said he saw no reason from a provincial point of Mew why .here should be a change of Govern-nent. AU auotissful buslnecae were milt up by a continuity of manage-nent. NO APPARENT KEMN "And I there any reason locally wh) I should not be returned?" Inquired he candidate. "I have not heard s olid reason why I should not be olected. The opposition ha prepared a couple of booklet which are a tltaur of Ignorance, maareprceeotatlon an deliberate falsehood. I shall not nave tune or opportunity to refute all thef misrepresentation but I am not afraid for eooner or liter right will prevail.' Mr. Pattullo then spoke of hie per wnal friendship for Mr. Thompson but now 'that he wo in public life they had a right to look at bun and analyre bis view. He bad not Deei In a position whore hi view would be known a were the sneaker's. At a recent meeting be understood Mr. Thompson mentioned three questions, the road work, the provincial block and the fishermen's float. With those he proceeded to deal. The miniate said the question of road work was of supreme Importance He had been one of tbe chief mover, in this from the very beginning. Today they had established tbe principle of a through highway and were eonetruc-ting It. Beginning rather slowly their program wa to extend the work and move raster as tbey went along. Within a reasonable time tbe highway would teach Terrace. He referred facoUouely to the lost piece of road built by the former administration when William Manson was member and on which the um of 115.000 was apent. At (Continued on Page 3) SECURED OPIUM BY PRETENDING TO BE A FEDERAL AGENT TACOMA. July 7. -Harry Illldebrand. r..r nanrotlc detective, waa In dicted on a charge ol obtaining possession of 110.000 worth of smoking I opium from a Chinese by pretending to be a federal ageni. unn. -j BELANGER KNULKtU OUT TONY MARULLO 8Al FRANCISCO. July 7.-Oharley UHnnlnAC. knOCkCd OUt lieiangfT w - Tony Marullo of New OrleaiM In the second round oi a swh-uui bout here last nigni. i. r, , n Prtncras Alloe. Capt mu' '. rutr from Alwika. I due in this afternoon and port at 4 o. Kxk will snll ..' 30 for Vancouver and Victoria. DISCUSSES (iooii ntotiiiKss on CLEAItINU IIICIIT OF IV A V ON HlOIIWAY 1 Good progress Is being made In the slhlng and burning of the rlghtf-wy Beyond Oal-loway Rapid for tbe eonttnua-Iton of the Skeena Hirer Highway off Kalen Island, Some forty man are now employed and one camp ha ben established on this end of the work. It. A. MeLeod Is the general foreman In charge. BOLTING FROM TORY PARTY Vice-President of Organization at Victoria Regisns to Sup-' port Independent ' M VICTORIA, July 7- S. P. J. Sinnett has announced his resignation as first vice-president of the Conservative organization here in order that he may support Captain It II. Anderson, the independent Conservative. Mr. Sinnott also said Joshua Hinchcliffe had informed a recent meeting of the Mcllridc Club that a bribe of a thousand dollars had been offered a member of the legislature at a recent session. He added: "I would like Canon Hinchcliffe to state publicly who was the mem-ler who was offered the bribe, whether he accepted, who made the offer and what was the purpose of the bribe." POLICE PROBE HAS ADJOURNED tviiiENtr. is now iii:i no roNsin- LIlUl IIV COMMISSIONER I.LNNIK VANCOUVER. July 7. The police In- -juiry adjourned sine die yesterday at he end of the fortieth day. after Commissioner LuuM had listened to 181 hours evidence arid arguments. T commlMlon counsel MaoNeUl. In .Jmmlng up. laid the blame for the Urged demorallsotlott of the police rorce at tbe door ot Mayor Taylor and .ugsjetted advene report against Mayor raylor, Chief Long. Inspector Jackson and 8ergt. Oeorge McLaughlin and re ferred pointedly to the evidence con cerning these official Police) Oomm la loner Fletcher also came in for blame on the strength ot hi own testimony that he had sold mining stock to members of the police lorce. Commissioner Lennle wlll now consider ill the evidence which wlll occupy a nnalderable time. FOUR YEARS IN THE PEN. i "rnfi I t ., i , ,, MEN WHO HTOI.D lONI,S H(fif HAI'ETY HEPOSIT VAlLTs"GET TERM TOHAY VANCOUVER. July 7,Four yeara each In the peiutenttary were the sen tencea Imposed this morning by Mag- li trite Shaw upon A. E. Perman and J. MeD. Oroaart. charged with the theft of tao.OOO in bone from a safety de posit box ot J. McNeely. Perman pleaded guilty and Oroaart was convicted after trial The bulk of th utolcn bonds have been recovered AdverUst in the Daily New It payii FISHING IN CANADIAN Development Scheme for Interior Mentioned by Pattullo in Address to Electors at Meeting Last Kight At the public meeting in Moose Hall latft night Hon. T. I). Pattullo eptkc of a bis scheme which Is planned for the development of the Kijsumkaluin and Naas Kiver valley. He was nut in a position toffcay more about this just now but he assured the audience thai he was in favor of it and, whether elected or. jript, would get behind it. What was necessary first was to gel rjd of the P.G.E. j Mr. Pattullo also spoke of the possibility of the government aiding or uru.trtal.inz the development of hydro-electric power in the interior of IJntish Columbia and at Alberni. Power was the great need of today. He believed that the government would be well advised to undertake a hydro-electric policy. In spite of the Jeremiahs, the country wns making progress and would do more rapidly in the future and the government be a real factor in such) development. ui miiT IL1L1DUI LiiU TODAY 180,000 LBS. l.lrtril V-cli MurOtcd Catches for ISeltrr Prices TliH .Morning Halibut landings today totalled 180.000 pound. Three American veaseln disposed of 83.500 pouuds at from 10.3c and 6c to 12 le ar 7c, while eight Canadian boat recaived from 10.4 c and Ge to 104c and 6e far Ue balMice. Arrival and tlc Amrrlran Celtic. 41.000 pouMa, OtlVMUaa Plah & Osid HesM Plah St Cold Storage Oo. 13.1c and 7c. Attu. pound. AUln Ftsherle. 10.2c and Sc. Canadian Balesc, 20000 pounds. Booth Plsherle. 10.60 and 6c. Aiken. 8.500 pound. Bjoth Flaher-lea. 19c and 6c. Bdward Upaett, 9.000 pound. Iloyal Fish Co.. 10.6c and So. Morris II., 8.000 pound. Pacific Plsherle. 10.4c and 6c. Atll. 13.000 pounds. Pacific Fisheries, 10.6c and 0c. Olbson, 14.000 pounds. AUln Flahertee, 10.9c and Sc. Eed Mild. 11,000 poll Ml. Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Oa., IQ.6c and 6c. Impcrtus. 10.000 pound. Canadian Fish 4c Cold Storage Oo, 10.4c and 6c. JACK I'ICKI'Ollll ILL HOLLYWOOD. July 7.-Jack Pick- ford la seriously 111 from heart trouble, British Labor Policy Outlined in Pamphlet Just With Aims of LONDON. July 7. The policy of the British Labor Party as outlined In a pamphlet just issued, recommends the following Public ownership of coal mines and lands. The establishment of a national economic committee to advise tho government in rcgrad to an LOCAL JOE WRIGHT WON HENLEY j Ilcat IL T. Lee of Oxford by a i l ull Length in Diamond Sculls Today HENLEY, July 7 Joe Wrijht of the Toronto Argonauts captured the diamond sculls com- nctinc aralnst R. T. Lee of Ox- i right swept across the fin- a full length ahead of Lee, who defeated the champion last year when Wright's boat fouled the rope near the finish. The time for the course was 8 minutes 24 seconds, which was 42 seconds better than last year. . i It is just 24 years ago that Lou Scholes, another Toronto man, captured the coveted prize, TORONTO ARGONAUTS TO REPRESENT CANADA j ST. CATHERINES. July 7. The To-! j ronto Argonauts defeated the Winnipeg ! ' Rowing Club by eight lengths, thus j qualifying to represent Canada at the . big Olympic meet at Amsterdam next , month. Issued Dealing Party That Country economic policy of national devel and says the object of the labor industry from the sordid struggle undertaking. opment The appointment of a board to prepare and execute scheme for the development of natural resources. The pamphlet condemns war movement is to gradually convert for private gain to a co-operative Eckoff Beaten Almost to Death at Vancouver and Studio Set on Fire Thaf AVasvOccurfenre-AVhich Took Place Just Before he Came to n-o-i W umiVi Prince Hupert tn Aucnsl, 1915K ; " ""' ' ' VANCOUVER, H.C., July 7. Alexander T. Eckoff, formerly of Prince Rupert, who is reported to be under arrest in Berlin, ran a photographic studio here In August, 1919, and at that time was beaten almost to death by two men who entered his studio. Reasons for the attack were never discovered and Eckoff, himself, would not state his suspicions. Eckoff was tied to a heavy Oriental chair and the place set on fire. He managed to overturn the i-hnir, drag himself to the telephone and knock the receiver off. Central notified the police that something was happening and detectives dragged Eckoff from the burning studio. Board of Trade Takes Up With Otawa Question of American Fishermen Taking Fish in B.C. Following a complaint by the Skidegate Fishermen's Union, the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, Milton Gonzales presiding, yesterday decided to request the Minister of Marine and Fisheries to take action to prevent American salmon trollers from fishing in Canadian waters and also to see that they lived up to the treaty requirements i in regard to the uge of Canadian ports. j The complaint of the fishermen was substantiated by S. E. ; Parker, who said the matter had already been constantly brought ito the attention of the department by fishermen and business in- Mcresta but with no result. American ) trailing beat were larger and better euulDced than Canadian and wttn : la large number of tines out, some: I times as many as fifty from one boat, 'they managed to make good catches. ' iWo fewer than 161 American boat 'had been seen in Hecate Straits In .ore day and tbe more fish they caught, the fewer reached the rivers. MERCHANTS EXCHANGE TO ESTAB-.Tfcey He In B. C harbors at night and LIslI ALL lACILITIEN TOR break the treaty constantly, said Mr. DEALING IN ORAIN Farker. The following letter wa ordered to VANCOUVER. July 7.--A market In ht- tut to the dCDartment Letter to minister Following 1 a copy of telegram celved lrom the secretary of the 8klde- i Uon of the Vancouver MerchanU' Ex-gate riahermen's Onion: 'ehamre vesterdaT. Immediate stens Skidegate. B.C , June 26, 1928. Prince Rupert Board of Trad. irtnca. Kupen. a. v. Ha;r Baal Huater returned fifom, t vlctolty an wumn tnree mue limit: please find out from Fisheries Department if Canadian fishermen are 8-tk,u u designs to place Van-to be In their own waters. protected with and CCUTfr on a par Winnipeg (Signed) E. C STEVBNS." other whwt centre of the world as In to this matter we beg regard , M tr,dlcg ,dvnuges are onto advise you that complaint and rnM, Ability to trade lh future from fishermen and other Can- '"""n sea-faring men. aU of a similar .nature have been mad more and more frequently of late, and apparer.Uy the situation is getting farther aggravated irom year to year. i We feel that the eonatantty increasing number of American boat trol- line In IlecaU Straits I becoming a (continued en page tour) MAKING STEAIIV AMI CONTINTOl'S I'HOOKIiSS Ml WHY MAKE Chance "Why talk of a change? Udut the present Oovernment we are making steady and continuous progress." These were liio words of S. 8. Parker, who presided t the public meeting In the Moose Hall last night. Mr. Psrker also warned against the literature being sect out by the Tories which waa filled with 1 half truth and misstatement. BARGE BINGAMON WAS SUNK TO EXTINGUISH FIRE IN HER HOLD Tug Urnr standing by Awaiting Arrival f Sultage King From Victoria VANCOUVER, July 7. Flooded and sunk beoauM pi a stubborn fire aboard. the barge Blngaaaon. owned by the Pacific OoySe Navigation Oompany. lie at Nootka on the west coast of Vancouver Island awaiting the arrival of the Salvage King from Victoria. The barge was laden with fir loga at Nootka when fire was discovered in the stern. The tug Lome Is standing by. DAMAGE TO CROPS BY SlfflS" Jl iJifi a Lit' i RBGtNA." July 7- -Considerable dam age to crop resulted from a hall itorm in the Delyea. Baetvlew and MorUach diatrlct. C N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt Harry Nedden, having been delayed with heavy freights at Anyox and SteWBrt. 1 due back from th north between 9 ar.d 10 o'clock this eve-'uk and will ".ill won thereafter for OriMin FnlK Powell River and Van-'. 1. 1, vi r. ISSUES WATERS i FUTURE MARKET IN VANCOUVER pain future will be established In Vancouver aeon as Doastble. It wss de- . OI ttaB .r-m .... lwm ukeB clearance lassoclaktoa iMmrporated under the law of the movtaice which will be known a vanoouVar Oraln ExxWe Clear- Un vtXrk ntllka;t aiTuton of th( mrrch4nU exchange. ner wU1 proyja, opoortunlty of pro- tfcUon for dMta and mult W1U lt u lntlclpated. that a greater volulne of graln wlll now through the , IS T0LR1IE OR STEYENSLEADER DIOALD IHINAdllY SAY J'.O.K. LOAD IH UHM'LT OF VICIOI'S CON-MKRVATIVE HYSTEM VAKOOUVKR. July 7. ArtUnz wheth er Tolmle or Steven wat tbe real provincial Conservative leader Ougald Douaghy last night answered "H. H. Steven on tn P.OJS. polley." Donaghy declared that Steven wa trying to conceal the fact of the Conservative approval of Brewster taking over the toad aa a wartime measure and the load on the province waa the direct reault of the vicious principle of the Conservative Oovernment backing prt- at bond. "Who must we face aa leader of the Conaervatl party, Tolmle or Steven?" Donaghy asked. He described Stevens as "the most successful author of political fiction I've ever known." WERE LOOKING FOR MILL SITE A report to the board ot trade was made yesterday that the owner of siime timber limits desired a site here for a mill to out airplane ipruee. They liad visited the city and looked over the situation and tried to get a site inside the shipyard grounds. They then left for Vancouver planning to take up the question with the railway author!-'lea there. SHOCKER RELEASED BY N.Y. YANKEES IS LAST SPIT-BALL MAN NEW YORK. July 7. Urban Shocker, on oT the last spit ball pitchers left In the major waa today unconditionally released by the New York Yan kee. Late In reporting and not In the best condition Shocker agreed with Maimver Himviiui he could not reach offenilve form this year. H Joined Nt Yoik Youkeea m 1930, 1 i