nifty, July T. J928 HJB DAILY" STEYfB YOUR RRFAn I i! what it Hhould be? . k:cp the quality of j .1 !,rc;i(l up to the HIGHEST rOSSlllLE STANDARD A 'rial will convince you i .-. We will be pleased i rvc you daily. j THY OUR SPECIAL IIOVIS ! AM) WHOLE WHEAT i Electric Bakery Third Avenue Prime Rupert, IJ.C. )t. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES Bathing Suits in JANTZEN UNIVERSAL and PENMAN makes I(TH!NC. IIELTS H.S.WallaceCo.Lld. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fullon City Meat Market Selvig Ilros. Third Ave. Phone 7C5 K.10T HSK UtONSAKK A'le sorter nortk ost vorke fiskekonserver rske pukkcrknvrincer orke hveteskonrokker Nornke rugakonrokker Nrske knekkehrod Norsle flatbrod Mutter o.s.v. I -iky. varer. Hllllrje priscr. Ilurtig tminringelse Mens & Boys t ymr Summer weather RUNNING SHOES ut the Montreal Importers J, II. MiRcr. Proprietor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage l'hone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Ointrlbutinir. Team or Motor Service. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In IManw and A iirv." - V -.. Waterfront Whiffs Substantial Show of Humpback Salmon Outside Reported-Mill Now in Full Operation McLean to" Instnl Floats A substantial show of humpback talrnon reported from outside waters indicates that a fair run of these fish may soon be expected at least better than the run of last season which amounted practi cally to a nonentity. Boats coming in during the week have reported seeing good numbers of this variety juntpig in Dixon's Entrance and umer uuuies 01 water some distance ;removeu irom tne mainianu. As is usual at this early part of the season, salmon catching is now largely confined to springe and sockeye of which there has been so far, apitarently, anything but a very voluminous run. Very few steel heads, which re usually frown for cx- port, have yet been taken. Arrival ol rain, however negligible, waa welcomed this week In the hope that It mttht result, as it often Oct, rn an Improvement of the salmon run. Taken on the whole, thin season may be regard - td aa a crucial one for the salmon fisheries on this part of the eoast. On the cycle basis, this year should prove a big one. If it docs not b-w up a gcid deal better than last at son. It may be taken to mean that the Skeena d Naas River salmon fisheries are r-lly on the down grade and a curtail -inent Instead of eapanelon of the lndtn- ry may be expected. Cannery amal-amatu ns and consolidation may also nd to bring about the bitter result. Capt. Carl Angell. well known as a halibut vessel owner, has secured the met American halibut sefcoooer Roald nundseo, well known at this part, isd will ue her Uila year In the Alaska Big Bay Lumber Co.'s new sawmill, that Seal Oove plant will at last be In full operation with a daily production of about CO WO feet. Work on the second side has been rushed of late and everything is now In readiness for It to start. The Big Bay Lumber Co. has made arrangements with the Pacific Mills j pulp and paper plant at Ocean Fall , to take log of lower grade, the object being that the local aawmlll shall use only i logs of the higher grades in order that production of clear apruee and hemlock may be conoentrtitea upon nd the output of c amnion grade, always the burden in the past of mills tn this district, reduced. To take care of the box trade, an important adjunct of the losal plant, there as always plenty of inferior Umber available from among the logs of higher grade. The plant la bury filling otxiere for clear spruce for which there la always barring fishery. He plans to operate ; M market. Three caw were on drift nets In ttw tea of Cape Omsney ind wlU cure his own pack which will e marketed in Seattle the mUl spur Thursday afternoon being loaded with another three cars to be spotted as anon as they were filled. 11 1 I I. IN I I I I. oratATlON J The power tug M.T. 3 took a soow load With the starting by the first of next of 11,000 salmon oases from the mUl wtek of the resaw or peny aide of the to CarUale Cannery on Wednesday of NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO LEAKE LAND Is Prince Rupert Land Recording Ola-riet and situate on UoreaMr Island ad jacent to AUlford Bay-Skklcgnte Inlet- tuten caanoH uianos. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Uffls Limited (J Vancouver. B.C., occupation pulp and paper manufacturers. tntenCU :o appiy mr a oeacrioea tanas lease of the following Oommenctnc at a post planted at the 8.W. corner of 8.T1. 6atTP; thence 72 degrees 30 mlnue Wet (AaUsnomlei 1100 ft.: thenoe North St decree 0 minutes West (Astronomic) 1800 tt4 thence North 33 dcgries 30 minute Eaat (Astroncmlcl 800 ft., thence North 26 degrees West (Astronomic) 2400 ft.; thence North 00 degrees East (Astnao-nir k oao rt mar or 1 to an Inter section with the high water mar oft AUlford Bay: tnence louowmg tne sasa high water mark Southerly to the point of eommeneement. aave and except one Mind containing one acre more or lea ana inaAher Island naatatninc 025 acres. more r less tne wnoie comaining i" seres, more or less. Form No. It. Section at) LAND ACT. ttr- week. Other cannery orders are LAND ACT m thtJ The Booth Fisheries Oo. baa sold IU team trawler Zapora. formerly ued In baUbut flahing. to Capt. Alexander Allen who win use the vessel In Alaska freight and passenger service. For several years, the Zapora. which Is well known in Prince Rupert, ha been tied up. being sent out only intermit tently to fash for halibut. Northern Brttlan OolumbU Salmon Fishermen AasociaUon I calling an lmportsnt meetang at Port Bssington cm Saturday. July it at 1 dock, rvtoermen only are requesttd to come. AT MtLEAV Halibut boat Volunteer. Oapt. If. Johnson, has been In the McLean ahop at Seal Cove the latter part of this week for caulking and general overhaul work. The vveaal went up on Wedne .. llcint clay and waa off again on Friday. By Parker Samuel Bonne,. , Two or three trolling boats have also Dsted April 18. 1B28. ; been at MLen's during the week In ! cludtng. the Marty, originally buHt last ! year In Cow Bay a a halibut vessel sad now trailing at Hippo, work on NOIin: Ol INTENTION TO APPLY , included the putting in of rolling Via tl t V L.VMI IVIl I TO I'l KCIIAXE In Prince Rurjcrt Land Recording Dis trict and situate about ft mllea from the mouth of Kbutce River. . TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. BO., occupation aiming wrami, w chock ThU vessel U owned by wu IkMn Oarllck. The four-maeted barquentlne 8. F. Tolmle. built In Victoria In 1931 and SeJS.S rearsh. U -Id by the H.U-CMnmenctnf at a putt planted one . lmM UIU qo . by which abe waa used mt ttutant ftoax the Wltnea Dost on ... . vti tha WtatTlde of Lot ITS; thence weater- I - ""TZ- ly 0 chalna; thence southerly 30 chains; M of New Weetmlnster and Norman lhante easterly 60 cnaina; tnence nor- N1(on sunbury for use a inrriv iv cnajm. imj ciww'.i " acre, more or lea. r rAKUUE WILOUH, Agefit for Detroit Western Mining Oo Dated 18th AprU. 1928. -(JOVEKXMENT LIQUOII ACT" othe or trriirtTioN tor ton-mint TO TKtNMKK Ol HtKIl Llt'ENCK NOTICE IB HEREBT OIVKN that, on u ink iu nf Jnlv next, the Under- algtMd intend to apply ? the liquor Oentrol Hoard for censent to transfer WATER NOTICE f'trltllVd sTltr.AMS a Ilan station and herring saltery on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The vessel a 31 feet long. 48 feet beam and 19 feet depth. Flab wlU be collected from snail boats and will be acid to the canners from the larger vcasei. About 1160.000 will be spent by the new owners on the barquentlne to fit her far TAKE NOTICE that . D. Judson. LVA, rTl. iZZ. wumbsr 819. and Issued, whose address la . Terrace. BO. will ouiiaiuauni i.nds de-' rru.rmn streama" DUroose. namely. rrZLL .. t... i .ni' tn Block 11. Map rlaarlna and improving the stream for or Prince Hubert Land Re titration the driving, booming, or rafting of log District, in the Province cr umisn w-umbls from Oeorge Tesslr to Angelo Eusts'-chlo and Crbano Colbachlnl. of Terrace. Drltiah Columbia, the tfanafer- "oATED at Terrace. B.C., that th (lay of June. aj0 BUSTACCHIO. UltBANO COLBACHINl. Applicant and Transferees, LAND ACT NOTHi: OK IVTENTICN TO AITLV Tt .Li j A h L IA In Prince Rupert Land Hecerdtaif DU-trict and .itu.?T JfdJSAfea Dy Moreabv Island. Skldegate inlet. OtMn Charlotte Island. .,.. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mllla umlted of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Donald WUbur ltedsdon. Axentlfor Pacific Mill. Limited. nsfert flay S. 19W . , 1 LAND ACT. APrLY TO NOTirr. of "'.J0 of Pacific, u. m"", tniiowln de-to Of ,k, the following u apply for a leaee scribed land: , .ni .t the f Commencing at a post jy thence et " rn""r and or-CmlHTTNA R.y.c(ut Dated May 38, 1928' i rv. n.mti on the stream between which it is proposed to clear are frcm the point where the Kltsumgellum River intersects the North Line of Let 1400 to the South Line of Lot itiv. ttsnge a. Ooaat District. The estimated mileage be tween the said points la 4 mile, more nr ua Th term nronosed for the li cence la 31 yeara. This notice was posted on the ground on the 30th dsy of June, 1918. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the ater Act" will be fUed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, DC. The Detltion for approval of un dertaking and an application for approval of the Schedule of Tolls will be heard in the office of the Beard of Investigation at a date to be fixed, and any interna tea person msy me sn oojv-tioa thereto in the office of the Comptroller or of the Water Recorder of the ni.triet obiectlons to the aoollcatlon may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Oomotroller of Water nirhta Parliament Bulldlnaa. Victoria B.C.. within thirty day after the flrat sbDesrance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the flrat publt nation of this notice la June 19. 1928. E. D. JUDSON. LTD.. Applicant a. u. judson. Agent. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO A1TI.V TO LEASE I.AM) tn Prlnne Rurjert Land Iteeordlnc Dla trlct and situate adjacent to AUlford ony, Morctny uiano. axiaegaie tnicv Qumii rimrfotte lalands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers. Intend! to appiy lor a lease oi tm lojiuwius. u arrthjirl lanria!- Commencing at a post planted on the hUh water mark of an Island: thence following the high water mark arouna tb island to point of commencement ana containing on acre, mora or im. r.-e. . ....a, TTMTTTD. Applli-an Donald Wllbvir llixltdnn. Asviit fur Pacific Mills. Limited Dlted May J, 1938. the new work. Assurance 1 given by the International Fisheries opmmlsaloti that none of the pr.-j.bMti aA-jCBdmenl pr alterations to tialitut fishing ifguUtltiis under international treaty will be put into ef-Itct thia jear It la expected, however, that at least a JitimtJef of the" T&fcxutyfti (latlcns, nado'bjlha'eoiomton an lu lecratly putajfepwh. wl" go;lnto f-Xtrce before 'T83DJ- , The three steam trawlers O. E. Poster, Andrew Kelly and James Oarru-; liters, belonging to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and lied up at tne plant for these past several yeara, are iplendenl If not beautiful In their: . f w coats of red lead which has been ' applied to preserve the vessels which huu. Mmn tun tti mark! Inr um. tlm ! j but for which no purchasers have been filtering. Chipping of the rust from the last of the three veseU preparatory to painting is now proceeding. NEW VTHALIMl DEVICE A new Norwegian device, which Is xpeettd to Increase the range and effectiveness of the harpoon guns, la being letted out by the Consolidated Whaling Corporation frcm lu Queen Charlotte bland plants this season. The device Is called a foregoer and U a specially treated line spiked to the harpoon. In the past, tne whaler have eea using a four-and-one-balf Inch mantle rope. Ordinarily, this awells and grows heavier when It becomes wet. If I the rope is treated with the Norwe-j glan process, a three and three quarter! inch line may be imd with no danger A Increasing weight because of water absorption. Norwegian whalers have mat with good results from the fore-goer and the management of the Brit- .-h CalumWa eoast concern eajtect that the present range of ISO feet may be 'jooaiderably extended when the harpoon guns are equipped with the new device. ParUy on aooouat of the low price of halibut, a number tf tne Amerleaa Xlh lng vesEeto are flnd4f other employ meat such as salmon Backing to Alaska can-r.ertea and the like. Osftt Peter Wold, who ha used the aafceener Attu foi several Mtmmers km carrying fish under charter. 1 now buying salmon at Cape Banson: Yellowstone and Superior. TO 1NHTAL l l-OATH N u. McLean plena commencement soon of extensive float in oonnectkm with hi shipbuilding plant at Seal Oove. These floats win nave accommodation for twenty-nv or thirty boat and will be rented out ISr winter har bor or fer any ethK n-poi n'thT jttj be required for tyTmj up. Tne situation will be just across the small gave from the shipyard, the spot now being occupied by tee float of the Canadian Fish It OoM Storage Co. though Mr. McLean own the ground. pim! mi nurtficra are now standard that between 75 and SO per cent of all vessel of 1.000 h p. or over are so equipped, and further that M per cent of aU vessela buUt Is 1927 were equipped. One of the first Pacific flahing that he ha had no major repairs of any il ascription He attribute thai sorely to the fact that be has never used any dies fuel that waa not contrlfufed. The purifier on the Explorer I Installed between the main storage and tne aauy supply Una. and all fuel oil la cleaned tefcr reaching the day tansa. oapt-Hansen aav "The purifier has paid for on engine maintenance cost alone (n 18 hours operating that remove 3-8 of pint of sol Ma from the purtfler bowl, the greater part nrong ox a very aady abradve. ; The ftalibut schooner ScfMur wa umtlarlf equippea during ine last winter overhauling, as were a number 3f other dleset veasel on the Pacific coast. Other engineers wtwee vessel have been equipped with oil purifier can tell of Instances where the machine have more than paM for them selves by purifying, for instance, a Ingle tank of badly contaminated fuel. oil Purl fieri tor either fuel or lubricating mmummmmammmsmmmmmma 1 1 mm 1 1 I . . I Riding is Like Flying m ' in i niasii " i 1 i in mi li ii . l -1 . - . W -- ttl.l to iBstaU such nut-lltecs wws -t oxcrew ono - the halibut schooner Explorer, owned 3.HT.400 pound of American halibut n.. it.uM nr jiidmu fu been landed aa compared with This purifier ha been in constant op-jlaet year 9 J 10,000 pound at eration for almost two rear, and dur-'datc. this . .w.. r. u.naaai ranorta 1 Landlnaa for the Dt weak were under average totalling 888.000 pounds of which 801,000 pound waa American and tU.MtO pound Canadian. Prices during the weak war around average, tne highest American bid being 13c ind Tc for the 7.000 pound catch of the Baatern Point while the bast Canadian bid was tic and 5c paid the I'none for her twelfth catch of the lteelf many tunes over In the saving neaaon. 11.000 pound, nam mam v. ere 9.8c and 8c for American iian anu sv and 8c for Canadian. tb same purifier can often be so hook-' that the vasaal finally went off ed up a to take care of both otla.'ltu on the high tide at noon, evl- Wher the day tank have a suinovent d.nuy little the worn for lu strana- capacMy. enough fuel can be purified in )rig. oeorge should aoon be able 8s three hour to run the average Iining Tlc wlUl the best of them aa an auwi-vessel for approximately 15 hour; thus orlty obstruction to harbor navl-learlng the purifier Ire to run the glUon. iubrlcaUng oiU. There la a mm ox pun fler manufactured to take care of any type of dlesel that may be In service. and clean fuel and lubricating oils give the beet assurance of rontmuou operation that a dteael engine may have. roMiimrMTioxe, Weldon McAfee, popular, office man-r at the Big . Bay I umber. Qa.'s Seal i Ed$Ho!c;n8,Saw, last Eoj-Cuttinj S SiMONDS SAWS Oisrsnletd becsus mad from our own steel vJ IMONOSCANao SAWOS LTD, MCNTRUl. V tOHN.H.Bd sr laVstAsaaBah 2 Oorge Wilson hna proven himself that week to be a better newspaperman than a aasboat nawtantor. Oeorge took hi famwy V sOMawr Jitwas. acros the wwter near McNlcholl Creek 'Msti week-end and has been journeying over ach evening and back each morning t work. On Thursday morning he craaed a rock while coming over but yesterday morning he did the trick I right and landed nigh and dry witbj the consequence that ho had to pull i over In hla dinghy and leave the boat. work on the mum principle and to oo a It would. The consequence VISITrii LITY ISLINU Two or three boatload of towns people spent Dominion Day on the sandy shores of Lucy Island, one of tb features of the dsy being a bridge party and tea at the home of the lighthouse keeper and nis wue, and Mr. Walter Dry den. who proved gcalsj host. High scorer in th bridge wee Mrs. Oarl Brand and Jack JeAuIey. Th talk of tne occswiun was the home mad bread of Mrs. Bryden who. judging from what I to be heard, must be a real artist in the craft of bread making. The lady vueats ol ! ly were busy end-orin to obtain plana ami apecinca- tlona conducive to such succ while th meat suggested that domestic Ml might be much enhanced should Mra. nivadrastinn station and Bryden get unread her ter re to t the world. And : mitAttim ui ttie Dread, a fin time was had by sll and such good hosts have frequent expert i these my 'siujrs from town henceforth. y The simplest answer to automobile satisfaction is just this: to know the overpowering conviction of greatest value held by Essex owners, to sec Essex beauty, to examine Essex quality, to experience Essex comfort, to ride and know Essex performance. The Essex Super-Six high-compression motor is patented and exclusive, and Is so far as we know the most powerful of Ita sise in the world. Th four-wheel brakes used on Essex are the same type used on costly cars and assure the maximum brake safety as well as the seftns of control that you awodate only with high priced cars. In the way women by thousands are turning to Essex is a story of the great and dynamic "man's Super-SixH made beautiful for women. Another car load of Essex Super-Sixes has just arrived. We would appreciate aon opportunity to demonstrate to you. The Super-Six principle amailngly revealed. Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped J51Ir..0O Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped $1,253.00 Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped, ........ $1,1 93,00 Prince Rupert Auto Co. Second Avenue. Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Phone 275 Csve sawmill, ha been receiving con-1 rstulstiona on the birth of a daugh-1 Ontaney Independently tr J E. Berg of ter Wednesday night rn the Prince Ketchikan. Other Tn- cbarured for dupe, i Qenorul Hospital. Weldon now jalmon hauling tn tne Southeastern J iaa a complete lamlly of boy and girl. Alaska district Include to Arctic, Capt. Lnstrlot No. 3 salmon flahing 1 ctUlj e lng carried on with the beat uc-cas in the HI vers Inlet division wnerel scats were officially reported this week to be averaging fifty-three flab. The run on the Bkestis and Naas; liver to etlU reported to be slow although showing some Implement, tne aoatare a versa per boat this week is repolW- nave free fawns -ten i:ah both on the Skeena and Naaa. Flshinf up the Skeena River' la now said to "be better than It is outside. Due to two or three, weeks of exceptionally light landings, the record :'. halibut fares at the port of Prince rtioii all the larae ! Rupert for the season up to ending at U.lM.aOO pounds has fall- molorahio. .Host, it beUal climated cn slightly behind the 1917 season at a similar date when 11.3.00 pound had been landed here. Canadian landing atandlng at a total of 3 9 1,008 Bounds arc ahead of those of lffl. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK HEALTH FOLLOWS CMRoriKTK comers rmsuic cm srnu ncvvu in pOTAsnor THf rOUOWINOOIMIQl Hi) tm tM sou THSMf AIMS ttr lUMl iivt STOMACH MNCUAS SK(t aioaen loettl ' r Vtv AertHPiA laiArots CM Uaalll UHS) AND SHIPYARD Operntinn (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tinuineer. Machinists. Boilermakers, Illarksmithit. Pntlern makers. Founders. Woodworkers, Etc EI.ECTItIC AND ACETYLENE WEI.DINC Our plant is equipped to handle all klnda of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 285 SECURITY FIRST Royal Insurance Co., Limited Liverpool, England . Established 1815 Total Funds $ 1 73,1) 1:1,1)05.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents PRINCE RUPERT. Phone Green 211 or Black 283 W. C. ASPINALL CIIIROI'RACTOU C and 7 Exchange Illoik, Prince Hupert. IJ.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kalllnc from Prince Rurt. ..... For VANfOl'VEIl. VICTOIllA, Swsiuon lUy. liulertale, Alrrt Hay. rtc. For TVVSCVl '"'"VK TOKIA. HnleUaie. Alert IMy, etc Saturday. 1 a.m. nr I'liitr MMi-iiis and Ntts KIVKK I'OINTS, lrlUy. I ALIt-B AUM. AOX. BTKHAIU. WALKS ISIAM..' I'OItT SIMPSON. ItJ no1AT.:enuP;!n R. M. SMITH, Aent. Prince Rupert. It C. Throujli llrkels sold to Victoria and Wattle, and baggage thetktd thrnurh to deatlnatlar Advertise in "The Daily News"